
xcubSo I plan on porting software to ubuntu using snapcraft. Can someone verify for me that snapcraft is available for all Ubuntu distributions, and not just Ubuntu Core. I am worried that I may have to install a whole new operating system just to complete a simple task.03:51
xcubAlso, is any snappy package created using snapcraft compatible to run in all Ubuntu operating systems. The documentation makes it look like snapcraft is exclusive to Ubuntu Core03:52
woodrowshenxcub: hi, snapcraft is available via ubuntu 14.04+04:21
xcubso if I package something in 15.10, it will be available fore Ubuntu Core and all other Ubuntu versions as well?04:23
woodrowshenxcub: i think the snapcraft is a helper to package snap for Ubuntu core, and i'm not sure if it can available for other Ubuntu versions.04:42
dholbachgood morning07:29
Chipacaogra_: mo'in!08:55
Chipacaogra_: do you remember, when I pulled the "mbuahaha now every file we write uses AtomicWriteFile" malarkey?08:56
Chipacaogra_: you had to scramble to clean up my mess08:56
Chipacaogasawara__: do you remember what it consisted of? was it just watchdog?08:56
Chipacaogra_ i mean08:56
Chipacaogra_: because now we need the same thing done for 15.04 :-)08:56
ogra_Chipaca, hmm, i thought 15.04 had it10:05
Chipacaogra_: from what we can tell it does, but as testing this is slow (needs image build), i thought i'd check with you first10:05
Chipacaogra_: the change in ubuntu-core-config is there10:05
Chipacaogra_: was there also a change in the livecd thing?10:06
ogra_it is in live-build/ubuntu-core/hooks/08-etc-writable.chroot ... let me check the PPA package10:06
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Monday, and happy Monkey Day! 😃10:07
ogra_Chipaca, xenial vs 15.04 ... looks identical to me http://paste.ubuntu.com/14002856/10:11
Chipacaogra_: diff agrees with you10:12
ogra_Chipaca, so whats the symptom you see on 15.04 ?10:51
Chipacaogra_: dinosaurs everywhere! also the air is much more oxigen-rich10:52
Chipacaogra_: seriously though, ricmm and mvo know more. All I know is they need this fix.11:08
ogra_well, this fix is there ...11:08
Chipacaogra_: the "use atomic writes everywhere" was not in 15.0411:08
ogra_the question is ... are others missing ... i guess11:08
Chipacaogra_: the artifacts were11:08
Chipacathat is, livecd and ubuntu-core-config had the right bits11:09
Chipacabut we never backported the fix until now11:09
Chipacathe _snappy_ fix i mean11:09
ogra_well, the watchdog files are definitely prepared for atomic11:09
Chipacaand timezone is a symlink already11:09
ogra_like hostname11:09
ogra_Chipaca, mvo_ had an issue with upgradin the initzrd on the weekend ... i belive thats another incarnation of our s-i delta generation bug (the file is always called initrd.img so s-i doesnt consider it for a delta)11:21
ogra_this is why sergio once switched everything to named files (which exploded i other ways)11:22
ogra_in that light ... the fix could be there but not applied11:22
ogra_(oops, my brain silently moved on ... i mean the fix that mounts /etc early in the boot (and makes the files actually writable)11:24
mvo_ogra_: either that or a test artifact from me hacking up the system11:30
ogra_well, disassemble the running initrd, that will tell11:31
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kyrofaChipaca, port negotiation isn't done yet, correct?13:38
Chipacakyrofa: correct. Existence of a ports stanza is used to order services, nothing more13:38
kyrofaChipaca, "order services?" I don't understand13:39
Chipacakyrofa: if your snap says it has an external port, it's started after wait4network13:39
kyrofaChipaca, okay thank you! :)13:39
kyrofaChipaca, one more question: assuming you've thought at all about port negotiation, if I setup my .snap to have the port configurable via snappy config, would I be most of the way there when snappy supports negotiation?13:43
Chipacakyrofa: there's too many open questions for me to hazard an answer i'm afraid13:44
Chipacakyrofa: do whatever is easiest for you today13:44
kyrofaChipaca, understood, thank you13:44
plarselopio: did something break with the bbb images? or is it just me? All of my runs seem to be failing on bbb lately14:30
elopioplars: failed to flash? The channels are giving a hard time to udf.14:30
plarselopio: no, failed to boot14:31
ogra_yeah, you need /stable appended to the oem name14:31
plarsogra_: oh?14:32
ogra_but that would fail your build already ... not the boot14:33
plarsogra_: so --oem beagleblack/stable14:34
ogra_but that changed a week ago or so14:34
plarsogra_: that's about how long it's been failing14:34
plarslet me try14:34
ogra_well, but why does it not fail the build then14:34
ogra_u-d-f should bark loudly14:34
plarsogra_: not sure, I'll check on that14:37
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kyrofaelopio, sergiusens you guys are over a half hour late, come on now15:03
jdstrandkyrofa: regarding https://launchpad.net/bugs/1466234, the remaining bits the snappy foundations team said they'd handle. mvo, do you recall that? ^15:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1466234 in ubuntu-snappy (Ubuntu) "Apparmor denial for access to SNAP_APP_USER_DATA_PATH as root" [Critical,Triaged]15:03
sergiusenskyrofa, lol15:10
sergiusenskyrofa, are we doing it now?15:10
kyrofasergiusens, yeah, hop in!15:11
sergiusenselopio, ^15:11
sergiusenskyrofa, let me get some water and I'll join15:11
kyrofasergiusens, sounds good :)15:11
plarsogra_: it doesn't seem to complain at all with --oem beagleblack15:25
ogra_i definitely need it here15:26
elopiofgimenez: give me a couple of minutes.15:30
fgimenezelopio, ok i'm not yet there either :)15:31
elopiofgimenez: I am now :)15:31
liuxgin snappy, why do use "sudo" without inputting a password?15:40
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stevebiscuitsergiusens, mvo_: https://code.launchpad.net/~stevenwilkin/webdm/use-latest-snappy/+merge/28046016:15
stevebiscuit^^ managed to get webdm building against latest snappy, AppArmor stuff is ropey though16:16
mvo_stevebiscuit: nice! good stuff. I need to leave for dinner soon no proper review from me just yet ut from a quick glance it looks good16:29
stevebiscuitmvo_: cheers!16:30
stevebiscuitmvo_: the next step in getting webdm using the snapd API is to decide wether to extend the client lib in snappy to handle the application endpoint and use that in webdm or to manage all the HTTP-over-unix-socket within webdm itself16:34
ogra_stevebiscuit, mvo_, could we make sure to get webdm on arm64 ? (i noticed it isnt in snappy search output)16:57
beunoogra_, we'll likely need the launchpad builders set up for that16:58
beunoit's WIP by cjwatson16:58
beunowe haven't shipped stevebiscuit any hardware yet16:58
ogra_we should ;)16:58
beunoif we don't, we might actually fix things properly!16:58
kyrofajdstrand, alright thanks for the update. mvo, safe to assume no progress there?17:02
plarsogra_: elopio: So y'all are able to boot from the sd with current snappy on bbb? Out of curiosity, have you tried booting with the s2 button held down so you actually load the bootloader off of the sd?17:03
ogra_plars, i havent booted a BBB in a while, but i cant build any imae here without appending /stable to the oem17:08
ogra_how exactly does your boot fail ?17:09
mvo_kyrofa: no progress on #1466234 no17:10
mvo_jdstrand: -^17:10
kyrofaAlright, thanks mvo_ :)17:10
mvo_kyrofa: will you fix it? if so \o/17:11
jdstrandmvo_: thanks17:11
marchesinihi! im trying do some stuff on the raspberry pi with ubuntu core, but the new package manager "snappy" doesn't have the package apache, lighhtp, glassfish or mysql... how can i install this apps on my raspb?17:12
kyrofamvo_, I'd be happy to. Are you in tomorrow? Maybe we can sync real quick about it?17:13
kyrofa(tomorrow I mean, I know you're essentially out today)17:13
mvo_kyrofa: unfortunately not, we could catchup quickly when I'm back later, I play hockey now17:13
kyrofamvo_, that would be great if you can swing it :)17:13
mvo_kyrofa: I ping you when I'm back :)17:14
plarsogra_: elopio: This is what I'm seeing: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14008126/17:14
kyrofamvo_, excellent, talk then. Enjoy hockey!17:14
mvo_I will, thanks17:15
sergiusensstevebiscuit, will check in a bit17:15
ogra_plars, well, thats clearly the kernel17:15
stevebiscuitsergiusens: appreciated!17:16
marchesinibefore when i work with apt-get i only need write apt-get install apache2 on the console, and all will be done. but now with this snappy the things is little bit confusing17:16
ogra_marchesini, you would have to create a snap package that contains what you need17:17
marchesiniogra_, you mean that i need download the DEB packages of apache and rebuild with the snappy format?17:17
ogra_no, there is a tool that can do it for you ...17:18
ogra_but you wouldnt just build an apache snap17:18
marchesinii see on my raspb that it have the dpkg, i can install deb packages with dpkg?17:19
ogra_but rather work a little more project oriented ... i.e. you want to run a forum that requires to use apache, mysql, php, then you would build a forum.snap package that contains all of them and creates a good default setup17:19
ogra_not in snappy, no17:19
ogra_there is work going on that supports a mode where you can use debs too, to have an environment to create snap packages more easily17:20
ogra_but you wont be able to use deb right inside snappy itself17:20
marchesiniwell, if i understand what you say, the snappy manager have built for newbies to install a full environment on the system. like if i need wordpress, then someone already build a package with mysql, php, apache and wordpress...17:26
marchesiniit's a new way to do common things17:28
marchesinibut I keep thinking that this system should have a package manager like apt-get17:29
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elopioplars: is that bbb rolling edge #255?18:46
plarselopio: yes19:07
elopioplars: yes, Fixing recursive fault but reboot is needed. Please report a bug.19:11
plarselopio: are you able to reproduce that? or is it something funny with my setup?19:11
elopioplars: I've just reproduced it.19:12
plarselopio: will do, one sec and I'll send you the link19:12
plarselopio: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/152602719:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1526027 in Snappy "[BBB] Fixing recursive fault but reboot is needed!" [Undecided,New]19:17
sergiusenselopio, can you explain this to me? it works locally https://travis-ci.org/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/jobs/9681585820:18
Rob1507 Hello there. Anyone online20:29
beunoRob1507, sure what's up?20:31
Rob1507I am beginner and want to use Snapcraft. I need to choose go project but don't have idea which one is fine. Can you help?20:33
beunoRob1507, we can try. What part are you stuck on?20:34
Rob1507beuno, I understood everything, but it is hard to find a good project to try everything by myself.20:35
beunoRob1507, you'll need to be more specific20:37
beunoI don't really know what to help you with20:37
Rob1507beuno, Can you suggest a project that is like ones in snapcraft-examples?20:39
wililupyCan we not "setcap" in snappy?21:51
jdstrandsergiusens: hey, so I'm preparing a review tools update for xenial that understands all snaps22:07
jdstrandsergiusens: we discussed me putting them in tools-proposed, but I want to make sure I put them in the right place. iirc, snapcraft for all snaps isn't being put everywhere. can you clarify?22:08
mvokyrofa: uh, I forgot to ping you, sorry. I'm here now (for ~45min or so)22:17
jdstrandmvo: hey, do you want me to approve canonical-pc.canonical?22:29
jdstrandmvo: and canonical-linux-pc.canonical? (I thought kernels were going to start with linux-...)22:31
jdstrandmvo: note, your kernel snap should be using 'architectures'22:32
jdstrandpindonga: hey, fyi, uploaded review tools 0.35 to xenial. this is at r562. there are a couple of very minor fixes in there. fyi for a pull at your convenience22:35
sergiusensjdstrand, snapcraft for all snaps is going to be xenial only23:32
codeofduskNeed help packaging something for Snapcraft, not sure about best practices.23:54

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