
pleia2still two summaries under canonical news not done :\ I'll try to get to them after I finish copying over the rest07:34
pleia2I didn't do much editorial review, almost midnight here and I'm tired07:37
pleia2Unit193: link check? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue44607:53
pleia2and sent to editors07:54
pleia2the server where I chat from is being rebooted by the provider in 2 hours, and I am not staying awake that long to bring my client back ;)07:55
pleia2lyz is me on another server, I can collect messages from there in the AM when I wake up07:55
* pleia2 sleep &07:55
=== MooDoo__ is now known as MooDoo
PaulW2Ueditorial review done19:02
pleia2thanks :)19:10
Unit193Looks fine, it seems.21:35

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