
k1l_<tibretz> Welcome to #ubuntu. You godamn fucking asshole. It didn't stink when you weren't here. FUCK YOU!!!01:12
k1l_what is wrong with that user...01:13
bazhang<Hitechcg> yeah, do "rm -rf --no-preserve-root"06:29
Yehaican i idle here11:02
Myrttik1l: just to make sure, I'm putting the non-reversed plain IP in11:38
Myrttiremoved yours11:38
bazhangcompile kde5 command14:57
ikonia /exit14:58
ikoniathat works14:58
Picijpds: around?15:45
k1llanguage barrier and technical barrier. that is going to be a hard one.16:17
TJ-could someone have a word/eject ooko in #ubuntu please21:07
k1lTJ-: Pici did make him leave. thanks for the report21:13
TJ-yeah, I saw :)21:13
tyuipooHi RandomNoob22:43
RandomNoobare you bot ?22:43
tyuipooIf you mean me. No22:43
k1ltyuipoo can we help you? else please leave this channel since its not for regular users to idle in22:43
RandomNoobi got from him message. wanted to ask you guys if in ubuntu channel can be bots22:44
tyuipooOh I thought yiuvsaidvifvwe have problem with pm to come here22:44
RandomNooband this guy is not a bot22:44
k1lRandomNoob: from whom?22:44
tyuipooRandomNoob sent me curse full pm22:44
RandomNoobfrom tyuipoo got message. but if it was mistake no problem22:45
RandomNoobshould i copy paste that message here22:45
RandomNoobor just leave ?22:45
k1lRandomNoob: ok i removed that user. if he continues with that pms please report to #freenode to get him off the freenode servers22:45
RandomNoobokay thank you guys.22:46

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