
=== Monthrect is now known as Piper-Off
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logixmorgHey everyone, sorry to bother y'all. I recently bought and built a new computer. However it has the new "Secure Boot" from Asus. No matter the install method I do I can't see to get ubuntu server working properly. The closest I got was just a few minutes ago when everything seemed to go fine. Then when it reboots I see the first few lines of code p06:40
logixmorgrocessing then a blank screen. Any suggestions?06:40
hateballlogixmorg: Some details like version of Ubuntu and model of motherboard may help06:41
logixmorgUbuntu Server 14.04 LTS version06:42
logixmorgAsus Z170k motherboard06:42
ianorlinlogixmorg: Z170 is new hardware which 14.04 point release06:43
ianorlinit might not recognize stuff as that is skylake06:43
logixmorgAhh well that is unfortunate, so the i5 I have on the motherboard is considered skyline?06:44
ianorlinI might try 15.1006:46
logixmorgThank you, I'm downloading it now and will report back (Hopefully with success)06:47
hateballlogixmorg: well 14.04.3 should have the same HW support as 15.1006:59
logixmorgThat's really unfortunate07:00
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack07:00
ianorlinhateball: I think 14.04.3 is same as 15.0407:00
ianorlinas there has not been a lts point release since 15.10 came out07:01
ianorlinI think that is like feburary07:01
logixmorgSo as far as the hardware I have now, support may not be released till February?07:01
hateballianorlin: ah yes07:01
hateballlogixmorg: you can install 15.10, but you will need to get 4.3 kernel from the mainline ppa for full support07:02
ianorlinhateball: what is in 4.3 that is not in 4.207:04
logixmorgForgive my ignorance but how would I combine the 4.3 kernel with the 15.10? Would I open it up using my windows computer and simply delete the kernel then had the 4.3 kernel in?07:05
hateballianorlin: support for skylake gpu iirc07:07
logixmorgOH so the on board graphics is the problem here? Would buying a compatible graphics card that is not skylake be a work around for this problem?07:09
hateballyou can boot with nomodeset and then add mainline kernel ppa, all according to google07:09
ianorlinwell I think you could nomodeset and install server07:12
logixmorgGood news!! A simple install of 15.10 did the trick07:18
logixmorgThank you for the help and suggestions :)07:18
=== InfoTest1 is now known as InfoTest
YamakasYwhat is the size of a trusty mirror atm ?09:28
YamakasYI'm here now at around 370GB but that is a lot of you ask me and I think sources are included also09:33
jamespagesmoser, I had another run at https://code.launchpad.net/~james-page/simplestreams/multihypervisor/+merge/27812710:04
jamespageoptionally enabled and also sets hypervisor_type in resulting streams data so that external tools can query by10:04
jamespagesmb, hey - remember that problem we kept hitting on utopic where umounted block devices got help onto by the kernel?11:38
jamespagesmb, http://paste.ubuntu.com/14003285/11:39
smbjamespage, erm... I vaguely remember some umount problems somewhen in the past but I have troubles parsing your line there...11:39
smbAh ok.. the case where something managed to get into a state where the journal would not go away11:40
jamespagesmb, yah - that's the one11:44
smbjamespage, So did you find a reliable way to get into the state? iirc we could never isolate the reasons11:45
jamespagesmb, I see that on a trusty daily image11:46
smbjamespage, That is not exactly an answer to my question... ;)11:47
jamespagesmb, we'll I've spun up 10 machines today all of them have the same problem; just re-trying with the release stream image to try to bisect11:48
smbjamespage, OK, spun up means using maas or uvtool or something else?11:48
jamespagesmb, nope these are all ontop of an openstack cloud11:49
jamespageso using juju11:49
T3DDYBest Ubuntu VPN server software for Ubuntu server?11:49
ikoniaT3DDY: anyone you like11:52
ikoniapeople have different perceptions of "best"11:53
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smbjamespage, Which adds a ton of things that get done. Just near impossible to give any advice. I think it was doing the install via curtin and that I think is using a trusty kernel environment but I am not sure about anything there11:59
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jamespagesmb, release image does the same thing - how do I start to debug this?12:20
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
smbjamespage, first thing would be to figure out what things get mounted and unmounted over time... then the question is whether it is possible either to stop in between or even better if it is possible to recreate the problem with simple manual steps that follow that sequence12:52
smoserjamespage, nice.14:04
jamespagesmoser, you like? I was toying with adding another config option to allow a user to specify the mappings14:04
smoserits not clear what i would pass to --hypervisor-mapping?14:05
smoseroh. thats what you were playing with i suppose.14:05
smoseri like the config to enable that or not. that is good.14:06
jamespagesmoser, so something like --hypervisor-mappings="root.tar.xz=lxc,disk.img=qemu,disk1.img=qemu"14:13
jamespageor that could be a pointer to a yaml or suchlike14:13
jamespage  - lxc:14:14
jamespage      [ "root.tar.xz", "root.tar.gz" ]14:14
jamespageand so on14:14
smoserjamespage, i think thats fine. you considered the other way?14:28
smoseryeah. i like your way14:28
smoser(i was thining the other way as 'lxc=root.tar.xz'...)14:28
smosermagicalChicken, o/14:40
magicalChickensmoser: o/14:40
=== CiPi is now known as cipi
smoserjamespage, fyi, you are chair on server meeting this week15:33
jamespagesmoser, okay....15:33
jamespagebetter make and effort to show up them15:33
napoleon1234Hello I have installed postfix on my ubuntu 14.04 LTS I have tried to send emails because I am currently setting up a Firefox Sync service. I just need to send emails. But when I try to send an email manually via connecting to port 25 via netcat I just get that the "recipient was rejected: <the domain of the rcpt>"15:34
napoleon1234someone an Idea how I can fix this? I use normally centOS and I didn't had this problem before...15:34
napoleon1234it's a fresh postfix install15:36
tewardrbasak: ping, if you're around, could use someone to bounce an opinion off of15:44
rbasakteward: o/15:44
teward(regarding nginx)15:44
tewardrbasak: so, working on the merge, lotsa changes.  including the modules Debian ships with nginx-full, do we update nginx-core to have the non-third-party module set that nginx-full now has, or no?15:45
teward(already had to alter the description of the package and build rules)15:45
tewardwhen we created -core we gave it the same set of modules as -full, minus third party15:45
tewardif we diverge i'll have to edit the package descrip. further15:46
tewardjust need a second opinion :)15:46
teward(i'm for making the change to match -full, OR to match what nginx.org upstream does)15:46
rbasakteward: so there's a change in upstream or Debian that adds additional modules, but these are official upstream modules and not from third parties?15:46
tewardrbasak: correct15:46
rbasakteward: are they coded from scratch by upstream or adopted from previous third party modules?15:47
tewardthey're not the third party modules at all, far from it actually15:47
tewardurgh i hate my system one sec15:47
tewardgraphics glitch15:47
* teward beats xorg with a stick15:47
rbasakI just want to confirm that it isn't that upstream have said "that's a handy third party module, let's adopt it!"15:47
rbasakIf the provenance of the new modules aren't any of the modules that the security team explicitly nacked, then I'd say stick with keeping the Ubuntu delta from Debian down. The definition of core was "Debian's -full less third party modules" and we can retain that definition.15:49
rbasakThat's easiest for you too, I think?15:49
rbasakIt's fine for new upstream code to end up in main without a security review by default. We rely on upstream diligence in that regard for all packages in main.15:50
tewardrbasak: indeed.  "OPTIONAL HTTP MODULES" was any optional modules that shipped with the nginx source code but were not third-party15:50
tewardand we have several changes.15:50
tewardenable http substitution support, enable 'stream' module, enable gunzip module, enable Thread Pool functions, all from nginx's upstream tarball15:51
tewardthat's the only changes15:51
tewardthough we *could* pull right from nginx.org's main repository for their open source version and base nginx-core on *that* instead15:51
tewardsince they made that open-source and available recently15:51
tewardbut i think it's easier to just clone nginx-full minus third-party modules15:52
tewardand none of these appear to be NACK'd by the security team15:52
rbasakteward: +115:53
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nat0Ugh I hate this fucking distro16:16
RoyKnat0: tried anything better? ;)16:19
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nat0Yeah, almost anything else.16:19
RoyKthen why do you use it?16:19
nat0Clients are always right, even when they're idiots.16:19
icezimmRoyK: maybe a good question would be: "come here to complain will make things better?" heheh16:20
* RoyK is managing some 100+ rhel/centos machines and feel like he's in the stone age when doing so16:20
nat0But seriously, how is it I need 500+GB of local mirrors to preseed deployment onto a new machine?16:20
RoyKicezimm: perhaps better, yes16:20
RoyKicezimm: but then, I rarely use ubuntu on servers - turned my head back to debian16:21
nat0Why does deploying trusty require a full wily and wily-update path?  Why doesn't disabling upgrades and PGP sig integrity in the preseed file prevent anna from 404ing upon not finding a wily-updates path for a trusty install.16:21
RoyKnat0: sounds like you've done something funny16:21
nat0I would agree, except it's been a week of combing over this server and finding no reason for it.16:21
=== cpaelzer is now known as cpaelzer_afk
rbasaknat0: that doesn't sound right to me.16:51
rbasaknat0: I don't think any of the things you mention are mandatory.16:52
rbasaknat0: deploying one particular release certainly doesn't require any other.16:52
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=== devil is now known as Guest3575
=== Piper-Off is now known as Monthrect
=== cpaelzer_afk is now known as cpaelzer
=== cpaelzer is now known as cpaelzer_afk
coreycbzul, can you sponsor an upload to xenial for python-os-win?  https://code.launchpad.net/~corey.bryant/ubuntu/+source/python-os-win/+git/python-os-win/+ref/debian/mitaka20:16
DannyButtermanHI there20:30
DannyButtermanI need help reconfiguring a degraded RAID10 array20:31
DannyButtermanit seems like I have no swap anymore, the partition type is unknown and all my disks have 1MB of unused space20:32
patdk-wksounds normal20:37
DannyButtermanpatdk-wk: Normal ? no swap ? cat /proc/mdstat showing only three devices and saying md0 (swap partition) is inactive ? Disk manager saying the new disk has unknown partition while it's MBR for the three others ? and the date partition on this disk is of type "oxfd" while it's "RAID auto Linux (bootable)" for the three other disks ? There are a lot of things which don't seem normal at all. I turn to this IRC as a last solution bec20:43
DannyButtermanause Google is not halping20:43
DannyButtermanhelping !20:44
patdk-wkso you checked everything, except your raid20:44
patdk-wkif it says the md0 (swap) is inactive (bad, not working, missing, ...)20:45
patdk-wkyou need to make it active20:45
patdk-wkfirst yo uhave to see why it's inactive (missing disks, corrupted, ....)20:45
patdk-wkyour problem is no different than, someone took the drive out of my computer, and now my drive missing, why20:45
patdk-wkso first step is to ask mdadm what is wrong20:46
DannyButtermanpadtk-wk: ok it may be inactive because I removed one faulty disk and replaced it by a new one. I did rebuilt the main array (md1) but could not do the same for the swap space (md0) So I guess it's why it's inactive, but how do I rebuild a swap space ?20:47
patdk-wkI dunno, you haven't stated why md0 is inactive yet20:48
patdk-wkI cannot guess20:48
patdk-wkinactive != has a failed disk20:48
patdk-wkinactive == offline, or all disks failed that are needed20:48
DannyButtermanpatdk-wk: How can mdadm could tell me what is wrong with md0 ?20:49
patdk-wkmdadm --detail /dev/md020:49
DannyButtermanmdadm is stating the obvious: "md device /dev/md0 does not appear to be active" lol20:50
patdk-wkhmm, different command20:50
DannyButtermanpatdk-wk: which different command ?20:51
DannyButtermanpatdk-wk: Perhaps I could add /dev/sdb1 (dedicated space for swap on new disk sdb) to the array, and it would be active then ? but how do I proceed ?20:55
DannyButtermanpatdk-wk: anyway, thank you for paying attention21:03
EmilienMzul: hey, how can I test mitaka-1 ? is https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cloud-archive/+archive/ubuntu/mitaka-staging tested & stable ?21:16
patdk-wkDannyButterman, maybe, mdadm --examine --scan21:17
coreycbEmilienM, it's not available yet21:17
EmilienMcoreycb: hey, ok good to know21:17
EmilienMcoreycb: do you have any timeframe? that's for puppet ci21:17
coreycbEmilienM, hopefully in the next week we'll have mitaka-1 in -proposed21:17
EmilienMcoreycb: awesome!21:17
EmilienMcoreycb: can you ping me?21:17
coreycbEmilienM, sure21:17
EmilienMI'll work on the bump21:17
EmilienMthanks coreycb :)21:18
coreycbddellav_, I just pushed python-oslo.messaging 3.0.0-1ubuntu2, so once that is built you should be back in business with ceilometer21:21
DannyButtermanpatdk-wk: it displays five arrays, first being /dev/md/0, second metadata third and fourth containers and last /dev/md/121:32
sarnoldDannyButterman: hahahahaha21:32
sarnoldDannyButterman: thanks for the wonderful nickname :)21:32
patdk-wknot much we can do, without seeing it21:32
DannyButtermansarnold: congratulations, I've used it for years and you are the first to notice :D21:33
sarnoldDannyButterman: looks like there won't be a shortage of chunky monkey for the next month!21:37
patdk-wkwhat if you do a, mdadm -A /dev/md/021:37
DannyButtermansarnold ^^21:37
DannyButtermanpatdk-wk: no output for this command, no error either. It changes nothing regarding the mdadm examine scan output21:40
patdk-wkit won't21:40
patdk-wkbut what does /proc/mdstat say?21:40
patdk-wkno ouput should be, it worked21:40
patdk-wkit marked all your disks as not active, but as spares21:43
DannyButtermanpatdk-wk:what if I started over ? Removing the disk and again trying to rebuild the swap array and the data array ?21:45
patdk-wkthat would be my recommendation21:46
patdk-wkI can only guess it was a raid021:46
patdk-wkI would not bother doing raid at all21:46
patdk-wkjust mount 4 seperate swap volumes21:46
DannyButtermanpatdk-wk: it was a raid10, and still is for the /dev/md1. let's say okI do the four swap volumes. But how do I make the "new" disk MBR ? And the data partition on it, bootable ?21:49
patdk-wkwhat does that have to do with swap or raid?21:50
patdk-wkyou don't boot to raid (normally)21:50
patdk-wkand you do not boot to swap21:50
patdk-wkif your asking about mbr now, it's too late21:50
patdk-wkyou have to set that up long before you touch thedisk21:51
DannyButtermanpatdk-wk: That's waht the Disk manegr tells me for the three other disks. I find it odd that the new disk has a different partition type and its data volume has no bootable flag like the three others on the other disks ('RAID auto Linux (bootable)')21:52
patdk-wkbootable flag is useless21:53
patdk-wkyou are installing grub21:53
patdk-wkgrub could care less about *bootable*21:53
patdk-wkand yes, mbr cannot boot to a raid volume, it won't work21:54
patdk-wkunless the raid is raid1 ONLY21:54
patdk-wkso to set it bootable, is pointless, unless the mbr bootloader unstatands it, and it doesn't21:54
DannyButtermanpatdk-wk: the how to's instructed me to do so for the bootable flag. About the mbr, I would expect the raid mecanism to replicate it also21:55
patdk-wkif the mbr is replaced with grub (like normal), it will work, and grub doesn't use the bootable flag21:55
patdk-wkraid mecanism?21:55
patdk-wkthe bios doesn't support raid21:55
patdk-wkand the mbr is too small to handle raid (500 bytes)21:55
patdk-wkor less, 450bytes?21:55
DannyButtermansoftware RAID logic I you prefer21:56
patdk-wkyes but you need software to do software raid21:56
patdk-wkI just said and explained, nothing that boots, understands it21:56
patdk-wkso it won't work21:56
patdk-wkgrub supports raid, grub doesn't use the bootable flag, so pointless21:56
patdk-wkif you had a raid1 /boot, then it could make sense, but you would still use grub, so still no need21:57
patdk-wkwhen you boot your computer with ubuntu, it is pretty simple21:58
patdk-wkbios -> mbr -> grub -> uuid of /boot21:58
patdk-wkgrub must be installed in a raid1 fasion on all *bootable* disks21:58
patdk-wkso a mirrored copy on all of them21:59
ikoniapatdk-wk: most useful 1 line of the month, kudos21:59
patdk-wkwhat one? :)21:59
ikoniathe boot process on raid22:00
ikoniapretty much %99 of raid questions need that before they speak22:00
DannyButtermanpatdk-wk: Following the RAID configuration in ubuntu 14.04 server install, with the help of howto's on RAID configuration ended up on what I explain. I would assume the ubuntu server install would not do stupid and useless things :s22:02
patdk-wkstupid? no, useless, yes22:02
patdk-wkit's not stupid, as it is a *human hint*22:02
patdk-wkbut it is rather useless, from a boot point of view22:02
ikoniathe raid install works just fine22:02
ikoniayou just have to understand the rules of raid22:03
patdk-wkand the documents are not created to be sliplined and efficient22:03
patdk-wkthey are designed to be generic and mainstream22:03
ikoniathey also expect a level of knowledge22:04
DannyButtermanpatdk-wk: ok but the install process did not ask me how I would like grub to be managed in the raid context, I don't even know how to tell it do do otherwise ("grub must be installed in a raid1 fashion on all *bootable* disks")22:15
patdk-wkthat is cause it's not an option, and the installer does it for you22:17
patdk-wkit installed grub on all bootable disks22:17
patdk-wkbeing every raid disk that holds /boot22:17
patdk-wkas far as marking the partition bootable, that is likely just code leftover from old/before grub22:17
patdk-wkit's not needed, it doesn't hurt anything22:18
patdk-wkyou can set it bootable if you want, no problems with that, but doing so won't *fix* anything22:18
patdk-wkmore important is, make sure you get grub reinstalled onto that disk22:18
DannyButtermanpatdk-wk: OK, but the MBR partition type ? I did not ask it to do so. I only specified I wanted the volumes to be "primary" not "logical"22:19
patdk-wkis there something wrong with the type?22:20
patdk-wkjust change it, no issue there22:20
patdk-wkgrub won't care about it22:20
patdk-wkmdadm I think will care some22:20
patdk-wkbut I do not think it will even care22:20
patdk-wkmost things use uuid these days22:21
patdk-wkand the mbr infomation is just for human identification22:21
=== TheSilverSentine is now known as TSS
DannyButtermanAnd the three other disks are MBR partition type. The new one is not. I can't change it, nor I can't add the bootloader flag (I know it doesn't matter but it my "monk" side lol)22:22
patdk-wkyou mean mbr vs gpt?22:23
patdk-wkthat depends on your bios22:23
patdk-wkgpt is better, supports disks > 2tb22:23
patdk-wkhas more *partitions*22:23
patdk-wkthough i find 1 or 2, more than enough22:23
DannyButtermanpatdk-wk: I don't know if it's related to "MBR vs GPT" , it's just what the disk manager says, and I don't like when severeal disks that are supposed to have the same configuration, do not have the same configuration. And this MBR partition type listed in disk manager is one of these differences22:26
patdk-wkwell, change it22:26
patdk-wkand set bootable if yo uwant22:27
patdk-wkit's very simple to do22:27
patdk-wkI have no idea how you created the partitions on the new disk22:27
patdk-wkbut that all has to be done manually by you22:27
DannyButtermanpatdk-wk: the partitions were created by "sfdisk -d /dev/sda | sfdisk /dev/sdb" something like that22:29
patdk-wkwell, that will make an exact copy22:30
patdk-wkassuming they did not use GPT anywhere22:30
patdk-wkif the disks where gpt, instead of mbr, it would not work correctly, and have kindof random results22:30
patdk-wkhmm, none of my disks have the boot flag set at all22:30
DannyButtermanpatdk-wk: as far as disk manager can tell, it's not an exact copy alas22:31
patdk-wkrun gdisk -l on them and see what it says22:32
patdk-wkPartition table scan:22:32
patdk-wk  MBR: MBR only22:32
patdk-wk  BSD: not present22:32
patdk-wk  APM: not present22:32
patdk-wk  GPT: not present22:32
patdk-wkif any say gpt, than fdisk/sfdisk should not be used22:32
DannyButtermanpatdk-wk: about the boot flag on the data volumes, it's something from the howto I used.22:32
DannyButtermanit's not from the server RAID install process22:33
ddellav_coreycb, ok cool, let me know22:35
DannyButtermanpatdk-wk:they're all MBR only22:37
coreycbddellav_, it's available in proposed now22:47
DannyButtermanAnyway, thank you so much for your time patdk-wk, bye22:53
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
ddellav_coreycb, fantastic, thanks22:58
=== Monthrect is now known as Piper-Off
=== CiPi is now known as cipi

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