
elachecheNeo31, mara7bi09:46
nabdevchaker: hay mabrouk :D10:03
chakernabdev: ybarik fik :)10:06
elachecheMabrouk chaker :p 3la chnouwA?10:07
chakerrbi7na fi Tunihacks, kan n9olak achkon el members mta3 el team elli charikit fih https://twitter.com/jemacomchokri/status/67632239275140710410:09
nizarusbravo chaker10:12
nizarusc'était quoi le projet ?10:12
elachecheCongrats chaker10:13
chakermerci nizarus , We build a gift system using multichain. So site like github, hackerrank or school like ENSI, FST, ESPRIT.. can give their own version of coin(the value depend on maker of the coin)10:17
chakerso for example, if I have a lot of github coins that means I'm fluent git's user10:20
chakerThanks elacheche  :)10:20
Neo31yo elacheche10:29
nizarusintéréssant chaker10:30
nizarusle code source est libre ?10:30
nizarusNeo31: mar7ba10:30
Neo31ahla nizarus10:31
nizarusNeo31: on t'as pas contacté pour le tunihack ?10:32
Neo31choft mailing utn le weekend10:34
Neo31it was too late10:34
Neo31sinon on m'as pas contacter en personne10:34
chakernizarus: I will push the backend later but here the frontend https://github.com/yurilaaziz/tunihack10:34
nizarusles organisateurs ont vulu avoir un conférencié de CLibre alors j'ai proposé de te contacter10:35
Neo31je vois10:35
Neo31domage kan fibali rani mchit en tt ke clibre10:36
Neo31deja kont bach nemchi na3mal tala samedi just for fun ama telhit fi projet10:36
Neo31next time inchalah10:37
ChikoreNeo31, ba5ir /-) tu m'tag 00h52 !! chaker bravo et big up10:54
Neo31lol Chikore10:55
Neo31weekend Chikore10:55
Chikoreoui mais jpe plus passer 23h :/10:56
Chikorejdevien matinal10:56
ChikoreNeo31, koi 2 9?10:59
SalahMessaoudGM Channel o/11:45
Neo31re elacheche_anis :)20:26
Neo31how r u doing?20:26
elacheche_anisI'm ok, u?20:28
Neo31not bad :)20:28
Neo31elacheche_anis,  chnouwa jaw 3al irc?20:47
Neo313andi barcha ma talitech20:48
Neo31w luna elle va bien?20:48
elacheche_anisejjaw jaw Neo3120:51
Neo31chbih ejjaw?20:56

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