
=== maclin1 is now known as maclin
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tsdgeoslarsu: who do i ping to get https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/gsettings-qt/disconnect_signal_handler/+merge/278947 and https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/qmenumodel/clazy_run/+merge/272788 landed?08:40
larsutsdgeos: Saviq or seb12808:48
seb128Saviq! :-)08:49
Saviqsure, /me takes08:49
zzarrhello! Is there a way to try unity8 on a computer with a nVidia card?09:09
dandraderzzarr, hi, that's more like a question of whether Mir works with nVidia. ask in #ubuntu-mir09:11
zzarrokey, dandrader thanks, I will09:12
tsdgeosSaviq: maybe you can review https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/dash_backgroud_source_size_rework/+merge/276157 ?09:17
tsdgeosgerry seems to have forgotten about it09:17
tsdgeoscimi: you were reviewing https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/thread_warning/+merge/279276 ?09:18
tsdgeosmzanetti_: can you have a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/testIndicatorsMenuFix since i think you could also reproduce the problem?09:24
dandraderSaviq, so what was the end of that black frame issue you were seeing with qtmir/surfaceItemFillMode branch?09:25
tsdgeosSaviq: what was the fix for the black screen because gst got stuck?09:57
tsdgeosit seems10:05
tsdgeosit's funny because if you run that from a tty it also blocks10:05
tsdgeosmaybe similar problem we have in unity8?10:05
Saviqtsdgeos, yes, see bug #152528510:16
ubot5bug 1525285 in clutter-gst-3.0 (Ubuntu) "inspecting clutter plugin hangs outside X11" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/152528510:16
tsdgeosah cool10:16
Saviqdandrader, every once in a while the focused app showed a black frame until I interacted with the phone10:17
Saviqdandrader, we've decided to just merge the fillMode bits until we find out what's wrong with the rest10:17
Saviqdandrader, the immediate cause was that in your changed code you bound 0 to the surface if hasBuffer() was false, which in itself is probably correct, but has a detrimental user-facing effect, and also suggests something's wrong in lower levels (mir?)10:19
dandraderSaviq, hmm.. so the theory is that the fillMode change just exposed a preexisting issue?10:20
Saviqdandrader, yes10:22
Saviqdandrader, well, not fillMode itself10:22
Saviqdandrader, this hunk https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/qtmir/surfaceItemFillMode/+merge/274750#diff-line-38910:23
Saviqdandrader, this is the extent of reverts we decided to go with from your branch10:24
dandraderSaviq, so this revision 426 reverts pretty much the whole thing10:27
dandraderSaviq, maybe only left the new API10:28
Saviqdandrader, https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/qtmir/surfaceItemFillMode/+merge/279757 is what landed10:30
Saviqdandrader, so as far as we understood implemented the actual PadOrCrop feature10:30
SaviqI didn't notice behavioural differences when resizing between that and your whole branch10:30
dandraderSaviq, the difference is that QML items will lag behind, will work with outdated surface geometry10:31
dandraderSaviq, eg, the window decorations will lag behind the surface size during resizes10:32
dandraderSaviq, but yes, the PadOrCrop feature remained10:32
Saviqdandrader, so yeah, resizing got improved, but we erred on the safe side with the remaining changes10:33
Saviqdandrader, we do want them, sure, just we couldn't have landed as it was10:33
tsdgeoscimi: remember https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/ubuntu-settings-components/standarizeImports/+merge/280303 too ;)10:39
cimiok ok, that is a quick approve :)10:39
Saviqdandrader, btw, as far as I can tell, with or without those changes, when resizing vertically, I could see surfaces going up/down, as if they were anchored to bottom-left corner instead of top-left, that expected still?10:39
Saviqor would this actually be artifact of the reverts that we did?10:40
dandraderSaviq, expected. seems like a "problem" in qt redraw/relaying logic. like on the very first frame after a resize it would still paint the same layout but just fill the extra surface area with white. then on the next frame the relayouting would be done and the whole surface area would be covered. that was my understanding at least10:41
dandraderSaviq, the case that gone perfect was resizing by dragging the right border10:42
Saviqdandrader, ack10:42
dandraderSaviq, with the settings app for instance10:42
Saviqdandrader, yup, that was my test10:42
cimitsdgeos, managed to need fixing it :D10:45
tsdgeoscimi: that code was only written in 2013, but whatever, i'm not sure we even have a copyright year policy10:47
cimitsdgeos, really? ok leave it then10:47
tsdgeoscimi: so changed & pushed10:47
cimitsdgeos, I was wondering why we put years anyway, since it doesnt make much sense we update every year...10:48
tsdgeoscimi: afaik it's how copyright works, you need to specify the last year you did something so that in X years your copyright can properly expire10:49
tsdgeosthat if Disney ever lets copyrights expire again10:49
cimigonna add the year to my pasta recipe so it doesnt expire :D10:50
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tsdgeosSaviq: can you add https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/ubuntu-settings-components/standarizeImports/+merge/280303 to the next unity8 landing too?12:06
Saviqtsdgeos, ack12:08
tsdgeosgreyback: have a sec?12:20
greybacktsdgeos: sure12:20
tsdgeosgreyback: any idea where could i start with https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtmir/+bug/1524488 ?12:21
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1524488 in qtmir (Ubuntu) "Manually setting the time into the past makes flickables misbehave" [Undecided,New]12:21
tsdgeosgreyback: basically if you change the time flickables stop working12:21
tsdgeosi guess there's a timestamp stored somewhere that breaks stuff12:21
tsdgeosany guess of where i start having a look?12:21
greybacktsdgeos: hmmm, a mad guess might be the implementation of the QAbstractAnimationTimer12:23
greybackQTickAnimationProxy I think12:23
greybackbut I think it is monotonically increasing ticker, so currentTime shouldn't matter12:24
tsdgeosi wonder if we should worry much about this otoh12:24
Saviqtsdgeos, it would be good12:25
greybackQML_ANIMATION_TICK_DUMP is an env var to play with12:25
Saviqtsdgeos, there have been reports of people's RTC resetting to epoch12:25
Saviqtsdgeos, at which point the phone dies12:25
Saviqwhile the RTC reset is a problem in itself, it'd be good if the UI worked regardless :)12:25
tsdgeosok, i'll have a look after food12:26
Saviqgreyback, you need to bump changelog for -gles if upstream version changed12:47
greybackSaviq: ok, I thought train does that automagically12:48
Saviqgreyback, not for upstream version, not yet12:48
Saviqgreyback, it mangles everything past it12:48
greybackeeh, ok12:48
greybackI'm testing locally anyway first12:49
Saviqthat's mostly because there's very little train does special about -gles12:49
Saviqthe only thing, really, is requiring -gles automagically where it's meant to be there12:49
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1525893 in Canonical System Image "camera app, header under indicators bar" [Undecided,New]12:50
Saviqthen it treats it as any other thing, we're just relying on the fact that qtmir will always be built first (alphabetically)12:50
Saviqcorn_field, thanks, I've noticed that briefly12:50
Saviqgreyback, any idea what we broke ↑? /me worried qtubuntu/qtmir wrt. panel height12:52
greybackSaviq: grr, fullscreen state of camera app broken12:53
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Saviqgreyback, gallery behaves slightly different - panel goes away, but bottom, panel-high is white12:54
Saviqso http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/qtubuntu/trunk/revision/300 most likely12:54
greybackSaviq: yeah12:54
ltinklit was working with "my" panel hack :)12:56
Saviqyeah it's Daniel's patch on top most likely, /me confirms12:57
ltinklwith this https://code.launchpad.net/~lukas-kde/qtubuntu/panelHeight/+merge/278718 I'm pretty sure it was OK12:57
Saviqyeah this couldn't have resulted in the breakage13:00
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ltinkldednick, heyo, could you pls review https://code.launchpad.net/~lukas-kde/unity8/fixWifiAPIndicatorIcons/+merge/280442 when you get a chance? thx13:44
tsdgeosdandrader: i have no clue what FloatingFlickableHelper does :D14:41
tsdgeosit does what your code used to do, i just refactored it around, maybe you can help me with the documentation?14:41
dandradertsdgeos, "FloatingFlickableHelper contains the CPP remnants of the previous pure-CPP implementation of FloatingFlickable" :)14:41
tsdgeoslooks like a bad documentation14:42
dandradertsdgeos, kidding14:42
dandradertsdgeos, it synthesizes mouse events14:42
dandradertsdgeos, sending them to the given qquickitem14:42
dandradertsdgeos, could even rename the methods14:43
Saviqdandrader, this bug is looking at you sideways :/ bug #152589314:44
ubot5bug 1525893 in Canonical System Image "[regression] camera app, header under indicators bar" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/152589314:44
* Saviq just building qtubuntu to confirm14:44
dandradertsdgeos, let's do it that way then: I come up with a patch and send/propose it to your branch14:44
dandraderSaviq, so that's top priority?14:45
tsdgeosdandrader: that works for me :)14:46
Saviqdandrader, yeah, this is breakage14:47
Saviqdandrader, I'm just confirming with qtubuntu without r30014:47
Saviqdandrader, seems same without r300, or I did something wrong when testing... trying to find a working image then14:57
Saviqgreyback, ↑14:57
greybackSaviq: tbh I suspect camera app problem unrelated to qtubuntu14:58
Saviqgreyback, not just camera... gallery doesn't behave well either14:59
greybackI know14:59
Saviqin a weirder way though14:59
Saviqgreyback, honestly, panel not going away but app thinking it did, that doesn't seem like should be possible by app itself15:00
greybackdandrader: if you want my help, let me know15:00
Saviqu8, qtmir, qtubuntu landed in the most recent image, just flashing the one prior to that15:01
Saviqdandrader, greyback, it's between unity8 and qtmir, qtubuntu innocent15:15
dandraderSaviq, ack15:16
ltinkldednick, got my latest msg?15:16
dednickltinkl: sorry, missed it after reboot.15:17
ltinkldednick, could you pls review https://code.launchpad.net/~lukas-kde/unity8/fixWifiAPIndicatorIcons/+merge/280442 when you get a chance? thx15:17
dednickltinkl: uchar?15:17
dednickfor what state?15:18
Saviqno idea which commit could be the problem :(15:18
ltinkldednick, the AP signal strength15:18
ltinkldednick, it's a difference between network-indicator (on phone) and nm-applet (on desktop)15:19
ltinkldednick, quite nasty to pass the percentage integer as a single char (ASCII code really)15:19
dandraderSaviq, my bet is the multiple-surfaces branches15:19
ltinkldednick, but that's what nm-applet does15:19
Saviqdandrader, think the fullscreen prop isn't picked up from lastSurface or something?15:20
dandraderSaviq, something of the kind. Application.fullscreen property doesn't make much sense in a multi-surface world15:21
cimipstolowski, can we kick a rebuild of https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/506 ?15:21
Saviqdandrader, true15:21
dednickltinkl: u8 desktop going to  be using indicator-network no?15:21
dandraderSaviq, I though I had it covered/converted, but maybe not so15:21
pstolowskicimi, sure, doing15:21
ltinkldednick, no idea but for the time being, this fixes both cases15:21
Saviqdandrader, ok, shall I be digging more or are you on it (obv. let me know when you need me)?15:21
dednickltinkl: but there is no nm-applet for desktop :/15:22
Saviqdednick, there is, unity7 still uses nm-applet15:22
ltinkldednick, ?15:22
dednickSaviq: yes, but unity7 doesnt use qml code15:22
ltinkldednick, well it is the backend provider15:22
dandraderSaviq, I'm on it15:23
dednickwhich is what ltinkl is changing15:23
Saviqdednick, but they back the desktop network menu15:23
dednickSaviq: in u8?15:23
Saviqdednick, yes15:23
Saviqdednick, when in unity8-desktop-session-mir15:23
ltinkldednick, not changing u7 :)15:23
dednickSaviq: i c. that's what my question was.15:23
Saviqdandrader, ack15:23
dednickwhy we have desktop profile then? shouldnt we just be using indicator-network? sigh... whatever.15:24
Saviqbasically, outside of ubuntu-touch, since indicator-network does not have all the features nm-applet had, yet15:24
dednickyeah. ok. features.15:24
Saviqbut yeah, we want to converge on indicator-network at some point15:25
ltinklesp, since nm-applet is deprecated imo15:25
cimimzanetti_, can you merge here? https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity8/launcher-updates/+merge/27856715:26
ltinklcimi, he on vacation :)15:26
cimilucky :)15:26
Saviqback tomorrow15:26
Saviqwhen you're on vacation ;P15:26
dednickltinkl: i'm interested. in u7 we get the indicators from the /usr/share/unity/indicators file list. how do we get the nm-applet in our indicators?15:29
dednick*in u8 we get15:30
ltinkldednick, that's a good question :) dunno, let me find out15:30
dednickltinkl: does it show up?15:30
ltinkldednick, oh yes15:30
ltinkldednick, start the u8 session and you'll see15:30
cimiSaviq, my vacation is buying xmas presents before is too late xD15:31
dednickeh. u8 being painful.15:33
greybacktsdgeos: actually, just had a thought: check the times of the input events. they could be screwed up, which would cause this15:37
tsdgeosgreyback: as said, the events don't reach the flickable, need to go high enough to find where the mistake happens15:39
greybacktsdgeos: ok (I hadn't read up)15:39
tsdgeosgreyback: what sends the touch events to a given app, is it qtmir? qtubuntu?15:57
greybacktsdgeos: events come from mir, are converted from MirEvent to QTouchEvent in qtmir, then converted back to MirEvent to be sent to client. Then Qtubuntu gets that MirEvent, and converts back to QTouchEvent15:59
tsdgeosk, tx15:59
greybacktsdgeos: qtmir uses category logging, QT_LOGGING_RULES="qtmir.*.debug=true" will enable all16:01
greybackthat will print input events, but don't recall how detailed16:01
greybackif qtmir's initial conversion step has an error, that will screw up all Qt instances from then on16:01
tsdgeosoh noes, i need to wait 464967 to be able to unlock my phone16:08
tsdgeosi guess moving back the time was not a good idea while having the phone locked16:09
tsdgeos464967 *minutes*16:09
greybackhow convenient: just over 5 days16:09
greybackyou're not getting early Xmas holidays like that! :D16:10
tsdgeosgreyback: more like a year :D16:11
greybackoh minutes16:11
greybackheh, I thought it was seconds16:11
Saviqmterry, ↑↑16:13
Saviqtsdgeos, there's a thread on ubuntu-phone about that exactly (someone got reset to epoch)16:14
tsdgeosSaviq: welll i did the change myself, i'm to blame16:14
Saviqtsdgeos, you can use "date" in adb/recovery to put it back in the present16:14
tsdgeosbut it's a bit of a pita i guess16:14
mterrySaviq, I have a branch that is a partial fix -- https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/lockout-time-travel/+merge/28020616:14
mterrytsdgeos, ^16:14
tsdgeosif you don't have devel access16:14
mterrymeant to send to you16:14
tsdgeosmterry: i fixed it with date :D16:14
mterrytsdgeos, ok cool16:14
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah well, you always have devel access if you have the phone in your hands ;)16:15
tsdgeosSaviq: but you need to know it :D16:15
Saviqoh sure :)16:15
tsdgeosgreyback: so the qtmir.mir.input output looks good, at least looks the same with "good date" and "bad date"16:15
* tsdgeos keeps digging16:16
greybacktsdgeos: ok. Are the flickables are broken in the indicators/launcher?16:16
tsdgeosgreyback: too many are16:17
tsdgeosgreyback: the launcher/indicators seem to work fine16:17
greybacktsdgeos: ok, I would suspect the event conversion from unity8->qtmir->client->qtubuntu could be the culprit then16:18
greybacktsdgeos: please try MIR_CLIENT_INPUT_RECEIVER_REPORT=log16:18
greybackthat enables mir's logging of input events to console16:18
greybackrun an app with that set, and see if the input events times make sense16:19
tsdgeosgreyback: i need that in the app or in unity8?16:19
greybacktsdgeos: I think app.16:20
tsdgeosReceived event:touch_event(when=1452933799600760000 (10.-540462 ms ago)16:21
tsdgeoswhat does "10.-540462 ms ago" mean :D16:21
greybacksomething bad I'd imagine16:22
tsdgeosin the "good" case it says16:22
tsdgeosReceived event:touch_event(when=1450110049426985408 (3.013062 ms ago)16:22
tsdgeosi'm weirded by the - after the . :D16:22
greybackok, then I'd encourage you to dig into qtmir, in src/common/timestamp *16:23
greybackoverall story: MirEvents use 64bit timestamps. QEvents use 32bit timestamps16:23
greybackso some trickery is done in qtmir to try convert between the two without loosing data16:24
greybacktrickery which involves currentTime16:24
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mterry@unity, if anyone has some time, I'd appreciate a quick review of (tiny) https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity8/briefly-inactive/+merge/28049218:09
mterryIt fixes a security-sensitive bug18:09
mterrySaviq, filling out the checklist for an MP once more made me wonder -- have we seen tags come back in a while?  Did we finally cure that disease?18:18
Saviqmterry, doubt it ;)18:19
Saviqmterry, I'm considering adding a step after .pot update in the train18:19
mterrySaviq, ah that's smart18:19
Saviqmterry, but am worried that might not be enough, as ci train reuses branches per-silo18:19
SaviqI think it only --overwrites18:20
Saviqbut that does not get rid of tags :D18:20
mterrySaviq, well maybe with a further 3 years of no tags, we can be confident18:20
mterrySaviq, we need a little "X days since a tags incident" whiteboard18:21
Saviqmterry, FWIW, unity8 is relatively free, but we've managed to contract them on UITK. qtmir...18:21
mterrySaviq, oh no really?  hah18:21
Saviqyeah it's fun18:21
Saviqtime to move to git ;P18:21
mterryI love bzr so much, but if that's what it takes...18:22
Saviqif only bzr was maintained...18:42
mterryltinkl, looks like there's a new geonames timezone-completion kid on the block: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/geonames/+bug/152515618:57
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1525156 in geonames (Ubuntu) "[MIR] geonames" [Wishlist,Fix released]18:57
mterryltinkl, seems to be what the desktop team wants to support going forward, although as I comment in that bug, I'm annoyed that they didn't seem to be aware of prior art that they obstensibly maintain...18:57
ltinklmterry, yeah, good points raised, at least the dependency on the data package should be added19:01
mterryltinkl, digging further, it appears libtimezonemap does use cities15000.txt for its initial database when doing completion, and then hits the network for more.  So I don't even get the motivation for the geonames package19:02
* mterry awaits their reply19:02
ltinklmterry, perhaps they want to avoid the network completely?19:03
mterryltinkl, sure but then comment out like one line in libtimezonemap, don't make a new library  :)19:03
ltinklmterry, NIH syndrome hitting hard? :)19:03
mterryltinkl, we made both packages  :)19:03
ltinklmterry, the original one is a gnome thing right?19:04
mterryltinkl, it's a copy of GNOME code that we made so we could share it among several components.  We tried to get GNOME to use it, but NIH stopped that19:04
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ltinklmterry, https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity8/briefly-inactive/+merge/28049219:24
mterryltinkl, ?19:25
ltinklmterry, interesting, I think I've seen it today... quickly got access to the MTP drive window (nautilus) which I closed but it disconnected my phablet-shell session19:25
ltinklmterry, could that fix it?19:25
mterryltinkl, closing the window disconnecting your adb shell would be a different thing19:26
* ltinkl tries again19:26
pmcgowanjosharenson, I just figured out the root symptom of bug #1489323 if you want to check it19:59
ubot5bug 1489323 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "MX4 button sometimes remains active with the screen off" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/148932319:59
josharensonpmcgowan: will take a look, thanks20:02
mterrymzanetti_, just saw your comment on lockout-time-travel MP about trusting ntp clock21:31
Saviqmterry, he's off today21:35
mterrycurses.  Will reply in MP21:35
Saviqas in, the whole day21:35
mterrySaviq, thanks, forgot that21:35
ljpanyone here know what is listening to proximity sensor when dialer-app is on a call?22:35
McintireEvanHi, I was wondering if someone could help me. I'm adding a shortcut to the overlay through CompizShortcutModeller.cpp, but it doesn't show up either due to a wrong plugin name or a wrong keybinding name. I'm really not sure where to go from here, I've tried several values for the shortcut names (from looking at the plugin in compiz) but I haven't had much luck. anyone got any ideas? The plugin in question is screenshot23:06

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