
thatgraemeguymorning peoples05:36
Kiloshi thatgraemeguy magellanic 05:47
magellanichi Kilos 05:47
pieter2627morning all07:11
=== cyrilb_ is now known as cyrilb
Kiloshi pieter2627 08:34
pieter2627any bored peeps have a take on this -> https://youtu.be/ixIoDYVfKA009:49
Private_Userinteresting thought pieter2627 but I would have assumed that self-driving cars should have predicted that and kept a better following distance to minimize risk11:01
pieter2627Private_User: that is also an interesting angle12:24
pieter2627Private_User: that is also an interesting angle...12:24
pieter2627althought i think the argument is more around collision prevention... what if it fell from a skyscraper or tall building12:26
Private_Userpieter2627:  hmm... interesting thought but if the following distance is kept and say all the cars on the road are self driving would the car not determine a course of action to either stop or increase the speed and move forward to avoid whatever is falling from the sky? but I get the point never thought of that12:29
Private_Userwould be interesting to fi nd out what would happen if the road is shared with self driving cars and cars that are driven by humans12:30
Private_Usercause a self driving car would follow rules but people I do not think so12:31
pieter2627Private_User: that seems like the ultimate solution, but the hybrid case will indeed make things interesting12:31
Private_Userso if the the road is shared by cars that are driven by people then there would probably be no following distance cause from my experience driving on the roads is that when you keep following distance all the other people on the road find that as an opportunity to get onto your lane12:33
Private_Userbut yes interesting thought and I would love to hear what the experts who are developing these cars say pieter262712:34
* pieter2627 lately love these 'philosysing' thoughts about Robotics (smart tech) since it seems that they will 'jump12:35
pieter2627.. on us soon12:35
Kiloswhat a noisy bunch of geeks you all are17:39
Kilosevening everyone17:39
inetproKilos: noisy,.... who's noisy?18:25
Kilosall this chatting about nothing18:26
inetprogood evening everyone18:26
Kiloshi nasanzero 18:26
nasanzerohi guys 18:26
Kiloshows my pro and family doing??18:26
inetproKilos: good, good18:26
Kiloswe had 2 big storms but only 7mm rain18:27
* inetpro enjoying affordable quality music in the comfort of his home18:27
inetprogoogle play music is awesome!18:28
inetproKilos: yes online streaming eating a bit of data unfortunately18:29
Kiloshahaha and you say affordable18:30
inetprobut still awesome18:30
Kilosdepends on th music i spose18:30
Kilosnasanzero welcome to ubuntu-za18:31
inetprojust need to find free hotspots in future to download to the device before playing :-)18:31
Kilosyes thats the answer inetpro 18:31
Kilosi use youtube-dl -f 140 link to get just the audios from the tube18:32
inetproat R49.99 per month I think it is really worth it18:32
Kilosi havent yet found if 140 is the best but ok for me18:32
Kilos50 bucks plus data??18:32
inetproyoutube eats much much more than just audio18:32
Kilosused like that you only get the audio18:33
Kilosnono stupid18:34
Kilosi forgot where i found it18:34
Kilosthere was more you could add to the command18:34
Kilosi use small f18:35
Kilosthe 140 has something to do with quality i think18:35
inetpro-F list all available formats18:35
Kilosoh ty18:36
inetpro-h for help18:36
Kilosor man18:36
Kiloscome on18:36
inetprono such option18:37
inetprono such option as "come on"18:38
Kilosno man18:38
* Kilos passes over email addy18:38
Kilosman youtube-dl18:38
inetprooh and hi nasanzero as well18:38
nasanzerohi inetpro18:39
Kilosnasanzero you been here before?18:39
nasanzerofirst time 18:40
Kiloshopefully not the last18:40
nasanzeroi will definately be around much longer 18:40
Kilosif you need help just state what you need help with and be patient18:40
Kilosif you dont need help hang around and you can help others18:41
nasanzerostarting to get the hang of linux - i am using kubuntu 18:41
Kilosthere are a few of us kde fans here18:42
nasanzeroi will do my best to assist where i can 18:42
Kilosinetpro is a kde master18:42
nasanzeroi started off with mint 17 thou.... i got me hooked on linux18:43
Kilosoh nasanzero you can join our group on launchpad and the mailin list if you like18:43
Kilosthats our site and should have links to the maling list and launchpad account18:44
inetprooh nice, welcome to #ubuntu-za nasanzero 18:44
nasanzeroi signed up , the site is where i found the link to this chat room18:45
inetprowhere are you from? 18:46
* inetpro and oom Kilos are in Pretoria 18:46
Kilosohi superfly why your fish takns keep breaking18:46
Kilosnasanzero what irc client are you using18:48
nasanzerokoversation and sometimes hexchat18:50
nasanzeroi am in durban 18:50
Kilosi use konversation as well and pro uses quassel18:50
Kiloswe have a shortage of guys in durbs but there is the lug there too18:51
Kilosclever guys there18:51
nasanzeroi honestly never heard of dbnlug - is that a group ?18:52
Kilosyes the durban linux users group18:52
Kilosthey like using G+18:53
nasanzerofound it on G+18:53
Kilosmany ubuntu users there18:53
superflyKilos: this is the first time in a while18:57
superflyKilos: the heat18:57
Kiloswe had some rain today so not too bad ty superfly hows the family?18:58
superflyall good18:58
nasanzerotake care guys good night19:04
Kilosyou too sleep tight19:04
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:09
inetprogood night oom Kilos 19:09

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