sakrecoer_ | zequence: i've written one manual test for fontforge... but i hope the latest version will be included in 16.04... i don't think they differe very much, do you think it is a problem if i write it for old version? | 11:33 |
zequence | sakrecoer_: You can update it for the newer one, if it gets updated. We can do that just at around Debian Import Freeze - check if tests are still valid | 11:34 |
sakrecoer_ | i can't find ross's instruciton on how to file a bugg in debian and where... to get the latest version.. | 11:34 |
zequence | The latest version will be automatically synced to Ubuntu once it's out in Debian, up until Debian Import Freeze | 11:35 |
zequence | To file a Debian bug, it's probably best to do from a Debian system. Haven't tried any other way | 11:36 |
sakrecoer_ | yes, but ross told me i have to file a bug in debian to have them package the latest fontforge, so we can have it too | 11:36 |
zequence | Ah, ok | 11:36 |
zequence | Well, ask on the mail list. He should answer pretty quickly. I haven't done that myself, ever | 11:37 |
sakrecoer_ | i will send a mail to list. | 11:37 |
sakrecoer_ | yes! | 11:37 |
sakrecoer_ | :) | 11:37 |
sakrecoer_ | found the mail! and this link | 11:51 |
sakrecoer_ | looking into it this afternoon! have great monday y'all and read you later! | 11:52 |
zequence | sakrecoer_: Yes, but that's not fully revelvant in this case | 11:57 |
zequence | font-forge already exists as a package. The responsible Debian packagers just needs to bump the source, and release a new version of the package | 11:58 |
zequence | Usually, the responsible developers are quite active with this | 11:58 |
zequence | If not, well, you can always offer to join their team and do it yourself | 11:58 |
zequence | We really should do some youtube videos before next release. Just some basic stuff, like how to start jack, and that type of thing | 12:07 |
zequence | We can showcase our stuff through a video as well | 12:07 |
zequence | sakrecoer_: You could also just contact the responsible packagers by subscribing to their mail list and ask if someone is willing to package it | 12:15 |
zequence | But, be warned. They do their work for Debian - not Ubuntu, and can be a little hard to get along with if they think all you care about is Ubuntu | 12:16 |
zequence | Best way is to get involved yourself and see if you can help out. If something is not done for a good long while, that is probably because of someone not finding enough time, or there is a technical problem | 12:17 |
zequence | In case one, it's good to get involved and help out. In case two, it may depend on something you can't control anyway | 12:17 |
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