
=== Guest47420 is now known as ZeeNoodley
=== user is now known as Guest59459
JermBeatzanyone using an apc20 or maudio oxygen25 with any apps? would love to pow wow about what works and doesnt. n00b here, so plain english please if possible13:20
zequenceJermBeatz: May I recommend you to write to the Linux Audio User mail list13:59
zequenceIt's pretty active, and you are sure to get some replies13:59
zequenceAlso, try #opensourcemusicians13:59
JermBeatzthanks man, in the # now14:01
danne2611Kan du svara,Zeq14:28
danne2611Hi zequence16:06
cshlovjahhi all19:09
cshlovjahhello guys!19:09

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