
=== link1 is now known as mexchip
akxwi_daveBug 1525955 reported for LTS to LTS upgrade per http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/351/builds/108565/testcases/1635/15:31
ubottubug 1525955 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Update Manager fails when updating from 14.04 to 16.04 at Installing new version of config file /etc/cron.daily/upstart" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/152595515:31
knomeflocculant, do you have an idea where i could see all the CGI tasks - for all teams?20:39
flocculantby all teams you mean other than ubuntu? 20:42
flocculantknome: ^^20:42
knomewell i meant everything, but balloons replied already :P20:42
flocculantk - wouldn't have a clue about everything anyway :)20:43
knomefwiw, https://codein.withgoogle.com/tasks/?sp-organization=4568116747042816&sp-status=2&sp-is_exhausted=False20:44
knomebut as you can probably figure out yourself, the UI actually makes it hard to see "everything"20:44
knomeflocculant, pingy?22:15
ochosiflocculant: how's the google codein going?22:39
knomehey ochosi22:39
ochosiand hi knome 22:39
knomei was just invited as a mentor and am planning a task for reviewing our contributor docs22:40
ochosihey nice22:40
bluesabreevening knome, ochosi 22:52
ochosioh hi22:52
knomeheya bluesabre 22:52
ochosisorry to be on my way out again when you're arriving22:52
bluesabrehow are you guys doing?22:52
* knome is watching tv series online22:52
bluesabreochosi: hibye22:52
ochosigood good, but pre-christmas is leaving me with a little less time than before ;)22:52
ochosihow're you?22:52
bluesabredoing all right22:53
bluesabrenice quiet weekend where I accomplished nothing22:53
bluesabregotta make up for it this week22:53
bluesabreand get that webapp done22:53
bluesabremaybe work on some other code soon too22:53
bluesabreflocculant and dave have been stacking the bugs22:54
ochosihow nice of them :)22:54
bluesabreso thoughtful, much appreciated22:54
* knome likes the appreciation circle22:54
ochosibluesabre: any news on "Get shimmer-themes back in the Xubuntu packageset"?22:55
bluesabreochosi: none that I have heard, hoping to start stabbing about that soon22:55
ochosithat'd be nice22:55
knomeyou could poke the kubuntu guys again22:55
ochosii'm not around during the main stabbing hours22:55
knomeiirc, they said they'd get rid of the dependency around december22:56
ochosigreat, thanks knome!22:56
knomewith some new release of whatever was depending on it22:56
ochosii'll assign that workitem to you then and you can hand it over to bluesabre once you're done with the poking22:56
knomejust assign to bluesabre 22:56
knomehe can do the poking too :P22:56
ochosinah, he has bugs to fix!22:56
knomei have diapers to change22:57
ochosidon't we all?22:57
bluesabrebusy busy people22:57
knomenot bluesabre 22:57
bluesabrethats right22:58
ochosiknome: that's hearsay, who knows!?22:58
knomewell unless his parents are using some22:58
knomebut i would think even then bluesabre wouldn't be the one to change them22:58
bluesabremy excuses are limited to "didn't do it", "forgot about it", "zzz"22:58
ochosithat last one has become my go-to excuse22:58
ochosi(but i still use the other two as well)22:59
Unit193bluesabre: Anything interesting up?23:00
bluesabreUnit193: nothing yet23:00
Unit193Anything I can help with not horrible? :P23:00
bluesabreUnit193: saw Noskcaj was working on blueman merge23:00
ochosianyhow you guys, have an enjoyable $timeofday in $tz23:01
bluesabreseeya ochosi 23:01
* ochosi -> "zzz"23:01
knomenighty ochosi 23:01
bluesabregoing to go prepare dinner, then hopefully get something done23:02
bluesabrepoke me if there is anything I need to do sooner than later23:02
knomeslickymaster, http://pad.ubuntu.com/GCI23:02
knomeslickymaster, check the bottom of the page23:02
knomeslickymaster, it's something i wrote up today23:03
slickymastergive just a second knome 23:03
knomeno worries23:03
slickymasterto rearrange my irssi23:03
slickymasterknome, I'm assuming that that is going to be mediatized, right?23:08
knomethat too, and available in google code-in as a task23:09
slickymasterhmmm, wasn't google code tasks already closed?23:09
knomethat was just the stuff for the start23:10
slickymasterthere's always someone from the around, so that won't, in principle, be an issue23:11
knomefrom the around?23:11
slickymaster+ team23:11
slickymasterlong day23:12
knomewhat isn't an issue?23:12
slickymasterin the case we get overwhelmed with students23:13
knomewe can limit to certain amount23:13
knomethe default is one23:13
knomei was thinking 10 total could do it23:13
slickymasterknome, these tasks are tottaly up to the student(s) or are we defining them?23:18
knomewhat do you mean?23:18
knomethe mentors add the tasks, then students can apply for those tasks23:19
knomestudents do not write tasks23:19
slickymasterlast paragraph: "... where you can get further information on the task..."23:19
slickymasterquestion answered23:20

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