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xcub_Hi, I have a question about using snapcraft if anyone wants to help03:11
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tzununbekovHi all. We have package that mounts Btrfs volume in SNAP_DATA_PATH. When we update this package, all data is copied from old data path to new, but volume is still mounted in old one. Is there any way to handle it?04:19
tzununbekovasac, Chipaca, ogra_ this causes a doubling of used disk space04:24
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dholbachgood morning08:09
fgimenezgood morning08:11
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Tuesday and happy Cat Herders Day! 😼09:26
* Chipaca is happy not being a car herder10:05
davmor2Chipaca: car herder is just a posh name for a carpark attendant right10:07
Chipacadavmor2: i read it as "manager"10:07
Chipacadavmor2: so yes10:07
=== vrruiz_ is now known as rvr
tzununbekovHi all. We have package that mounts Btrfs volume in SNAP_DATA_PATH. When we update this package, all data is copied from old data path to new, but volume is still mounted in old one. This causes a doubling of used disk space. asac , ogra_ , Chipaca , is there any way to handle it?12:11
Chipacatzununbekov: at the moment unfortunately no, but there will be soon12:12
ogra_i guess only by mounting your volume one level up (which you cant do from your snap i guess)12:12
ogra_if you work on a standalone device you could also just label your btrfs volume "writable", copy the actual writable partition content into it and drop the label from the original writable partitions12:13
Chipacatzununbekov: that is, there is going to be a place where you can put things to not have them copied over, but it's not there yet12:14
ogra_in the current setup you can only mangle stuff on a system level to make it work12:15
ogra_(it ould still be duplicated but you have both copies in your btrfs)12:16
tzununbekovogra_, as workaround, we are mounting btrfs into /mnt but we think it's not Snappy way :)12:17
ogra_well, the snappy way is very flexible :)12:18
ogra_if you build an appliance i guess /mnt is suitable12:18
tzununbekovChipaca, when we can wait for this feature?12:18
ogra_if you build a snap package just for the store, expecting /mnt is indeed imposssible12:18
Chipacaogra_: but then so is mounting something12:19
tzununbekovogra_, is there any way to have our own store for appliance if we need updates?12:20
ogra_you can have some sub-store for your product, yes12:21
ogra_beuno is your man for this :)12:21
tzununbekovnice, where can we read more about sub-store thing?12:22
beunotzununbekov, hi!  Yes, I can hook you up with some of our commercial folks to help you with that12:22
beunotzununbekov, drop an email to: maarten.ectors@canonical.com12:22
beunohe'll get you sorted12:23
tzununbekovbeuno, sub-store is commercial product? :D12:23
beunotzununbekov, it depends on what you need from it. I'd suggest you discuss it a bit and see what the options are12:24
beunowe generally prefer software is widely available for all devices, but if someone wants to build a self-contained product we have some tools to help them out12:25
tzununbekovthank you, guys, we should discuss it in our team :)12:26
jdstrandsergiusens: re xenial/all snaps. ok, well, the review tools that understand all snaps is in xenial now. if you wnat them somewhere else too, let me know12:52
sergiusensjdstrand, no worries, and I am off today all through Wednesday and Thursday so I have no rush at all :-)12:58
stevebiscuitChipaca: just a small MP if you could be so kind - https://code.launchpad.net/~stevenwilkin/webdm/snaps-always-have-origins/+merge/28059514:24
* Chipaca looks at the mp14:26
* Chipaca looks at stevebiscuit 14:26
Chipacastevebiscuit: I don't know enough about webdm to know whether this will blow up all over the place or not14:26
Chipacastevebiscuit: are you working on webdm now? that is, if this blows up, are all the pieces yours?14:26
beunoChipaca, he is14:26
Chipacai'm happy to rubber stamp this; i'd be happier if sergio could give it a look at least at first14:28
Chipacabut he's not around and i don't want to block steve14:28
beunoChipaca, to be fair, nothing breaks until a snap is uploaded14:29
Chipacaexactly why i'm so lackadaisical about this :-)14:29
stevebiscuitChipaca: ta. Sergio had commented yesterday about snaps always having origins which would eventually become assertions14:31
kyrofaelopio, sorry, computer crash14:32
plarsfgimenez: elopio: I tried a merge of the no_init and the gocheck_list branch here, and it doesn't seem to work right for me, but could be something I'm messing up. Also I'm just running it on my local machine, since all I'm trying to do right now is get a list of tests14:34
Chipacastevebiscuit: while the snaps themselves have an origin in the theoretical sense, the system as it stands doesn't always use that origin to address things, and some parts will break if you try to use a full name where a bare name is expected14:36
Chipacastevebiscuit: if webdm is abstracting that stuff away, then good job :-)14:36
plarselopio: first, go test -c ./integration-tests/tests -o ./integration-tests/bin/integration.test doesn't seem to produce a binary in ./integration-tests/bin, it just produces ./tests.test instead14:36
Chipacastevebiscuit: the REST API also hides that, and only shows full names (or tries to!)14:37
Chipacastevebiscuit: so it's the right move _even if it breaks things right now_14:37
plarselopio: which does seem to show me help, so at least the no_init bits seem ok, but trying to run it with -gocheck.list or -check.list gets me nothing, it seems to try to run instead14:37
Chipacastevebiscuit: but you still get to keep the pieces :-)14:37
Chipacastevebiscuit: also, as you move to the rest api, please do poke me if anything doesn't work as expected, or is awkward, or could be cleaner or better or ...14:38
fgimenezplars, about the -o flag not working, that might be related with the go version, iirc it have being added more or less recently14:40
stevebiscuitChipaca: will do. Cheers for the background. I'm happy to keep tracking things and picking up the pieces to get webdm to 16.04 :)14:41
fgimenezplars, does "./tests.test -gocheck.list" work?14:42
plarsfgimenez: not as far as I can tell, it seem to try to start executing tests14:42
fgimenezplars, it seems that not all the changes proposed have been merged then14:42
fgimenezplars, you should have in place the changes from the two branches14:43
plarsfgimenez: all I did was take a current branch of trunk, and merge those two branches from elopio14:43
fgimenezplars, that should be enough, can you check if integration-tests/testutils/runner/runner.go, integration-tests/tests/base_test.go and integration-tests/testutils/common/common.go have the proposed changes?14:45
plarsfgimenez: yes, they are all there14:49
elopioplars: cd integration-tests/tests && go test -check.list14:50
elopioalso go test -c ./integration-tests/tests/ && ./tests.test -check.list14:51
elopioboth work here.14:51
plarselopio: flag provided but not defined: -test.list14:52
elopioplars: -check.list14:52
plarselopio: could this all be because I'm using go from trusty instead of something newer?14:52
elopiofgimenez: hello! I have small branches for you.14:52
elopioplars: yes, that could be a problem.14:52
plarselopio: with -check.list it just gives me a lot of test failures, seems to try to run14:53
plarselopio: which are you using then? the one from wily?14:53
elopioplars: wily and xenial.14:53
plarsok, I'll try with a newer version after the standup, thanks14:53
plarselopio: is this something to do with go itself? or gocheck? or what?14:54
elopioplars: I don't know, I haven't tried it on trusty. I'm just saying that it could be your machine, because it's working here.14:54
elopioplars: let me know how it goes in x for you.14:55
plarswill do14:55
Chipacaplars: i think there's a ppa with trusty stuff you can use if you need to14:57
Chipacamvo knows more but he's away today and tomorrow14:58
Chipacaplars: basically, everything changed, from go to libraries14:58
Chipacaso a lot of backports14:58
Chipacai think right now there's a build failure in trusty because of crypto moving14:58
Chipacabut i haven't checked14:58
fgimenezelopio, ok, i have a couple of them for you too :)14:58
elopiofgimenez: I'm looking at them.14:59
elopiofgimenez: https://github.com/testing-cabal/subunit-go/pull/314:59
elopiofgimenez: https://github.com/testing-cabal/subunit-go/pull/414:59
elopiofgimenez: get yourself a smiley sticker for that urltrigger.15:08
fgimenezelopio, yes, it will be useful in terms of resource usage, and also the reports for the image builds will be more meaningful15:16
elopiofgimenez: and I'm not sure if you saw the ping here: https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snappy/pull/25715:17
elopioI hope I didn't duplicate your work.15:17
fgimenezelopio, sure i was waiting until we have that straight line long enough :D15:17
elopiofgimenez: I did some runs yesterday and got permission error on docker ifconfig. I'm glad that doesn't seem to be happening in there.15:18
fgimenezelopio, the ubuntuFan suite is excluded in that executions using the tag15:19
elopiofgimenez: so when you are happy with the stress testing, you'll land the PR and enable the comments in github??? ^_^15:19
fgimenezelopio, i think so, i wanted to coordinate with you, but we are ready to go15:20
elopiofgimenez: go for it! I'm picturing an image of you pushing a huge red button.15:22
elopiofgimenez: I'll try to reproduce the fan problem and report a bug if it's still happening.15:22
Chipacaelopio: we could get fgimenez a http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B004D18MCK15:26
fgimenezelopio, for doing the PR thing properly we should create a bot user in github, and one of the owners should add it as a collaborator in the project15:26
fgimenezChipaca, elopio please!15:26
elopio+1, he's earned it.15:27
elopiofgimenez: Chipaca is owner.15:28
* Chipaca owns ALL the things15:28
fgimenezChipaca, elopio ok, any github user will do, you should send me the username and pass to put them in jenkins, once the user is a collaborator of the project all should be working15:30
fgimenezChipaca, elopio i can create the user, but perhaps the email should be one owned by the team? also i'm not good with bot names :)15:31
elopioChipaca: who's your favourite robot?15:31
Chipacaelopio: what's this robot doing?15:34
Chipacaelopio: 'm-o' might be a bad github name :-)15:34
elopioChipaca: triggering jenkins runs and reporting the results back.15:34
elopiom-o is great :) Already taken.15:36
elopiofgimenez: lets call it snappy-m-o.15:36
Chipacaor snappy-bo15:37
elopioI'm not sure if that's a joke or you like a robot called bo.15:39
Chipacaelopio: nah, it's just a diminutive suffix (which sorta sounds like "bot")15:40
fgimenezChipaca, elopio snappy-bo then? about the email, should i put Chipaca's? or snappy-internal? this is important in order to be able to reset the password15:42
elopiofgimenez: I'm creating snappy-m-o. I'm using the u1test@canonical.com email.15:43
fgimenezelopio, ok thx! send me the pass when you have it15:43
elopioChipaca: please add it to the org https://github.com/snappy-m-o15:47
balloonsis anyone about who might be able to help review some snapcraft packages and provide help and insight?15:57
elopioballoons: shoot. kyrofa and I might be able to help.15:57
elopioand if we can't, sergio comes tomorrow.15:57
Chipacaelopio: as a contributor, or as a member?15:58
kyrofaballoons, yeah we're here :)15:58
Chipacaelopio: if the former, to what project?15:58
balloonsexcellent. So I've been helping a couple students package some go applications with snapcraft. But click-review tools is failing them due to missing hooks. Let me give you the link15:59
kyrofaballoons, alright16:00
balloonsAlso, my own personal question. I don't see anywhere in the guides on how to test a snap package you create. I was thinking of copying it to my snappy installation and installing it, but is there a recommended way?16:00
balloonsohh.. I just now see Sideloading your snap16:00
kyrofaballoons, yeah I just sideload into a virtualized install16:00
balloonsthe first is here: https://github.com/RGA15071999/martini-gorm-snapcraft16:00
elopioChipaca: it must have push rights, so it needs push & pull rights on the org.16:00
kyrofaballoons, although we're adding a "try"16:00
Chipacaelopio: you can push as a collaborator, you don't need to be an owner, but it's per-project instead of per-org16:01
balloonsxcub, feel free to ask questions as well. These folks know more than me :-)16:01
Chipacaelopio: hence my question as to on what do you want it to operate16:01
elopioChipaca: yes, collaborator to snappy.16:01
kyrofaHey xcub :)16:01
balloonscan you link to your source so they can view it also?16:01
elopiono need to make it owner.16:01
balloonsxcub, right, but where's your yaml file16:02
fgimenezChipaca, elopio it's explained here https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/GitHub+pull+request+builder+plugin16:02
fgimenezChipaca, elopio the hooks have been already set up, no need for administrator rights16:03
xcubi'm on my chromebook right now and haven't pushed it to my repository, but all it really is is just a single parts: with plugin: go and source: https://github.com/trustmaster/gochat16:03
Chipacafgimenez: so what do i need to do?16:03
kyrofaballoons, xcub and if I understand correctly, the .snap builds fine but click-review doesn't like it?16:04
fgimenezChipaca, just invite snappy-m-o to join as collaborator, it should receive an email to confirm16:04
balloonskyrofa, yes that's correct. The review gives ERROR: could not find required 'hooks' in manifest:16:04
kyrofaHmm... yeah we've been moving away from click underlying snappy16:05
balloonsohh, what do i need install for snappy-remote? snappy-remote: command not found16:05
kyrofaelopio, should the click review tools still be working for snappy?16:05
Chipacafgimenez: there, i think16:06
elopioyes, mail received.16:07
Chipacakyrofa: yes, they should16:07
elopiokyrofa: yes.16:07
Chipacakyrofa: you might need a very recent one though16:07
jdstrandzyga: hi! fyi, I'm starting to create the agreed to capabilities. My plan is to simply upload ubuntu-core-security with all the new ones and the renamed existing ones, with symlinks from the old-named ones to the renamed ones, ideally today. This will allow people to use 'caps' in the current yaml format for everything16:07
kyrofaballoons, snappy-remote should be in here: https://launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/+archive/ubuntu/tools16:07
jdstrandzyga: and we can transition away from the symlinks after the holidays16:07
elopioballoons: what's your ubuntu version?16:07
balloonsxenial, with no snappy ppa's16:08
jdstrandzyga: I think in this new world it makes sense to change the paths to not have the paltform version in the path, but I don't want to change that before the holidays and we can discuss that later16:09
jdstrandtyhicks: (fyi my last 3 comments)16:09
zygajdstrand: hi16:09
elopioballoons: if you want to run the snaps in 15.04, you need to generate them in vivid.16:09
zygajdstrand: that sounds good to me16:10
balloonselopio, sure, but I didn't make the snap I want to run, heh16:10
elopioballoons: I do it in an lxc.16:10
zygajdstrand: I'm proceeding with capability type system, with plugs for apparmor, seccomp, dbus and kernel capabilities16:10
balloonselopio, ack.16:10
zygajdstrand: I'll show you what I have tomorrow16:10
elopioballoons: right, just saying... :)16:10
zygajdstrand: (I've manually migrated the old bool-file type)16:10
elopioI'll give it a try.16:10
zygajdstrand: I'm also working on a way for us to cooperate around the source code16:11
jdstrandzyga: cool. I figured, the fewer code changes that need to be coordinated before the holidays, the better. that way, you can focus on code and I can policy. you can depend on where stuff lives for now, and we'll adjust after the holidays16:11
balloonsChipaca, kyrofa, so how can we know what metadata is missing? the review tools don't really say16:11
jdstrandzyga: ack, sounds fine16:11
elopioballoons: I get Issues while validating snapcraft.yaml: 'icon.png' is not a 'icon-path'16:11
Chipacawait, you're running review-tools on snapcraft.yaml?16:12
Chipacathat doesn't sound right?16:12
kyrofaelopio, is that a 2.0 thing?16:12
elopioballoons: that's a weird way to say that you need an icon.png in the repo.16:12
ogra_elopio, "touch icon.png"16:12
elopioright, or that ^ :)16:13
zygajdstrand: note that I'm still not sure gustavo will agree to standalone capabilities (as in, not baked into snappy)16:13
zygajdstrand: though that will have to wait till next month since everyone is shutting down16:13
jdstrandzyga: you mentioned apparmor and seccomp as distinct things. today they are two things that are referenced with a single name (I know you know that). I bring this up because if they are distict as I understand your suggestion (as opposed to being combined in one 'security policy' capability), then perhaps that makes things more complicated16:13
jdstrandzyga: also, if we ever decide to change/add to the security mechanisms, then the names 'apparmor' and 'seccomp' might not make sense16:14
jdstrandzyga: food for thought-- all this can be worked out after the holiday too16:14
zygajdstrand: they are only distinct as in concepts16:14
zygajdstrand: it's all one thing behind each capability type16:15
jdstrandok, cool16:15
zygajdstrand: I haven't looked at capabilities (linux) yet16:15
zygajdstrand: are they somehow baked into apparmor?16:15
zygajdstrand: (dbus is standalone from what I understand)16:15
jdstrandapparmor mediates linux capabilities, yes16:15
balloonsRob1507, so elopio is saying you need an icon.png16:15
jdstrandI think you can ignore them for now16:15
elopiohello Rob150716:15
elopioafter adding the icon, I could generate the snap.16:16
Rob1507hello elopio16:16
elopioI am running xenial, so I'm doing the build in a vivid lxc.16:16
Rob1507elopio, because I haven't uploaded icon :D16:16
Rob1507I was able to generate it at home, because icon was in place16:16
zygajdstrand: that sounds good, thanks16:17
jdstrandzyga: dbus is a little muddier. apparmor mediates dbus, but dbus bus policy (separate from apparmor) needs to be set up first16:17
elopioRob1507: cool. So when are you getting the review tools error?16:17
kyrofaelopio, do the review tools pass after that, then?16:17
zygajdstrand: yes, that is my understanding16:17
zygajdstrand: from my POV, there's a bit of code that knows how to do that given some template that's associated with the type16:18
zygajdstrand: the language in the template is different but that's all16:18
Rob1507elopio, some kind of NodeJS errors I think.16:18
elopiokyrofa: nop.16:18
Rob1507 elopio, you mean software center errors right?16:18
jdstrandzyga: sounds good16:18
balloonsxcub, feel free to just you pastebin.com to paste your yaml file and share it too16:19
elopioRob1507: hum, not trying anything related with software center here. I mean that I see your error now16:20
balloonselopio, right, that's what i got.16:20
xcubthis is my yaml file: http://pastebin.com/0eMUYzDq16:21
elopioballoons: Rob1507: that doesn't prevent you to install the generated snap.16:21
elopioit should pass, so we probably got snapcraft out of sync with the reviewer tools.16:22
elopioRob1507: now what you are missing is a binary or a service.16:22
elopiohello xcub16:23
fgimenezChipaca, elopio something is wrong, snappy-m-o should have write access to the repo http://paste.ubuntu.com/14029244/16:23
elopioxcub: I could also generate a gochat snap with your yaml, after adding the icon.16:23
plarselopio: so go 1.5.1 in wily doesn't seem to be new enough either, or else something else is wrong16:24
xcubi could generate a snap as well, its just that the ubuntu software center rejects it due to some json error16:24
plarselopio: I noticed that I get different (but still failed output) if I do not only -gocheck.list but -gocheck.vv, so it's at least catching args16:24
xcubAnd I don't know anway to test the validity of the package16:25
Rob1507elopio, the same thing is for me16:25
fgimenezChipaca, elopio if just giving write access to the repo is not possible (not sure about how to do this) adding the bot as a member of the organization worked fine for me in the tests16:25
Chipacafgimenez: elopio: try this way?16:25
Chipaca(invitation pending)16:25
Rob1507 elopio, can you see which binary or service is missing16:26
elopioChipaca: fgimenez: accepted.16:26
Chipacafgimenez: try now?16:26
balloonsxcub, Rob1507 install click-reviewers-tools if you want to run the review on your snaps16:26
elopioRob1507: no, I mean that for your snap to do something useful, it needs to expose a binary or service.16:26
fgimenezChipaca, elopio so cute! :D https://github.com/ubuntu-core16:26
xcubwhat do you mean by expose a binary or service?16:27
Rob1507elopio, If i want to snap a number converter program, which service i need to expose?16:28
elopioxcub: Rob1507: take a look at https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/blob/master/examples/godd/snapcraft.yaml16:29
elopiosee how it defines a binaries section, and in there it tells how to execute the program.16:29
elopiowithout that, the snap files will be installed but there will be nothing to run.16:29
Rob1507elopio, It makes sense, I will take a look now :)16:29
elopioballoons: I'm not sure what is this about the software store.16:30
elopiothere is a bug somewhere with the review, clearly, but I can upload the snap to myapps.16:30
xcubohhh, so after I run snapcraft the first time, I can take a look in the snap directory and see where the binary is, the update the .yaml file to where it is?16:30
elopioahh, there I see the json error.16:31
elopiookay, I'll report the bug.16:31
Chipacafgimenez: is it working?16:32
balloonselopio, I asked them to upload the apps to myapps for publishing16:33
fgimenezChipaca, yes, it can connect :) https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snappy/pull/253, here, clicking in "Show all checks" there's a new "integration test" entry written by the bot16:34
elopioRob1507: xcub: balloons: once you add the binary, the click review passes.16:34
elopioso the bug is that the error message when you don't define a binary is terrible.16:34
Chipacafgimenez: woop woop16:34
fgimenezChipaca, we'll see it working with the next PR, including a link to the jenkins job in the VPN16:35
Rob1507elopio, sorry for that16:35
elopioRob1507: hey, not your fault at all.16:35
elopiothanks for finding a bug.16:35
xcubthank you for your help, elopio.16:37
plarselopio: fgimenez: this is what I get: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14029558/16:37
elopioplars: right, it's running the setup for you. Give me a second to set it up in wily again.16:38
elopiodholbach: kyrofa: Now we have some docs about python and java in parts.md, and docs about ros in ros.md.16:55
elopioshould we put all of them in parts.md, or separate all of them in different files?16:56
dholbachelopio: I think if we have more content for a particular part we can move it into its own file(?)16:57
dholbachelopio: the bits about java and python looked to me like they only illustrated what parts can look like16:57
dholbachso like an extension of the article16:57
dholbachthat's also how it was structured in the app developer manual16:58
dholbach(where I stole the docs from :-))16:58
elopiodholbach: that makes sense. ros is too big to put it in there.16:58
dholbachall rightie... I call it a day - see you all tomorrow :)16:59
kyrofaelopio, yeah that would make for a massive file, especially as we have more documented plugins16:59
elopioplars: this is on wily: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14030135/17:05
kyrofaelopio, can you take another look at https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapcraft/pull/163 when you're able? It should be ready to go-ish18:32
elopiokyrofa: sure, I'm just missing to review the tests. I'll do that after lunch.18:35
elopiokyrofa: I'm +1 on landing it, but I'm not sure if Sergio's comment meant he wanted to give it a full review.18:35
kyrofaelopio, ah right, forgot about that18:35
Rob1507elopio, sorry, but can you just remind which package I need to use for review?18:45
elopioRob1507: install click-reviewers-tools, and then run click-review /path/to/file.snap18:46
Rob1507elopio, ok thanks18:47
Rob1507elopio, and what result should I have?18:52
elopioRob1507: yup, pass.18:53
elopiothen when you upload to myapss, it will pass too. It's the same tool they use to check.18:53
Rob1507elopio, wonderful, thanks for great help ^_^18:53
elopioRob1507: np. Thanks to you.18:54
plarselopio: so did you have to do something different?19:02
plarselopio: doing it that way, for me, gives me exactly the same as the pastebin I sent earlier19:03
Rob1507elopio, can I ask something?19:14
kyrofaRob1507, you never need to ask :)19:18
kyrofaRob1507, rather, ask to ask, heh19:18
Rob1507kyrofa, I want to port a go app, but cannot find any application that may be useful. Can you suggest one?19:19
kyrofaRob1507, just any go app? Oof19:20
kyrofaRob1507, when you say "port," do you mean package as a .snap?19:20
Rob1507kyrofa, Yes, creating .snap19:21
Rob1507kyrofa, I have done one. It is working but it was testing program. I want to take one that may be useful for others19:22
kyrofaRob1507, I don't have one off the top of my head, but it might be useful to look at the trending GitHub repos written in Go: https://github.com/trending?l=go19:24
Rob1507kyrofa, I look at them. Actually I choosed test program from there :D . What do you think, may goplay be useful?19:26
Rob1507it is html5 player19:26
kyrofaRob1507, I've not seen that one19:28
kyrofahttps://github.com/otium/ytdl might be useful19:28
Rob1507kyrofa, great suggestion, thanks :D19:31
kyrofaRob1507, sure thing19:31
plarselopio: I also tried putting it on snappy and running it from there, I still get the same errors19:53
plarselopio: do I need to set up this json config file first for it or something? It complains a lot about that19:53
=== ljp is now known as lpotter
Rob1507kyrofa, https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/4184/19:58
kyrofaRob1507, I don't have permission to access that page19:59
kyrofaRob1507, I assume that's only yours?19:59
Rob1507kyrofa, sorry :D19:59
Rob1507kyrofa, One more thing. I published work on myapps. Can you access it?20:07
kyrofaRob1507, to the length of my knowledge, myapps only shows your own apps20:08
kyrofaRob1507, so: no. I can only see mine :)20:08
Rob1507kyrofa, how can I share it?20:09
kyrofaRob1507, you did in fact publish it? Then it should be in the store once the approval passes20:09
Rob1507it's status is published20:10
kyrofaGrrr.... elopio I need your help20:15
Rob1507kyrofa, I can send you .snap20:20
kyrofaRob1507, if it's published I can grab it from the store. Are you wanting me to do something with it?20:20
Rob1507yes just test it20:22
kyrofaelopio, ah, nevermind, I went another direction with it20:34
kyrofaelopio, I think there's a bug somewhere with python coverage with respect to exceptions20:35
plarselopio: ok, so I figured out what was wrong, and managed to fix it for me, but there *must* be a better way than what I did20:43
xcub_elopio, can you review my task: https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/5486692492378112/22:47
camakoted, we were talking about the rasp pi2 graphics drivers yesterday. Do you know where I'd get the android drivers?23:22
camakotedg ^23:23
tedgcamako: I don't know about the android ones, but there are X ones. I think that ogra_  has instructions on using,them, but I'm not sure where they are. Probably a bit late for him.23:24
camakotedg, o ok.. mesa drivers perhaps? I'll ask him tomorrow. thanks..23:25

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