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vikram_Hi All08:43
vikram_I am looking out for a allinone openstack package for openstack08:44
vikram_can anyone plz suggest some .iso08:44
Walex2vikram_: given the enormous number of OpenStack components that is a very vague question09:28
Walex2vikram_: the "standard" way of doing OpenStack on Ubuntu server is via Juju "charms" though. Unfortunately both Juju and OpenStack tend to be amazingly buggy.09:29
vikram_Walex2: oh09:44
vikram_Walex2: I just want a basic openstack deployment model09:44
vikram_i remember one ubuntu package for icehouse was released earlier09:46
ducasseI'm setting up a home file server and was thinking of using ZFS to mirror the main data disks, but the machine hasn't got ECC memory. Should I still go with ZFS, or would it be better to use mdadm + ext4 or maybe btrfs?10:31
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RickyB98hello :)11:36
RickyB98i configured sasl on postfix and dovecot, but my client can still use SMTP without logging in.. authentication works, but no login works too.. how can i restrict that?11:36
RickyB98also, i configured mail to use Maildir/, doing MAIL=/home/myuser/Maildir/, but when i open an email with mail from mailutils, they get deleted and saved to mbox.. what's the variable to change that?11:39
RickyB98anyone here?11:50
rbasak!patience | RickyB9811:54
ubottuRickyB98: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/11:54
RickyB98i'm not repeating your question..11:55
RickyB98my question*11:55
rbasak"if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you"11:55
rbasakSorry I can't tune the bot's reply for the exact situation. It's close enough and I hope still helpful.11:56
RickyB98however, someone in #ubuntu told me to come here.. now i was being answered there, should i go back there?11:56
RickyB98going to idle here anyway, not gonna run away after 5 minutes :P11:56
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ziyourenxiangRickyB98: by client do you mean an external machine connecting to yoru postfix over SMTP and relaying?12:12
RickyB98client as in a mail client, could be thunderbird or anything12:13
RickyB98i'm using mac's default atm12:13
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matt_dupreducasse: I've been running ZFS without ECC for years and never noticed any problems.  I'm not really qualified to judge the risk vs non-ECCed mdadm / btrfs, but personally I wouldn't consider it a factor in deciding between them.12:22
ducassematt_dupre: OK, thanks. Is it a good choice for a small, home fileserver?12:23
matt_dupreducasse: I like it: I actually run on FreeBSD, but I hear ZFS on Linux has come on a long way.  I think the biggest weakness is that it can be tricky to add disks later on.12:37
ducassematt_dupre: I though one of it's strengths was that is was easy to expand by adding disks, but that might not be true for mirrors - I don't know.12:38
matt_dupre(For example, you can't add a disk to a RAIDZ, so you can't just buy an extra disk every couple of years.  Big upgrades (e.g. doubling capacity) are usually simpler.12:38
matt_dupreYeah, mirrors are easier12:38
ducassematt_dupre: that's what I will be doing. If I set up 2x3TB now I can expand with two new disks later, right?12:39
matt_dupreYeah, you can go from a RAID1 to a RAID1012:39
ducassematt_dupre: OK, thanks. I think I'll go with ZFS because there's a possibility I will move to either FreeBSD or FreeNAS later, and then I should be able to just export/import the pool, according to everything I've read... Besides, I'm not sure if btrfs is really a good alternative yet.12:41
matt_dupreYeah, as long as you take care to create the pool at the minimum version supported across everything.12:42
matt_dupreOther bit of creation-time advice is to try to get the right ashift (google it).  Your drives are probably 4k sectors internally, but report as being 512byte.12:44
ducassematt_dupre: I know about the ashift thing, all drives use 4K physical, 512 logical, so I'll use 12. Also I think FreeBSD is generally ahead of ZoL in what feature flags are supported, so that should be fine. Thanks a lot for your advice!12:51
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coreycbjamespage, I've been struggling for too long to get hypothesis test failures situated, so I'm going to drop hypothesis from python-cryptography for now.  It only affects one test function.13:14
jamespagecoreycb, okay13:14
wojtczakmy ubuntu server doesnt boot, I've installed it via debootstrap on lvm and raid. made sure to configure network, grub in chroot. now the server doesnt respond, back in rescue mode I don't see network interfaces in dmesg. I've tried adding ixgbe module to /etc/modules but this does not help. https://gist.github.com/sabcio/5a8dea26ecee26af5fa513:32
MACscrok, so im booting servers through pxe iscsi root and using the same initdrd.ig for all servers. The problem is that i need a unique /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi in initrd for each host. Any way to dynamically create it? ive seen ways to do it with sysconfig on a redhat based system, but no clue for ubuntu/deb13:46
Walex2wojtczak: you may have to add them to the 'initrd'13:48
MACscrWalex2: was that meant for me or was someone else talking about initrd before i got in here?13:48
wojtczakWalex2: thx, something to google about13:49
MACscrah, guess you were. lol13:49
coreycbjamespage, can you sponsor my changes for xenial?  https://git.launchpad.net/~corey.bryant/ubuntu/+source/python-cryptography/14:20
coreycbjamespage, it builds successfully14:21
smosermagicalChicken, rharper i tried to write some of the things i think are next on the list for curtin at15:00
smoser https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/curtin-work-20151215:00
magicalChickensmoser: Nice15:01
magicalChickensmoser: I had started doing some work on separating logic between block and block meta last night15:01
magicalChickensmoser: https://code.launchpad.net/~wesley-wiedenmeier/curtin/partitioning-cleanup15:02
coreycbzul, can you sponsor this for xenial?  https://git.launchpad.net/~corey.bryant/ubuntu/+source/python-cryptography/15:09
zulcoreycb: yeah lemme finish what im doing first15:10
coreycbzul, sponsoring it15:10
coreycbzul, I dropped hypothesis from python-cryptography for now because it's tests don't run and I've had trouble getting them running successfully.  It only affects one test function for python-cryptography.15:11
smosermagicalChicken, why 'extra_init' ?15:11
magicalChickensmoser: Ah, yeah, I know that's a little ugly15:12
magicalChickensmoser: The idea was that the BlockDevice class could be the parent of Disk as well as Partition15:12
smoserwell, i agree with that.15:12
magicalChickensmoser: And possibly the virtual filesystem layers as well, and I wanted to keep as much common functionality in the super class as possible15:12
smoserbut super() is the typical way of doing that. no?15:13
magicalChickensmoser: Yeah, I guess that would probably be better, it's probably not great to try to just have one __init__15:13
smoserand then generally, when you're doing something.. unless you have a reason to merge with a branch from somewhere other than trunk, you should avoid that.15:15
smoserto just keep a branch doing 1 thing.15:15
magicalChickensmoser: Yeah that makes sense15:15
magicalChickensmoser: I was thinking I could add a Disk.wipe() function that could call the block.wipe_volume function15:16
magicalChickensmoser: But yeah, it would probably have been better to wait to merge that15:16
smoserthe other htig is that we have 2 types of block devices. one that is "to be done" and one that is existing now.15:17
magicalChickensmoser: yeah, that makes sense15:18
smoserBlockDevice(config={'id': 'abc', 'type': xx}15:18
magicalChickensmoser: This code should handle that okay though I think15:18
magicalChickensmoser: You can create a disk based on the path it already has15:18
magicalChickensmoser: maybe a function to determine the difference between a config and what exists would be good15:19
zulcoreycb: done15:19
smosermagicalChicken, right. essentially a factory15:21
rharpersmoser: reading15:22
magicalChickensmoser: I was also thinking instead of going through config elements one at a time we could unflatten the config into a hirearchy of BlockDevice instances15:23
magicalChickensmoser: And apply the config from the top down15:23
smoseri think that is generally necessary, yes15:23
magicalChickensmoser: That should be faster, because we could create all the partitions in one go and keep track of state on everything15:24
rharperif we have the order, it'15:24
rharperit's also possible to run some of those in parallel15:24
rharperno reason I can create a partition on 5 different devices at the same time either (though that's performance enhancement for later)15:25
smoseri didnt realize we were creating each partition individually.15:25
magicalChickenrharper: yeah, that would be pretty nice15:25
smoseryeah, ./split-disk.py /dev/vdb 3215:25
smoseris taking a while :)15:25
coreycbzul, thanks, appreciate it15:25
magicalChickensmoser: Yeah, the way the partitions are made right now is kinda slow...15:25
smoserrharper, i'm not opposed to parallel. but i'm not happy with the predictability of the whole system as it is . i dont feel a strong need to add more to races to it. :)15:26
rharpersmoser: magicalChicken, also, I think we need to look again at the udevadm settle bits, there are some extra flags like the --exit-if-exits=/path/to/file/15:26
rharpersmoser: for sure; I'm highlighting some opportunity once we switch away from in-order handling15:27
magicalChickenrharper: yeah, that would definitely help the current devsync fix15:27
magicalChickenrharper: also, refactoring like this would mean that we could keep track of whether or not we've synced with udev for each device15:28
nat0Is there any debian-installer instruction that can be passed thru a preseed file to tell anna-installer not to check for upgrade paths on the repo mirror?15:38
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nat0It's truly bizarre how this is only a problem when deploying new ubuntu machines and not vanilla debian ones...15:43
smosernat0, sorry, cant help.15:45
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smoserrharper, magicalChicken so, i never recognized this before16:23
smoserbut there is a device node availability limitation that means more than 16 partitions is odd.16:24
smoserie, /dev/vda16 wont get created nor will /sys/class/block/vda16 exist16:24
rharperyeah, the minor number space right ?16:24
rharperyeah, hence lvm16:24
magicalChickenwow, I didn't know that16:24
magicalChickenso should we check if the partitioning config has more than 16 parts on a disk?16:25
magicalChickenor is that something that we should trust the config generator to do?16:25
patdk-wkwould be more than lvm, should apply to all block devices16:26
patdk-wksuch as putting >16 partitions into a gpt disk16:26
smoserhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/14029368/ <-- some info on it.16:28
smoserpatdk-wk, right. thats just what i did ^. i put 20 partitions on a gpt disk, and only 15 of the partitions have block devices.16:28
rharperpatdk-wk: lvm and devicemapper can work around it by allowing new device node space to map to other parts of the disk16:29
patdk-wkoh, he meant lvm as a solution :)16:29
rharperthat's why I mentioned lvm16:29
* patdk-wk doesn't like lvm16:29
RoyKpatdk-wk: why not?16:29
patdk-wkit goes ontop of the devicemapper stack16:30
patdk-wkand I have noticed nothing but write latency issues when I use that16:30
RoyKso what if it works?16:30
patdk-wkit seems to buffer my writes for a few seconds16:30
patdk-wkcausing horrible issues on some of my servers, and on my workstation16:30
patdk-wkremove lvm/devicemapper, no more random stalls while it writes16:30
RoyKpatdk-wk: then something is probably bad somewhere else - I'm using it on 150 servers and it works well for me ;)16:30
patdk-wkheh? you should know that is not the definition of *it works*16:31
patdk-wkthe ONLY change, was to remove lvm16:31
patdk-wkand the problems went away16:31
patdk-wkno hardware changes16:31
patdk-wknothing else16:31
smoserinteresting, even if you worked around this limitation by having dm magically create device nodes named /dev/vdb16 that did what it *should* do it wouldnt appear the same in /sys/class/block as /dev/vdb15 does . the reader would have to know about dm to understand it.16:32
patdk-wkhad the issue here on ubuntu 10.04/12.04, and on rhel516:32
RoyKpatdk-wk: I've never seen 2-3secs latency16:32
patdk-wkroyk, there are kernel settings for it16:32
RoyKpatdk-wk: what sorts?16:32
patdk-wkthey might have changed, I had adjust them, but never could find ones that seemed to work better16:32
RoyKpatdk-wk: got any docs on this?16:33
patdk-wkback when I cared to fix this issue, I did :)16:33
patdk-wkbut been a few years16:33
RoyKpatdk-wk: it just seems strange, after all, centos/rhel has been shipping with lvm by default for years16:33
patdk-wkyes, and I was having all kinds of issues on a very busy webserver16:34
patdk-wkremoved that lvm from it, issues went away16:34
patdk-wkbut it seemed to me, if I remember write, it was getting buffered twice into the write buffer or something like that16:36
patdk-wkadjust vm.dirty_writeback_centisecs would help to a point16:36
patdk-wkheh, cannot remember the right things16:38
patdk-wkbut I had the isuse on several different machines, the result was always the same, it would feel like the machine just froze up for several seconds, while it dumped a bunch of writes to disk, then go back to normal16:38
patdk-wkand only happened with using devicemapper16:39
smoser https://bugs.launchpad.net/curtin/+bug/1526437 <-- magicalChicken rharper16:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1526437 in curtin "should refuse to partition disk with more than 15 partitions" [Low,Confirmed]16:50
magicalChickensmoser: Makes sense16:51
magicalChickensmoser: I can add a check for that in partition_handler sometime today16:51
smosermagicalChicken, give yourself a name at $ sudo /tmp/even-partition /dev/vdb 2016:55
smosersize=40960M numparts=20 partitions_of=2047M label=gpt dev=/dev/vdb16:55
smosercurstart=2048 curend=4194304 part=016:55
smosercurstart=4194304 curend=8386560 part=116:55
smosercurstart=8386560 curend=12578816 part=216:55
smosercurstart=12578816 curend=16771072 part=316:55
smosercurstart=16771072 curend=20963328 part=416:55
smosercurstart=20963328 curend=25155584 part=516:55
smosercurstart=25155584 curend=29347840 part=616:55
smosercurstart=29347840 curend=33540096 part=716:55
smosercurstart=33540096 curend=37732352 part=816:55
smosercurstart=37732352 curend=41924608 part=916:55
smosercurstart=41924608 curend=46116864 part=1016:55
smosercurstart=46116864 curend=50309120 part=1116:55
smosercurstart=50309120 curend=54501376 part=1216:55
smosercurstart=54501376 curend=58693632 part=1316:55
smosercurstart=58693632 curend=62885888 part=1416:55
smosercurstart=62885888 curend=67078144 part=1516:55
smosercurstart=67078144 curend=71270400 part=1616:55
smosercurstart=71270400 curend=75462656 part=1716:55
smosercurstart=75462656 curend=79654912 part=1816:55
smosercurstart=79654912 curend=83884032 part=1916:55
smosercreated 20 partitions on /dev/vdb16:56
smoser$ ls -l /sys/class/block/vdb* -d16:56
smoserlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Dec 10 18:58 /sys/class/block/vdb -> ../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:04.0/virtio2/block/vdb16:56
smoserlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Dec 15 16:25 /sys/class/block/vdb1 -> ../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:04.0/virtio2/block/vdb/vdb116:56
smoserlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Dec 15 16:25 /sys/class/block/vdb10 -> ../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:04.0/virtio2/block/vdb/vdb1016:56
smoserlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Dec 15 16:25 /sys/class/block/vdb11 -> ../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:04.0/virtio2/block/vdb/vdb1116:56
smoserlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Dec 15 16:25 /sys/class/block/vdb12 -> ../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:04.0/virtio2/block/vdb/vdb1216:56
smoserlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Dec 15 16:25 /sys/class/block/vdb13 -> ../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:04.0/virtio2/block/vdb/vdb1316:56
smoserlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Dec 15 16:25 /sys/class/block/vdb14 -> ../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:04.0/virtio2/block/vdb/vdb1416:56
smoserlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Dec 15 16:25 /sys/class/block/vdb15 -> ../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:04.0/virtio2/block/vdb/vdb1516:56
smoserlrwxrwxrwx 1 r16:56
rharpermagicalChicken: I'd wait until we're building the config hierarchy, we'll instantly know then (rather than just checking if the current partition exceeds the limit)16:56
smoseroh crap16:56
smosershame on smoser16:56
magicalChickenrharper: Yeah, that makes sense16:56
magicalChickensmoser: lol16:56
smosermagicalChicken, so i think the first thing to do is to get "create a set of tests that run multiple storage configs serially"16:58
magicalChickensmoser: Yeah, that makes sense16:58
smoserwith minimal cleanup or improvement involved16:58
magicalChickensmoser: Maybe the best thing to do would be to just write a script to do multiple installs in a vm and communicate with it via http or something16:59
smoserand then we will heavily rely on those tests to ensure that otherthings are working well.16:59
smoseri think we specifically want to shortcut 'install'16:59
rharpersmoser: we also talked about running multiple curtin install commands17:00
magicalChickenyeah, 90% of the time is spent doing extract/curthooks right now17:00
rharperit could be a payload of configs, and running curtin install on each one in sequence17:00
smoserrharper, testing suport for how subiquity calls curtin is important. i'll agree with that.17:02
magicalChickenI think that one platform could be used for both goals though17:02
smoseri just want to test storage config specifically.17:02
magicalChickenwe just need a way to start a vm, then from a test script pass in configs to partition or configs to install17:02
smoseri'm not opposed at all to running 'nosetests tests/vm-storage-tests/' inside a vm17:04
magicalChickenyeah, that would work pretty well17:04
magicalChickenand we could just have a data partition like with vmtests where it could write it's results as it runs17:04
tewardanyone willing to sanity-check the nginx merge debdiff for me, out of curiosity?  Hate to ask, but as I've been working on this since 11:00 yesterday (with an 8 hour break overnight for sleep!)... it could use another check17:05
magicalChickenI can get started on that now, I can't really find any decent way to identify a disk to udev on Trusty17:06
smoserteward, if you pastebinit, i can say "that looks too long for me to review right now".  ie, i can take a very cursory look.17:07
tewardsmoser: would an uploaded-to-launchpad link work?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nginx/+bug/1510096/+attachment/4535172/+files/nginx-merge_debian-vs-ubuntu_nginx_1.9.6-2_1.9.6-2ubuntu1.debdiff17:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1510096 in nginx (Ubuntu) "Please merge 1.9.6-2 (main) from Debian Unstable (main)" [Wishlist,In progress]17:07
tewardSILENCE, bug bot >.<17:07
smosermagicalChicken, lets try to separate out the copying of results somewhere from the running of the tests.17:08
smoserand even separate the tests by number of disks required or something.17:08
tewardsmoser: it *should* be fine, the larger merge debdiff from 1.9.3 -> 1.9.6 aincluded is on the bug17:08
magicalChickensure, okay17:08
teward(but that debdiff there compares Debian to the merge itself, to see what's actually changed there)17:08
smoseras ideally i'd like to be able to launch a vm somewhere, and then just type: nosetests tests/vm-storage-config17:09
smoserand skipIf@ the ones that aren't going to run for me.17:09
smoserteward, i was afraid you were going ot say 'merge' :)17:09
tewardsmoser: it is a merge :)17:09
smoseralways so hard to do that.17:10
tewardsmoser: i've got both debdiffs present, force of habit17:10
tewardit builds.  it runs.  it IDs as the updated software.17:10
tewardand because Sec team mandates it, HTTP/2 is disabled17:10
tewardthe headache is it expands the delta17:10
smoserhave you looked at all at rbasak's process for merges ? its really good. separating out the 'logical ubuntu delta' into a set of patches.17:10
tewardyeah i have, except I've never been able to get a handle on his process...17:11
tewardand the 'logical ubuntu delta' is the one i did link here17:11
teward(all the stuff from the previous merges included, plus additional *new* mandates from the sec team)17:11
teward(i.e. the Ubuntu branding, ubuntu-core added, the apport hooks we had to add for Wily+...17:12
tewardi should probably put this down for a day and relax :/17:12
tewardi can wait for rbasak to once-over it17:12
tewardthough i can easily upload direct :P17:12
smoserteward, you seem to have done a careful job, but i think i dont have time to review at the moment.17:16
smosermagicalChicken, do you have a reason taht you have used 'partprobe' rather than 'blockdev --rereadpt' ?17:23
magicalChickensmoser: not really, I assumed they did the same thing pretty much17:25
magicalChickensmoser: I know partprobe triggers the udev events for creating the block device17:25
smoseryeah. they are definitely different. and partprobe is smarter i think.  watch 'udevadm monitor' and run each. partprobe generates a lot more interaction.17:29
smoseri think the difference is that partprobe is actually reading the partition table itself, and telling the kernel about it. where rrpart is just telling the kernel "hey, reread the table there".17:29
magicalChickensmoser: that makes sense17:30
magicalChickensmoser: I guess we don't actually need to read the table ourselves then17:30
magicalChickensmoser: I think once we stop doing everything in steps and write the whole partition table in one go then we won't really need to do that anymore17:31
smosermagicalChicken, well just suspect we dont need to do it now.17:33
magicalChicken*that's probably true17:34
smoserwell said17:34
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smosermagicalChicken, one other thing 'll add to thath pad.19:42
smosernicder subprocess execution output log19:43
magicalChickensmoser, yeah that would be nice to do19:44
magicalChickensmoser, we don't need to show all stdout when curtin fails, we could always write stdout to a tmp file, but including it in the logs takes up a lot of space19:48
smoseri think we want it in the log. i dont care about space. i just want to easily see the error.19:49
magicalChickenokay, yeah. it shouldn't take too much work to get it to print with proper formatting19:50
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