
ubuntouristAnd... back00:02
frecelis there a ppa with plasma 5.5.1 for 15.10?00:20
frecelI checked the CI packages and they seem to all be older00:21
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valoriefrecel: no, not yet00:40
valorieour packager that was working on that had a death in the family00:40
frecelvalorie: do you know if someone is working on that?00:40
valoriethat set us back a bit00:41
valorieyes, sgclark was working/is working on it00:41
valoriewe're lacking packaging help atm00:41
frecelvalorie: well then I will check sid, if there is a package there I will try to build it and submit it to backports00:48
frecelbuild it for ubuntu*00:48
valoriefrecel: please check with the packagers in #kubuntu-devel00:52
frecelvalorie: alright, thanks00:53
valoriewe're in the midst of Debian merges now00:53
valorienot many about right now, so you may want to write to kubuntu-devel list instead/too00:53
* valorie goes off to dinner00:53
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anabainis autofs broken in 15.10?02:21
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mrigtrishna has anyone tried hidpi monitor with normal 1920x1080 monitors? Best link I could find was https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/HiDPI#External_displays... but the KDE section is needs updates.02:27
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hydn_Hi @all07:14
hydn_very quick question. An easy one I hope.07:15
valorieask away, and we'll see!07:15
hydn_I'm an Arch user and they dropped support for KDE4. I tested Kubuntu 14.04 and love it. Will KDE4 be supported on 14.04 LTS at least till 2019?07:16
hydn_Or losing support also?07:16
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades07:16
hydn_Was that a robot?07:17
valorieI believe that releases link shows the support windows as well07:17
valorieubottu is a bot, yes07:17
ubottuvalorie: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:17
hydn_support windows for what? Kubuntu (i know is 2019). Was asking specifically about KDE4 support?07:18
valorie7 years as I recall07:18
valorieit will never be Plasma 507:18
valoriesupport after awhile is merely security though07:18
hydn_ok I understand now. Sorry for basic question. I have always been using rolling distro07:18
valoriesame with KDE 4 at the KDE level07:19
valorieyeah, stable releases are necessary (usually) for servers at least07:19
hydn_yes only worried about security. The state of Linux DE depending on taste is in a bad state so I want to freeze with what I have... KDE4. Until there's even an ok alternative. (for my taste)07:20
hydn_hoping for XFCE 5 by 2019. :D07:20
hydn_Thanks again.07:21
valorieI love Plasma 5, but everybody's tastes and needs are different07:21
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lordievaderGood morning.08:52
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scorpixomy new installation  of kubuntu lts wont boot on my old pentium 3 some one know the problem maybe to heavy for my system´09:49
valoriescorpixo: did it run from the live media?09:50
SmurphyDon't think so. You sure you chose a 32Bit version ? Or was the pentium already a 64Bit CPU ?09:50
s_20Smurphy: it wasn't09:50
valorieheck, I got 15.10 to run on my 6-year-old netbook, an atom09:50
valorieit was fine09:50
scorpixodidnt try it no 32 bit09:51
s_20scorpixo: just a wild guess here, but maybe something requires SSE* extensions that the P3 did not have yet09:51
s_20valorie: 6 years and 11/12 years is quit ea big difference :)09:51
scorpixosse whats that09:51
valoriebut atom is seriously underpowered09:51
valoriescorpixo: I ask again if it ran from the live media09:51
s_20that might be the case, but it all boils down to "does the CPU support the instructions my software needs to run"09:51
hateballiirc the 32-bit kernels require PAE support09:52
valorieyou can try that now if you want09:52
scorpixoi didnt try it on live media i shuuld09:52
hateballIf it is the PAE error, see http://askubuntu.com/questions/117744/how-can-i-install-on-a-non-pae-cpu-error-kernel-requires-features-not-present09:53
hateballBut it should tell you if so09:53
valories_20: also, scorpixo said the LTS, which is a year old now09:53
s_20valorie: still.. that CPU is 15 years old, in a few weeks its old enough to drive in the US09:53
SmurphyOk. then it's clear. You need to use a different kernel. PAE extension is to access more memory than physically available on 32Bit hardware, beyond 4GB.09:54
s_20even *if* that will run, it'll be unusable09:54
SmurphyI have had the same issue on my Asus netbook with 4GB Ram. Had to provide a boot option withb nopae or similar.09:54
s_20i'm not saying it's impossible to use it, but something more lightweight than (k)ubuntu is probably a good idea09:55
SmurphyAnd - I am still using Ubuntu 12.xxx LTS on that one.09:55
scorpixothat what i tought to heavy firt time i get the prob and im used to install09:56
scorpixoif i install an older version would it help09:59
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is a currently-supported !LTS release of Ubuntu.  Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/120410:01
lordievaderOr you go with the Lubuntu Precise release, I believe that still had a non-PAE kernel.10:02
lordievaderOr, ofcourse, you grab some new hardware ;)10:02
scorpixotanks 4 the tip ill try that lubuntu good thing10:03
valoriefrom what I hear, plasma 5 is "lighter" than KDE4 was10:08
valoriebut everybody has a different definition of light and heavy10:08
Smurphyyes. Using it on a rocket, so I don't really care :)10:09
SmurphyOh - no, it is stil plasma 5.4 ...10:09
lordievaderAnything is heavy on  P3.10:10
Smurphylordievader: Nope. fvwm2 was not :)10:10
SmurphyAnyone has a link on how to integrated the plasma 5.5 ppa into kubuntu 15.10 ???10:11
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sadhenjoin #kubuntu-offtopic10:40
Smurphywhy that ?10:41
* sadhen ^_^ prepend / for last message10:44
Smurphylol :}10:45
* sadhen want to advertise https://github.com/sadhen/marketo in #kubuntu-offtopic10:47
sadhenscreenshots: http://home.ustc.edu.cn/%7Esadhen/markpado1.png10:48
sadhenwonder if you are interested10:48
Smurphywhat would that be ?10:49
sadhena KF5 markdown editor and note taker10:49
Smurphyah, nice. Some people may like it :}10:50
SmurphyUsing emacs still (for 25 years now) :}10:51
sadhenorg-mode ??10:51
Smurphyterminal mode.10:54
ultyjust updated firefox to version 43.0 and youtube vids are nolonger playing (kubuntu 14.04)11:06
Smurphylol... Must be some new security features. Bet flash is not signed yet, hence disabled.11:09
Smurphyfirefox 43 "requires" every plugin to be signed.11:09
OpenSorceulty, have you tried changing your youtube account settings to play html5?11:09
ultyI don't have flash installed, the youtube/html5 page lists alls options as supported11:10
ultyI did change some media things in FF42 to get it to play 1080@60fps, mabe thats whats causing it11:13
OpenSorceKubuntu uses PulseAudio by default, right?11:37
YossarianukOpenSorce: yes11:38
OpenSorceI'm trying to pipe sound from one sound device's line in port to another device's output. Jackd will do it but at the cost of muting everything else. Will PA do this natively?11:39
BluesKajHiyas all11:40
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hateballOpenSorce: I think you can do it using pavucontrol11:44
hateballwith a gui, that is11:44
BluesKajhe's crossposting11:45
OpenSorcehateball, yeah vandenoever was helping me out with it in #kde11:46
OpenSorcenever hurts to ask in more than one place :-)11:47
BluesKajit sounds logical, but it's also froened upon11:47
BluesKajfrowned even11:48
OpenSorceBluesKaj, to be fair I did wait a few minutes before taking the question to the other channel11:53
OpenSorceI started by asking in #pulseaudio then here then #kde11:54
hateballAsking is one thing, it's people juggling answers in multiple channels that are annoying11:56
Yossarianuki don't understand why cross posting is bad so long as the person posts the solution they get from the other room also (that way knowledge spreads..)11:56
Yossarianuki personally generally don't do it myself.11:57
ubottuPlease don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.11:57
hateballBecause if person 1 says "try this" and then person requesting help has already tried something from person 2, then the situation has already changed11:57
hateballit's just... not good11:57
hateballAnyhow, seems OpenSorce got the answer he was looking for without annoying anyone in the process :p11:58
OpenSorcehateball, :-)11:58
OpenSorceto be fair, hateball, you were right. pavucontrol was the answer. Also, I didn't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. :-)11:59
Yossarianukall fair points... One issue maybe the user doesn't fully understand where his issue arises - i.e is the issue a generic KDE one or specific to the distro, etc11:59
OpenSorceYossarianuk, or in my case I thought the solution was with PulseAudio, thus I went to channels where people might know something about that one at a time.12:00
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eluusSmurphy: you there?16:09
eluusremember the problem I had with the video performance?16:10
eluusI get this error during boot maybe this is related: [drm:intel_pipe_config_compare [i915]] *ERROR* mismatch in ips_enabled (expected 1, found 0)16:10
eluuswhat do you think about it?16:10
Smurphythat could well be an issue. Yes.16:12
SmurphyWhich kernel do you run ?16:12
SmurphyBut, I have the following errors16:13
Smurphy[Tue Dec 15 09:04:40 2015] [drm:intel_set_pch_fifo_underrun_reporting [i915]] *ERROR* uncleared pch fifo underrun on pch transcoder A16:13
Smurphy[Tue Dec 15 09:04:40 2015] [drm:intel_pch_fifo_underrun_irq_handler [i915]] *ERROR* PCH transcoder A FIFO underrun16:13
SmurphyDifferent ones :}16:13
eluusLinux version 4.2.0-18-generic (buildd@lgw01-38) (gcc version 5.2.1 20151010 (Ubuntu 5.2.1-22ubuntu2) ) #22-Ubuntu SMP Fri Nov 6 18:25:50 UTC 201516:16
eluusThere are other people who had the same error with this kernel16:16
eluusone who also has a lenovo reports his error went away after upgrading it to 4.316:17
eluusI have no idea how to update kernel16:17
eluusI hope it updates itself soon16:18
BluesKajeluus, to upgrade to a default if it's notr already installed run sudo apt dist-upgrade, but do a regular update and upgrade for your packages first16:19
Smurphyeluus: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade16:19
BluesKajeluus, to a default kernal , that is.16:19
Smurphyshould upgrade it to the last verison 4.2.0-19816:19
BluesKajlernel even16:19
Smurphy4.2.0-19 ...16:19
eluusI had a NO_PUBKEY error during apt-get update16:20
* BluesKaj searches for his glasses16:20
Smurphyeluus: prolly some non registered repositories.16:20
eluuswhat should I do/16:20
Smurphysudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade16:20
eluusis there an easy way to upgrade to 4.3?16:21
Smurphy4.3 ? Eventuallym using backports.16:22
SmurphyBut that is not an easy way, and can make your system unusable.16:22
eluusI'll just wait then16:23
eluushope this update to 4.2.0-19 fixes it16:23
eluusdidn't fix16:31
BluesKajeluus, dkms installed?16:36
FrancisBaconI can't get Kubuntu to print text on my Canon Pixma MP160 scanner/printer17:19
FrancisBacon I"m running Kubuntu 14.04.3 on a live CD and my scanner-printer is working, but every time I try to print any text, the paper feeder just pushes out the paper without even trying to type anything17:20
FrancisBaconI installed the drivers successfully, so everything else seems to work17:21
FrancisBaconI can even scan images from the MP160's flatbed scanner17:21
FrancisBaconBut I can't print any text, and I just recently put in new black ink17:22
FrancisBaconIt was printing ok with Windows and with Linux Mint, but not with Kubuntu17:22
FrancisBaconDo you have any solutions?17:22
malhaarhello, can anyone please tell me is there any way I can set the wallpaper as desktop background by right clickin on the image?17:57
soee_i dont think so, not in Plasma 517:57
malhaarso, folder view settings > wallpaper is the only way we can add wallpaers? and that too one at a time?17:58
mrigtrishnaFrancisBacon - you can sending text directly to printer's 9100 socket18:43
mrigtrishnaSelect Add Printer > Manual URI > Connection: socket://<ip_of_your_printer>:910018:46
tweety5is it possible to test drive a kubuntu iso by just mounting it in Windows?20:03
zaggynlHi, anyone know how to get numerical keypad to work? it doesn't appear to register keypresses20:11
zaggynl..and for some reason it works if I boot up a VM with ubuntu20:11
zaggynlOh right, I used a workaround for this bug: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=18345820:18
ubottuKDE bug 183458 in shortcuts "Numpad (keypad) keys not mapped correctly when setting Global Shortcuts" [Normal,Confirmed]20:18
zaggynlReported: 2009-02-0620:18
zaggynloh man20:18
RoadRunnerI can mount kubuntu-15.10-desktop-amd64.iso in WinXP and can look into its dir's but don't know how to make it "start" or if that's possible...20:31
BluesKajRoadRunner, you can't :-)20:36
RoadRunnerI intalled ubuntu to test it and buggered up some settings.  Now I can neither boot into it from the hd nor boot into kubuntu from my usb live booter (which works on another box).  So if I am to del the ubuntu partition, will its entry in Grub multibooer also disapear?20:41
BluesKajRoadRunner, why not try boot-repair, it can most likely fix your grub problem20:45
RoadRunnerBluesKaj: so then the sequence of action would be, kill ubuntu partition, then run grub's boot repair to remove ubuntu's entry and then try to boot kubuntu from its live usb?20:48
BluesKaj RoadRunner, what OSs do you ahve on the hdd first of all and do you want to replace ubuntu with kubuntu?20:51
FinetundarWait, why not just install the kubuntu-desktop package?20:52
FinetundarAnd remove unity and whatever else is disliked20:52
RoadRunnergot WinXP and ubuntu now and I would like to either fix the ubuntu boot first or remove it and first try out kubuntu before installing it20:52
FinetundarOr is the install just broken?20:52
Finetundaruh, BluesKaj correct me if I'm wrong, couldn't you just install kubuntu and let it overwrite the grub settings? or will that cause problems?20:54
FinetundarSorry if I'm causing confusion20:55
RoadRunnerFinetundar: under ubuntu, I changed monitor settings and turned off "quiet boot".  That made the task bar unreachable for me and when I tried to reboot, the booting doesn't start x, just gets to login and fails at the password stage20:56
Finetundarok, ok. Now we're getting somewhere20:57
RoadRunnerwhen I try to boot into a kubuntu live usb now (on that box), the boot fails reporting a "boot error"20:57
BluesKajok with XP then there no UEFI problems to deal with , that's why I asked what he had installed, Finetundar , but now it's just a straightforward overwrite  in his case20:57
Finetundarcan you boot it up? without the live20:57
RoadRunnerFinetundar: read above :)20:59
FinetundarBluesKaj: well, it sounds like we can fix the problem without installing a new OS,unless, RoadRunner you do wish to replace ubuntu completly20:59
FinetundarRoadRunner: I can't scroll back too far, I just logged in a second ago20:59
RoadRunnerFinetundar: under ubuntu, I changed monitor settings and turned off "quiet boot".  That made the task bar unreachable for me and when I tried to reboot, the booting doesn't start x, just gets to login and fails at the password stage21:00
RoadRunnerthe ubuntu partition has nothing of value to me - it was just a tester; so I'll do what ever is easier21:00
BluesKajRoadRunner, then just delete the ubuntu partition and reformat it to ext4 then install kubuntu, it will also reinstall grub21:02
FinetundarBeat me to it21:02
RoadRunnerok, sounds good21:03
RoadRunnernow, another q21:03
RoadRunneryou can "throw" a file manager window at the edge of the screen and have it resize automatically to occupy 1/2 the screen.  Is that a feature of Unity or of Compiz specifically?21:03
RoadRunnerand is the same functionality available with kubuntu's desktop?21:04
FinetundarRoadRunner: what version are you gonna install?21:04
RoadRunnerI was going with kubuntu-15.10-desktop-amd64.iso21:05
BluesKajRoadRunner, never tried that with kubuntu kwin, not sure if that's available, but kubuntu's virtual desk tops and pager are superior to ubuntu's version21:06
RoadRunnerwaiting :)21:06
FinetundarI'm checking21:06
RoadRunnerso is that functionality dictated by a windows manager (compiz/KWin)?21:07
FinetundarRoadRunner: after a breif look, it looks like windows wpill act more like they do in Microsucks Winblows  8/721:10
BluesKajit might be an option in system settings under desktop behaviour called desktop effects, but I'm sure if you research it21:10
BluesKajyou'll find somethin suitable21:11
RoadRunnerFinetundar: I know that under "Winblows7" it is done by default :)21:13
RoadRunnerBluesKaj: I am just trying to undrstand if that feature is accomplished at the level of a windows manager or above it at the desktop level?21:14
FinetundarYeah, it'll act more like that by default21:14
RoadRunnerFinetundar: "Yeah, it'll act more like that by default" in Kubuntu?21:15
Finetundaryeah, well at least with 15.1021:16
FinetundarNot sure if it does that with KDE 4 on 14.04, I'd have to reattach that hard drive21:16
RoadRunnerI guess I'll have to dig through settings to be sure21:18
BluesKajRoadRunner, we don't use a windows manager exactly like compiz, kwin is an accomplished window manager with many options available , but I'm not sure if that includes what you mean by desktop level21:19
RoadRunnerthis ties into my next question re: file managers.  I am after maximum configurability with 4 vert. pannel split views.  For those who used them, can Krusader be superior to Konqueror in some tasks?21:22
BluesKajRoadRunner, the default file manager is dolphin in kubuntu since kde4/plasma4 , we're now on plasma 521:29
RoadRunnerI tried dolphin, its less configurable than the ones I mentioned21:29
BluesKajRoadRunner, you'll need to research dolphin as well , it's much more configurable than you think21:31
BluesKajanyway , it's ben a long day here, time to close up shop ...take care21:32
RandomNoobguys is for plasma 5 really good themes?21:32
RoadRunnerthanks for the help thus far; but I did research dolphin and it cannot do 4 vert pannels21:33
FinetundarBut can dolphin not do tabs?21:35
RandomNoobhello guys. Im trying to create live usb with linux mint on kubuntu.  im using unetbootin. after rebook and trynig to boot from usb im getting error with "missing operating system"21:37
RoadRunneris there perhaps a more specific channel for discussions on packages someone could recomend?21:40
keithzgFinetundar: Dolphin does tabs just fine, but if you want 4 panels shown simultaneously (which quickly reading the backlog seems like what RoadRunner was after) you're kindof out of luck. Of course you can always just open two dolphin windows and have each split ;)22:34
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