
=== timchen1` is now known as timchen119
pittiGood morning05:28
didrocksgood morning!06:09
pittibonjour didrocks !06:09
didrockshey pitti, how are you?06:10
seb128hey desktopers didrocks pitti06:11
didrocksre seb12806:11
tjaaltonseb128: hey, did you file a bug about the touchpad scrolling with -libinput?06:14
pittibonjour seb128, tu es tôt !06:15
pittididrocks: très bien, merci ! et toi ?06:15
pittiseb128: "le monde appartient a ceux qui se lèvent tôt" :) (je peux practiquer mon français..)06:16
didrockspitti:  ça va bien :-)06:16
didrockspitti: tu pars quand en vacances ? Fin de semaine ?06:16
pittididrocks: oui, on va à Dresden dimanche06:16
pittiJe vais commencer le travail 4 janvier06:17
didrocksprofitez bien :-)06:17
pittididrocks: et toi, les mêmes dates ?06:17
didrockspitti: non, le 24 pour moi06:17
didrockset je reviens le 406:17
didrocks(il me restera 5 jours à utiliser en début d'année prochaine)06:17
pittioui, moi aussi -- en fait, 6.506:18
didrockswaow ;)06:18
seb128tjaalton, oh, no, what was the command again?06:21
seb128pitti, oui, c'est tôt mais à cause de mon rhume06:22
seb128je me suis réveillé et je toussais06:22
pittiseb128: erk, get well soon then!06:22
seb128I'm much better thanks06:22
duflutjaalton: Oooh, do we have new touchpad functionality if you enable libinput in X?06:22
seb128just accumulation during the night and mornings still a bit annoying06:22
* duflu gets interested having dove into libinput with Mir06:24
tjaaltonseb128: touchpad-edge-detector from libevdev-tools06:25
seb128tjaalton, I need to install the -libinput driver and restart session?06:25
tjaaltonduflu: well, it should be somewhat better than with synaptics06:25
tjaaltonseb128: yup06:25
duflutjaalton: Smooth scrolling (real smooth scrolling using the touchpad coords) is a dream...06:26
dufluErm, wait. GTK already has that. It's only the web browsers to catch up06:26
* duflu rephrases that; real smooth scrolling in a web browser in Ubuntu would be excellent06:27
RAOF-fuse-ld=gold, you're my only friend.06:30
RAOFWhy isn't that default yet? ☺06:30
seb128tjaalton, "Error: this device does not have abs axes"06:32
seb128tjaalton, ?06:44
tjaaltonhmm, dunno about that06:52
seb128that was the command you recommended using right?06:53
seb128$ sudo touchpad-edge-detector /dev/input/event006:53
tjaaltonevent0 is the touchpad?06:54
seb128how do I know?06:56
seb128it's not06:58
seb128event7 according to Xorg log06:59
seb128tjaalton, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-libinput/+bug/152663307:01
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1526633 in xserver-xorg-input-libinput (Ubuntu) "edge scrolling not working correctly on latitude e6410" [Undecided,New]07:01
tjaaltonseb128: right, thanks07:11
seb128the values seem a bit random07:12
seb128I wonder if that depends of the unit07:13
seb128it seems a bit random to make udev rules from random laptops out there07:13
tjaaltondo the values change if you try it again?07:14
tjaaltonactually you should be able to run it from the console07:15
tjaaltonso doesn't need -libinput07:15
seb128I really insisted over the edges this time07:17
seb128Touchpad sends:x [70..1862], y [106..1308] -^C07:17
seb128but yeah, it changes a bit, another try insisting on the edges07:18
seb128Touchpad sends:x [87..1873], y [134..1308] -^C07:18
tjaaltonso it is a bit off07:18
tjaaltonI get the same as what kernel says07:19
tjaaltonon mine07:19
seb128exactly the same?07:23
seb128hey robert_ancell07:28
robert_ancellseb128, hello07:29
tjaaltonso I think rounding the values appropriately would probably make sense07:29
seb128robert_ancell, how are you?07:29
robert_ancellseb128, good07:29
tjaaltonseb128: add the touchpad dimensions there too07:29
tjaaltonin mm07:29
seb128robert_ancell, what are you doing around that late? ;-)07:29
seb128tjaalton, mesured with a ruler? ;-)07:29
robert_ancellseb128, working on gnome-software..07:29
seb128robert_ancell, how is that coming along?07:29
seb128out of being blocked on packagekit 107:29
robert_ancellseb128, I've got enough working to start proposing the review support upstream: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=75952707:30
ubot5Gnome bug 759527 in General "Add support for reviews" [Normal,New]07:30
seb128robert_ancell, somebody mentioned that upstream wanted to drop support for stars/rating?!07:30
robert_ancellseb128, yeah, Richard wants to now use them for GNOME / Fedora but they can still remain supported by plugins.07:31
robert_ancellI think he doesn't think the current data is good enough. I hope he'll change his mind when he sees how it works in Ubuntu with our review server07:32
robert_ancellHuman reviews are always going to be better than any algorithm.07:32
tjaaltonseb128: can't see another way :)07:34
seb128tjaalton, I was trying to find the specs, it's a latitude that should be standard07:39
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seb128tjaalton, do you know what's different in the current stack that scrolling works fine?08:04
tjaaltonwider margins I guess08:04
seb128do we already have hooks to make hardware work? if so could be translate those to the new system automatically?08:04
tjaaltonhardcoded in the synaptics driver or so08:04
tjaaltononly some jumpycursortresholds quirks08:05
didrocksflocculant: hey! FYI, I just uploaded a plymouth fix for your missing themes on any flavors' live when booted up in a vm :)08:05
didrocksso, starting from tomorrow, you should see your text splash screen :)08:06
flocculantdidrocks: if it builds ... it didn't yesterday, I think software-centre or something like that - but if it does I will be sure to check that and give you cookies :)08:07
didrocksflocculant: thanks! :-)08:08
flocculantdidrocks: given the ubuntu one just failed to build - I would guess I'll be seeing the same08:09
didrocksyeah, probably08:13
seb128tjaalton, btw our libinput is not uptodate, is that wanted?08:13
didrockshey Trevinho!08:14
Trevinhohi didrocks08:14
didrocksTrevinho: I have a start of a patch for you. Seems the guy was able to find his way through the code + updating the po himself08:14
didrocksTrevinho: he didn't find how to get the key from compiz though, mind giving him a hint (not the finale solution), It's hardcoded for now08:15
seb128hey Trevinho, how are you?08:15
Trevinhodidrocks: sorry for which bug?08:15
didrocksTrevinho: https://code.launchpad.net/~mcintire-evan/unity/add_screenshot_shortcut_hints/+merge/280671 when you get some time (please ping me once done so that I can pounce back in the google code in interface)08:15
Trevinhohi seb128, ok... you?08:15
seb128I'm good thanks08:15
Trevinhodidrocks: ah, ok fine :-)08:16
tjaaltonseb128: uploaded a new one to debian last week but didn't merge yet. now there's another update08:16
* Trevinho has big network issues since last night...08:16
seb128tjaalton, right08:16
Trevinhonothing loads :-(08:16
didrocksphew, back to green (still yellow of quite for latest release): https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/udtc-trusty-tests/2522/ !08:25
seb128Trevinho, offline hacking is the best! :-)08:37
seb128hey Laney!09:02
seb128how are you?09:03
seb128smeeling the holidays getting close? ;-)09:03
Laneyseb128: we're going out for carol singing tonight :-)09:04
didrocksmorning Laney!09:04
Laneyso yes I am excited!09:05
Laneyhey didrocks!09:05
Laneyhow are you both?09:05
didrocksI'm good, thanks, going to run in 20 minutes before it's getting too warm :-)09:06
Laneyyeah this is STUPID09:06
LaneyI was walking around outside in just t-shirt and jeans yesterday09:06
seb128Laney, doing good, almost over my cold09:07
didrocksyeah, it's crazy weather…09:08
Laneyseb128: you ready for a holiday?09:09
seb128not so much09:09
seb128didn't decide what video games to buy for the holidays yet!09:09
seb128I'm also pondering getting a ps4, my ps3 is overheating or something and freezing, which is become frustrating09:11
seb128but yeah, otherwise I think I'm ready :-)09:11
seb128some small items on my todolist things, moved the rest to next year09:11
* seb128 apt auto-remove a bunch of old unity scopes09:17
seb128thanks didrocks, seems things worked well :-)09:17
seb128no larsu today?09:40
seb128ah, I bet gym09:41
seb128larsu, do you plan to get your screenshot patch into 3.18? benjamin seems to be mostly fine with it from review comment but I'm unsure if it's master only work?09:42
Laneypumping iron09:42
larsupumping himself, more (not doing excercises on the machines)09:45
larsuguten morgen!09:45
Laneyseb128: can we get that software-center branch reviewed if it's going to fix all the iso build failures? :)09:46
Laneyhey larsu!!!!09:46
Laneywhat is up09:46
seb128hey larsu!09:46
larsuhey Laney and seb12809:46
larsunot much. went to the gym :)09:46
LaneyLEGS DAY09:47
* larsu feels better than yesterday, but still has a bit of a runny nose09:47
Laneyokay I've said the two gym phrases that I know now09:47
seb128Laney, I doubt mvo is going to have slots for that, I was going to ask dobey but unsure either ... do you feel like doing it? if not maybe didrocks can have a look when he's back from exercice, his python foo is good09:47
LaneyI just saw that you were asked to review09:48
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* Laney probably doesn't know the most ever09:48
larsuLaney: you know more than me ;)09:48
Laneyalthought it looks straight forward09:48
* Laney looks then09:50
seb128Laney, yeah, because I pointed out the issue on #ubuntu-devel yesterday ... I'm fine doing a review but my python is not the best, I don't know much about the future and stuff he decided to use09:51
Laneythose are "give me some python3 syntax on python 2"09:52
seb128Laney, to me it looks like the apt-xapian-index changes from barry are abi incompatibles09:58
seb128like updating that component shouldn't make other parts stop working09:58
seb128it feels like a workaround that now software-center needs to start using futurs09:58
seb128what about other rdepends?09:58
LaneyI would guess that he forgot about the plugin interface09:59
Laneybut in the archive only s-c uses that outside of a-x-i itself09:59
seb128if that's true I guess it's ok10:02
seb128no mvo10:15
* Laney test building10:17
Laneyfailed to load file /var/lib/apt-xapian-index/cataloged_times.p: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'10:19
Laneymaybe that is the minor unrelated bug10:20
* Laney upgrades10:20
Laneyseems to be10:22
* seb128 enables xenial-proposed10:25
seb128yeah, just wanting the new compiz10:26
seb128ok, I can remove gconf2 now, at the cost of evolution-indicator/pidgin/tomboy (not default)  libreoffice-gnome (going to be fixed with the next version) and aisleriot (it's ok)10:29
seb128but gconf-service is still an issue :-/10:29
seb128chromium nm-applet g-t10:29
seb128session restart with new compiz anyway10:31
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Laneyyay, neutralised that error10:48
seb128Trevinho, could you review https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/unity-lens-files/use-gee-0.8/+merge/280696 or who is looking after lenses?10:50
seb128Trevinho, also I would like to that with https://code.launchpad.net/~rtandy/unity-lens-files/bug1425714/+merge/251014 then10:52
seb128should I do it or would you prefer doing it/including with some unity landing?10:52
seb128Laney, thanks for handling the s-c issue11:08
Laneythere's quite a few outstanding s-c merge proposals11:16
LaneyI guess we sort of gave up on the vcs hey11:16
seb128no we didn't11:19
seb128but dobey said he would change s-c to be CI landing compatible11:19
seb128he's too busy for that apparently though...11:19
seb128if that's not done he could perhaps at least push the approved/uploaded ones to trunk11:20
seb128or add some of us to the team11:20
Laneyit's at ubuntu13 in the distro and there are plenty of proposed branches sitting there in various states11:24
didrockslast time I did a review on software-center, I got flammed by dobey11:24
didrocksso, not really willing to try again11:24
Laneyso something should change11:24
didrocks(even if the change was pending for *months*)11:24
Laneytrainifying it sounds like a decent idea11:25
seb128didrocks, was a while ago I guess?11:29
seb128dobey review/approved some 4-5 of my bugfixes branches before 15.1011:29
seb128and he said he would CI trainify the project so we can land it easily11:30
seb128I guess he just got too busy11:30
seb128he would probably accept a branch that does it if somebody want to do the work11:30
didrocksseb128: 2 months?11:31
seb128k, weird, dunno what happened on that one11:31
seb128as said I got a bunch of my fixes reviewed/approved11:31
didrocksyeah, I got flammed when I approved them myself11:32
didrocksas apparently "desktop team isn't upstream"11:32
didrocksnot the other way around :)11:32
seb128fair enough11:32
seb128well either there is an active upstream who merge our stuff11:32
didrocksI can implement a fix if you need11:32
seb128or we can become upstream ;-)11:32
didrocksI thought you wanted me to review it? which is what I'm objecting :p11:33
didrocks(due to this)11:33
seb128didrocks, oh ok, sorry I should have unpinged, Laney did it11:33
didrocksah ok :)11:33
seb128and he landed the change11:33
seb128didrocks, thanks for following up though! (and good luck with plymouth)11:34
Laneywould be good if the approved things got merged though11:34
didrocksseb128: thanks, should be fine :)11:35
seb128but I think backlog already has enough ping to do_bey on the topic11:35
seb128let's see what he says11:35
seb128larsu, did you actually reply to my question from earlier?11:39
seb128sorry if I missed the reply in the middle of the hey11:39
larsuseb128: ooh benjamin replied11:43
larsuooh. a week aho11:43
larsuthe patch doesn't apply to master becasue I made it for 3.18 (and he reverted the original on master)11:44
larsuthe original is still in 3.1811:44
larsuI'll clean this up and push it11:44
seb128but the original was a behaviour change or something?11:44
seb128and created the segfault?11:44
seb128should we get the revert+new_version then?11:45
larsu(to the first question)11:46
larsuno to the second11:46
larsujust get the new patch for 3.18 (or wait for a release)11:46
seb128waiting for a release is fine if it's going to be handled in that branch in upstream gnome-3-1811:46
larsuit will11:46
Trevinhoseb128: so... saw now your pings... Sorry. Let me check those11:46
seb128larsu, danke11:47
seb128Trevinho, no worry, thanks!11:47
larsuseb128: the original change is already in 3.18 - so I have to fix that anyway11:47
seb128I was a bit lost11:47
seb128thanks for the replies11:47
seb128seems it's all good/being handled11:47
larsuyes, I simply missed the reply11:48
xnoxdesrt, some people didn't know i was away; and other pretend that i am still away -> which is good, get asked for help less ;-)11:49
Trevinhoseb128: do you want me to land those on next round?11:49
alexarnaudHi everyone !11:49
seb128Trevinho, that was my other question, I can do a landing now with that if you prefer, so it's out of the way before holidays11:50
seb128hey alexarnaud11:50
seb128Laney, didrocks, do you know/remember what is added gconf-service to misc:Depends and when?11:50
seb128or shlibs?11:51
didrocksdh_gconf maybe?11:51
* didrocks looks11:51
alexarnaudI'm trying to integrate gsettings back-end on the hypra's company Debian blend. Can you give me more informations about the process ?11:51
Trevinhoseb128: ah, sure as you prefer.. I'd love to do a pre-xmas (but max in this week) landing as well, but I don't know whether it might be risky... As I won't be back till 12/01...11:51
seb128didrocks, doesn't seem so, didn't find a reference to gconf-service in debhelper or dh* or gnome-pkg-tools11:51
alexarnaudI've only ini beckend available. Did we forgotte something ?11:51
didrocksseb128: and gconf2 isn't added?11:51
didrocks                        addsubstvar($package, "misc:Depends", "gconf2 (>= 2.28.1-2)");11:52
seb128didrocks, in fact "gconf-service" is added11:52
seb128which I don't want11:52
seb128(that's network-manager-applet)11:52
Laneynot off hand11:52
seb128I'm tried to figure why/how11:52
Laneytry with DH_VERBOSE=111:52
didrockswas going to ask which package :)11:52
seb128gconf-service is an empty package11:53
seb128how is it creating a shlibs11:53
seb128/var/lib/dpkg/info/libgconf-2-4:i386.shlibs:libgconf-2 4 libgconf-2-4 (>= 2.31.1), gconf-service11:54
seb128didrocks, Laney, unping, thanks11:54
didrocksah, it's still linking to the lib though?11:54
seb128I guess11:54
seb128going to look at that next then ;-)11:54
seb128lunch first though11:56
didrocksenjoy seb128 :)11:56
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larsuseb128: pushed12:13
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Trevinhoseb128: so... you do the landings or should I?13:25
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seb128Trevinho, as you want, just tell me14:09
Trevinhoseb128: I can do that, but I'd need some reviews to complete the unity landing, so waiting for andyrock. If I can get that by tomorrow I'll do the landing, otherwise feel free to go.14:10
andyrockI'll do them by tomorrow :D14:11
seb128Trevinho, I'm on holidays tonight, also unsure I want to lock it with an unity landing14:12
seb128Trevinho, I'm going to land it now, easier, ok?14:12
seb128Laney, do you do the rest of the evolution stack as well?14:13
seb128(just asking, seems pointless than I do updates while you merge the same things)14:14
dobeyseb128: i thought we are dropping software-center in xenial for gnome-software?14:19
seb1281- we are trying, it's not done14:19
seb1282- nobody said software-center was going to be removed, it's likely going to stay in universe and still have some users14:20
seb1283- it would still be good to have those branches merged14:20
desrtgood morning everyone14:22
seb128hey desrt14:22
didrocksgood morning desrt14:23
desrthello seb128, didrocks14:24
dobeyseb128: right. i just thought that plan would give a little more time to get the CI train landings enabled and such. i have a couple of critical bugs to fix for the next phone update this week, as i'm off until january after friday, and the ota9 freeze day is like the second day back in january. seems i am always fixing critical things. hopefully i can get this one done early and find a little time to poke at s-c14:26
seb128dobey, ok, thanks for looking at it ... is there much needed to CI enable it?14:27
seb128maybe we can contribute a patch?14:27
dobeyseb128: i'm not 100% sure how much work it will take to enable it for CI, as the recent announcement re: disbanding of ci team, such that we have to manage our own jenkins setups for MP testing14:30
dobeyso i will have to get some clarification on how much config there is for ci train, and get something set up for MP testing14:31
flocculantdidrocks: as I suspected - can't check today :) keeping cookies warm14:31
seb128dobey, thanks14:34
didrocksflocculant: as long as there are not dehydrated, I'm fine :)14:34
Trevinhoseb128: ah sure that's fine15:04
balloonsdidrocks, just fyi I toggle off 'beginner task' on your GCI tasks. Students can only do 2 beginner tasks in total. I assume all of your tasks will take more than 1 hour to do and aren't intended as an 'intro' task which is what the flag is for15:12
didrocksballoons: ah, I was thinking that some would still qualify as "beginners" ones. But there was no indication of what that was meaning (didn't know about the time spanning)15:16
didrocksI assessed that 3 days of work -> ~1-2h (that's how I rated the time)15:16
balloonsdidrocks, yea, I'm going through the list. Many people tagged there stuff as beginner, which would prevent students from working on it (presumably most have done the begineer tasks now)15:17
didrocksinteresting, didn't know about this limitation :)15:17
didrocks2 beginners tasks per student…15:17
balloonsyea. It's a bad name. For instance, I put a beginner task to install ubuntu. That's the idea of the scope15:17
didrocksit's not really "contributing" though :)15:18
balloonsright.. it's intended to introduce you to ubuntu is all. That's how I understand the flag to mean. Hence the limit15:18
didrocksballoons: oh btw, do you think the guy on https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/5153191301742592/ is trolling?15:18
balloonsso you can just do a bunch of intro tasks and get credit. Any 'real' work wouldn't be a beginner task15:18
balloons*can't do15:19
balloonsdidrocks, wild. I've not seen something like that yet15:20
didrocksballoons: there is a start to everything :)15:20
balloonsand yea, thanks for letting us know. We'll take care of it15:20
didrocksballoons: if he resubmit with the same document, I'll just unassign him15:20
didrocksand ping you :à15:20
didrockslet's give the benefit of a doubt and we'll see…15:20
balloonsright. I'd just like to note he's done it on a task. We give one strike :-)15:21
didrocksheh, yeah ;)15:21
seb128desktopers, opinion on http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/nautilus.png vs http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/nautilusbis.png ?15:24
seb128(it probably needs some design but I guess a bg is better than none meanwhile so going to include that while landing a theme fix)15:24
seb128didrocks, ^15:24
didrocksI prefer the #115:24
didrocksmatching more15:24
didrocks(even if less noticeable)15:24
Laneygrey one15:24
seb128more subtle15:24
Laneyand yes I was going to do evolution15:24
Laneydidn't know someone started on it here before working on it15:24
seb128Laney, I did this one this morning15:25
didrocksso yeah, definitively the more subtle one :)15:25
seb128ok, let's go with that, better than no bg15:25
seb128we can design tweak about new year15:25
didrocksyeah ;)15:25
Laneyseb128: can you remember the recent bug that e-d-s corrupted some settings or something?15:27
seb128Laney, not from that description, sorry15:27
seb128was sort of settings?15:30
seb128I remember discussing online accounts, gtk depends and calendars15:30
Laneylike account settings15:30
LaneyI think there was some unrecoverable problem that they fixed in a later update15:31
seb128we had the password provider missing issue15:31
seb128sorry I don't think I remember the one you are talking about :-/15:31
Laneynever mind15:32
Laneywas wondering if it could be https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=80049615:32
ubot5Debian bug 800496 in evolution-ews "evolution-ews: Unable to store Host URI / OAB URI" [Grave,Open]15:32
seb128didrocks, Laney, if you of you want to +1 https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/ubuntu-themes/basic-appnotification-theme/+merge/28073515:33
LaneyI know the effect is good, larsu would know better if the css is ;-)15:35
Laneyoh does it also look good in ambiance?15:35
seb128Laney, http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/laney.png15:36
didrocksnot shocking…15:37
Laneyless padding?15:37
seb128I think I didn't apply it :p15:38
didrocksand here is when is becomes horribly red after applying it :p15:38
LaneyI want it to be scrolling15:38
Laneylike <marquee>15:38
Laneyincluding the button15:39
didrocksthat's the step before asking for the <blink>15:39
Laneylooks GREAT!15:39
didrocksyep ;)15:39
didrocksthanks for fixing it seb128!15:40
seb128Trevinho, do you know what's wrong with https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-002/+sourcepub/5779409/+listing-archive-extra ?15:40
seb128was unity-files-lens never landed through CI?15:40
seb128I guess some tagging needed or something so the changelog generator knows what to consider15:41
Trevinhoseb128: yeah, tagging was missing. Thus the train screw up15:41
seb128need a changelog with * Automatic snapshot from revision <rrrr> (bootstrap) ?15:41
Trevinhowe can just tag lp:unity-files-lens with proper revision15:42
didrocksit used to have 3 ways for bootstrap:15:42
didrocks- proper tagging revision15:42
didrocks- the changelog that seb marked15:42
didrocks- the 3rd fallback is the latest change in debian/changelog with the line matching latest version in distro15:42
seb128Trevinho, can you do that if you know what tag to use?15:42
didrocks(which should match everything)15:42
Trevinhoseb128: it's just the last revision number you want15:42
didrocksbut maybe that changed15:42
Trevinhoseb128: I can btw...15:43
seb128Trevinho, I don't understand15:43
seb128didrocks, thanks15:43
seb128https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DailyRelease/InlinePackaging recommends the changelog thing15:43
seb128I might just do that15:43
Trevinhoseb128: basically you need to add a tag that matches the revision released to the archive15:43
didrocksseb128: that's quite old, I would recommend tagging15:43
didrocks(the changelog is a fallback)15:43
didrockswhich wasn't the case in the daily release day :)15:44
seb128just bzr tag 7.1.0+13.10.20130920-0ubuntu115:44
seb128and push?15:44
Trevinhoseb128: let me check15:44
Trevinhoseb128: ok, i've pushed the tag15:45
didrocksbzr push --tags15:45
* Trevinho done that15:45
Trevinhodidrocks: --tags is for git ;)15:45
seb128so rebuild in the train now?15:46
didrockssame all, same all :)15:46
Trevinhoyeah, let's see :)15:46
Trevinhoit worked to me the past time15:46
didrocksrebuild should regenerate the changelog15:46
seb128let's see15:46
seb128didrocks, Trevinho, thanks15:46
larsuseb128, Laney: it is!15:48
seb128larsu, thanks15:53
seb128Trevinho, didrocks, https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-002/+sourcepub/5779432/+listing-archive-extra15:53
seb128Trevinho, didrocks, worked ;-)15:54
didrocksgreat! :)15:54
Trevinhosil2100's tricks work :)15:57
sil2100I'm innocent!15:57
davmor2don't believe sil2100 he is so guilty he has forgotten what innocent looks like ;)16:01
sil2100That is sooo not true16:01
davmor2sil2100: okay what does innocent look like then :P16:02
seb128Trevinho, andyrock, btw unity keeps eating CPU for me after going to great/login back into the session, on xenial, I opened https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/1526868 with a bt of the thread stucked in pam code, unsure how useful the bt is16:21
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1526868 in unity (Ubuntu) "Unity eats cpu after switch to greeter/back to session" [High,New]16:21
Trevinhoseb128: mh, ok... andyrock might study that I guess :)16:22
seb128how do you tell what thread is using the cpu again?16:22
didrocksok, I think it's time to EOD!16:56
didrocksenjoy your holidays Laney & seb128 :)16:57
didrockshappy new year!16:57
seb128didrocks, thanks16:57
seb128didrocks, have a good evening, good luck for the week before your holidays, and enjoy the time off then!16:57
didrocksseb128: thanks a lot, you too! Do not work too late tonight :)16:57
Laneybye didrocks!16:57
seb128don't worry16:58
Laneyhappy holidays!16:58
seb128I'm mostly done with my todolist16:58
Laneybreak EVERYTHING16:58
didrocksLaney: don't spam us too much on telegram with photos! :)16:58
* didrocks notes down16:58
seb128doing inbox 0 and some small cleanings before holidays16:58
Laneywe need work to do :P16:58
didrockslet's upload $something tomorrow :)16:58
didrocksseb128: good luck! :)16:58
seb128yeah, let's upload buggy things and run off letting those to fix for others :p16:58
LaneyI'm going to start spamming tonight16:58
Laneyat the carol singing16:58
didrockspffff :p16:58
didrockssee you next year guys! ;)16:59
davmor2Laney: Good king wenless last looked out on never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down17:00
seb128Laney, btw probably a post holidays topic, but you think yesterday than the gnome-contacts drop was maybe a good thing ... I don't think I agree, having somewhere to store contact info (out of a text file made with gedit) looks like something useful on desktop to me17:02
seb128darkxst, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus-share/+bug/1526894 if you could look at it, thanks17:03
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1526894 in nautilus-share (Ubuntu) "Should clean < xenial conffile on upgrade" [Low,New]17:03
seb128is gnome-user-share, I reassigned17:04
Laneyseb128: Feels niche to have that on a desktop these days but you can always put it back if you want17:04
seb128yeah, maybe17:10
LaneyI don't feel strongly enough to argue against it17:11
Laneycould also be that it's just me who doesn't use it and many other people do17:11
seb128yeah, I don't know either17:16
seb128like often in those cases having actual numbers would be useful17:17
seb128but we don't have them so need to do without...17:17
seb128brb session restart17:18
seb128larsu, hey again, I guess the nautilus menubar thing is not going to be ready today?17:46
larsuseb128: depends on when you consider today to be over and if I go to the open source meetup thing17:51
seb128larsu, seems not, I'm probably going to call it a day/start holiday in 10 minutes or so17:52
seb128larsu, don't worry, that's for next year then17:52
larsuseb128: in 10 minutes definitely not ;)17:52
larsu(and sorry)17:52
seb128larsu, maybe try to get it lined up before your holidays so we can get it in when coming back without having to resume context and delay more17:52
seb128no worry17:52
seb128enjoy the opensource meeting!17:53
larsumakes sense17:53
seb128ok, on that note calling it a day/week/year18:02
seb128have a good extra days work for those not on vac yet18:02
seb128then have good holidays everyone!18:02
seb128see you next year!18:02
qenghoYou too, seb.18:02
Laneybye seb128!18:02
attentebye seb128!18:02
Laneysend me a picture of you in a santa hat18:02
* Laney speed builds evo18:03
Laneycome on, got to leave!18:03
Sweet5hark1seb128: have fun!18:03
seb128today is day for sending pictures of yourself as jedi though18:03
seb128not as santa ;-)18:03
* Sweet5hark1 is going to the SW sneak preview tonightt ;)18:04
seb128Laney, don't miss the carols!18:04
Laneyno chance18:05
Laneyputting my socks on now18:05
Sweet5hark1dammit snap build broke again18:05
TrevinhoI'm going against this Star Wars night tonight... And going to watch a comedy movie instead... :-D18:06
TrevinhoStar was can wait...18:06
LaneyI've never seen any of that series18:06
Laneyso THERE18:06
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TrevinhoI've just seen a couple... But still, here's everybody is crazy since it's released in Italy before than everywhere else18:08
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Laneyprobably will pop online though :P18:14
* Laney is a #ubuntu-desktop addict18:14
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