
daftykinsi'm being asked what EGL dev libs are needed to compile software that depends on it - and whether mesa is required00:07
daftykinsor whether mesa is the only choice o000:07
slidinghornaw man, i missed fun stuff? Dang job...hows everyones night so far?00:09
TJ-daftykins: there's some mesa-egl libs00:13
TJ-so for building against it I'd guess libegl1-mesa-dev00:14
daftykinsyeah he reckons they're the ones now, is concerned their going on might break VDPAU with nvidia though :D00:15
daftykinsTJ-: thanks :>00:15
TJ-well nvidia's implementation is prorietary00:15
Bashing-omdaftykins: IRT ana_ " ii  linux-headers-generic-lts-quantal  " But with all trusty kernels installed . " iU " for standards > care advised .00:41
daftykinsTJ-: perhaps ana doesn't have pastebinit installed? could we just go ahead with a dpkg -r <headers package> or are you worried sda6 may be the true root partition and it'd make it moot?00:42
daftykinsBashing-om: good spot! looks like before this inodes trouble someone was trying to apply an older HWE00:42
Bashing-omdaftykins: Been bit a couple of times .. I look now before I leap .00:43
daftykinsall the HWE methods are still messy imo, be great if there was a tool that handled it00:44
TJ-daftykins: I think sda3 might be /boot/00:44
nicomachusTJ-: what do the () do on that cat command? just enclosing what is set to the pastebin?00:45
daftykinsat 14GB? :O00:45
daftykinsyeah it's encapsulation of commands i think, i've seen TJ- write multiple then they both get performed :>00:45
nicomachusah cool.00:46
daftykinsin my head i think of it as the fish pastebin! :D00:46
TJ-nicomachus: yes, it's a subshell who's results are delivered to pastebinit via a file-descriptor; as far as pastebinit is concerned it is actually opening a file the same as if it had /var/log/some.log00:46
TJ-nicomachus: I use it that way rather than pipes because the command being first makes it clear to the user what we're expecting them to do00:46
TJ-nicomachus: plus it's easy to run multiple commands in the one pastebin result00:46
daftykinsre: ana's latest, i think we're good to go00:48
daftykinsit's a dualboot00:48
TJ-yes but why is sda3 and sda6 both mounted to / - one is overlaying/obscuring the other00:50
TJ-the order and size suggests sda3 is supposed to be /boot/00:51
daftykinshang on first time we got - http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/14041056/00:51
daftykinsi don't know why the inode one is wonky but i think it's ok00:52
TJ-Oh, so sda3 is / and sda6 is /home/ ?00:52
TJ-how the heck has that got messed up?00:52
daftykinsthe df -i paste is confusing :D00:53
daftykinshuzzah a confirming paste of mounts at last00:53
TJ-if only 319M has been used on /home/ what the heck is installed to use up 12G on the root fs?00:55
nicomachusmanually sticking stuff that should be in /home/ into /?00:56
nicomachusDocuments, Music, etc00:57
TJ-possibly, or something like a bittorrent client storing stuff under /var/00:57
daftykinsi think making some inode breathing room will help for starters00:58
daftykinsthough i think the utopic HWE is a mistake now00:58
Bashing-omdaftykins: IRT ana_ / been my experience one wants to pull the image files prior to purging the headers (??) .00:59
daftykinsmmm i guess we'll hear about that one very shortly XD01:00
TJ-you could give the command as in ... remove linux-{image,headers}-{33,34,35,36,37}-generic or whatever the ABI numbers are01:00
TarminquayHow much faster is Xubuntu vs Xubuntu MATE?01:01
TarminquayOnly noticeable on archaic hardware?01:01
daftykinsTJ-: sounds good, far better than what i would have done01:03
daftykinsi think i'm going to head off actually, i'm in a zombie state right now - sleep required01:03
TJ-it can be hairy ensuring multiple expansions will generate the correct set; I play with it using 'echo ...'01:03
TJ-same here, night all01:03
TarminquayI would prefer if possible purchasing from Amazon.01:14
TarminquayI prefer doing business with them because they give no-hassle returns.01:15
TarminquayWrong chan01:15
daftykinsyou're damn right01:15
TarminquaySomebody shirked their duty and failed to remove that tack.01:16
daftykinsit's actually you who's butthurt, because you couldn't get what you want here despite being given lots of free off topic responses01:16
daftykinsso i suggest you discover that you are entitled to nothing on this network - and be thankful for what assistance you did receive01:17
daftykinsgrowing up a fair amount would also do wonders01:18
slidinghorn+ a lot...definitely more than 101:20
slidinghornI really need to brush up on vms, apparently. Lots of questions involve them03:04
nicomachusI use one at work to tool around with ubuntu, but don't have a ton of experience with them.03:06
nicomachusI set up a xenial VM last week. that was fun.03:06
nicomachusjust got a... pleasant pm. https://imgur.com/9pn2GPs03:06
Bashing-omnicomachus: ^^ a task for #ubuntu-ops ?03:16
nicomachusyea I sent them that screenshot. he's already logged off, and I don't see him in any of the user lists, but it's been reported. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯03:16
nicomachusIP is in Amsterdam, so maybe he's just cold and bitter.03:18
Bashing-omsome people, if they are not happy .. do what they can to make sure no one else is happy .03:20
nicomachusspose so.03:20
Tarminquay"Get the best, Cry Once"03:22
TarminquayLooks like everyone should have at least one of these.03:22
TarminquayI'm placing my order for the i3 5010U.03:22
TarminquayI'm gearing it up with Ubuntu MATE for the perfect compromise between desktop elegance and responsiveness.03:23
Bashing-omTarminquay: ^ then you best read up on a core install and xfce for the DE .03:24
Bashing-omdesktop elegance and responsiveness. // You can have it your way .03:24
TarminquayXFCE isn't as nice as MATE.03:25
Tarminquaythe i3 with plenty of ram can comfortably handle MATE.03:25
TarminquayWhat is a core install?03:25
Bashing-omTarminquay: Install a kernel and start building .03:27
TarminquayThat's ridiculous.03:27
nicomachusBashing-om: are you following this issue with chull?03:27
TarminquayThe MATE version of Ubuntu is all I need.03:27
Bashing-omnicomachus: Yeah some what . But I am not familiar with the app .03:28
nicomachusit's just a dock... but she says she removed it, got an error saying it wasn't installed, and then the sidebar icons were removed.03:29
OerHeks.. and it was not installed at all :-D03:29
OerHeksstrange story03:29
Bashing-omTarminquay: Grest . Good 'nuff is good 'nuf .. but you did say performance !03:29
Bashing-omI find it real hard to use something that is not installed .03:30
nicomachuscue twilight zone theme03:32
TarminquayBashing-om: Ubuntu MATE is good enough for me.03:32
nicomachuspro-tip: realtek wifi drivers + ubuntu != happiness03:36
TarminquayYou think that Gigabyte box is going to be troublesome with Ubuntu?03:37
TarminquayGigabit LAN (Realtek RTL8111G)03:37
TarminquayHere's the card.03:37
nicomachusidk, does it use realtek drivers for wifi? because my wifi dongle does and I'd throw it in the trash if I could03:37
nicomachusoh I haven't heard about issues with that one. rtl8188 and rtl8192 are the bad ones.03:37
TarminquayIssues back in 2008.03:38
TarminquayIt's a pretty standard product, nicomachus, this Gigabyte i3.03:39
TarminquayI don't see why a mainstream distro like Ubuntu would have any issues with the components.03:39
TarminquayIf it has any issues the developers need to get on them ASAP because this is not an obscure product.03:39
TarminquayIt's a top selle.r03:39
nicomachuschull is starting to sound very, very broken.03:57
nicomachusok, maybe my brain is broken.03:58
OerHeksmy wallet is broken :-(03:58
OerHekslost 2 dimes today03:59
Bashing-omnicomachus: maybe is broken, but you are not . so far no fault with your logic .03:59
TarminquayHi guys.04:32
TarminquayAny hardware talk in here?04:32
TarminquayI'm a Ubuntu MATE user..04:32
TarminquayWouldn't use anything else.04:33
TarminquayWhich box do you like better and why?04:33
TarminquayThese are two very competitive boxes.04:34
lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:52
dotpixislotuspsychje: good morning07:22
lotuspsychjehey dotpixis07:22
TarminquayI bought this box.07:32
TarminquayIt was rated 10 out of 10.07:32
lotuspsychjehey Tarminquay07:33
TarminquayHi lotuspsychje07:34
TarminquayDo you like the Box I bought?07:34
lotuspsychjelets c07:34
lotuspsychjeTarminquay: cool, barebone07:35
lotuspsychjeTarminquay: gonna put ubuntu on it?07:35
TarminquayActually, I bought it from ITXCanada07:35
Tarminquayit comes with 8GB of ram and 120 GB SSD.07:35
lotuspsychjeTarminquay: how much did it cost you07:36
Tarminquay$540 + tax.07:36
lotuspsychjehmmm bit pricey07:37
Tarminquay$30 shipping.07:37
TarminquayIt's Canadian dollars.07:37
lotuspsychjehow much is that in euro or dollars?07:37
TarminquayWell, maybe $400 USD.07:42
lordievaderGood morning.08:53
lotuspsychjehey lordievader08:54
lotuspsychjeall ok mate?08:55
lordievaderMorning lotuspsychje08:55
lordievaderDoing okay here, how are you?08:55
lotuspsychjefine thank you08:56
lotuspsychjereading bit news08:56
* lordievader is reading cron-mail08:56
lordievaderBonzi? Wow, haven't seen that one in a long time ;)09:06
lotuspsychjehi bonzibuddy09:06
lordievaderWhy the nick though?09:07
bonzibuddylordievader: because i can :D09:18
lordievader... XD09:18
=== Tarminquay_ is now known as Tarminquay
BluesKajHiyas all11:40
=== MooDoo_ is now known as MooDoo
* daftykins groans15:28
* OerHeks blups15:31
daftykinswhat's a blup? :D15:33
OerHeksbubble of air15:34
daftykinsah har15:36
daftykinsmmm warm all butter croissant and pan au chocolate for lunch15:40
daftykins*chocolat maybe15:40
nicomachusa lot of the scopes were removed from xenial on Monday. Musique, Clementine, etc. all the media scopes. I'm guessing online will be next.15:45
OerHeksi think it is a great move, that amazon-thingy, let people be aware of their data15:48
BluesKajamazon is a pita email spam-wise,  but we find shopping online so darn convenient that I just put up with it15:54
nicomachussigning up for Micro Center emails was the best thing I ever did. those guys have some great sales.15:54
nicomachushahahaha, have you guys ever done "apt-get moo"?15:58
BluesKajyeah we have a simiar store here in Canada, NCIX ...good deals and fast delivery15:59
daftykinsi figured there was a whiff in here today still ;)16:18
* OerHeks smells a husky16:21
TJ-After-hectic-noon :D16:28
OerHekshi TJ-16:29
daftykinsaww finally got a number for the sub repair but no answer16:36
TJ-I've got a working talking mobo now, so can use it to fix the others :)16:37
daftykinsnicomachus: i wonder if that user's situation is as simple as using the wrong account / permissions preventing settings change in ~/ ?17:25
lotuspsychjegood evening mates17:27
nicomachusdaftykins: good thought. any way to verify that tweak tool has the right perms?17:28
* lotuspsychje is updating his bq to OTA 8.517:28
daftykinsnicomachus: an ls -al ~/ would show whether any of the config paths are owned by another user, often we get users running 'sudo startx' then trashing their home perms17:28
lotuspsychjeand updated xenial box also17:28
daftykinslotuspsychje: :)17:28
lotuspsychjehey daftykins17:28
TJ-if you want to locate files NOT owned by the user, do "find $HOME ! -uid $(id -u) -ls"17:33
lotuspsychjehey eric17:35
lotuspsychjehey TJ-17:35
lotuspsychjehey OerHeks17:36
nicomachushmm... permissions look fine, daftykins17:36
daftykinswell there are two folders there that at the root are owned by root instead of the user17:37
daftykinsbut yeah don't seem to be relevant ones, i'd try what TJ- said to be sure17:37
lotuspsychjealot of news today: http://linux.softpedia.com/17:38
EriC^^hey lotuspsychje17:40
lotuspsychjehey mate17:40
EriC^^how's it going?17:40
lotuspsychjefine tnx and you?17:40
EriC^^great thanks17:40
EriC^^wow 3917:41
EriC^^we're becoming a cult :D17:41
lotuspsychjeyeah i keep inviting friendly guys :p17:41
lotuspsychjeand alot of regulars forget to auto add to favs also :p17:42
lotuspsychjenono its not you :p17:42
lotuspsychjemonkey and ioria17:42
lotuspsychje!inof linux-image-generic xenial17:44
ubot5lotuspsychje: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:44
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic xenial17:44
ubot5linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 11 kB17:44
lotuspsychje4.3 :p17:44
lotuspsychjeand a new grub exploit out there: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2836-1/17:45
lotuspsychjeall update to latest :p17:45
TJ-nothing major17:46
TJ-only affects folks that set a password on their grub.cfg17:46
lotuspsychjegood to know TJ-17:46
TJ-I got Mark to push out a fix yesterday17:46
TJ-they were going to leave it until after the winter holiday17:47
daftykinsTJ-: in the pics of your office i didn't see the red phone to Canonical HQ ;)17:47
OerHeksred headset17:47
lotuspsychjelordievader: you are the 40th user!!! you have wonthe price today: http://weknowyourdreams.com/image.php?pic=/images/apple/apple-05.jpg17:47
nicomachusit's #DD4814 Orange, daftykins17:47
EriC^^"you can do it Mark.. *heavy breathing* ho - ho - ho ... push... ho- ho - ho push.."17:47
EriC^^i think i see the head, one last big push mark17:48
daftykinsEriC^^: i didn't realise he had to birth every mythical creature each release was named after...17:48
lordievaderErr... Okay?17:48
TJ-Security team lead Marc (not Mark) Deslauriers17:48
daftykinsd'aww that's our entertainment ruined ;)17:49
nicomachuswell i don't care if it's ruined, I made a render of TJ-'s emergency phone: http://i.imgur.com/B4IScj7.png18:00
nicomachussigh... vbox still leaking memory.18:01
lotuspsychjenicomachus: have you tried launching from terminal?18:05
nicomachuslotuspsychje: host is W718:05
lotuspsychjenicomachus: maybe your w7 is full of spyware :p18:06
lotuspsychjeand giving memory to rootkits and malware18:06
nicomachuslotuspsychje: that would be a very serious problem indeed. :) but it's not.18:07
daftykinsdon't let that meanie lotus be nasty about Windows ;)18:08
lotuspsychjenicomachus: open taskmanager while you vbox and checkout?18:09
lotuspsychjeand open a netsta18:09
nicomachuslotuspsychje: I have it's memory usage graphed in performance monitor18:12
slidinghornso I just logged in to find some jerk sent me a really rude pm from the support channel...not sure who they are or why they felt the need to do that, but yeah....good morning, I guess, lol18:15
EriC^^did it involve the word "bastard" ?18:15
lotuspsychjeslidinghorn: wich one?18:15
nicomachusslidinghorn: I got that last night.18:16
daftykinsslidinghorn: check they're still active and report them to #ubuntu-ops18:16
lotuspsychjenicomachus: i mserious mate, scan your system with malwarebytes and spybot18:16
slidinghornEriC^^: yeah...18:16
nicomachuslotuspsychje: I assure you, it's clean.18:16
daftykinslotuspsychje: that's not gonna make virtualbox use RAM ;)18:16
EriC^^slidinghorn: i get those sometimes18:16
OerHeksreport them in #ubuntu-ops18:16
lotuspsychjedaftykins: if other things eat his ram18:16
slidinghornso weird....ok18:16
EriC^^some guy picks random people who are active in the channel and starts pm'ing18:17
OerHeksgot a spam recently to install a firewall with malware :-D18:17
OerHeksno, he was not in the channel at all18:17
daftykinshow wude18:17
daftykinsthey've... adapted ¬_¬18:17
OerHeksmaybe has been, harvesting.18:17
daftykinsah wb Bashing-om o/18:18
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: i once had a customer, that bought antivirus 2007, payed 60 $ for it, and had 200 malwares inside18:18
lotuspsychjehey Bashing-om18:18
EriC^^hey Bashing-om18:18
Bashing-omdaftykins: Howdy - procrastinating, but I will get back to my chores here directly . // EriC^^ How goes your world ?18:19
OerHeksehh ..you sold antivirus with 200 malwares?18:19
EriC^^Bashing-om: good good :)18:19
daftykins:D yep all ok here18:20
daftykinsup and out early tomorrow to start cabling up a house for network and phone18:20
Bashing-omEriC^^: Ya finding anything for gainful emploment ?18:20
EriC^^Bashing-om: not really18:20
Bashing-omdaftykins: New construction .. or are you mouseing the cabling ?18:21
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: the guy bought it online somewhere18:22
daftykinsa friends an electrician so he's put it all in, i've only got to terminate :)18:22
daftykinsjust some folks with a house that they've stripped back to the bare floorboards18:22
Bashing-omEriC^^: Bummer, but it turms up when you least expect it .18:22
EriC^^yeah that's true18:23
Bashing-omdaftykins: Test pprior to covering it all up, huh ?18:24
daftykinswell nothing will be final as they're moving around the house a lot, mostly switching one temporary setup for another temporary setup to keep them online etc :)18:25
nicomachusOerHeks: setting to +r might hav helped with the massive flood of spam that came through last night.18:26
Bashing-omdaftykins: Ouch . Time consumming in making all the switching about . Hope they pay well !18:26
daftykinsshould mean more and more work really :D annoyingly the patch panel i ordered in has to be sent back so now i have to wait for another one18:27
nicomachusvbox is so weird.19:00
daftykinshmm 3.13.0-73 for trusty19:36
* slidinghorn snickers but composes self19:44
daftykinsabout what?19:45
daftykinsalso i do like a good Snickers bar19:45
slidinghornI was being mean...someone told another to go to /etc/grub.d/ and they asked if it was an IRC channel19:50
daftykinsthat *was* pretty bad19:50
daftykinsi wonder what they would've done if told to go /home ...19:51
slidinghorn"I'm already there...sitting in my living room as we speak!"19:52
Bashing-omdaftykins: 3.13.0-73 hit my mirror this morning when I logged onto the system I upgraded .20:04
daftykinsthe update notification at login seems a bit broken on mine20:06
Bashing-omdaftykins: Honestly .. I run bare essentials . Minimal automation - My habit is 1st thing check for updates when logging back on . Then again your morror may not have caught up yet .20:09
daftykinsgb.archive has actually been oddly slow for me of late20:10
daftykinsbut yeah who knows when it got them :D20:11
Bashing-omdaftykins: I was using a university's mirror site, I giess the students kept the server up .. was generally a week behind .. then started having lots of access problems .. last time it went down for our ubuntu repo after 4 days I swapped mittor sites . This one I have now is fast in syncing up with mother .20:13
Bashing-ommittor/mirror *20:13
daftykinspesky students :D20:16
nicomachuswell, vbox mem leaks seem to be related to 3D acceleration... not sure exactly what yet, though.20:16
nicomachusself-driving car running on ubuntu :D20:25
daftykins*kernel panic*20:25
OerHeksgrub backslash :-D20:25
EriC^^*kernel rage*20:25
EriC^^*GTA mode initiated*20:26
daftykinslane changed to: pavement20:27
nicomachusWow. during the test with the reporter, the reporter asks what it felt like the first time Holtz got it to work.20:30
nicomachusHoltz replies: “Dude,” he says, “the first time it worked was this morning.”20:30
lotuspsychjeooo 4220:57
lotuspsychjewhat did i win?20:57
nicomachuswow, I didn't know you get on IRC from Tehran21:01
nicomachusreza_sam's IP traces to Tehran, Iran21:03
lotuspsychjenicomachus: yeah we had iran users before21:04
daftykins"run through a gantlet" comes to something when even bloomberg can't avoid typos21:05
daftykinsi had kind of pictured geohot achieving a bit more in life by this point though :P21:05
lotuspsychjedaftykins: found a purpose for your 2nd ssd yet mate?21:05
nicomachusdaftykins: seems like he's bounced around a bit trying to decide what he wants to do21:05
daftykinsnewp not a clue!21:09
daftykinsalmost tempting to just send it back, but it's not like £33 is much21:09
lotuspsychjedaftykins: extra fast ssd storage?21:10
daftykinsi don't need any storage tbh, already got 10TB on tap21:14
lotuspsychjeright :p21:15
lotuspsychjesend it to lotuspsychje by the post21:15
lotuspsychjeand ill transfer you money21:15
pauljwhi everyone21:15
lotuspsychjehey pauljw21:15
Bashing-ompauljw: Just in time .. the fun has started .21:16
pauljwgood... ;)21:16
slidinghorndaftykins: You can ship international?  I can haz?21:19
Bashing-ompauljw: Heads up ... It has been " Oh now you tell us " having to dig to get information .21:20
pauljwoh boy21:20
lotuspsychjehi philipballew21:21
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: http://news.softpedia.com/news/kde-applications-15-12-launches-for-kde-plasma-5-5-with-spectacle-screenshot-tool-497730.shtml21:22
philipballewlotuspsychje, what up dude?21:24
lotuspsychjechillin and readin some uubntu news philipballew21:24
philipballewlotuspsychje, anything good there?21:25
lotuspsychjephilipballew: there was some nice news today yes21:25
lotuspsychjephilipballew: xenial on 4.3 kernel21:25
lotuspsychjexenial removed online search from dash21:25
philipballew hum, I should read that tonight then21:25
philipballewseems odd21:26
lotuspsychjenew OTA 8.5 for phones out21:26
BluesKajlotuspsychje, thanks, kubuntu is a little behind in the plasma 5.5 packaging, but we anticipate the backports will have it soon21:26
nicomachuslotuspsychje: you may have been gone... did you see self-driving car that runs on ubuntu?21:26
lotuspsychjeyeah mcphail posted it in #ubuntu-touch21:27
slidinghornthat "smart_pussy" person was a bit of a troll yesterday...be advised21:27
lotuspsychjeok tnx for the update slidinghorn21:27
nicomachuscan a nick break guidelines?21:28
lotuspsychjeyes nicomachus21:28
pauljwgot something against cats?  :)21:28
slidinghornI asked him to change it yesterday...he's apparently got it back to it21:28
lotuspsychjeOerHeks recently had to guideline a nick wich child related issues21:28
nicomachusLOL. yesterday he changed it to dumb_dicks or something for a few mins.21:28
lotuspsychjenicomachus: some nicks have words against freenodes policy21:29
pauljwah geez, probably 12 years old..21:29
slidinghornwaits for ban hammer to be drawn....21:30
nicomachusand the hammer comes down21:31
lotuspsychjealso nice news source, for those who didnt know it yet: https://twitter.com/ubuntu21:32
* nicomachus wants to learn Russian just so he can type in that beautiful looking script.21:32
slidinghornwas completely unaware of that (believe it or not)...thanks lotuspsychje21:33
nicomachushow do I not have that on one of my tweetdeck lists...21:33
lotuspsychjeyour welcome :p21:33
lotuspsychjeim not tweet or fb fan myself, but this ubuntu related can do it :p21:34
lotuspsychjethe less they know of me the better21:34
lotuspsychjenicomachus: did you try unity8 on xenial yet?21:35
slidinghornI love twitter...usually21:35
nicomachuslotuspsychje: no, it still doesn't work in Virtualbox.21:37
nicomachusand I'm still afraid to put it on my laptop at home, because I'm starting a new job January 4th and that'll be my main workstation.21:37
nicomachusI think. Unless they provide me a laptop. but I doubt they'll do that.21:37
daftykinslive session alone not cut it for a brief stab?21:37
lotuspsychjeyeah if work needs windowz21:38
lotuspsychjebetter wait21:38
nicomachusI suppose I could, daftykins. I'm using xenial in this VM right now, just not unity 821:38
nicomachusand I don't need windows for the job, lotuspsychje, but I do need stability.21:39
lotuspsychjenicomachus: yeah things still can break on xenial so21:39
nicomachusexactly. :)21:39
lotuspsychjebut my desktop still looks pretty stable to me21:39
nicomachusxenial's been pretty good on this VM except for the mem leaks.21:40
nicomachusand of course a ton of PPAs don't have xenial releases yet.21:41
lotuspsychjenicomachus: talk to the vbox guys perhaps for windows related memory issues?21:41
lotuspsychjenicomachus: how much ram do you have?21:41
nicomachusBeen trying. it's likely something to do with the 3D Acelleration.21:41
nicomachus16gb on the host. 2gb allocated to the guest.21:41
nicomachusbut the guest hasn't used more than 500mb really at any time.21:42
lotuspsychjetry 4 gig on the guest?21:42
TJ-There are several well-known, and some currently unfixed, large memory leaks with VirtualBox according to their bug-tracker. Some of them are triggered by using the Gui Manager, or Preview feature21:42
daftykinsbeing asked to look at some apple products tomorrow, blech21:43
nicomachusTJ-: yea it looked like there were quite a few reported in VirtualBox 4.x, so I had hoped they were resolved in 5.0.10, but guess not. :/21:43
lotuspsychjedaftykins: doing what exactly?21:43
daftykinsjust photo transfer from one iPad to another21:43
nicomachuseasy peasy.21:44
daftykinsnot given i have to go to them21:44
lotuspsychjeyour not going to steal their pics daftykins21:44
nicomachusthe fappening pt. 3, sponsored by daftykins21:45
daftykinsi don't find that funny21:45
lotuspsychjedaftykins: whats her name :p21:45
daftykinsmy first thought was just throwing on iCloud photostream and letting that take care of it21:45
lotuspsychjethis is just why i love ubuntu touch21:46
lotuspsychjenice file manager21:46
daftykinsthat doesn't really help you going from one device to another though21:47
nicomachuslotuspsychje: to give you an idea of the mem leak issue: https://imgur.com/nXybZ9k21:47
lotuspsychjethe cloud21:47
TJ-nicomachus: is the guest accessing shared folders on the host?21:47
nicomachusTJ-: nope.21:48
nicomachusjust clipboard.21:48
lotuspsychjedaftykins: i would advise to store photo's on other media21:48
daftykinsthat's not really the task at hand though21:49
TJ-nicomachus: OK, apparently that's one known scenario. I found this (makes me wonder if you can test woth 5.0.8) https://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/1485021:49
lotuspsychjedaftykins: something like this? http://www.phototransferapp.com/ipad/21:51
daftykinsmmm not sure there's a need to go to a third party21:52
nicomachusTJ-: found a download of it, I'll give it a shot in the morning. don't have much time left today.21:52
lotuspsychjedaftykins: im sure the store has something free like that21:53
daftykinswell it depends if the built in feature is a problem21:53
TJ-nicomachus: right. This seems to be direct, tagged list: https://www.virtualbox.org/query?status=!closed&keywords=~leak21:53
TJ-there's an interesting one where 3D compositor is enabled in the guest, caused by bad host graphics drivers: https://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/1352621:56
nicomachusTJ-: this one seems most similar, minus the stuff about Dash being open: https://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/1352621:56
TJ-LOL snap21:56
daftykinsrandomnoob just asked me how to add "bs=2M" to the dd command :(21:57
TJ-well you can test this one by disabling compositing - use a different DE to Unity for a test session21:57
daftykinsin a PM no less :(21:57
nicomachusTJ-: by luck, I have i3 installed and somewhat configured on this VM...21:57
TJ-ahhh, you need /umode +g21:57
TJ-nicomachus: is it using compositing ?21:57
TJ-Because the root of that bug would be - I infer - the host not corretly accounting for 'virtual' GPU memory for textures21:58
nicomachusuhhh... I have 3D acceleration enabled inthe Vbox manager21:58
nicomachusbut it would absolutely make sense that my host has outdated graphics drivers. updates are pushed from sysadmin, who sucks.21:59
nicomachusnot that I could do better, but surely someone could.22:00
nicomachusTJ-: I just realized I have the same graphics chipset as that bug report.22:00
daftykinsthat's harsh, if i were in charge of a network of systems for a firm i would maintain what works, not do what these youngsters do of chasing version numbers22:03
daftykinsyou've got to see your exact situation as niche as hell, right? :)22:03
nicomachuswell... all of our PC's are still running IE9, and need admin credentials (which someone gave me for some reason) to install ANYTHING else.22:05
daftykinsmust be a web app or program that uses old *shrug*22:07
nicomachusthe admin credentials part makes sense, but not IE9. IE10 is EOL in January, so we severely need an update.22:07
daftykinswell some contracts are keeping IE8 going on XP *shrug*22:07
nicomachusbut the IT department manages thousands of different offices across the country, so I guess I can't blame them too much.22:07
lotuspsychjenite nite all22:15
nicomachushmmm... installed the new intel drivers and it does seem to be more stable.22:24
nicomachusif I open the dash it does jump up a bit, but falls right back down when I close it.22:25
TJ-Result :)22:29
nicomachusYea, that seems to have resolved it so far. :) I'll know more tomorrow when I can let it run a bit longer. Thanks TJ-!22:30
nicomachus!cookie | TJ-22:30
ubot5TJ-: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!22:30
* TJ- is too full :D22:30
daftykinsooh speaking of cookies22:30
slidinghornws that the sameerson again?23:09
daftykinsslidinghorn: so far you're winning the prize of most vague messages here in -discuss :)23:10
daftykinshowever a little context would be handy!23:10
slidinghornban hammer came out again in support23:11
daftykinsah ok, pretty regular23:13
daftykinswhen they're awake23:13
TJ-migraines and programming don't mix; wish I felt tired!23:13
slidinghornI just figured it was the same one as before because of the nick...was another inappropriate one23:14
pauljwsorry to hear that TJ- , my wife suffers with migraines, they're miserable...23:16
slidinghornTJ-: that sucks...I get those too from time to time23:16
pauljwany of you guys played around in opensuse?  i installed it in vbox and it didn't seem to play well so tonight i'm trying it in kvm hoping it will be better.23:18
TJ-yeah, I'll get over it; it's like having a twisted ankle when I want to run :)23:18
daftykinsmmm never tried i'm afraid23:18
TJ-I started out on SuSE in the 1990s :)23:18
daftykinsi must sleep! later folks o/23:18
TJ-night :)23:18
slidinghornlater daftykins23:18
Bashing-omGnite daftykins23:20
pauljwthat's cool TJ- , i like to check things out, new to kvm too so this should be fun...23:21
TJ-kvm is actually implemented fully in Qemu now, so KVM is 'just' the acronym for the Linux kernel virtual machine interface23:24
TJ-I've been using kvm/qemu since 2007 in earnest. The one thing its not designed for is hosting GUIs that require accelerated 3D graphics23:26
TJ-Intel and others are recently focusing on adding that functionality, both GPU PCI pass-through but also full virtualised guest GPUs23:27
pauljwah, good.  so far so good with my install, seems to be more responsive with kvm.23:28
pauljwmy laptop has plenty of horsepower23:29
TJ-as long as the BIOS doesn't disable the CPUs VT extenstions the virtualisation overheard is minimal23:33
slidinghornI wonder how long it takes for freenode to allow more connections...the free shell I use hit their limit and has to ask for more23:33
pauljwTJ-, kvm-ok says i'm good... :)23:42
TJ-I had to hack Sony's back in 2007 due to BIOS lock-out23:44
TJ-and about a week ago I helped daftykins unlock his Sony's VT; was a bit of deja-vu23:44
pauljwmust say, suse shows nice fit and polish with gnome de, i like it.23:51

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