
=== yuning-afk is now known as yuning
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cristian_cjsalisbury: hi16:00
xnoxmount /tmp/live-installer/filesystem.squashfs /mnt/ -> hangs for me, and i don't know why.18:08
mklwhere can i ask about passing kernel module parameters?18:11
xnoxapw, any idea why would "mount -o loop -t squashfs filesystem.squashfs /mnt/" just "hang"? i'm in busybox, not sure what to check...18:29
apwdmesg to see if the kernel got all whiney about the contents i guess18:34
apwalso modprobe loop before to make sure that works (if you can go back)18:34
xnoxapw, # modprobe loop20:21
xnoxmodprobe: FATAL: Module loop not found.20:21
xnoxis that bad? =)20:21
* xnox looks for udebs20:22
xnoxapw, how come loop module is not needed on amd64, but is needed on s390x?20:25
xnoxapw, looks like s390x is the only arch with CONFIG_BLK_DEV_LOOP=m and all others have CONFIG_BLK_DEV_LOOP=y20:30
xnoxapw, can that be toggled please, and uploaded?20:31
* xnox hides20:31
slangasekbjf, rtg: ^^ hi, we have an urgent kernel config change needed for s390x to unblock image prep; how can we get this done today?21:04
slangasekbjf, rtg: we need CONFIG_BLK_DEV_LOOP=y on s390x, to match the other architectures, instead of the current CONFIG_BLK_DEV_LOOP=m21:04
rtgslangasek, lemme know what it is ? send an email on the k-team list.21:04
* xnox is filing bug21:04
rtgxnox, 4.4 kernel, right ?21:05
slangasekrtg: list email also required, or does bug suffice?  4.4> this is current xenial-proposed, which is 4.3.0-5.1421:06
xnoxslangasek, rtg bug #152686921:06
ubot5bug 1526869 in linux (Ubuntu) "should be able to do live-installer installs from mirrors, and cdrom pool over the network" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/152686921:06
rtgxnox, nevermind, looks like apw has been building s390x in the 4.3 kernel.21:06
xnoxrtg, yeap, it's just src:linux21:06
slangasekyes, and needed in the archive as soon as you can have it :)21:06
rtgxnox, slangasek: I can take it from here. no list email required21:06
slangasekgreat, thanks!21:06
rtgslangasek, xnox: [ubuntu/xenial-proposed] linux 4.3.0-5.15 (Accepted)22:13
xnoxrtg, thank you.22:15
rtgxnox, it'll take awhile to build. should be done when you start tomorrow22:16
xnoxrtg, well, i care about the 27 minute build on s390x only =)22:16
rtgah, well then.22:17
xnoxrtg, and  like 1h for launchpad to publish it ;-)22:25
slangasekrtg: package FTBFS on s390x though22:27
slangasekEE: Missing modules (start begging for mercy)22:27
slangasekxnox: ^^22:28
xnoxrtg, cause loop used to be available...... i guess it should be dropped from the abi compare files.22:28
slangasekappears that a manifest needs updated now that loop is built-in22:28
rtgslangasek, drat, one more turn of the crank22:41
rtgxnox, slangasek: once more with feeling: [ubuntu/xenial-proposed] linux 4.3.0-5.16 (Accepted)23:35
slangasekrtg: thanks!23:35
apwthat and the libseccomp fix should see us good i hope23:51

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