
cjwatsoninfinity: no - the situation on arm64 was a bit unclear and clouded by how unstable they are at the moment00:04
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flocculantI assume people know, but just in case Xubuntu and Ubuntu xenial's didn't build yesterday, ubuntu hasn't today so I'm guessing xubuntu won't either08:17
sil2100Hello! I'm disabling the system-image importer for a short while again09:43
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superm1could someone help me understand why fwupdate hasn't migrated from proposed?  it looks like all the builds were full of success and it's not in NEW or unapproved22:07
dokosuperm1, looks like it's waiting for fwupdate-amd64-signed ?22:08
superm1doko: how does that happen?22:08
superm1i'm not sure anything about how the signed packages get built, is it just a manual bump to fwupdate-signed's changelog and it will pull down a new binary from the archive during build?22:11
xnoxsuperm1, i think you want to poke cyphermox about matching https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fwupdate-signed upload to get fwupdate migrating.22:18
superm1cyphermox: is it  just a new upload of fwupdate-signed like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14057549/ ? if so i'll upload it22:21
cyphermoxyeah that should be all, if fwupdate didn't change filenames or something22:22
superm1shouldn't have22:23
cyphermoxright, doesn't look like it did22:24
xnoxsuperm1, and e.g. signed files look to be in place e.g. http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial-proposed/main/uefi/fwupdate-amd64/0.5-1/ and http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial-proposed/main/uefi/fwupdate-i386/0.5-1/ are available.22:25
superm1okay thanks guys, i'll upload that diff then.  didn't realize the -signed packages were all manually done22:29
xnoxsuperm1, it's a bit triky, as first package needs to build and publish, then a signed version is published into the archive in magic paths (e.g. /uefi/) and then we build another package which at build time fetched signed copy back from the archive and packages it into a deb.... to publish as normal "apt-get"-able package.22:31
xnoxsuperm1, new apt has support to download and fetch arbitrary files, maybe eventually such chicken-egg-dances will be gone. and apt will simply download arbitrary files in release manifest.22:32
xnoxsuperm1, but for obvious reasons builders do not have access to signing keys to do everything in one go.22:32
superm1xnox: ah yeah i was just wondering about if new apt might help here make this prettier22:32
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