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tsdgeosSaviq: that metatype error is weird :D I can reproduce with this simple code http://paste.ubuntu.com/14047921/ http://paste.ubuntu.com/14047922/09:15
tsdgeosstill digging09:15
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1526591 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Camera app in blank after power off/on" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:44
Saviqcorn_field, can you confirm it's back after a few seconds? (like under 10s)09:54
corn_fieldSaviq, nope, i've waited 2 minutes and nothing, also the UI is in a strange state, if i tap on the video it does nothing, if i tap the screen i see the focus animation but still on a black screen09:57
Saviqcorn_field, k, recovered fine here after a few seconds - anyway, not a unity8 issue, reassigned to camera-app (might get reassigned to the media backends in the end)09:58
corn_fieldSaviq, if i swipe from the right i get into the photo roll, that works but i i go back it;s still the black screen09:59
corn_fieldSaviq, yep, probably not unity8 bug :D09:59
corn_fieldbtw, i'm on arale/mx4 not bq10:00
Saviqdandrader, need to bump unity-shell-application CMake req in lp:~dandrader/qtmir/sizeHints10:12
Saviqshould be =13, is =1210:12
dandraderSaviq, done10:14
tsdgeosSaviq: so i "fixed" the ugly warning but testDragHandle still crashes :/10:30
Saviqtsdgeos, you'll get there, I'm sure10:54
cimitsdgeos, if I add a department then I cancel it, the text in the search box is not aligned, silo 5411:10
tsdgeoscimi: do you have a screenshot?11:11
cimitsdgeos, telegram :)11:13
tsdgeospstolowski was seeing this too11:13
tsdgeosbut i wasn't i was hoping it was because things11:14
pstolowskiyes, i've seen this many times11:14
tsdgeosbut it is not i guess11:14
tsdgeosi'll have to have a look now :D11:14
pstolowskii still should have screenshots if that helps11:14
tsdgeospstolowski: what unity-api branch am i supposed to use value-slider-iface ?11:15
pstolowskitsdgeos, https://code.launchpad.net/~stolowski/unity-api/value-slider-iface/+merge/27842811:16
tsdgeoscimi: how do you do that exactly?11:26
tsdgeospstolowski: ↑11:26
tsdgeosit works fine in make tryDash here11:27
pstolowskitsdgeos, o11:27
pstolowskitsdgeos, i'll let you know later after installing filters silo again (currently investigating something else)11:28
pstolowskitsdgeos, btw is the fix for the textfiled regression on the image yet?11:29
tsdgeospstolowski: what textfield regression? the click thing?11:29
pstolowskitsdgeos, k, cool11:29
greybackSaviq: dandrader: https://code.launchpad.net/~gerboland/qtubuntu/fix-max-full-switch-size/+merge/28069911:31
cimitsdgeos, I select a department, I delete it11:31
tsdgeoscimi: how do you delete it?11:32
cimithe cancel?11:32
tsdgeoscan you please try to give me the exact steps?11:33
Saviqgreyback, tx11:33
tsdgeoscimi: ok i can reproduce, interestingly doesn't happen on the desktop :S11:38
dandrader@unity any of you guys run unity8 or unity8-dash on your desktop (as an X11 application) and use the touch emulation from mouse events feature?11:44
dandrader@unity note that I'm not counting the "make tryFoo" case11:44
tsdgeoscimi: fixed11:54
tsdgeospstolowski: can you trigger a silo rebuild11:54
pstolowskitsdgeos, ok, build started11:56
dandraderSaviq, mzanetti_, do we care about x86 vivid builds?12:00
mzanetti_depends :D12:01
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mzanettidandrader, have more context?12:01
dandradermzanetti, so I'm updating MouseTouchAdaptor to work with Qt. 5.512:02
dandradermzanetti, and in doing so it requires yet more libs besides xcb: x11 and xi212:02
dandradermzanetti, so I'm changing the CMakefiles so that we don't build touch emulation from mouse events on arm12:03
dandradermzanetti, to get rid of those "legacy" dependencies on the phone12:03
dandradermzanetti, and it doesn't make sense to emulate touches on the phone anyway12:03
dandradermzanetti, but new MouseTouchAdaptor code might have something Qt 5.5 specific there12:04
dandradermzanetti, ie, something that wouldn't work on Qt 5.4, which is what we have in Vivid+overlay12:04
mzanettiah, I see12:04
mzanettihmm... we do have 5.4 in the vivid-overlay?12:05
mzanettierm, 5.512:05
dandradermzanetti, qt 5.5 is a xenial-only thing I think12:05
mzanettiah, so you'd ifdef it away for armhf builds12:05
dandradermzanetti, yes12:05
mzanettimhm... if you're adding those ifdefs anyways, can't you just add "&& QT_VERSION >= 5.5" or so?12:06
dandradermzanetti, so the question is whether it's worth the trouble of checking if MouseTouchAdaptor also builds in Qt 5.4 (vivid)12:06
dandradermzanetti, and works12:06
mzanettiwell, I would think it shouldn't be much efforts given you do the stuff for armhf already12:06
mzanettibut if I'm wrong with that, I guess we can give up vivid&x86 support in trunk...12:07
dandradermzanetti, and the second question is whether I should keep the MouseTouchAdaptor code in unity8 and unity8-dash "main.cpp"s12:07
dandradermzanetti, as it's only useful if you run them directly as an app in your desktop and pass "--mousetouch"12:08
dandradermzanetti, the make tryTests do it in another way12:08
mzanettiI for one haven't used ./run.sh in ages12:09
mzanettiand also the whole shell can now be operated with mouse too12:09
mzanettiso I guess it can go away if it's a maintainance effort12:09
dandradermzanetti, well, run "make tryShell" in trunk and try to move away the greeter :-D12:10
mzanettididn't you say the make try stuff wouldn't be affected?12:10
mzanettibut yeah, I guess the issue that the small greeter version is not mouse friendly12:11
dandradermzanetti, hmmm looks like autopilot uses it:12:11
dandradermzanetti, tests/autopilot/unity8/shell/tests/__init__.py:152:                '-mousetouch'12:11
dandradermzanetti, that's what I'm fixing now12:11
mzanettiwhich is probably a bad idea12:11
dandradermzanetti, the touch emulation is broken in xenial now that it has qt 5.512:12
mzanettiautopilot should not use mousetouch but instad tap() and mouseClick() when needed12:12
dandradermzanetti, absolutely12:12
dandradermzanetti, but I'm not touching that can of worms :-)12:12
mzanettiwell, I guess it's indeed easier to fix mousetouch then :D12:12
dandradermzanetti, yes :D12:12
mzanettihowever, we should at least a trello card for that can of worms12:13
dandradermzanetti, yes12:13
dandradermzanetti, shall I create one?12:13
dandradermzanetti, https://trello.com/c/TyEoxwAj12:18
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mzanettidandrader, turns out this is ours after all: https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/151713313:42
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1517133 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "[regression] Mouse speed in Unity8 is much lower than elsewhere (to the point of useless)" [High,Incomplete]13:42
Saviqdandrader, mzanetti, agreed we should do away with --mousetouch completely, if we can, small greeter version should probably react to click (change text to "... or click your mouse" when it discovers mouse hover over itself?)13:44
mzanettiyeah... sounds reasonable13:45
dandradermzanetti, about the mouse speed bug. will check once mir 0.18 lands13:48
dandradermzanetti, I would take duflu's observations with a grain of salt.13:49
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tsdgeosSaviq: greyback: can you guys have a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/dash_backgroud_source_size_rework/+merge/276157 ?14:21
dandradertsdgeos, would you have some time to review this one? https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/unity8/updateMouseTouchAdaptor/+merge/28071814:22
tsdgeosdandrader: sure14:23
dandradertsdgeos, thanks14:23
Saviqtsdgeos, ack14:23
greybacktsdgeos: ack, looking14:24
greybackwow that's a high resolution image14:24
greybackis it literally just 2 triangles?14:25
greybackor are there gradients I cannot see14:25
Saviqgreyback, not worth it to make them into anything smarter, it's only loaded and scaled once on startup, and the next time we get an updated background we'd have to yank it out anyway14:26
greybackSaviq: sure, it's just a lot of scaling to do at startup14:27
greybackI'm not suggesting doing anything fancy14:27
Saviqgreyback, ideas welcome14:28
Saviqwe could in theory ship 5 different sizes of the background... but I'd have to see numbers that it's actually worth it14:28
greybackSaviq: surely 1080p is the highest resolution realistically we support14:29
Saviqand ultimately we should generate and ship one that's exactly right for the device14:29
Saviqgreyback, desktop14:29
Saviqgreyback, fullscreen dash14:29
greybackSaviq: sure, but that's still max 1920 pixels14:30
Saviqgreyback, 4K14:30
Saviqask mzanetti14:31
Saviqgreyback, not like there are no phones with 4K screens already14:31
greybacksuch a simple image might be more efficient saved and uncompressed with svg14:31
greybackbut would require some research to prove14:32
Saviqgreyback, you need to generate a bitmap from the svg first anyway14:32
greybacksure, but it doesnt have to read loads of pixels from uncompressed png14:32
greybackefficient cpu time I mean14:33
Saviqit's not compressed?14:33
greybackit needs to uncompress portions of the png before sampling14:34
Saviqgreyback, so yeah, we'd need numbers to prove that anything else can get us substantial startup improvements14:36
tsdgeosSaviq: i've pushed a new change to https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/fixQmlTestsNewSDK/+merge/280260 since another _action_button sneaked, do you need to re-top approve or it's ok?14:36
greybackSaviq: startup plus hotplug monitor events14:37
Saviqtsdgeos, it's ok14:42
tsdgeosdandrader: so we're good asuming we will never support arm+x11?14:43
Saviqgreyback, in theory moves across monitor boundaries, too, but that we can avoid14:43
dandradertsdgeos, I don't see any use case for arm+x1114:44
tsdgeosdandrader: it's the same use as x86+x11, just less common :D14:46
Saviqdandrader, please sort alphabetically, though14:47
Saviqin debian/*14:48
dandraderSaviq, done14:49
tsdgeosdandrader: could you add in the commit what this actually fixes besides whta ti does?14:53
tsdgeossomething like "make tryFoo works again"14:53
tsdgeosif that is what it does :D14:53
dandradertsdgeos, done14:55
dandradertsdgeos, and this https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/unity8/fixDragHandleTest/+merge/28073315:26
dandradertsdgeos, with those two branches, now I can finally continue the nodda review :)15:26
tsdgeosdandrader: don't workaround the crashes :D (j/k)15:26
mterrySaviq, can we fit https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity8/briefly-inactive/+merge/280492 in?15:42
mterrySaviq, that's a CVE bug15:43
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Saviqmterry, right, totally15:47
mterrymzanetti, if you can give https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/lockout-time-travel/+merge/280206 another look, maybe I can squeeze it into the next silo15:47
mterrythanks!  :)15:47
mzanettimterry, question:15:56
mzanettidoesn't this still suffer from the issue that guy on the mailing list had=15:56
mzanettiah no... tooEarly is working again now :)15:58
Saviqdandrader|lunch, looks like loggingCategory has a conflict with trunk? https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-031-1-build/lastBuild/console16:00
mterrymzanetti, the fix that solved the mailing list guy's issue was not re-using the now pointer for delayTarget16:10
mzanettiyeah... I figured16:12
tsdgeosdandrader|lunch: one of the test segfaults, see the MR16:19
Saviqjosharenson, can you please rebase slim_greeter branch on top of lp:~lukas-kde/unity8/cursorHiding, there's a conflict in Shell.qml16:57
josharensonSaviq: sure16:57
Saviqah there wouldn't be a conflict if not for ltinkl's OCD about missing newlines ;)16:58
Saviqjosharenson, that might be a better solution, gimme a sec to verify if that's it16:58
ltinklSaviq, uh where what16:58
josharensonSaviq: ha ok, I like pretty code, so no worries16:59
Saviqltinkl, https://code.launchpad.net/~lukas-kde/unity8/cursorHiding/+merge/279198#diff-line-27216:59
ltinklgrmbl ye, sorry :/16:59
ltinklbut it looks tidy, doesn't it? ;)16:59
Saviqltinkl, yeah please undo that newline17:02
Saviqltinkl, then we don't need to rebase anything around17:02
ltinklSaviq, ok, in the same MP?17:04
ltinklanyways, done17:06
Saviqltinkl, yeah, just a revert of that line17:08
Saviqltinkl, in a case like that (typo you had to push), it's ok to --overwrite17:09
ltinklSaviq, ok, always forget those bzr pecularities :)17:09
Saviqltinkl, not like that's specific to bzr :)17:11
Saviqyou --force in git if you rewrote history, too17:11
mzanettiSaviq, this *is* approved. could be considered too if not too late :)17:41
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Saviqmzanetti, already added18:37
Saviqor is it...18:38
Saviqthought I added it18:38
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davmor2Saviq: I blame you :P19:03
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Saviqdavmor2, oh what happened, was there an earthquake?21:38

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