[08:52] the good news is there seem to be work done on fontforge package, tha bad news is it that it is the 2012 version that is being processed. i havn't got any answer to the mail i sent, but i get this gut feeling there is something technical/license related about the new version... I don't think i will put down to much effort on it. The current version isn't broken, it's just ugglier and probably less in tune with the current documentation. [08:54] also, given that installation of the latest version is a ppa away, it becomes a low priority. [13:34] The latest logo is what we are using on our social channels. [13:34] It's a "fixed" version. The original looks almost identical, but is not perfectly shaped [13:35] Zak fixed the shape. Don't remember the name of the file. Should be a SVG [13:42] zequence, when Ubuntu announced the official Design Department, they published official logos for all distros. I archived the US assets, but can no longer find them on the ubuntu sites. Any guidance? [13:48] You mean ubuntu.com? [13:48] design.canonical.com [13:50] cfhowlett: I have no idea about that, tbh. During my time I have seen no interaction between us and any other flavor as far as art is concerned [13:50] Also, I have very little idea of who did what before me when it comes to the artwork [13:50] It's pretty poorely documented [13:50] so I noticed :) [13:52] the archive was originally under "brand assets". These were the official art assets for u/k/x/ubuntu and US. [13:53] I'm curious about what, if any, guidelines/standards US should adhere to [13:54] the derivative assets have been removed so all information onsite now references ONLY ubuntu/unity [13:57] We haven't really established any of our own [13:57] That would be one job for the art team [13:58] But, during my time, we've been quite conservative [13:58] Zak updated our text logo. Kind of looks like Ubuntu Gnome [13:58] Not on our website yet though [13:58] zequence, might be time, especially if we are to make "official" tutorials and what not. [13:59] We worked on colors for the workflows [13:59] Those were used for the menu icons [14:00] But, might need to be refined for larger graphics [14:00] Anyway, that is a job for the art team [14:00] yep. I'll contact them. [14:00] No, not the Ubuntu art team [14:00] Our art team :) [14:00] right! [14:01] Zak is lead, but he's not around much [14:01] Hasn't answered your mail list thread yet [14:01] I'm on that team, but haven't interacted with anyone in any meaningful way as yet [14:01] do you have the link for the text logo? [14:02] Let me see [14:04] cfhowlett: It's in the bzr branch. To get it, do: bzr branch lp:ubuntustudio-artwork [14:05] zequence, so I take it I must have bzr installed? [14:05] Yes [14:05] The name of the file is ubuntu-studio_1304_OK_brandmark-wordmark_04_a_alternate-wordmark_by_madeinkobaia [14:06] working ... [14:06] It's in the root folder. [14:06] Yeah, really needs some organizinfg [14:09] I'll make a list of what I believe is the current standard, and put that in a text file in the root folder [14:15] cfhowlett: To get the textfile, if you already have the branch, cd into it, and do: bzr pull :parent [14:15] The text file is called ubuntustudio_current_art_standard [14:15] zequence, struggling with registering my ssh with launchapd [14:15] Ah [14:16] Well, you'll get the file once you get the branch then [14:17] What is in that text file is what I can think of right now. The workflow colors may need to be redone, since our workflows are perhaps not as clear right now as they were [14:19] If we get the colors down to three, instead of five, we should change the graphics and video colors to something else [14:32] cfhowlett, zequence i applied for the artwork team, but i havn't been assigned... i'd like to be part of it and help cfhowlett in this [14:32] :) MORE than welcome says I. [14:33] :) we should perhaps start by cleaning up what we have? perhaps create a folder for each release in the root for future users to understand what is what from when? [14:33] at least, start doing so from now on? [14:34] sakrecoer_, document the procedure? cause I've never bzr'd before much less messed with keys. Huge headache at the moment ... [14:35] cfhowlett: i feel you :) but its easier then it seems at first, trust me :) [14:35] not too comfy with these things yet, either [14:35] together we can do it! [14:36] sakrecoer_, well, I generated a key, imported it to launchpad. [14:36] trying to get bzr to act right now ... [14:37] good! have you given your id to bzr? [14:37] bzr whoami [14:37] brb let me jump into my dev environement [14:38] sakrecoer_: I'll add you right away [14:40] thanks zequence :) [14:42] cfhowlett: this is good way to familiarise yourself with bzr http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/latest/en/mini-tutorial/ [14:42] thanks! [14:45] a pleasure cfhowlett, its good to be 2 on the learning path :) [14:51] sakrecoer_, How do I "inform bzr of my launchpad ID"? [14:53] cfhowlett: first do this: http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/latest/en/mini-tutorial/#introducing-yourself [14:53] done [14:53] and then follow this procedure http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/latest/en/mini-tutorial/#publishing-your-branch-on-launchpad [14:54] so: bzr launchpad-login your.launchpadID [14:55] circle of hell. now launchpad is claiming I have not registered my SSH key ... which I'm pretty dern certain I JUST did. [14:57] yep my page clearly has my ssh key [14:58] cfhowlett: are you sure you pasted the public key? [14:58] hm. key type RSA [14:58] and the public key box is empty ... [14:59] if this is you: https://launchpad.net/~cfhowlett then your OpenPGP key is there, but not the SSH key... [14:59] so in the empty public keybox, paste everything that is written inside the file on your computer that is the public ssh key and press save [15:04] I must be doing something wrong. will try to re-generate my keys [15:11] sometimes its the best way. i was struggling with that too, if it can be of any comfort :) [15:11] cfhowlett: but once its all good, make SURE you back up yours keys on some thumbdrive, so you don't have to go thru the hustel again :) [15:12] sakrecoer_, roger that! [15:13] its good practice to keep a copy on a little usb memory, away from internet and dirtyfingers, so you don't have to worry about it when you upgrade or get a new computer. [15:14] If you want to be pedantic, format the thumb drive with an encrypted volumne/ext4 [15:17] this is getting annoying. I have registered my ssh key but I get an "no key registered" error with bzr [15:19] cfhowlett: You have more than one key in ~/.ssh ? [15:20] yep. wait 1 [15:20] There should only be one pair [15:20] id_rsa id_rsa.pub [15:21] Yeah [15:21] bzr branch lp:ubuntustudio-artwork [15:21] http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/14050960/ [15:22] ah, wait. [15:22] I don't have a config myself [15:22] I do NOT have an id_rsa_launchpad [15:22] can I rename the id_rsa ? [15:22] Sure [15:23] to clarify: I'm renaming the PUB key? [15:23] No, the private key [15:23] the public key is used only from the other end [15:24] done [15:24] Your config pointed to id_rsa_launchpad? [15:24] zequence, can you assist wachin in #ubuntustudio?? [15:24] Ah, let me put you into that team as well [15:27] cfhowlett: Wait, which cfhowlett are you? [15:27] ..on launchpad, that is [15:28] Ah, hotmail [15:28] I'm the original. for some reason my first account is locked and inaccessible so I made a new account [15:29] Ok. You could contact the launchpad devs. They're usually helpful [15:29] I added you to the art team [15:29] thank you [15:30] full circle. bzr claims I have no ssh key launchpad. grrr. [15:32] ah, I think I got it [15:32] *in* [15:34] \o/ [15:34] :) [15:35] but permission denied (public key) [15:38] strange, your profile displays no public key... [15:39] did you move the keys to some other folder after you created them? [15:39] cfhowlett [15:39] nope [15:40] my RSA key doesn't show??? [15:40] the public one should display [15:41] https://launchpad.net/~sakrecoer [15:41] I loaded the one marked .pub and that is the one shown [15:42] but mine does not say ssh, only RSA [15:43] "SSH" is the comment , it will display whatever you write inte the comment [15:43] have read this: https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/CreatingAnSSHKeyPair [15:44] cfhowlett [15:44] sakrecoer_, exactly what I followed [15:44] strange... [15:44] maybe launchpad is having a common flu today :( [15:44] too frustrating for me to deal anymore tonight. [15:44] Thanks for your help. I'll try again later. [15:44] sakrecoer_: You're looking at his old profile [15:45] I was also confused a moment ago [15:45] ok, understandable :) don't worry, there is no hurry :) [15:45] ah... which one is the new one? [15:45] cfhowlett+a [15:45] https://launchpad.net/ [15:45] https://launchpad.net/~cfhowlett-a [15:46] hm.. yeah.. the key is there... cfhowlett: have you checked what permissions the SSH key files have in your system? [15:46] err, I created the keys in terminal in my daily driver account ... [15:47] sakrecoer_, so have I the correct key or no? cause bzr claims I DO NOT ... [15:47] only your private key can tell... [15:48] and you shouldn't want to show it to me :D [15:48] how many files do you have in ~/.ssh ? [15:49] you should have id_rsa, id_rsa.pub (public one) and maybe a file called knwon_hosts (if you hvae connected to a SSH host) [15:49] sakrecoer_, oh, wait, what!??? the file downloaded!! [15:50] cfhowlett: which file? you know, when i get stuck like that, i take a break, have a treat, put some music on, look at something nice, and come back :) [15:50] computer boxes can be.... really boxy sometimes :) [15:51] i think bzr dosen't need ssh key to download, its for upload... the branches are public i believe.. [15:58] he's gona make it i'm sure! :) [16:09] wb cfhowlett [16:10] sakrecoer_, you are magic. my download worked and I didn't even see it. [16:11] So I have all packages that were placed in the bzr. I've also got OFFICIAL ubuntustudio art from canonical and some other things I've collected over the years. [16:11] aah! i miss the canonical one... but i remember zequence told you how to get it.... let me read the backlog [16:12] I've got it already. just wasn't sure there weren't additions or upgrades. Seems that US art work development hasn't really progressed all that much. [16:15] I'm comparing to this: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/u/ubuntukylin-wallpapers/ubuntukylin-wallpapers_15.10.1.tar.xz [16:23] cfhowlett: yeah... i think it sort went on hold after 13.10... [16:24] but hey, lets blow on the fire to live it up! [16:24] I hope to generate some PR and get some sweet new wallpapers in time for 16.04 [16:25] sakrecoer_, can I "delegate" / "suggest" a task for you? [16:25] as it's past midnight and I must get some sleep [16:30] zequence: i can't seem to get the textfile ubuntustudio_current_art_standard when i bzr pull :parent [16:30] I missed that as well [16:31] cfhowlett: sure! [16:33] sakrecoer_, please reach out to canonical design and inquire whether UbuntuStudio must comply with any parent OS design criteria. I've noticed that things like photograph wallpapers have very specific critera, e.g. http://www.ubuntukylin.com/news/shownews.php?lang=en&id=523 [16:34] also: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/02/ubuntu-14-04-lts-wallpaper-contest?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+d0od+%28OMG!+Ubuntu!%29 [16:38] alright cfhowlett... i can do that... please just hook me up with the channel to reach them [16:38] might be email as I have yet to find their channel. [16:39] alright... so i guess i can find it here somewhere: http://design.canonical.com/ [16:40] and here.. [16:40] http://design.ubuntu.com/ [16:41] yep [16:42] and with that: signing off. work tomorrow. I've added you to my irc friend list. [16:43] read ya later! [16:43] :) [16:56] nice... jekyll seem to be what is used by ubuntu design... i think we should too, it is easier to archive and requires less maintainance [16:56] but its a big job to migrate.. [16:57] finding a contact adress wasn't easy ... all i find is twitter :/ trying the IRC channel. [17:06] sakrecoer_: It's there now. It was never pushed [17:06] Just did it [17:18] took the liberty to edit the whiteboard for ubuntustudio-artwork. i hope its fine. [17:18] cool thanks zequence ! [17:20] what does CoF stand for? [17:32] Circle of Friends. [17:33] krytarik: ?? seriously? [17:33] LOL - yes! [17:33] lol!! i like it!! defo my kindof poetry! [17:33] sakrecoer_: you never seen that? [17:34] no... [17:36] sakrecoer_: http://bit.ly/1m7OAt3 [17:43] sakrecoer_: The Ubuntu Studio CoF is based on that [17:43] It's like a cooler pimped version [17:43] the circle of firewirefriends ;) [17:44] Ah, yeah [18:25] zequence: i've made some cleanup in the artwork branch, this implied creating folder and moving files. is there a command to add everything that was missing in one shot? [18:26] or krytarik maybe? anyone?:) [18:27] sakrecoer_: https://unit193.net/xubuntu/docs/contributor/C/common-reference.html#bzr [18:27] thanks krytarik :) [18:27] Sure. [18:30] sakrecoer_: Not sure you mean by adding what was missing? [18:32] sorry zequence i was unsure how put it, but the command i was looking for was "bzr add ." [18:33] sakrecoer_: Right [18:33] . means this dir, but that isn't self evident for everything in this dir [18:34] usually, that would be something like ./* [18:34] both git and bzr add all with . [18:34] oh no... maybe i messed up.... [18:34] how so? [18:34] i did bzr push lp:~sakrecoer/ubuntustudio-artwork/ubuntustudio-artwork thinking it would push a copy to my own launchpad.... [18:35] but i just saw these instructions: bzr push lp:~sakrecoer/+junk/BRANCHNAME [18:35] Right [18:35] Doesn't matter. Nothing is destroyed [18:35] but i should really use lp:~sakrecoer/+junk/branchname. right? [18:36] Yes, for creating your own branches [18:36] sorry about that... [18:36] But, with this branch, I'm pretty sure you can't mess it up worse than it already is [18:36] Just go ahead and organize it, if you want [18:36] If someone doesn't agree, it's just a matter of rearranging again. All the earlier revisions are still there [18:37] sakrecoer_: https://help.launchpad.net/Code/PersonalBranches [18:37] This branch is not a package [18:37] It's just a place to store our artwork [18:38] ok... thanks guys! [19:54] flocculant: with regard to the ardour test case. Is that based on the ardour package (which we don't ship) or the ardour3 package (which we do ship)? [19:54] OvenWerks: I would guess ardour3 [19:55] OvenWerks: also - at the moment it's a dummy test [19:55] flocculant: Just checking. The number of people who have installed ardour in the past 4 months is more than one likes to see. [19:55] :) [19:55] I would like to see the ardour package removed [19:56] I think I've seen talk about it on your m/l [19:56] they're pretty much just all names of things to me I'm afraid [19:57] ardour is ardour2 -> audio only, ardour3 is ardour 4.4 has midi recording and many bug fixes. [19:58] I think debian is working towards fixing this. ardour will point to the latest version. [19:59] right [19:59] I think the only 'studio' thing I ever use is audacity [19:59] I could at least add that test in for you :D [20:00] :P :) great audio editor but doesn't work well with jack. [20:04] flocculant: Mypaint fix is released, but it is not in studio... [20:05] aah. i see it now.. [20:06] right - not in studio so in the main group [20:06] strange..i'm subscribed to it, but i didn't get noticed... [20:07] flocculant: could you add a test for rapid photo downloader ? [20:07] please :) [20:07] agave should be moved ... [20:08] sakrecoer_: I can add a bug for the testcase to be created ;) [20:08] i'll write the test [20:09] yes :) [20:09] can i add bugs like that? [20:09] sakrecoer_: ummm - you mean bug 1184749 ... [20:09] bug 1184749 in Ubuntu Manual Tests "Test Needed: Rapid Photo Downloader" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1184749 [20:09] which is already one of the studio tagged bugs :p [20:10] exactly!! [20:10] sakrecoer_: it was already there? [20:10] hm... i didn't get any mail for it... how can i browse the list of studio tagged bugs? [20:10] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual-tests/+bugs?field.tag=ubuntu-studio [20:11] right... sorry... [20:11] probably 3rd time you tell me... [20:13] :) [20:15] flocculant: how about *phatch PHoto bATCH processor*, and *Phatch Image inspector*? [20:15] searched but couldn't find it... [20:15] brb [20:20] sakrecoer_: but is it in the seed? [20:21] sakrecoer_: best to taqlk to Ross anyway, I think he wants to try and get some specific stuff targetted [20:21] and I just got a mp from him to do [20:23] flocculant: mmm.... the seed...? an mp?.... i'll ask ross :) [20:23] the seed - is it on the default studio install [20:23] mp - you've been doing merge proposals :p [20:24] yes it is in the seed [20:24] both are.. [20:24] talk to Ross about them then - as I said pretty sure he's got some priorities :) [20:25] :) thanks flocculant :) [20:25] welcome :)