
ubuntouristAnd... back00:02
cl0ckw0rkHey Guys! Have nice day,I've a question. Anyone producing music with Ubuntu? I used jak application and irig(which I used with ipad or idevices.) I connect rakarrack and irig correctly with jak guide. But if you know, irig has headphone output. When I plug my headphone on it, irig becomes headphone for my pc. Not the guitar interface anymore. And rakarrack try to get sound from hardware mic, not ir10:14
wachinHi, I install UbuntuStudio 15.10 where kdenlive come by default, but not have icons, some of you know what package lack15:21
zequencewachin: Development release?15:25
zequenceAh, no 15.10, you said15:25
zequencewachin: Have you reported a bug?15:25
zequenceIf not, use the terminal, and do: ubuntu-bug kdenlive15:26
wachinHi zequence15:38
wachinI go15:38
danne2611hej zeq17:23
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