
mozmckI'm trying to use pkexec in a bash script with no success.  I have a script called "installer" that just has the command "dpkg -i *.deb"  If I use gksudo ./installer, it works great.  But gksudo is not installed in Xubuntu by default so that is not an option for me.01:09
mozmckpkexec tells me it can't find ./installer  So I passed it the full path to the installer, and then dpkg says it can't find the deb files.  So I added a cd <location of files> in the ./installer script, and that didn't seem to help.01:10
mozmckAny idea what I'm doing wrong?01:11
knomemozmck, for starters, this isn't really the support channel01:11
ubottupkexec is a PolicyKit tool that allows an authorized user to run (graphical) applications as another user, similar to !gksu.01:11
mozmckok, which channel is?01:12
mozmckok, thanks01:13
Unit193I seem to be missing the link to delete a testcase, I realized technically I did http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/351/builds/105604/testcases/1658/results09:30
slickymasterWorkUnit193, are you an admin there?09:50
Unit193Of course not.09:59
slickymasterWorkhmm, that's odd10:02
slickymasterWorkbecause I am and I'm not seeing any delete option10:02
slickymasterWorkI only have an 'Edit' option10:03
slickymasterWorkflocculant ^^10:03
=== link is now known as Guest72994
knomeslickymaster, maybe you are not an admin, just an editor or sth12:30
knomeUnit193, what exactly are you trying to delete?12:33
knomeUnit193, move upgrade from the core testsuite to the upgrade testsuite?12:34
knomeand tbe, i don't think there is a "delete" action, only disable12:35
knomewhich is silly because now the tracker is full with disabled things12:35
flocculantyou can delete results - though they appear to just strike through 14:12
flocculantUnit193: you've not got rights to do any of that - what exactly is it you want? 14:13
slickymasterWorkflocculant, but not testcases?14:36
flocculantslickymaster: nope - there till the electrons stop spinning on the server 18:36
Unit193flocculant: Right, I was just trying to change *my* testcase results.  After running my usual, noticed the 'core upgrade', which technically fits mine better as I don't have xubuntu-desktop.20:25
flocculantaah right - you should be able to edit that 20:25
flocculantdon't appear to see any from you20:27
flocculantoh nvm - assumed you were talking about core :p20:28
flocculantdo you see a 'pencil' by your result - if you do you might be able to do something - if not I would need to delete it 20:29
Unit193OK, I'll have to check.20:57
Unit193But, I did upgrade one hardware to Xenial! \o/20:57
Unit193Plymouth even seemed to work...20:57
flocculantUnit193: if you can't - add your new one and I'll nix the old one 20:58
Unit193Ok, will do, have to head out now.20:59
flocculantyep - have a good whatever :)20:59
Unit193Yeah no, I'm helping someone go to the store, it'll be awful.21:00
pleia2flocculant: no word from jcastro re: vps, and I haven't seen him around this week :\21:23
flocculantk- kind of assumed that was the case or you'd have said something :)21:24
* pleia2 nods21:24
* flocculant guessed you'd say that too :p21:24
flocculantI guess we'll want to move - pretty sure knome  wants to - and one more assumption being you'd want to see the back of it too 21:25

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