
Network2501hi, how can i stop the computer going to sleep (not the monitor)00:05
Network2501I've set options under xfce power manager to never sleep00:05
TarminquayI'm running Ubuntu MATE.00:05
TarminquayAny reason I should switch to Xubuntu?00:06
knomeTarminquay, what makes you ask that?00:06
TarminquayWhat do you mean what?00:09
TarminquayI am just curious.00:09
Network2501i chose xubuntu because of xfce00:09
knomeif you ask a xubuntu channel, you can expect people to prefer xubuntu here00:10
knomehowever, you should use what is best for you00:10
Network2501and tbh i only decided to use ubuntu for the gns3 support00:10
retrojeffMATE is pretty xfce is lightweight00:13
retrojeffif you want simple and light choose xfce00:13
retrojeffif you want pretty and gnome2 pick mate00:14
retrojeffI use both00:14
knomexubuntu and ubuntu mate are much more than the DE's00:14
retrojeffpackages are not the same00:14
TarminquayUbuntu MATE and Xubuntu are quite different.00:15
Network2501power issue seems to be related to bug 130754500:18
ubottubug 1307545 in light-locker (Ubuntu) "Power Manager settings are ignored when closing laptop lid" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130754500:18
Network2501power manager settings are ignored00:18
Network2501computer is still being suspended00:18
Network2501other than uncommenting ingore idle in /etc/systemd/logind.conf is there anything else i could look at?00:19
TarminquayDo you guys have slow systems?01:00
TarminquayIs that why you run Xubuntu?01:01
knomei have used xubuntu on low-spec hardware too, but i'm also running it on modern hardware.01:01
TarminquayWhy not use Ubuntu MATE if you have modern hardware?01:02
knomewhy not use xubuntu?01:03
TarminquayOr even Linux Mint with Cinnamon?01:03
TarminquayBecause it's not as nice, especially vs Cinnamon.01:03
* knome shrugs01:03
knomei guess we have to agree to disagree01:03
knomeTarminquay, is this for google code-in?01:13
TarminquayWhat google code-in?01:13
knomemozmck, re: your question, you'll likely want to check http://www.freedesktop.org/software/polkit/docs/0.105/pkexec.1.html01:13
TarminquayLinux Mint with Cinnamon is a much more sophisticated DE than Xubuntu.01:14
mozmckI'm trying to use pkexec in a bash script with no success.  I have a script called "installer" that just has the command "dpkg -i *.deb"  If I use gksudo ./installer, it works great.  But gksudo is not installed in Xubuntu by default so that is not an option for me.  pkexec tells me it can't find ./installer  So I passed it the full path to the installer, and then dpkg says it can't find the deb files.  So I added a cd <location of files> in the ./installer 01:14
mozmckknome: I've looked at that page and anything else I can find.  It's pretty sketchy.01:16
knomemozmck, pkexec requires a permission file for your command you are going to run01:16
knomemozmck, maybe you would be fine if you ran the script itself without pkexec, and only the dpkg command inside the script with it01:16
mozmckFor every one?  I thought it was more generic than that.01:17
mozmckI tried running just dpkg with it and that didn't work either.01:17
knomefor every one, yes. not every variation, but one per command.01:18
mozmckThat seems pretty well useless then.01:18
knomeseems pretty secure to me.01:18
knomeonly commands that are specified get only the permissions they should01:19
mozmckYeah, so secure you can't install anything with a graphical password dialog.01:19
Network2501does xubuntu run a sshd by default?01:20
Network2501and allow remote connections01:20
knomewell, pkexec policy files are shipped for all software that xubuntu ships by default, and it works for them as it is correctly set up - go figure01:20
knomeNetwork2501, no, but you can install one easily01:20
Network2501ahh ok that explains a lot01:20
Network2501cheers knome01:20
mozmckinterestingly, I just discovered that virtualbox has an install script for it's Guest Additions that uses pkexec and it works.  I guess I'll dig into that and see how that works.01:21
knomeyes, at this point not all software has a policy file01:21
knomebut the situation should be getting better all the time01:21
mozmckthanks for the pointers.  I doubt virtualbox is installing a policy file01:21
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xubuntu79dI have lost the task bar on my desktop and with this last update the password seems to have been change18:19
xubuntu79dHow can I resolve or remove this random generated password first of all18:20
Luyinxubuntu79d: you can have your taskbar back by hitting alt+f2 and entering "xfce-4-panel &"18:20
Luyinxubuntu79d: can you rule out problems with encoding and keyboard settings?18:21
xubuntu79dIt's asking for a password now which seems to have been changed18:23
Luyinxubuntu79d: you didn't answer my question18:23
Luyinor else I don't understand what you're trying to say18:23
xubuntu18wHi ! I have xubunt installed on my pc and will like to install a 2nd linux distro. but I will like to create a partition for storing data I will b able to use with the 2 distros...18:24
xubuntu18wany advise??18:24
xubuntu18wif I create a /data for example in ext4 is it ok??18:25
xubuntu79dIt ran an update that randomly generated a password that I don't have18:25
xubuntu18wwhen i say data it is only files... documents music, movies...18:25
Luyinxubuntu79d: there is no such thing as an update which changes passwords.18:25
Luyinxubuntu18w: you can create a partition to be used by any number of OSes on your PC without problem, yes.18:26
xubuntu18wLuyin...  Can I also encrypt it after?18:27
Luyinxubuntu18w: should be no problem afaik18:29
xubuntu79dI remember seeing a reference to a command line something like random unlock to undo the change on my ( encryption ) password18:29
Luyinxubuntu79d: can you rule out problems with encoding and keyboard settings?18:29
xubuntu79dIt's a laptop, there may be a setting Chang, I was trying to emolument a 3D desktop cud be when this all started18:33
Luyinxubuntu79d: nothing of this has anything to do with changing passwords. so either you're mistaken and your keyboard settings have changed, your encoding doesn't do what it's supposed to, or you're mistyping your password.18:39
xubuntu79dOk, one other question then. Is there a way to simply reset and change it?18:44
krytarik!pwreset | xubuntu79d18:48
ubottuxubuntu79d: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword18:48
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FernandoBassoHow to increase/decrease screen brightness on a normal desktop computer? (I use fn keys on my laptop)21:27
bekksFernandoBasso: By modifying the brightness in the menu of your display.21:34
TrollerSo guys I used Unetbootin to create a usb stick with Xubuntu for installation22:54
TrollerI plug in the usb stick and reboot to it, start installation procedure but now he is asking for ISO image22:54
Trollerwhat ISO image is it?22:54
TrollerIm really confused I thought all I needed was on the usb stick22:55
mrkrampsactually you're using this iso image from a stick23:00
Trollerthe iso image I need is on the stick then?23:01
Trollerproblem is locate it then, because it lists some mountable  drives I tried each one of them but it didnt find it23:01
Trollerim just going to burn the xubuntu iso into a dvd and then install it from there23:06
Trollerfrom usb stick is too complicated by the looks of things23:06
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