icezimm | marcoceppi: just want dinner, now I'm back, thank you for all your information… I can order a vlan on softlayer (private vlans are cheap - if not free, not sure hehehhe) | 00:11 |
icezimm | would be easier to configure instead of manual provider (but sure is really great where you can't get a vlan) | 00:12 |
icezimm | opsss… order a subnet, vlan is already set | 00:12 |
marcoceppi | icezimm: cool, a subnet would be the way to go if you want to use MAAS | 00:37 |
icezimm | great | 00:38 |
marcoceppi | icezimm: a blog post on the setup would be good too, I'm sure there are others looking to replicate the setup | 00:44 |
marcoceppi | icezimm: also, if you need any help while working on it, let us know! | 00:44 |
icezimm | on SL I can access the private networking using a VPN, would be easy to access the containers | 00:51 |
icezimm | you man setup where? like we did in our lab? | 00:51 |
icezimm | marcoceppi: | 00:55 |
marcoceppi | icezimm: I mean the setup on SL | 00:59 |
icezimm | marcoceppi: sure | 01:15 |
asheesh_ | I am trying to follow guide here: to setup openstack private cloud for setting up staging environment and developer VMs | 10:27 |
asheesh_ | But can't get it to work as of now | 10:33 |
asheesh_ | this is the commands.log output | 10:34 |
asheesh_ | just getting started with openstack, will appreciate any help | 10:34 |
jamespage | thedac, if that looks ok to you | 12:22 |
jamespage | picked that up during the midonet charm review testing. | 12:22 |
marcoceppi | asheesh_: are yoiou still around? | 12:46 |
asheesh_ | yes marcoceppi, I'm still waiting for some help | 12:47 |
asheesh_ | repeating the whole install process again | 12:47 |
marcoceppi | asheesh_: I see a KeyboardInterrupt, did you cancel this during the run? | 12:49 |
asheesh_ | that was the very first time, I tried reinstalling after that | 12:50 |
marcoceppi | asheesh_: what version of Ubuntu is this? | 12:51 |
asheesh_ | I am doing the whole process from beginning, should be able to give you a cleaner log in case I run into problem again | 12:51 |
asheesh_ | 14.0.3 LTS Server | 12:51 |
asheesh_ | *14.04.3 | 12:52 |
marcoceppi | asheesh_: okay, great | 12:54 |
asheesh_ | Thanks marcoceppi, appreciate the response | 12:55 |
marcoceppi | asheesh_: no worries, sorry you're having troubles! | 12:55 |
marcoceppi | asheesh_: it looks like just a few gremilins in the lxc stuff, hopefully it was just a hiccup | 12:56 |
marcoceppi | :w | 14:48 |
asheesh__ | Hi guys, seems like one of the server for charms is down | 14:49 |
asheesh__ | | 14:49 |
asheesh__ | I ran into following issue while installing openstack on ubuntu 14.04.3 Server LTS | 14:50 |
asheesh__ | macumba.ServerError: (ServerError(...), 'cannot retrieve charm "cs:trusty/glance-simplestreams-sync-3": cannot get archive: Get dial tcp no route to host') | 14:50 |
asheesh__ | whole log you can see here: (Ignore the first half of logs, it's from earlier run, see line 2642 for example) | 14:53 |
asheesh__ | It's giving 503 error, I guess server is unable to handle the load. Please someone look into it, who actually has access to api.juju servers. | 14:56 |
lazypower | asheesh__ we're experiencing an outage for the jujucharms api. | 14:56 |
rick_h_ | lazypower: asheesh__ there's a bigger DC outage atm | 14:57 |
rick_h_ | our irc, insights, are suffering an outage atm | 14:57 |
asheesh__ | sorry to hear that, let me know once it's up ... will resume with my setup once it's up | 14:58 |
dpb1 | ah ok | 14:58 |
dpb1 | thx rick_h_ | 14:58 |
rick_h_ | asheesh__: dpb1 yes, we're working on getting topics updated and tracking what's up | 14:58 |
asheesh__ | rick_h_: thanks | 14:59 |
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mattyw | urulama, ping? | 15:04 |
urulama | mattyw: pong | 15:05 |
mattyw | urulama, it's safe to ignore me again | 15:06 |
mattyw | urulama, sorry | 15:06 |
urulama | mattyw: the usual then, ok :P | 15:06 |
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thedac | jamespage: merged your MP | 15:37 |
rick_h_ | asheesh__: dpb1 looks like things are heading back up | 15:38 |
asheesh__ | rick_h_: works like a charm | 15:41 |
asheesh__ | just curious, what happened tehre | 15:42 |
rick_h_ | asheesh__: looks like a quick issue with neutron snuck into the wires. Not sure what triggered it | 15:42 |
lazypower | marcoceppi: we're setting data in unitdata.kv(), is there an easy way to get at this from amulet? I was thinking with chlp, but i'm not certain if unitdata is exposed via chlp | 15:51 |
jose | jcastro: ok, so let's look into this reactive thing you said | 15:54 |
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beisner | jamespage, daily :-) | 16:03 |
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thedac | frobware: dimitern: Can you guys give me an update on juju netspaces and bindings? If not in the hangout an email will suffice? | 16:35 |
frobware | thedac, joining | 16:35 |
dimitern | thedac, hey, I'm coming for the call actually | 16:35 |
thedac | ok, cool | 16:35 |
Prabakaran | Hello Team, Since I am installing java, to send relation data I have written the below code using “set_ready”. relation_call --relation_name=java set_ready $java_home $java_version In the reverse operation, ie, while uninstalling the product I may have to leave the setting as it is. So what is the reverse operation code for “relation_call --relation_name=java set_ready $java_home $java_version” so that I can include it wh | 17:11 |
thedac | frobware: is origin/maas-spaces still the correct branch? Just confirming. | 17:12 |
frobware | thedac, yes to "maas-spaces" | 17:12 |
thedac | ta | 17:12 |
frobware | thedac, most recent commit is "Discover spaces and subnets on bootstrap" - 3b22163de5846201487de0f42c93c70aa381594a | 17:13 |
thedac | got it | 17:13 |
beisner | o/ thedac, next step for hacluster tests. can you review? tia! | 17:19 |
thedac | beisner: it is on the list. I need to get some netspaces tests done ASAP before I lose juju developers. | 17:20 |
beisner | thedac, that one's hot off the press just now. any time that works for you is cool. thx! | 17:20 |
Prabakaran | Hello Team, Since I am installing java, to send relation data I have written the below code using set_ready. | 17:30 |
Prabakaran | “relation_call --relation_name=java set_ready $java_home $java_version” | 17:31 |
Prabakaran | For uninstalling part I may have to leave the relation data as it is. So what is the reverse operation code for the “relation_call --relation_name=java set_ready $java_home $java_version”. Please advise. | 17:31 |
Prabakaran | Could someone please help me on this? | 17:36 |
Prabakaran | What is the reverse operation code for "“relation_call --relation_name=java set_ready $java_home $java_version”" | 17:41 |
thedac | frobware: dimitern: juju space list and juju subnet list both auto discover MAAS spaces/subnets on my lab. | 17:47 |
apuimedo | jamespage: thanks for the change proposal to midonet-api | 17:47 |
apuimedo | Currently I'm working on a new /ha branch | 17:48 |
apuimedo | So that it supports hacluster relations | 17:48 |
apuimedo | I'm having a weird issue where it sets up the vip correctly, and replies | 17:49 |
dimitern | thedac, awesome! | 17:50 |
apuimedo | But it does not switch over when the currently active service falls | 17:50 |
dimitern | thedac, did you try deploying to them yet? | 17:50 |
thedac | doing that now | 17:50 |
Prabakaran | Hi kwmonroe, could u please advise on my query? | 17:50 |
dimitern | thedac, also - did you manage to sort out building from source or ? | 17:50 |
apuimedo | It's something about the ipaddr2 agent I guess | 17:50 |
thedac | yes, this was built from source. So far so good | 17:50 |
Prabakaran | Hi <kwmonroe>, could u please advise on my query? | 17:50 |
apuimedo | (I set it up practically like ks and neutron do) | 17:51 |
frobware | thedac, sounds like magic! | 17:54 |
thedac | poof. You have a network. | 17:54 |
frobware | alexisb, voidspace, dooferlad, dimitern: ^^ | 17:54 |
frobware | thedac, care to share a pastebin of `juju space list'? | 17:54 |
thedac | sure, one sec | 17:55 |
thedac | frobware: I plan to make this more complicated today and test its limits. | 17:56 |
frobware | thedac, that would be great. appreciated. | 17:57 |
kwmonroe | Prabakaran: in the uninstall case, simply "remove_state 'java.installed'". i don't believe you need to a relation_call to unset_ready during uninstall because the relation will already be gone. | 17:58 |
kwmonroe | cory_fu: is that right? ^^ do you need to call unset_ready when the java relation is going away? or is removing the state enough? (unset_ready is definied in the java interface here, fwiw: | 17:59 |
Prabakaran | hi kwmonroe, Since i am getting this error thought of unsetting this under uninstalltion part. | 18:01 |
thedac | dimitern: deploy works as well. Now to add more spaces ... | 18:03 |
marcoceppi | lazypower: you should have kv available via chlp | 18:05 |
voidspace | thedac: awesome | 18:05 |
kwmonroe | Prabakaran: that error looks like it would happen if there is no remote unit for the 'java' relation. when is that 'relation_call' happening? @when java.installed, @when_not java.connected? | 18:07 |
cory_fu | kwmonroe: Right, I think unset_ready was intended in case the java became unavailable for some reason other than losing the relation, e.g., a license becoming unaccepted. | 18:09 |
cory_fu | In the case of the relation going away, the interface layer should implicitly remove the ready state | 18:09 |
kwmonroe | ack cory_fu, thanks | 18:10 |
Prabakaran | kwmonroe, it is happening while @when 'java.connected' 'license.accepted' @when_not 'java.installed' | 18:11 |
Prabakaran | ya cory, you are right, i am looking for this when i am settiing EULA value | 18:12 |
kwmonroe | Prabakaran: can you paste your ./reactive/<file>.sh to it seems like the java.connected state may be set when the java relation isn't actually there. also please confirm the relation names from the 'requires' section of your metadata.yaml. | 18:21 |
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Prabakaran | hi kwmonroe | 18:25 |
Prabakaran | | 18:25 |
dimitern | thedac, great! keep the good news coming :) | 18:25 |
Prabakaran | ya it is working now... i just appened || true at the end of "relation_call --relation_name=java set_ready $java_home $java_version" | 18:28 |
Prabakaran | but by seeing log still this error persists | 18:29 |
Prabakaran | requires realtion of metadata.yaml is java | 18:32 |
kwmonroe | yeah Prabakaran, appending || true will get you past the relation_call, but i'm curious how that gets executed if there is no remote java unit connected. how did you produce this error? deploy with accept-ibm-javasdk-license=True and then set accept-ibm-javasdk-license=False? | 18:34 |
Prabakaran | i deployed by setting accept-ibm-javasdk-license=True, and then ccept-ibm-javasdk-license=False, Again accept-ibm-javasdk-license=True.. | 18:36 |
Prabakaran | whenever i am setting this EULA to True . Scripts should install our prod. same way it should uninstall while setting EULA to false. | 18:38 |
alexisb | thedac, frobware cool! | 18:38 |
alexisb | well done sapphire team! | 18:38 |
alexisb | thedac, thank you for working so patiently with us to make good things happen :) | 18:38 |
thedac | no problem. | 18:38 |
kwmonroe | ok Prabakaran - i'll try your procedure here to see if i can offer a fix. i'll email you my results. | 18:45 |
Prabakaran | k thanks kevin !! . | 18:47 |
kwmonroe | np | 18:47 |
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