
ePierrehi there!06:10
ePierreI am trying Snappy on a KVM virtual machine, and I would like to have more free space in the image HDD in order to install more snaps. How can I do that? I tried to follow this guide: http://itsignals.cascadia.com.au/?p=28 but when I start gparted live, I have a kernel panic message06:11
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dholbachgood morning07:38
zygagood morning, hey dholbach :)07:38
dholbachhey zyga07:39
ePierremorning zyga  :)07:45
ePierreand dholbach :)07:45
ePierrezyga, you may have an idea about this:07:45
ePierreI am trying Snappy on a KVM virtual machine, and I would like to have more free space in the image HDD in order to install more snaps. How can I do that? I tried to follow this guide: http://itsignals.cascadia.com.au/?p=28 but when I start gparted live, I have a kernel panic message07:45
dholbachhi ePierre07:46
zygaePierre: just make a bigger disk07:57
zygaePierre: then snappy expands on first boot07:57
zygaePierre: my recommendation is to use -snapshot all the time07:57
zygaePierre: so each reboot gives you identical environment07:58
zygaePierre: then script any post-boot activities,07:58
zygaePierre: this is great for testing07:58
ePierrezyga, let me try this08:01
ePierrezyga, hm so I followed everything up to step 8 of that page: http://itsignals.cascadia.com.au/?p=28 ; which supposedely makes my .img file much bigger08:05
ePierrezyga, yet when I boot I still have 0 free space08:05
fgimenezgood morning08:06
ePierreFilesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on08:06
ePierre /dev/sda6       471M  461M     0 100% /home08:06
ePierrezyga, to follow up, my disk is bigger, but snappy won't expand automagically08:42
ePierre /dev/sda6  6569984 19427327 12857344  6.1G Linux filesystem08:42
zygaePierre: try latest images, I think this happens automatically now (it did for me)08:48
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Thursday, and happy Wright Brothers Day! ✈09:41
fgimenezChipaca, hello! i'm getting http://paste.ubuntu.com/14072304/ in 15.04/edge, don't know if you are the right person to ask about this10:15
Chipacafgimenez: that's interesting10:16
Chipacafgimenez: what happens if you disable autopilot using config?10:16
fgimenezChipaca, sorry, how can i do that?10:17
Chipacafgimenez: rolling: echo 'config: {ubuntu-core: {autoupdate: off}}' | sudo snappy config ubuntu-core -10:17
Chipacafgimenez: 15.04: echo 'config: {ubuntu-core: {autopilot: off}}' | sudo snappy config ubuntu-core -10:18
Chipacafgimenez: in fact10:18
Chipacafgimenez: echo 'config: {ubuntu-core: {autopilot: off, autoupdate: off}}' | sudo snappy config ubuntu-core - | grep auto10:18
Chipacafgimenez: should work for both10:18
Chipacafor now :-)10:18
Chipaca(we're going to break this on rolling at some point in the new year)10:19
fgimenezChipaca, "echo 'config: {ubuntu-core: {autopilot: off}}' | sudo snappy config ubuntu-core -" works  (config doesn't give the "invalid unit status error" afterwards) but i'm not able to reenable it http://paste.ubuntu.com/14072341/10:22
Chipacafgimenez: echo 'config: {ubuntu-core: {autopilot: off, autoupdate: on}}' | sudo snappy config ubuntu-core - | grep auto10:23
Chipacafgimenez: or, try mask/unmask instead of enable/disable if you need to do it through systemctl10:23
Chipacafgimenez: (fwiw i think this is new, and if the change broke stuff you should blame mvo)10:23
Chipacafgimenez: (mostly because blaming mvo is always fun)10:24
Chipacafgimenez: i meant to change both 'off's to 'on's, not just one, fwiw10:24
Chipacaelopio: wrt https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snappy/pull/23210:25
Chipacaelopio: i don't care whether you use a url or python to make sure the json is valid, but one of the two needs to happen10:25
mvoChipaca, fgimenez: hm, I think you now need to mask/unmask10:27
Chipacamvo: the 'invalid unit status' thing is probably a bug though10:28
fgimenezChipaca, mvo, ok thanks, to continue using systemctl it seems that "sudo systemctl disable snappy-autopilot.timer" is now equivalent to "sudo systemctl disable snappy-autopilot.timer && sudo systemctl mask snappy-autopilot.timer", right?10:28
Chipacamvo: makes me think some people will see breakage on upgrade to this10:28
Chipacafgimenez: no, just mask10:29
mvoChipaca: oh, yeah, for upgrades it is indeed a bug. well, maybe, I think part of the problem is that a disable will not survie a reboot because it gets copied up again :)10:29
fgimenezChipaca, mvo ok, just mask works great, thanks!10:32
Chipacamvo: good point :)10:32
mvoChipaca: sorry for being a smartass, I'm just a bit tired this morning10:34
Chipacamvo: your transgression has been duly noted10:36
stevebiscuit|awaChipaca, zyga, elopio: I've noted the decision to not separate the REST-wrangling client code10:50
Chipacastevebiscuit|awa: *for now* :-) yes10:50
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stevebiscuitChipaca: if others want to contribute to fleshing out the client lib then I'm all for it :)10:52
stevebiscuitChipaca: ripping out all the snappy code from webdm will take a while but it'll be worth it10:53
Chipacastevebiscuit: i'll take another pass at your branches in a bit10:53
Chipaca--- there are a few others ahead of yours in my pile, is all :-)10:53
stevebiscuitChipaca: appreciated!10:53
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Chipacastevebiscuit: you need two +1s to land on master though11:43
Chipacastevebiscuit: (just in case you weren't aware)11:43
Chipacaah! you already have them11:44
Chipacago go go11:44
stevebiscuitChipaca: gentleman and a scholar, ta!11:44
* Chipaca straightens his monocle11:45
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stevebiscuitso the concept of a port for a snap service is going to go away?12:44
stevebiscuit"fyi TODO we have removed the concept of ports." << from code review by Sergio12:46
Chipacastevebiscuit: i think sergio misused the word 'concept' there12:46
Chipacathe *concept* didn't go away12:46
Chipacathe plan is to expose it in a different way, probably12:46
Chipacaand the underlying problem of actually doing something with the intent expressed in the ports declaration is still present12:47
Chipacabut the change should make it feasible to do that something12:47
Chipacawe're talking post-16.04 stuff now12:47
stevebiscuitChipaca: ok, so the data will still be available12:48
pedronisit's going to be trough capabilities afaiu12:50
Chipacastevebiscuit: if i remember correctly, it'll be an attribute of a capability12:50
Chipacastevebiscuit: but that's a zyga question i think12:50
Chipacahe was paying more attention than i12:50
Chipaca(because he's the caps guy)12:51
stevebiscuitah, so the service will need the capability to listen on a specif port, makes sense12:51
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jdstrandbeuno, pindonga: hey, I'm getting a 503 when trying to install hello-world in a vm14:39
beunojdstrand, yes14:39
jdstrandhello-world failed to install: received an unexpected http response code (503) when trying to download https://public.apps.ubuntu.com/anon/download/canonical/hello-world.canonical/hello-world.canonical_1.0.18_all.snap14:39
beunoprodstack going through some heavy turbulance atm14:39
kyrofaelopio, I'm sorry I completely lost track of time14:40
kyrofaelopio, do you have power today? :P14:40
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frecelcan someone tell me what oem snaps are supposed to be?16:09
ogra_currently they define the hardware and ship all bootloader related bits16:14
frecelogra_: can I put a kernel in an oem snap?16:52
ogra_today you need a device tarball ...16:53
ogra_soon this will all change ...16:53
ogra_and you need a kernel snap ...16:53
ogra_the oem snap is going away and the bootloader will go into that kernel snap ...16:53
ogra_the HW description moves to a so-called gadget snap then16:54
freceloh interesting16:54
ogra_today you still need a device tarball and an oem snap though16:54
frecelI'm trying to get an image for intel edison16:54
frecelogra_: is there a documentation on what a proper oem snap is supposed to look like?16:56
frecelor should I just look at the pi2 snap and try to figure it out16:56
ogra_have fun :)17:00
kyrofajdstrand, mvo my take on a fix for bug #1466234: https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snappy/pull/26417:08
ubottubug 1466234 in ubuntu-snappy (Ubuntu) "Apparmor denial for access to SNAP_APP_USER_DATA_PATH as root" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146623417:08
kyrofaWell, as far as snappy itself goes anyway17:09
frecelogra_: I think https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/guides/porting/ should link to that oem guide17:14
jdstrandmvo: hi!17:26
jdstrandmvo: can you think of why my last comment in https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snappy/pull/264 is happening?17:27
jdstrandmvo: ubuntu-core/rolling/edge doesn't have the newest ubuntu-core-security-* packages installed17:27
jdstrandmvo: it has 16.04.2, which is from Nov 12, but 16.04.7 is available in xenial17:29
mvojdstrand: is that maybe a xenial vs xenial-proposed thing? without having looked at it17:32
jdstrandmvno. 16.04.7 is in xenial release17:32
jdstrandmvo: no 16.04.7 is in xenial release17:33
jdstrandmvo: since Dec 217:33
ogra_i see 16.04.717:33
jdstrandwell that's weird17:34
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jdstrandmy vm doesn't have it17:34
jdstrandand it claims it is up to date17:34
jdstrandmvo: ok, seems to be a local thing17:34
* jdstrand blows it away and regenerates17:34
ogra_jdstrand, and it actually landed on dec 3rd in the image http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/core-image-stats/20151203.changes17:36
mvojdstrand: scary - the buildlog also has it17:36
ogra_another delta generation issue ?17:37
mvoit might be :/17:37
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mine_fieldwhat is this? o_O https://uappexplorer.com/app/canonical-linux-pc.canonical19:16
ogra_well, what the description says :)19:24
mine_fieldno description :D19:25
mine_fieldi understand nothing :(19:25
mine_fieldbut is very late so i must sleep now :P19:25
ogra_it is the new kernel snap19:26
mine_fieldoh 4.3.0-2-219:26
mine_fieldgot it :d19:26
ogra_(currently snappy still uses the system-image technology from the phone for upgrades ... this will change ... all parts of the OS will become snap packages)19:26
mine_fieldskynet 0.1 got it :D19:27
mine_fieldthanks! good night all! ogra_19:27
Rob1507Hi there. Can anyone help me with something now?19:53
kyrofajdstrand, I just made a new VM off of 15.04 stable and I'm still getting apparmor denials to /root/apps. Did I misunderstand you when I thought that would be fixed?19:59
kyrofaRob1507, ask away!20:06
Rob1507kyrofa, I want to snap NodeJS app but I get error20:07
Rob1507Failed doing build for webchat: Command '['/bin/sh', '/tmp/tmp36flb68n', 'npm', 'install', '-g']' returned non-zero exit status 220:07
kyrofaRob1507, using snapcraft?20:08
Rob1507kyrofa, yes20:08
kyrofaRob1507, can you put the code somewhere so I can take a look? And make a pastebin of the entire output from snapcraft20:09
kyrofaRob1507, also, what version of ubuntu are you running?20:09
jdstrandkyrofa: is that for an existing app?20:09
Rob150714.04 LTS20:09
kyrofajdstrand, no just a test case (roscore running as a service)20:09
kyrofajdstrand, but I can tar it up if you want it20:10
Rob1507kyrofa, I am snapping one of the examples - shout. Send code or not needed?20:10
kyrofajdstrand, or simplify it20:10
jdstrandkyrofa: what is the output of dpkg -l|grep ubuntu-core-security-apparmor20:10
kyrofaRob1507, you're saying a snapcraft example isn't snapping correctly?20:11
kyrofajdstrand, ubuntu-core-security-apparmor 15.04.12~ppa1420:11
Rob1507kyrofa, this is output20:11
kyrofajdstrand, just downloaded the 15.04 stable image and ran snappy update followed by a reboot, no more updates available20:11
jdstrandkyrofa: that should have it. did you install your snap prior to snappy update/reboot? (that is what I was trying to ask before)20:12
kyrofajdstrand, oh I see. And no, I updated and rebooted before I tried installing anything20:12
jdstrandkyrofa: what is the output of grep HOME /usr/share/apparmor/easyprof/templates/ubuntu-core/15.04/default?20:13
kyrofajdstrand, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/14077787/20:13
kyrofaRob1507, are you using the snappy-tools ppa to get snapcraft on trusty?20:14
jdstrandok, that's good20:15
jdstrandkyrofa: can you paste the denial?20:15
kyrofajdstrand, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/14077817/20:16
kyrofajdstrand, hmm20:16
kyrofajdstrand, actually that looks like a snappy problem huh20:16
kyrofajdstrand, it's trying to create /root/apps20:16
jdstrandkyrofa: indeed20:17
kyrofajdstrand, I'm sorry, I just saw a denial on /root and came to you, I should have investigated further20:17
kyrofajdstrand, so my PR should probably fix that, eh?20:17
kyrofajdstrand, hmm... wonder how to best do that in a systemd conf20:17
jdstrandit should, but I thought the launcher was already doing that20:18
jdstrandoh, this is in a service, not a binary?20:18
kyrofajdstrand, yes a service20:18
jdstrandI'm not sure the best way to handle that20:19
jdstrandkyrofa: I think most would probably say that a service should be using SNAP_APP_DATA_PATH and not SNAP_APP_USER_DATA_PATH20:19
kyrofajdstrand, I agree, but that's not always possible20:19
kyrofajdstrand, not to mention having an environment variable point to a dir that doesn't exist seems wrong anyway20:20
kyrofajdstrand, some apps just log to HOME/something, and the person making the .snap can't always change that20:21
jdstrandit does20:21
jdstranddoes it make sense for SNAP_APP_USER_DATA_PATH to point to SNAP_APP_DATA_PATH?20:21
jdstrandHOME/something is weird for a service though20:21
kyrofajdstrand, agreed, in the case of a service, I think that would be fine. That's more of an mvo question though20:22
kyrofajdstrand, okay thanks for trouble-shooting with me :)20:23
dPragmatistsnapcraft init20:34
kyrofadPragmatist, that may not result in what you'd hoped in this window20:36
dPragmatistha, too many open windows kyrofa20:40
kyrofadPragmatist, haha, it's happened to all of us20:41
kyrofamvo, are you around? It might be a bit late for you20:43
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