
dholbachgood morning07:38
* dholbach relocates to the office, brb09:29
dpmdholbach, have you found out more about IoT hardware to bring to the Summit? I spoke to Abi yesterday and she said she can pack orange matchboxes in her luggage, but she wasn't too sure about being able to pack a spider drone in the suitcase :)12:10
dholbachdpm: I'll ask now - sorry, I forgot12:47
dpmthanks dholbach12:48
zerglessoh that ubuntu coding thing is stargint today? or was it last week?12:54
dpmzergless, http://community.ubuntu.com/contribute/google-code-in (started last week)12:55
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dholbachmhall119: ok... so UOS dates is my work item now? :)14:57
dholbachbut yeah... can do14:58
mhall119dholbach: if you'd rather do all the setup of summit.ubuntu.com, I'll trade you :)14:58
davidcalledpm: dholbach, popey , balloons , mhall119 oh the irony, my network works fine now and I'm alone in the room14:58
* dpm hugs davidcalle14:59
davidcalleAt least I heard "good work" :p14:59
mhall119davidcalle: that was basically the tl;dr of the call14:59
davidcalleAll I want for Christmas is decent Internet ♫15:00
balloonsbah, I hear you davidcalle. I'm happy enough to simply have it15:01
balloonscount your blessings in that regard too ;-)15:01
davidcalleNot sure if it has been relayed by popey during the call, but Jolla is apparently getting some more financing, great news for them :)15:03
mhall119yup, at least for the software side, still unsure about the hardware15:09
mhall119did anyone else lose connection to canonical's IRC servers?15:10
davidcallemhall119: yep15:11
mhall119ah, #canonical-sysadmin /topic says there's a network issue15:12
dholbachbelkinsa: you might want to join the community council irc channel15:18
popeydholbach, did you break your mx4? and did I hear you got it repaired?16:00
dholbachpopey: yes16:00
popeybroken screen?16:01
* mhall119 suspects popey broke his MX416:01
dholbachnow it has a white front, golden back :)16:01
popeywhere'd you get it fixed?16:01
popeyooh look, we got a sherlock over here!16:01
dholbachpopey: yes, the screen flickered in the morning, by noon the screen didn't work at all any more16:01
dholbachpopey: I mailed it to meizu.it16:01
dholbachpopey: I was in touch with info@meizu.it16:02
popeydid it cost much?16:02
dholbachthey'll need your order reference16:02
dholbachit was covered by warranty16:02
popeyhah, mine isn't mine, it's canonical16:03
popeyand I have no such warranty16:03
popeyis yours yours?16:03
dholbachmaybe you just ask them? I have no idea16:03
dholbachyes, mine mine16:03
popeyi guess mine wont be as it's cracked16:04
dpmpopey, mhall119, dholbach, balloons, what do you think about doing a post on the social accounts with the registration URL for UbuCon in meetup? I think it would generate more awareness, but I'm also thinking that it might get quite a lot of folks to register who might not actually be coming16:16
balloonsI don't see it as an issue. I wouldn't bother going through the signup process if I wasn't planning to attend16:17
balloonsif it helps, meetup also keeps stats on you as a person if you never show for things that others can see. A sense of your flakiness if you will16:18
mhall119dpm: maybe linking to the ubucon.org registration page would be better than Meetup.com alone16:24
dholbachI like the idea16:24
dpmok, let me do this once I've finished the next call16:28
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
pleia2mhall119: I am not sure how to fill out this sponsorship form :) it's not a pdf that evince can edit...18:38
pleia2it's too late for $$ sponsorship, but we'd like to do the in-kind one for sending me18:38
mhall119pleia2: yeah, the instructions I have are to print it, fill it out, scan it and email it back18:39
pleia2good grief :)18:39
mhall119pleia2: well, I suppose you could fax it ;)18:39
pleia2I'll take care of this this afternoon18:40
mhall119dpm-afk: for the next one, let's see if we can do an online form for sponsors18:40
pleia2the .pdf was nice to send to the OSPO, but as far as filling it out...18:40
mhall119I wonder if google docs (original source for the pdf) can do forms in documents18:41
* pleia2 to dentist18:41
mhall119pleia2: FWIW, this was model directly after the sponsorship brochure from the last in-person UDS18:41
wxlare you guys talking about sponsorship to go to ubucon?18:41
wxlsummit that is18:42
mhall119wxl: corporate sponsors of UbuCon18:42
wxloh ok18:42
wxldo you think it likely that i could get sponsorship to just show up?18:43
mhall119wxl: you can apply for community donations funds, but unless we get some financial sponsorship from other companies, we're going to be limited in how many of those we can approve18:43
mhall119and it's already being used to send speakers/organizers for UbuCon18:44
wxli understand18:45
wxlis there anyway i might be able to get in through helping in some way?18:45
mhall119wxl: it will ultimately come down to the cost of sending you and the available funds, but you can ask nhaines if there's something you can do to help with logistics18:46
wxlokie dokie. thanks mhall119 as always :)18:46
wxlhere's a team for you Ingress players https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-ingressors19:53
balloonsohh jose will love you20:06
joseballoons: I've already explored hollywood and surroundings ;)20:07
joseoh, and google as well20:07
balloonsrequiring real world movement is a good thing20:11

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