
pittiGood morning05:09
didrocksgood morning05:28
flocculantmorning pitti didrocks05:30
pittibonjour didrocks et flocculant !05:30
didrocksgood morning flocculant, pitti!05:31
flocculantnot sure about good - it's certainly early - woke up at 4 couldn't get back to sleep ...05:34
* didrocks is really annoyed by xnox's pkgconfig merge with debian for his tests :)08:17
didrocks(finally got the time to have a look at this issue that only happened on "desktop", where pkg-config is installed08:17
didrocksnot like my builders or autopkgtests setup :p08:17
TrevinhoGood morning!08:43
didrockshey Trevinho, how are you?08:43
pittididrocks: oh, something broken there? the merge happened a month ago already08:44
Trevinhodidrocks: I can say quite well, finally.08:44
Trevinhodidrocks: you?08:44
didrockspitti: yeah, the issue is that when you install pkg-config, you have a dpkg hook installed now08:45
didrockspitti: and this hook doesn't work well when you use dpkg --root08:46
didrocksI'm unsure if dpkg --root shouldn't look at the hooks config in the usual dirs08:46
didrocksor if the hook should be fixed to not mixed with real installation when --root is used08:46
didrocksTrevinho: I'm good thanks!08:46
pittididrocks: interesting, I wasn't aware of this mechanism even08:47
didrockspitti: it's passing in builders and autopkgtests because I don't install pkg-config here, so I don't have the guilty hook08:47
didrocksyeah, I'm doing funky stuff to test adding an architecture and such in my tests :)08:47
didrocksand the hook hardcode the path, so I can't even just "discare it"08:48
pittididrocks: could you just remove the hook for the tests?08:48
pittiif you don't care about cross-building08:48
didrockspitti: how come? It's on the system itself in /etc/dpkg…08:49
didrockspitti: so it means running those tests are root08:49
didrocks(and so, running those as root on my machine… :/)08:50
pittididrocks: oh, I thought it breaks your tests08:50
didrocksit does08:50
pittididrocks: ah, for that; so at least you want something nondestructive like sudo mount -o bind /dev/null /usr/share/pkg-config-dpkghook08:50
didrocksI can't run small tests locally on my machine itself now08:50
pittiwhich will make the test -x fail08:50
didrockspitti: yeah, but this will require root as well, no?08:50
pittididrocks: yes, it does08:51
pittididrocks: oh, you call dpkg as user in a temp dir?08:51
didrocks(with fakeroot to install package)08:51
didrocksand --root=<path>08:51
didrockslocal repo, everything locally brewed :)08:52
pittididrocks: so why doesn't that take the dpkg config files from that fakeroot as well?08:52
didrockspitti: yeah, I think that's the dpkg bug, it should IMHO08:52
pittididrocks: you mean fakechroot bug?08:53
pittioh, fakeroot, not fakechroot08:53
didrocksfakeroot only08:53
didrocksI'm still using system dpkg and such08:53
didrocksjust faking hiding dpkg with "dpkg --root…"08:53
didrockspitti: basically: https://github.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-make/blob/master/tests/small/test_requirements_handler.py#L5908:55
didrocksmaybe there is a DPkg::<something> directive08:55
* didrocks looks08:55
didrocksargh, it's a linked list when added09:04
didrocks  /* Add the new hook at the tail of the list to preserve the order. */09:04
didrocks  **hook_tail = hook_new;09:04
didrocks  *hook_tail = &hook_new->next;09:04
Trevinhodidrocks: with new unity/launcher integration, we've a dbus dependency with nautilus (not that without it it wont' work, but still)... I was wondering whether. So should I add it to reccomends?09:15
didrockspitti: filed a new upstream dpkg bug FYI09:18
didrocksTrevinho: what happens if nautilus isn't installed?09:19
Trevinhodidrocks: well, launcher icons (the trash and devices one) won't be illuminated, or wont' control any window. They should work as they used to work before09:19
Trevinhodidrocks: so only as a shortcut to open stuff09:20
didrocksTrevinho: ok, recommends sounds right then09:20
didrocksTrevinho: btw, not sure if you noticed, be the student updated his patch: https://code.launchpad.net/~mcintire-evan/unity/add_screenshot_shortcut_hints/+merge/28067109:20
didrocksTrevinho: I'm not sure we have any category matching well where to put this, but I guess, we don't want to expand with another one (and fighting with nux layouting ;))09:21
Trevinhoyeah, I agree09:22
Trevinhoalso there's the thing that adding too many stuff might pretend the view to be shown in low resolutions (by low also <= 1366x768)09:22
didrocksTrevinho: yeah, so I guess where he added it is fine09:23
didrocksTrevinho: mind reviewing it once more? Will be nice to have it merged before EOW if possible :)09:24
Trevinhodidrocks: yeah, I'd love to do an unity landing before xmas, but not sure it's sane. As I won't be back till 12nd...09:25
larsugood morning!09:25
Trevinhodidrocks: and well, you might revert in case, but...09:26
didrocksTrevinho: well, I can consider the "approval" to be +1 for his code in task09:26
didrocksTrevinho: so, just approve if you feel so, already :)09:26
didrockshey larsu09:26
Trevinho(old Trevinho would have merged it any day, but he's getting more responsible :PO)09:26
larsuhi didrocks!09:28
didrocksTrevinho: just review it, if it's good, tell me and I can close the task :)09:30
Trevinhodidrocks: sure, I was in the meeting with kylin before... I'll do that shortly09:33
didrockshum, one test become racy (only on xenial), seeing the diff, apt 1.1.5 sounds like a good guilty guy09:51
didrocksmvo: hey, is that expected with new apt that I can (not always), having multiple times the same status reported by the apt binding?09:55
didrocksmvo: this doesn't happen 100% of the time (with the same test), but if you look at https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-xenial/xenial/i386/u/ubuntu-make/20151217_075907@/log.gz, I'm installing one package, one bit, I get twice:09:56
didrocks2015-12-17 07:58:38,914 [umake.network.requirements_handler] DEBUG: ['testpackage'] download update: 0.0% of 109:56
didrocks2015-12-17 07:58:38,924 [umake.network.requirements_handler] DEBUG: ['testpackage'] download update: 0.0% of 109:56
didrocks(I would expect to have progress triggers only if the percentage changes, even slightly)09:56
* didrocks changed his test to be more resilient against this10:03
mvodidrocks: the way this works internally is that it call the progress callback periodically so that you don't need your own mainloop (if you set the timeout low enough). this has the side-effect that it will also report non-changes just so that you can refresh your ui10:14
didrocksmvo: ok, do you confirm that wasn't the case before or I just good lucky over the past 2 years?10:18
didrocksmvo: changing the tests to take that into account is quite easy for me, just wanted to know if I wasn't dreaming :)10:19
xnoxdidrocks, ? =)10:50
didrocksxnox: see my discussion with pitti about the dpkg trigger and --root suport12:31
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flocculantdidrocks can have 1 cookie, (I'll keep the one for 32 bit warm still, that failed to build) - thanks for fixing that :)13:00
didrocksflocculant: yw! happy to have found it :)13:05
didrocksflocculant: bonus: the initramfs is smaller than before the plymouth merge :)13:06
xnoxdidrocks, i keep wondering to make the 2x plymouth theme the default.13:31
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xnoxnot because there are more high-dpi screens than normal, but because both are usable with 2x theme.13:31
cyphermoxxnox: is the current plymouth theme unusable on high-dpi?13:33
cyphermoxI mean, I would agree it likely is quite small, but still13:33
ricotzhi, could someone sponsor automake-1.15 merge -- https://launchpad.net/~ricotz/+archive/ubuntu/staging/+sourcepub/5781864/+listing-archive-extra13:33
cyphermox(I have no idea how it looks on high-dpi mind you)13:33
didrocksxnox: I don't know if there is any info from the script exported for this13:34
didrocksxnox: part of the issue is that the script will really need a complete rewrite, there is a lot of dead code in the ubuntu logo one13:34
xnoxcyphermox, not usable at all. hence a while back i added a "2x" theme too, which one can manually opt into using update-alternatives.13:36
xnoxdidrocks, there are two scripts/themes packaged - 1x and 2x.13:37
xnoxdidrocks, is there any api to query screen dpi/scale factor these days as root? e.g. I could query gsettings or somesuch in postinst and automatically opt into 2x theme....13:38
didrocksxnox: no api AFAIK, (that's why we have the scale thingy in Unity)13:40
didrocksbut query user's info gsettings key (user info) in postinst (root)13:40
didrockshem… ;)13:40
cyphermoxxnox: guess from xdpyinfo?13:40
cyphermoxwait nvm, same issue13:40
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desrtgood morning, peeps14:02
* ogra_ wonders in that light if leaning back and watching IRC scroll by then counts as peepshow14:03
didrocksgood morning desrt14:04
desrtdidrocks: what are you up to today?14:07
didrocksdesrt: working on moving from jenkins to autopkgtests for ubuntu make tests14:11
didrocksas the jenkins infra is going down14:11
didrockswhat about you?14:11
desrtdoing my dance back and forth between dconf and glib.  did the dconf release yesterday, so back to glib today to add some new APIs that i can use from the next dconf release :)14:11
desrtkinda ugly, in fact14:12
desrti'm really increasing the coupling of dconf and glib here14:12
desrtoh well14:12
desrtin a way the coupling was already there insofar as all GSettingsBackend implementations are expected to be dconf-like14:13
desrtwhich is more complicated than it sounds14:13
desrtso i just got an email from asustor's RT-equivalent14:36
desrti filed a ticket about missing files in their GPL package14:36
desrti got zero reply from anyone14:36
desrtand now the system is telling me the ticket is being automatically closed due to inactivity14:36
desrti'd prefer to avoid hiring a lawyer14:36
bzoltan_Mirv:  is there a known problem with the CI infra?15:03
didrocksTrevinho: the MP was updated15:05
didrocksoh you approved \o/15:05
Trevinhodidrocks: yeah :)15:05
didrockspitti: probably a stupid question, but I don't find any answer on http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/auto-pkg-test.html or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ProposedMigration/AutopkgtestInfrastructure. What's the directory where I should push artefacts to be saved in swift? (or even with a local adt-run, if they can be stored outside the vm…)15:29
pittididrocks: that's in https://people.debian.org/~mpitt/autopkgtest/README.package-tests.html aka /usr/share/doc/autopkgtest/README.package-tests.*15:30
pittididrocks: put them into  $ADT_ARTIFACTS/15:30
didrockspitti: ah, excellent, thanks for the pointer :)15:30
didrockspitti: good news: docker tests run inside the vm without any trickery contrary to jenkins!15:31
pittididrocks: with --output-dir=X they will appear in X/artifacts/15:31
pittididrocks: nice! with trickery you mean the ssh -tt?15:31
pittididrocks: ah, same issue that we had back then15:31
didrocksindeed :)15:31
didrockspitti: the only issue I have is that the testbed is set to something in /tmp (and I have a tmpfs limited to 2G here)15:31
didrocksso large tests don't run, need to find a way to tell "use the disk, son" ;)15:32
pittididrocks: with VM?15:32
pitti -o OVERLAY_DIR, --overlay-dir OVERLAY_DIR15:33
pitti                        Temporary overlay directory (default: in /tmp)15:33
pittididrocks: ^ you want that then? perhaps /var/tmp/15:33
pittididrocks: 2GB! you only have 4 GB?15:33
didrockspitti: I have 8GB, but I like having enough for the browser and such15:33
didrocksused 4.5GB here15:34
pittididrocks: anyway, so adt-run [...] --- qemu -o /var/tmp/ yourimage.img15:34
didrockspitti: excellent, thanks a bunch! :)15:34
didrockspitti: I guess I'll be able to do everything is needed on my side. I guess the last things we will check is what's available through the proxy and if sourcing /etc/environment really works for docker15:35
didrocks(but that can wait January)15:35
pittididrocks: right, but that shouldn't be an issue as long as you run tests locally?15:36
didrocksat least, I'll have a reproduceable local system :)15:36
pittiLaney: yay prodstack troubles again (IS  knows)15:39
pittiLaney: I can't ssh into stuff, and all workers died15:39
didrockshopefully, Laney is on holidays and won't see that :)15:40
flocculantI'll screenshot it for him15:53
didrockspoor Laney :p15:54
* desrt observes the start of the eoy slowdown15:55
* didrocks doesn't feel any slowdown with google code in :p15:59
didrockspitti: the testbed isn't kept between tests? It would mean I need to put all tests in the same scripts (as I think we don't want to install ubuntu-desktop 4 times ;))16:29
pittididrocks: depends16:29
pittididrocks: the test bed is reset if16:30
pitti - the current test declares "breaks-testbed", or16:30
pitti- the current test has Depends: which the next test does not have16:30
pittididrocks: and yeah, you really want to pre-prepare an image with u-desktop for taht16:30
didrocksso I need to keep the same Depends list16:30
pittididrocks: same, or only add to it16:30
didrocksok, let me try this16:30
pittididrocks: but I suppose you'll run this more than once16:31
didrocksyeah :)16:31
pittididrocks: so, cp the VM, start it, install u-desktop, and save that16:31
didrockspitti: I have the desktop one, but I'm doing a little bit more in setup that just installing u-desktop16:31
didrocksI was using that just as an example16:31
pittididrocks: well, sure -- if it's "cheap" setup that doesn't hurt, but installing u-desktop on a minimal cloud image sucks16:32
didrockspitti: yeah, we discussed that, and agreed, we'll need to do something about it :)16:32
didrocksbut let's try to get something ready first16:32
pittididrocks: once we run that in production I can work on building desktop-ish images, this is just for not making you weep too much when running locally :)16:36
didrockspitti: yeah, I'm already doing that with pleasure when I see that apt install -y ubuntu-desktop is just upgrading ubuntu-desktop package :p16:37
didrockstime to go, see you tomorrow guys!17:31
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alexarnaudGood evening everyone !20:21
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