balloons | fazer, you'll have to finish it, but here's the fix for patching: lp:~nskaggs/music-app/fix-patching-for-fazer | 00:26 |
ahayzen | \o/ | 00:26 |
balloons | should be a trivial finish ahayzen. I tidied up things | 00:27 |
ahayzen | sweet :-) | 00:27 |
ahayzen | more autopilot tests \o/ | 00:27 |
balloons | ====> dinner | 00:28 |
knome | balloons, wut? | 00:29 |
darkxst | balloons, can you publish | 00:45 |
Girish | balloons : Just pushed a marked down version of the READMEs. Minor changes in | 00:51 |
Girish | | 00:51 |
Girish | | 00:52 |
=== [BNC]adueppen is now known as adueppen | ||
ahayzen | Girish, does that second MP replace the original one? | 02:21 |
Girish | ahayzen: Yep. It was giving me some errors while push. | 02:22 |
Girish | pushing* | 02:22 |
ahayzen | Girish, ah cool, for the old one you can mark the branch as Abandoned and the merge proposed as 'Rejected' or something, so someone doesn't try to review that | 02:22 |
Girish | Okay ahayzen | 02:23 |
ahayzen | Girish, also in your new one could you add an entry for yourself in the debian/changelog ? | 02:23 |
ahayzen | Girish, should just be able to run $ dch and then type the commit message | 02:23 |
Girish | I've to write my commit message in the changelog? | 02:26 |
adueppen | sorry if anybody's client got a bit filled up from me logging in and logging out again, was configuring a bouncer | 02:26 |
tsimonq2 | adueppen: most people hide that stuff anyways, so no worries! :) | 02:27 |
ahayzen | Girish, yeah basically | 02:28 |
ahayzen | Girish, just to say what you did :-) look at the others for examples | 02:28 |
Girish | ahayzen: Okay done. | 02:28 |
Girish | Pushing. | 02:28 |
ahayzen | Girish, cool thanks | 02:28 |
ahayzen | I'll try and review it or get Victor on it soonish :-) | 02:29 |
Girish | ahayzen: Pushed. Thanks! | 02:29 |
ahayzen | thanks :-) | 02:29 |
fazer | ahayzen, balloons. I finished! I proposed a merge and submitted my task for review after commenting the link of the merge proposal. | 03:29 |
xcub | Hi kenvandine, I created a game here , and was wondering if it was good for the tutorial. It does feature the scroll behavior and script behavior, but it ins't really, well, optimized... | 03:45 |
MatthewAllen | Can someone check out my task? I submitted it over a day ago and it hasnt been accepted to rejected. | 06:03 |
MatthewAllen | | 06:03 |
darkxst | balloons, jose, popey can one of you add patrikbubak as mentor and publish | 10:50 |
popey | is patrikbubak a mentor on codein? can't find them | 10:52 |
popey | darkxst, ^ | 10:52 |
darkxst | popey, yes maybe typo in his name | 10:52 |
darkxst | pm | 10:53 |
popey | done! | 10:53 |
darkxst | thanks popey | 10:53 |
popey | np | 10:53 |
darkxst | popey, can you also take a look over amjjawad's unpublished task, he was complaining on the mailing list earlier that no one is publishing them! | 10:57 |
darkxst | s/task/tasks/ | 10:57 |
popey | oh, didn't see that. | 10:58 |
popey | Some of the tasks that are being created are of highly questionable quality tbh | 10:58 |
darkxst | it is possible that ali falls into that category in some cases | 10:58 |
popey | I'll take a look though, thanks for letting me know | 10:59 |
darkxst | popey, let me know how you go, I will forward any messages onto him (he doesnt use IRC) | 11:00 |
darkxst | or alternatively reply to his email list message | 11:01 |
MatthewAllen | Can someone check out my task? I submitted it over a day ago and it hasnt been accepted to rejected. | 11:01 |
popey | sure MatthewAllen :) | 11:06 |
MatthewAllen | popey, thanks! :) | 11:06 |
popey | have asked dbarth to take a look | 11:11 |
MatthewAllen | popey, I submitted it yesterday - and asked him for clarification on something on the task I was looking at next (another HTML5 Toolkit task) however he did not Confirm or Reject my task. | 11:12 |
MatthewAllen | he did reply to my question though | 11:12 |
popey | i see. have poked him | 11:12 |
MatthewAllen | popey, thankyou very much | 11:12 |
popey | no problemo! | 11:12 |
Rob1507 | Hi, I have a question about snapping nodejs project. I wonder if there are many differences between porting go app and nodejs app? | 11:26 |
dbarth_ | hey MatthewAllen; i just commented on your branch: | 11:38 |
MatthewAllen | dbart_, will fix that - that's what I did to start with but after looking at the other pages I noticed they did it that way. Will fix and resubmit. | 11:43 |
MatthewAllen | dbarth_ * | 11:43 |
MatthewAllen | dbarth_, | 11:48 |
dbarth_ | MatthewAllen: thanks; maybe there are other places where that needs fixing as well, but that looks fine for your branch now | 11:53 |
MatthewAllen | dbarth_, does that mean you can approve it, so I can move on to my next task? | 12:10 |
Rob1507 | balloons, can there be problems with dependencies when snapping nodejs? | 12:22 |
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch | ||
* tsimonq2 snaps his fingers | 12:54 | |
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g | ||
dbarth_ | MatthewAllen: yes, but you can also take some sleep before the next one ;) | 13:41 |
flocculant | sleep ... mmm | 13:49 |
MatthewAllen | dbarth_, that'd probally be a good idea | 13:53 |
magi | hi, I'm currently trying to complete the task 'Run a Xubuntu image (iso) tests and report your results' and I'm facing a problem. I've downloaded Xubuntu and installed it in Virtualbox, but when I boot to Xubuntu, I don't see a GUI to log in. Can someone help me? | 14:24 |
georgewhite | What do you mean you don’t see a GUI, magi? | 14:27 |
georgewhite | If the screen displays something like iPXE | 14:28 |
georgewhite | then you haven’t installed Xubuntu properly. | 14:28 |
georgewhite | iPXE is part of the BIOS and is a fallback if there is no operating system installed. | 14:28 |
magi | well, I see 'Xubuntu 16.04' and 4 dots on the screen | 14:29 |
magi | and then the whole screen turns black | 14:29 |
magi | should I give it some time to run, georgewhite? | 14:30 |
georgewhite | OK, that’s odd. | 14:30 |
georgewhite | magi: have you just installed a brand new version of Xubuntu? | 14:30 |
magi | georgewhite: yes, installed a fresh version, and then restarted the VM | 14:31 |
georgewhite | Can you boot to your Xubuntu installation again | 14:31 |
georgewhite | when it reaches the black screen | 14:31 |
georgewhite | press Shift + Alt + F3? | 14:32 |
georgewhite | A simple command line login should appear | 14:32 |
georgewhite | Once you’ve logged in, can you screenshot the result of `ps aux | less`? | 14:33 |
magi | alright, I'll give it a try. | 14:34 |
flocculant | magi: hi | 14:34 |
flocculant | is this 32 or 64 bit? | 14:34 |
flocculant | and in vbox how much memory did you allow it? | 14:35 |
magi | 32-bit, 1GB RAM allocated | 14:35 |
flocculant | okey doke - well for one thing you won't actually be able to report that to the tracker as the build is broken and I disabled 32 bit this morning | 14:37 |
flocculant | 1Gb should be sufficient | 14:37 |
balloons | dbarth_, can you have a look at too ? | 14:37 |
flocculant | magi: however - the last build on the 14th had issues with plymouth which could be what you're seeing there | 14:38 |
flocculant | o/ balloons | 14:38 |
flocculant | magi: give me 5 minutes and I'll do a test here of that image | 14:39 |
magi | Okay. May I ask, what's plymouth? | 14:40 |
flocculant | it's the graphic boot image thing - and a host of other things afaik | 14:41 |
flocculant | | 14:41 |
flocculant | magi: what I'll do when I have seen what's happening with the image is enable reporting on 32bit for you | 14:42 |
magi | flocculant: okay | 14:44 |
magi | georgewhite: I've reached the black screen, but Shift + Alt + F3 doesn't produce a command line interface. But I do see a mouse cursor now, and the hard disk indicator in vbox is busy. | 14:47 |
knome | balloons, ermm... shouldn't i have a voice :P | 14:48 |
georgewhite | magi: you can try another F key which is bigger than F3. | 14:49 |
georgewhite | magi: but the ISO that you are using is broken, apparently. | 14:49 |
knome | balloons, no, *not* like that :P | 14:50 |
knome | balloons, you want to remove the ban :P | 14:50 |
magi | georgewhite: somehow, after rebooting, the GUI showed up. tried the F3 key on the Function row, but doesn't result in anything. Managed to run the command in Terminal Emulator though, should I screenshot them? | 14:55 |
magi | Could it also be that my computer is too slow? | 14:55 |
flocculant | magi: ok - I get a black background - which is plymouth failing, but I do see the login box. You do have to stop and start - the images won't restart in vbox automatically | 14:56 |
flocculant | and in vbox to get to the vt's georgewhite is talking about shift+alt+f'anything' won't work - you need the Right Ctrl key + f1 or 2,3,4,5,6 | 14:57 |
magi | flocculant: I see, what should I do now? | 14:59 |
magi | the Right Ctrl key trick worked! thanks! :) quite new at all of these though | 15:00 |
georgewhite | flocculant: It depends on the OS that VBox is hosted on | 15:00 |
flocculant | do RightCtrl+F1 login using your username/password then try RightCtrl+F7 | 15:00 |
flocculant | magi: ^^ | 15:00 |
flocculant | georgewhite: well I'm kind of going to assume that someone is using ubuntu :) | 15:00 |
magi | flocculant: yup, it works now, I can see the GUI | 15:01 |
magi | georgewhite: should I still screenshot the command? | 15:02 |
flocculant | ok - I'm happy to put that down to plymouth | 15:02 |
balloons | flocculant, so perhaps we should do a deploy to the tracker eh? | 15:02 |
georgewhite | flocculant: OK :) | 15:02 |
flocculant | magi: no need - I'm the one who'll approve your task ;) | 15:02 |
flocculant | balloons: update code? if so \o/ | 15:03 |
knome | i just merged a branch that removes the hardware box | 15:03 |
knome | just needs pushing to production - or deploy as balloons says - now | 15:03 |
balloons | yep. So since you are here too knome, I'd like to talk about some more UI changes. We've always wanted to fix things, now's the time | 15:04 |
flocculant | knome: there should also be one to change the fixed bug icon from green | 15:04 |
flocculant | too | 15:04 |
knome | hmm | 15:04 |
balloons | there's 4 total changes landing | 15:04 |
knome | i don't see any merge proposals for them though | 15:05 |
flocculant | magi: I have enabled 32 bit testing for you - please mark your report(s) asap so I can disable again | 15:05 |
knome | no, wait | 15:05 |
flocculant | magi: please do that before submitting the google task :) | 15:05 |
magi | flocculant: okay, what should I be doing? | 15:06 |
balloons | knome, they've landed already | 15:06 |
knome | o.o | 15:06 |
knome | i just merged something | 15:06 |
knome | but don't see it | 15:06 |
knome | maybe you overwrote me | 15:06 |
flocculant | magi: reporting the tests at that link | 15:06 |
balloons | ohh you merged something too? I merged the branch you approved | 15:06 |
knome | apparently... | 15:06 |
balloons | | 15:06 |
balloons | see history | 15:07 |
knome | i merged it too | 15:07 |
knome | :P | 15:07 |
balloons | ahh.. no worries | 15:07 |
knome | well i pulled the branch, then puhsed it | 15:07 |
knome | but ok, if it's in :P | 15:07 |
didrocks | balloons: FYI, done! (the student really rocked it!) | 15:07 |
knome | maybe we should push these to production, then see how we want to proceed | 15:08 |
balloons | flocculant, we are OUT of tasks! | 15:08 |
flocculant | balloons: NO WE AREN'T !!! | 15:08 |
flocculant | :p | 15:08 |
* balloons waits for flocculant to add more | 15:08 | |
flocculant | who grabbed that? Hunter? | 15:09 |
balloons | didrocks, awesome! I remember speaking to him. So excitied to see things happening in the Unity 7 space! | 15:09 |
balloons | didrocks, feel free to shephard him into some other tasks now that he has his feet wet | 15:09 |
didrocks | balloons: do you have his IRC nickname? Unsure how to communicate with him other than this task | 15:10 |
balloons | didrocks, yea, feel free to send another message on the task, he'll still get it. I don't remember his IRC handle, but I did speak with him on IRC | 15:10 |
balloons | you could communicate via launchpad too I guess | 15:10 |
magi | flocculant: reported (commented?) in launchpad | 15:11 |
balloons | mcinitreevan, is that you? | 15:11 |
balloons | didrocks, that one matches :p ^^ | 15:11 |
flocculant | magi: are you seowwjpg? | 15:11 |
magi | flocculant: yeah | 15:11 |
knome | balloons: repeating: maybe we should push these to production, then see how we want to proceed | 15:11 |
balloons | flocculant, no, hunter isn't working that task | 15:12 |
flocculant | magi: okay - submit your google task then now :) | 15:12 |
balloons | knome, yes I've asked for the deploy | 15:12 |
knome | cheers | 15:12 |
flocculant | balloons: nope he's on replace stupid icons with table \o/ | 15:12 |
knome | balloons, question... | 15:12 |
knome | balloons, | 15:12 |
knome | shows me a lot of series | 15:12 |
knome | even if i only have status "testing" enabled | 15:12 |
knome | regression? | 15:12 |
magi | flocculant: I haven't completed other test cases though. Or am I supposed to complete any one of those test cases? | 15:13 |
flocculant | knome: I only see xenial and trusty | 15:13 |
flocculant | magi: nope - that's fine :) | 15:13 |
flocculant | knome: as testing that is | 15:14 |
knome | i think i see everything | 15:14 |
knome | testing | 15:14 |
* balloons can't login atm | 15:14 | |
flocculant | you're seeing archived as testing? | 15:14 |
* flocculant won't logout and in then ... | 15:14 | |
balloons | I also only see testing and released | 15:14 |
knome | well i see everything even if i untick everything | 15:14 |
balloons | there we are, working again | 15:14 |
flocculant | logged out and in - only see what I expect | 15:15 |
knome | i did that too, no change | 15:15 |
flocculant | knome: I did once way back have something similar - I removed cookies and it was back to normal | 15:15 |
knome | aha.. | 15:16 |
knome | i wish... | 15:16 |
magi | flocculant: submitted | 15:16 |
magi | thanks for all of your help :D | 15:16 |
flocculant | magi: welcome - got link to your task rather than me wait to see e-mail | 15:17 |
magi | flocculant: here - | 15:19 |
flocculant | magi: ok all done, just waiting for the parental approval to go through now - I assume this is your first task? | 15:20 |
flocculant | should be automatic as far as I know | 15:20 |
knome | balloons, i needed to check/uncheck archived | 15:20 |
knome | balloons, but when i do a refresh, i see all archived items again | 15:20 |
magi | flocculant: yeah, first task, and first time joining GCI ;) | 15:21 |
flocculant | magi: thanks for testing for us - we need it :) | 15:21 |
magi | flocculant: no problem, glad to help :) | 15:22 |
flocculant | balloons: aaah I see, yes we are in fact all done qatracker - I was still seeing the bot one, just remembered why it's not published :D | 15:24 |
flocculant | balloons: so I would add a +1 to knome's 'we should push it all to prod' now - then regroup a bit :) | 15:25 |
balloons | right. And IS is a bit busy at the moment due to the outages. So it'll be a bit | 15:28 |
flocculant | balloons: yep, well I will look at the bugs later and try and queue some up | 15:30 |
subins2000 | didrocks: Hey | 15:37 |
didrocks | hey subins2000! I hope your exams went well! | 15:37 |
subins2000 | didrocks: Yes, went well | 15:37 |
subins2000 | didrocks: So, I ran debuild -S -us -uc and everything went well | 15:38 |
subins2000 | But debuild -S caused error : gpg: skipped "Iain Lane <>": secret key not available | 15:38 |
didrocks | error? shouldn't it just be a warning? (like not stopping) | 15:38 |
subins2000 | running debsign failed | 15:38 |
didrocks | ah, did you update the changelog? | 15:39 |
subins2000 | Finished running lintian. | 15:39 |
subins2000 | Now signing changes and any dsc files... | 15:39 |
subins2000 | signfile metacity_3.18.1-1ubuntu2.dsc Iain Lane <> | 15:39 |
subins2000 | gpg: skipped "Iain Lane <>": secret key not available | 15:39 |
subins2000 | gpg: /tmp/debsign.paTdQVdp/metacity_3.18.1-1ubuntu2.dsc: clearsign failed: secret key not available | 15:39 |
subins2000 | debsign: gpg error occurred! Aborting.... | 15:39 |
subins2000 | debuild: fatal error at line 1293: | 15:39 |
subins2000 | running debsign failed | 15:39 |
didrocks | from the version, I guess you didn't :) | 15:39 |
didrocks | run dch -i | 15:39 |
subins2000 | Nope I didn't | 15:39 |
didrocks | that will open in your editor of choice debian/changelog | 15:39 |
didrocks | bump with a new stenza | 15:39 |
didrocks | with your name and email (if correctly configured) | 15:39 |
subins2000 | yeah | 15:39 |
didrocks | and here, you write the change (see the previous entry to see what to put in) | 15:40 |
didrocks | then, debuild -S will ask for you to sign the package | 15:40 |
didrocks | (do you have a gpg key? want to play with a ppa?) | 15:40 |
subins2000 | Would this be enough as entry in Change log : metacity (1:3.18.1-1ubuntu3) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium | 15:40 |
subins2000 | * Added Desktop Icon | 15:40 |
subins2000 | -- Subin Siby <> Thu, 17 Dec 2015 21:09:35 +0530 | 15:40 |
didrocks | hum, I would rather put: | 15:40 |
subins2000 | gpg key of whom ? | 15:40 |
didrocks | * debian/patches/<name of your patch>: | 15:41 |
didrocks | - Added Desktop Icon | 15:41 |
didrocks | subins2000: do you have one? (matching you gmail address) | 15:41 |
didrocks | subins2000: you will need one if you want to upload to a ppa (a builder with your own personal repo) | 15:41 |
didrocks | subins2000: not required for this at all, it's just if you want to go to the next step :p | 15:42 |
subins2000 | I forgot what gpg is | 15:42 |
didrocks | otherwise, I'm happy to skip that part if you don't have time | 15:42 |
subins2000 | I want to go to the next step | 15:42 |
didrocks | you really did very well :) | 15:42 |
didrocks | ok! | 15:42 |
subins2000 | It feels awesome to contribute to an OS which I have been using for 5 long years | 15:42 |
didrocks | heh, I remember how it was for me as well for my first contribution :) | 15:43 |
didrocks | so | 15:43 |
didrocks | a gpg key is associated most of the time to an email address | 15:43 |
didrocks | and you can "sign" your message (in that case, the source package) | 15:43 |
subins2000 | I just read this : | 15:43 |
didrocks | that way, you proove it's you doing that change | 15:43 |
subins2000 | and remembered I have created a gpg key | 15:43 |
didrocks | good :) | 15:43 |
didrocks | that's basically how when I upload something to ubuntu, it will accept the source package | 15:44 |
didrocks | because it's signed with my key | 15:44 |
didrocks | it will push back if you try to do the same as your key isn't in the uploader keyring | 15:44 |
didrocks | however, you can create your own ppa | 15:44 |
didrocks | and that one will only accept packages signed with your gpg key | 15:44 |
subins2000 | Oh | 15:44 |
didrocks | making sense? | 15:44 |
subins2000 | Yes | 15:44 |
subins2000 | a package maintainer decides whether someone can push to his/her ppa | 15:45 |
didrocks | have you done 2.2.3? | 15:45 |
subins2000 | and it is identified by the gpg key | 15:45 |
subins2000 | yes | 15:45 |
didrocks | good, so you are almost ready to go :) | 15:45 |
didrocks | so first, debuild -S should ask you to enter your passphrase | 15:45 |
didrocks | to sign the package | 15:45 |
didrocks | right? | 15:45 |
subins2000 | Now it shows signfile metacity_3.18.1-1ubuntu3.dsc Subin Siby <> | 15:46 |
subins2000 | gpg: skipped "Subin Siby <>": secret key not available | 15:46 |
didrocks | (yeah, I see your public gpg key fingerprint in your ppa page) | 15:46 |
didrocks | ah | 15:46 |
didrocks | are you sure you put that email address in your gpg key? | 15:46 |
subins2000 | My key is not available | 15:46 |
subins2000 | yes | 15:46 |
didrocks | gpg --list-secret-keys | 15:47 |
subins2000 | I could do gpg --fingerprint <myemail> | 15:47 |
didrocks | listing it? | 15:47 |
subins2000 | yes | 15:47 |
subins2000 | Same email address | 15:47 |
didrocks | weird, it should automagically match | 15:47 |
didrocks | but anyway, another way to force it | 15:47 |
didrocks | in ~/.devscripts, put: | 15:48 |
didrocks | DEBSIGN_KEYID=<yourshortsecretkeyfingerprint> | 15:48 |
didrocks | the one you got on the first in --list-secret-key | 15:48 |
didrocks | (8 characters after the / in the "sec" line) | 15:49 |
subins2000 | yes | 15:49 |
subins2000 | saved the file | 15:49 |
didrocks | debuild -S again :) | 15:49 |
subins2000 | GOT IT | 15:50 |
subins2000 | "Successfully signed dsc and changes files" | 15:50 |
didrocks | nice! | 15:50 |
didrocks | so, to create a ppa, you need to sign the code of conduct | 15:51 |
subins2000 | Ok | 15:51 |
subins2000 | I will abide by the Code of Conduct | 15:51 |
didrocks | you should have the instructions on | 15:51 |
didrocks | ahah :) | 15:51 |
didrocks | (I guess the page changes when you sign it, so I can't see if there are the instructions) | 15:51 |
subins2000 | "It appears you have already done this." | 15:52 |
subins2000 | I forgot that I have already done it | 15:52 |
didrocks | haha, good :p | 15:52 |
didrocks | so, on your launchpad page | 15:52 |
didrocks | you should have "create a ppa" | 15:52 |
subins2000 | Oops, I have only did the first step | 15:52 |
subins2000 | Haven't signed it | 15:52 |
didrocks | ;) | 15:53 |
flocculant | :) | 15:53 |
subins2000 | So, I downloaded the code of conduct | 15:53 |
didrocks | I'll let you doing this then! | 15:53 |
didrocks | IIRC, this involves signing with your gpg key | 15:53 |
didrocks | (did that in 2008 or so… don't really remember) | 15:53 |
subins2000 | did it | 15:54 |
didrocks | ok, create your ppa :) | 15:54 |
subins2000 | Should I name the ppa as "metacity" ? | 15:54 |
didrocks | subins2000: no, I guess you will push more than one package to it if you want to contribute in the future :) | 15:55 |
subins2000 | So, a generic name | 15:55 |
didrocks | yep ;) | 15:55 |
subins2000 | What did you name it ? | 15:55 |
didrocks | I have more that one, look at: | 15:55 |
didrocks | but you should start with the "ppa" | 15:56 |
didrocks | once | 15:56 |
didrocks | one* | 15:56 |
didrocks | like this one: | 15:56 |
subins2000 | "ppa" is enough | 15:56 |
didrocks | (waow, just notice I still have compiz 0.9.0 beta! when we decided to move unity from mutter to compiz to be default on the desktop) | 15:57 |
subins2000 | | 15:57 |
didrocks | subins2000: excellent! now the hardest part (kidding :p) | 15:57 |
subins2000 | I hope you are kidding | 15:57 |
didrocks | in the parent directory, you should have a .changes file | 15:57 |
didrocks | just do: | 15:57 |
didrocks | dput ppa:subins2000/ppa <file>.changes | 15:58 |
subins2000 | Yes,I have | 15:58 |
subins2000 | Error: uploading files for distribution UNRELEASED to ppa not allowed. | 15:58 |
didrocks | ah, yeah, making sense :) | 15:58 |
subins2000 | yup making sense | 15:59 |
didrocks | you need to set a release in debian/changelog (forgot we changed the default to UNRELEASED) | 15:59 |
didrocks | so in debian/changelog, replacing UNRELEASED (first line) with xenial | 15:59 |
didrocks | then, debuild -S | 15:59 |
didrocks | and finally dput the new .changes file :) | 15:59 |
subins2000 | Uploading.... | 16:00 |
subins2000 | YAYA | 16:01 |
subins2000 | Yay | 16:01 |
subins2000 | Successfully uploaded | 16:01 |
didrocks | refresh :) | 16:01 |
subins2000 | yup I see metacity there | 16:01 |
didrocks | you can see it building soon at | 16:01 |
didrocks | if you click on the link once it starts, it will build live :) | 16:01 |
didrocks | so, the difference between real builders and your ppa is that the package is building on some vms | 16:02 |
didrocks | (to prevent people doing bad things on real hosts ;)) | 16:02 |
subins2000 | Start in 17 minutes | 16:02 |
didrocks | and it's only building on amd64 and i386 | 16:02 |
subins2000 | Where are the servers | 16:03 |
subins2000 | ? | 16:03 |
didrocks | but in term of process, the only difference between what you did and uploading to ubuntu is that we use: | 16:03 |
subins2000 | where it is being built | 16:03 |
didrocks | dput ubuntu *.changes | 16:03 |
didrocks | in one of canonical datacenter | 16:03 |
subins2000 | All over the world ? | 16:03 |
didrocks | unfortunately not, we only having one pool (in the UK IIRC) | 16:03 |
didrocks | it's not like the mirrors that are globals | 16:04 |
subins2000 | Okay | 16:04 |
subins2000 | There are so many mirrors | 16:04 |
didrocks | yeah ;) | 16:04 |
didrocks | but yeah, so you have done 80% of what regular uploaders do :) | 16:04 |
didrocks | congrats! was quite a lot in a short period of time :p | 16:04 |
subins2000 | What is the other 20% ? | 16:04 |
subins2000 | It was a simple fix, an icon | 16:04 |
didrocks | other patch systems, dealing with arch differences, using bzr… | 16:04 |
subins2000 | I wonder what future holds for me with Ubuntu | 16:05 |
didrocks | yeah, but you did learn the basic of packaging already | 16:05 |
didrocks | (and yeah, learn about all those files in debian/*) | 16:05 |
didrocks | so… | 16:05 |
didrocks | I suggest for a patch that we generate a debdiff | 16:05 |
didrocks | it's the easiest way for me to review your changes | 16:05 |
didrocks | basically, I'll then be able to get previous source | 16:05 |
didrocks | apply the debdiff | 16:05 |
didrocks | and build the new version | 16:05 |
subins2000 | Where is the .deb file ? | 16:06 |
didrocks | (we can come to that just afterwards) | 16:06 |
didrocks | but if you build locally | 16:06 |
didrocks | with debuild | 16:06 |
didrocks | before debuild -S | 16:06 |
didrocks | you should have them in the parent dir, no? | 16:06 |
didrocks | (if your local build succeeded ofc) | 16:07 |
subins2000 | no | 16:07 |
subins2000 | So I just do a debdiff on directory | 16:07 |
subins2000 | ? | 16:08 |
didrocks | hum, that's 2 separates topics :) | 16:08 |
didrocks | let's do a local build then first ;) | 16:08 |
subins2000 | ok | 16:08 |
didrocks | in your directory | 16:08 |
didrocks | just run debuild | 16:08 |
didrocks | (-S was for "create source package") | 16:08 |
didrocks | that should try to build your package localy | 16:08 |
subins2000 | dpkg-buildpackage: warning: build dependencies/conflicts unsatisfied; aborting | 16:09 |
didrocks | ok, you need to install those build-dependencies (they are listed normally) | 16:09 |
subins2000 | Shall I use the -d flag ? | 16:09 |
didrocks | no, it will fail to build later on if you are missing build-deps apart if they are optional | 16:09 |
subins2000 | 7 MB of files to download | 16:11 |
didrocks | not that much (compared to some packages having 50+MB of buil-deps | 16:12 |
didrocks | build-deps)* | 16:12 |
subins2000 | Won't version matter ? | 16:12 |
subins2000 | I'm in Wily | 16:12 |
subins2000 | Isn't packages updated in Xenial | 16:13 |
subins2000 | with greater version than in Wily repo ? | 16:13 |
didrocks | in the ppa, it matters | 16:14 |
didrocks | I saw that the runtime dependency are fullfiled, so I guess the build-deps are as well | 16:14 |
didrocks | it will complain right away if that doesn't work | 16:14 |
didrocks | (let me still check quickly) | 16:15 |
subins2000 | What if a package need a latest package ? | 16:15 |
subins2000 | Then what one dev would do ? | 16:15 |
didrocks | most of devs are running the dev version directly :) | 16:15 |
didrocks | I'm on xenial for instance | 16:15 |
didrocks | there is another way, it's to use sbuild | 16:15 |
subins2000 | Oh | 16:15 |
didrocks | sbuild is using schroot | 16:15 |
didrocks | (so xenial and such) | 16:15 |
subins2000 | Okay | 16:15 |
didrocks | that way, I can also try to build-test on trusty… | 16:15 |
didrocks | and offical builders are using sbuild as well (as ppas) | 16:16 |
subins2000 | hmmm | 16:16 |
didrocks | | 16:16 |
didrocks | if you are interested :) | 16:16 |
subins2000 | It's being built | 16:16 |
subins2000 | Always wondered abt it. Thanks for answering | 16:16 |
didrocks | good, so you should have the .debs in the parent dir | 16:16 |
didrocks | yw! | 16:16 |
didrocks | once the build is done :) | 16:17 |
subins2000 | It hasn't finished compiling | 16:17 |
didrocks | yeah, it shouldn't be too long on an average machine, it's not that big | 16:17 |
didrocks | (like minutes) | 16:17 |
subins2000 | Won't new metacity interfere with existing one ? | 16:18 |
didrocks | you don't have to install it on your machine | 16:18 |
subins2000 | two metacity in a single system | 16:18 |
didrocks | you are just building the .deb, not installing | 16:18 |
didrocks | ah, you will never have two of them :) | 16:18 |
didrocks | the .deb are remplacing the old one | 16:18 |
didrocks | as you do with apt upgrade | 16:18 |
subins2000 | So, I wouldn't be able to install it ? | 16:18 |
subins2000 | Oh ! | 16:19 |
didrocks | you can, but you are mixing xenial and wily versions | 16:19 |
didrocks | (I would do that if you run xenial) | 16:19 |
didrocks | but here, better to not mix so that if there are security updates and such, you continue getting them | 16:19 |
didrocks | but now, frankly, metacity is quite small and don't move much | 16:19 |
didrocks | so it's probably safe if you want to install it :) | 16:20 |
subins2000 | got the .deb files | 16:20 |
didrocks | (and you can revert afterward anyway to the wily version) | 16:20 |
subins2000 | So install to test it ? | 16:20 |
didrocks | dpkg -i <the debs> | 16:20 |
didrocks | of course with sudo | 16:20 |
didrocks | you should only install the ones that are already installed | 16:20 |
didrocks | like, no need for you to install the -dev one | 16:20 |
subins2000 | dpkg -i *.deb | 16:21 |
didrocks | you probably don't need libmetacity-dev and metacity-dbg | 16:22 |
didrocks | you can remove them | 16:22 |
didrocks | dpkg -P libmetacity-dev metacity-dbg | 16:22 |
subins2000 | so I installed | 16:22 |
subins2000 | So I just looked and I couldn't find the icon in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/apps | 16:30 |
subins2000 | The .deb file doesn't have i too | 16:31 |
subins2000 | didrocks: Probably I didn't add the correct entry in | 16:31 |
subins2000 | Does anyone guide to me to add an entry in Makefile to add icon to /usr/share/icons/hicolor/apps ? | 16:32 |
didrocks | interesting, let's generate the debdiff so that we can have a look together (or you want to look at it first?) | 16:32 |
subins2000 | So, should I change the Makefile ? | 16:32 |
subins2000 | I looked at the .deb file, the .desktop files were successfully changed | 16:33 |
didrocks | not really, metacity is running autoreconf | 16:33 |
subins2000 | but the icon is not present | 16:33 |
didrocks | so, any change in should be reflected in the makefile | 16:33 |
didrocks | let's try to get a debdiff ready first | 16:34 |
subins2000 | ok | 16:34 |
didrocks | debdiff <previous_version>.dsc <new_version>.dsc | 16:34 |
didrocks | that will print the diff in stdout | 16:34 |
didrocks | just do something like > mypatch.diff | 16:34 |
didrocks | just a warning here | 16:35 |
didrocks | from what I understood, you did run debuild -S before changing debian/changelog | 16:35 |
didrocks | it means that <previous_version>.dsc already contain some of your changes | 16:35 |
didrocks | the best way is that you remove everything that matches this previous version in the directory | 16:35 |
didrocks | and pull-lp-source it again (or dget -x) | 16:36 |
didrocks | making sense? | 16:36 |
subins2000 | Start over ? | 16:37 |
subins2000 | Diff : | 16:37 |
didrocks | yeah, so you didn't do the above ^ ;) | 16:38 |
didrocks | what I told is that you did run debuild -S before updating debian/changelog | 16:38 |
subins2000 | yeah | 16:38 |
subins2000 | Start over, upload PPA again | 16:38 |
didrocks | so you generated <previous_version>.dsc files with your changes | 16:38 |
didrocks | no no :) | 16:38 |
subins2000 | But, the icon doesn't work in the deb file | 16:39 |
subins2000 | icon is not being installed | 16:39 |
didrocks | yeah, let's focus on the debdiff first | 16:39 |
didrocks | so that I can have a look | 16:39 |
didrocks | and help you | 16:39 |
didrocks | that's why I want you to produce the correct diff :p | 16:39 |
didrocks | hence my explanation above ;) | 16:39 |
subins2000 | Also, should I cancel the build in PPA | 16:39 |
subins2000 | ? | 16:39 |
didrocks | no, that's fine let it build, we can remove it afterwards | 16:40 |
subins2000 | Isn't it a waste for server ? | 16:40 |
didrocks | we'll check if we are getting the same result than you locally | 16:40 |
didrocks | not a biggie :) | 16:40 |
subins2000 | ok | 16:41 |
subins2000 | let me start over | 16:41 |
didrocks | ok ;) | 16:42 |
Girish | Can anyone review my MR? : | 17:15 |
Girish | | 17:15 |
didrocks | subins2000: I'm done for the day. As usual, do not hesitate to update the task (I can add some days to it, don't stress for the remaining time ;)) | 17:31 |
balloons | hey Girish, I'm waiting for ahayzen, but if he doesn't review soon, I'll approve it | 18:09 |
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD | ||
balloons | Girish, you are approved | 18:24 |
mcinitreevan | balloons, Im pretty late here but yup it's me, I always use mcintireevan for development stuff :) | 18:55 |
balloons | mcinitreevan, ahh, didrocks was just interested in staying in touch is all. If you liked working on the Unity bug, there's more he can help with | 18:55 |
mcinitreevan | Ah yeah, he mentioned that in the task comments, that was an awesome task, once I do some of these other ones Ive been looking at that would be awesome | 18:57 |
balloons | great. Glad to see success. I look forward to seeing it on my desktop :p | 19:01 |
Rob1507 | balloons? elopio? | 19:51 |
balloons | Rob1507, yes | 20:05 |
Rob1507 | I get error when trying to snap nodejs app | 20:08 |
Rob1507 | Failed doing build for webchat: Command '['/bin/sh', '/tmp/tmp36flb68n', 'npm', 'install', '-g']' returned non-zero exit status 2 | 20:08 |
Rob1507 | is this the problem of dependecies | 20:08 |
Rob1507 | ? | 20:08 |
balloons | Rob1507, I'm not sure. Some more output would be nice. | 20:12 |
Rob1507 | | 20:13 |
Rob1507 | balloons, here | 20:13 |
flocculant | balloons: any reason you've not published the last 2 qatracker tasks - other than time :p | 20:17 |
Girish | Really impressed with the Ubuntu Music app. Best user experience in any of the core apps. | 20:19 |
balloons | flocculant, no reason. Linky and I'll hit the button | 20:19 |
flocculant | has you as mentor | 20:20 |
balloons | Rob1507, I suspected as much: /tmp/tmpr0tcf8q7: 6: export: app/webchat/parts/webchat/install: bad variable name | 20:20 |
flocculant | doesn't yet :) | 20:20 |
balloons | Rob1507, aka, does it build on it's own ok? If it doesn't, that's outside of snapcraft | 20:20 |
balloons | Rob1507, you can look at the shout snap for inspiration | 20:20 |
balloons | flocculant, done | 20:21 |
flocculant | balloons you awesome chap you :D | 20:22 |
balloons | Rob1507, so I would make sure it builds by itself to start with | 20:22 |
balloons | Girish, glad you like music. It's well done. | 20:23 |
flocculant | malevasquez: welcome - thanks for looking :) | 20:23 |
Rob1507 | balloons, I tried only to snap an example app called shout | 20:27 |
balloons | Rob1507, you tried to snap shoutirc? | 20:35 |
Rob1507 | balloons, no, what is it? | 20:35 |
Rob1507 | the name is shout | 20:36 |
Rob1507 | oh sorry, yes | 20:37 |
Rob1507 | I tried to snap it | 20:37 |
balloons | sergio did the initial version of that last month | 20:40 |
balloons | Rob1507, so I'm confused. What nodejs app are you trying to snappify? And you should look at the example shoutIRC. See the end of this page: | 20:42 |
balloons | and of course; | 20:42 |
balloons | packaging it should be easy, but you'll need to make sure the nodejs project is happy | 20:43 |
Girish | balloons : MR proposed for Music app. | 20:50 |
Girish | | 20:50 |
Girish | Have tried it in a clean machine. Am able to build and run it. All tests are running. | 20:51 |
Rob1507 | balloons, I just wanted to test if I am able to stage a snap. So I tried to make a snap of shoutIRC. But I was not able to do that due to error I pasted. | 21:04 |
balloons | Rob1507, try the shout example then instead | 21:07 |
Collins | help | 21:07 |
Rob1507 | balloons, I've tried it, the result was the same | 21:07 |
balloons | the exact same? | 21:08 |
balloons | really, these questions are better directed at elopio and sergio | 21:08 |
Collins | Hello, I need help with how to do the task of installing Ubuntu | 21:08 |
wxl | what task are you working on Collins ? | 21:09 |
balloons | Rob1507, sadly I'm not as well versed in snappy. Can't know everything :-) | 21:09 |
Collins | The install Ubuntu task | 21:09 |
wxl | Collins: could you link me to it? i want to be sure that the task has all the information you and other people need. then feel free to ask your question. | 21:09 |
Rob1507 | balloons, I found it out :) I just deleted tmp files and installed all dependecies =D | 21:09 |
Collins | ok give me a second | 21:10 |
balloons | Rob1507, heh. It was odd it gave you trouble. I do run shoutirc myself, not much too it! | 21:10 |
Collins | | 21:11 |
balloons | Girish, ack. | 21:11 |
Collins | that is the link | 21:11 |
Rob1507 | balloons, I think because you've already had npm and other nodejs things installed | 21:11 |
mcinitreevan | balloons: Im doing one of the tasks to update the readmes, I should make them MarkDown, right? | 21:12 |
Rob1507 | balloons, So send only snap or code too? | 21:12 |
wxl | Collins: should include everything you need. where are you stumped? | 21:13 |
balloons | mcinitreevan, yes please | 21:14 |
Collins | should i do something similar to how the help lays it out or do something rather different since it needs me to have screenshots unlike the help page | 21:14 |
wxl | Collins: i think follow the instructions but take screenshots along the way. anything that seems significant or interesting | 21:14 |
Collins | OK! Thank you for the help. | 21:15 |
flocculant | Collins: I would say now that at least ubuntu images are NOT building for 32bit currently | 21:15 |
flocculant | so if you were intending to test that - then the image is 3 days old and rather pointless | 21:16 |
wxl | no problem Collins. thanks for your work! one other thing: if you find anything missing from the wiki page or anything that's not quite right, feel free to make a comment on it. | 21:16 |
Collins | flocculant: Why is that if I may ask? | 21:17 |
flocculant | wxl: good point | 21:17 |
flocculant | Collins: as far as I can tell - an issue with software center is causing it - why it built in 64bit today I don't know, but it did | 21:17 |
Collins | wxl: Thanks for the heads up | 21:17 |
flocculant | I actually only know because I'm qa lead for xubuntu and my 32 bit didn't build either :) | 21:18 |
wxl | Collins: np. let us know if you need anything else. feel free to just pop in and ask. | 21:18 |
Collins | wxl: I surely will be doing that you have both been a great help. | 21:19 |
Collins | flocculant: You too | 21:19 |
flocculant | you're welcome | 21:19 |
knome | i'm off for a while again, need to write some addresses to envelopes | 21:22 |
knome | oops, wrong window | 21:22 |
knome | hello. | 21:23 |
wxl | hahahahha | 21:23 |
wxl | good luck with the snail mail knome :) | 21:23 |
knome | well that's done ages ago | 21:23 |
flocculant | well | 21:23 |
flocculant | written, not received yet :p | 21:23 |
knome | true | 21:24 |
flocculant | :) | 21:25 |
Girish | mc | 21:25 |
Girish | mcinitreevan: Yes. Markdown is better. | 21:26 |
Girish | mcinitreevan: See the weather app for markdown example. | 21:28 |
balloons | Girish, you going to do music in markdown also? | 21:32 |
Girish | Should I not? | 21:32 |
wxl | balloons: wow, that must be an extension to markdown i'm not aware of XD | 21:32 |
balloons | Girish, I hadn't looked yet, just asked :-) | 21:33 |
balloons | lol wxl | 21:33 |
Girish | wxl: hahaha | 21:33 |
Girish | I'm asking you. Should that be fine? | 21:34 |
Girish | Making rhe readmes in Markdown | 21:34 |
Girish | I could update the calendar's as well. | 21:34 |
balloons | Girish, yes, markdown ;-) | 21:39 |
Rob1507 | balloons, I cannot upload file, what can I do? | 21:47 |
Rob1507 | I think the problem is in website because I was able to upload it on Google Drive | 21:48 |
balloons | Rob1507, upload the snap? Put it somewhere public. But if you can't upload, that's weird | 21:58 |
Rob1507 | Can I share Google Drive link? | 22:01 |
Rob1507 | my network is very poor | 22:01 |
Rob1507 | balloons, I've sent it. Can you just check if it is delivered or not please. | 22:03 |
balloons | link? | 22:04 |
Rob1507 | No no I uploaded it to GCI website | 22:04 |
balloons | Rob1507, I see a snap, and a yaml file | 22:06 |
balloons | I think you are ok | 22:06 |
Rob1507 | balloons, Ok, good | 22:06 |
balloons | bbl | 22:06 |
Rob1507 | balloons, will you review it now or not. It is late night here and I don't know go to bed or stay and do another task :D | 22:13 |
flocculant | I'd go to bed ... then wake up to see what happened while you snored | 22:14 |
flocculant | balloons jose popey - can you unpublish | 22:18 |
Rob1507 | ok then, good night to you | 22:18 |
flocculant | thunar is a bug bear atm, I set it to the same # as completed, might resurrect it later | 22:18 |
flocculant | Rob1507: yep - people aren't always around to help I'm afraid :) | 22:19 |
flocculant | balloons jose popey - that said, if changing the available #'s enough leave it and I can add more if I want | 22:20 |
robbert | hello everybody, can anybody help me with fixing a bug? | 22:23 |
robbert | my problem is that i cant test the change i made to the source code of the package gnome-control-center | 22:23 |
fazer | balloons, the comment you made, in my file here: You say that I need to remove the files, but it doesn't even copy the files if its testing with a blank database. | 22:25 |
robbert | darkxst: hey, i have the following problem: | 22:27 |
robbert | darkxst: i cant build the changed source code of gnome-control-center with bzr, it gives me erros | 22:27 |
robbert | darkxst: *errors | 22:28 |
balloons | fazer, yes, I know. So it should be able to handle deleting nothing | 23:00 |
balloons | fazer, it's there because we might have a dirty env when testing in the phone lab | 23:01 |
balloons | flocculant, unpublished | 23:02 |
balloons | fazer, so it's nothing you should know about or expect persay. Just a limitation of a clean env in the lab. So you understand, the entire suite will run. The previous tests will place the content files there, and on the phone, we can't patch properly, so they will still be there on the next run | 23:03 |
flocculant | balloons: thanks :) | 23:04 |
flocculant | seems unfair to have an un-fufillable task :) | 23:05 |
tsimonq2 | +1 | 23:16 |
fazer | so balloons, can I just add an if statement in the _create_music_library() method? Or do you want me to do it in the setUp method for the emptyLibrary? | 23:28 |
balloons | fazer, I suppose either works, but in the _create* method means it works for all future classes | 23:29 |
fazer | ok, I'll do it there then. | 23:29 |
balloons | it's a bit weird though so :-) | 23:29 |
fazer | can't I just use os.remove()? | 23:34 |
balloons | fazer, | 23:42 |
fazer | balloons, I'm done. pushed changes. | 23:57 |
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