
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
flocculantballoons: \o/ that code landed :p13:59
jibelnuclearbob, hey, all the plugins are back on our jenkins instance. urltrigger should work now15:20
nuclearbobjibel: excellent! I'm working on the other desktop jobs now. Is there a problem with the internal irc server, or is that just me?15:21
jibelnuclearbob, it's down15:21
nuclearbobjibel: okay, good to know15:21
flocculanthi nuclearbob :)15:22
nuclearbobflocculant: howdy15:22
dobeyjibel: hi. i was wondering if it would be feasible to land https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/pay-ui/fix-application-file/+merge/279790 into the store without going to through the lengthy qa process, as it's a trivial change and doesn't change the code in the app itself, and since it's a fairly urgent thing to fix15:22
jibelDanChapman, ignore me15:25
jibeldobey, sounds good to  me. worst case it references another non existent service so no real risk here.15:26
dobeyjibel: great, thanks.15:26
davmor2jibel: don't say that, DanChapman is English he'll never see another word you type ;)15:30
flocculantha ha ha15:30
flocculantballoons: when you have 5 minutes15:44
balloonsgo fori t15:46
flocculantso bug 142098015:49
ubot5bug 1420980 in Ubuntu QA Website "Testcase bug reporting now no longer apparent" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142098015:49
flocculantin which the link to report a testcase bug has gone - but15:49
flocculantif we were to add the option back to http://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/350/builds/105268/testcases/1559/results15:49
flocculantit's going to confuse people with the Link to bug reporting instructions perhaps?15:50
flocculantand https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/tasks/5854607578234880/ for hello username :p15:50
flocculantnot sure what you think about the testcase bug report button - I can add the task15:51
* balloons is reading15:57
balloonsflocculant, the hello username thing I'm not sure can be controlled in the code15:59
balloonsI  think it's a drupal admin thing.. or really just a drupal, must exist thing15:59
balloonson the bug reporting link. People kept reporting tracker bugs as testcase issue bugs, and vice versa16:00
balloonsit all kind of needs cleaned up a bit16:00
flocculantwell - it might have helped if *someone* had made that clear on the bug then :p16:00
balloonsflocculant, it's my thoughts right now, lol. I could be wrong16:00
flocculantha ha ha16:00
flocculantwell if you find out you can then you can publish :)16:01
flocculantballoons: ok so would it be possible to add something like (Report a Testcase issue here) instead of calling it a bug?16:02
flocculantWhere you have Testcase - in the grey bar, could the testcase *issue* link be there?16:02
flocculantballoons: the issue is I've had to move a handful of bugs since we started package testing from 'package' to 'testcase'16:03
balloonsflocculant, I'm open to whatever ideas you have. You and I both know bug reports end up in the wrong place.16:16
flocculantbut is that actually possible?16:18
flocculantif not - back to adding it with the existing items16:18
flocculantdon't want to ask someone to do something that's impossible :D16:20
flocculantballoons: https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/tasks/6386365331668992/ then :)16:37
balloonsflocculant, that seems ok. We'll likely want to decide between choices I agree16:38
balloonsit's not totally cut and dry16:38
flocculantyep - thought that was the best option for us - hard to tell without seeing16:39
flocculantbug 1375456 next - be later - got some r/l to deal with :)16:41
ubot5bug 1375456 in Ubuntu QA Website "no way to subscribe to daily reports for a particular product" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137545616:41
flocculantwhich is actually two tasks16:41
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balloonsupgraded client, lost my scrollback. Still new shiny things!18:24
flocculantballoons: so what do you think about tasks related to bug 1375456 - as you've lost scrollback and didn't reply before19:01
ubot5bug 1375456 in Ubuntu QA Website "no way to subscribe to daily reports for a particular product" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137545619:01
flocculantI'd say two tasks there really19:01
balloonshhmm. So you want more reporting19:02
balloonsI don't know offhand honestly19:02
flocculanta summary would be useful - certainly easier than parsing 60 lines for a month19:03
balloonsbut the task is certainly worth pursuing. IT would force me to hel out19:03
flocculantor one task - make it give reports/fails/passes/bugs reported - and have a date filter19:04
flocculantI don't mind honestly, but you wanted tasks so I'm much more inclined to write ones I care about :D19:05
flocculantand quite honestly - what real use is a report of who's done the most tests19:05
flocculantanyway - I'll wait for the moment on that19:06
tewardflocculant, that's my opinion - no reason to see who's done the most tests :P19:06
teward(it ain't a contest)19:06
flocculantnot at all19:06
balloonsyea, it's a bit odd that19:16
flocculantwe can't - no telepathy installed20:33
flocculantJav: what's up?20:33
Javpackage php7.0-interbase20:33
flocculantJav: you might want #ubuntu20:33
flocculantthat's a support channel :)20:33
flocculantno problem :)20:34
flocculantdkessel: hey - some guy on the GCI thing is munching through tasks based on tracker issues like chocolate \o/20:48
flocculantwhich is good :)20:48
dkesselflocculant: yeah, i've seen. really great! i get the bug notifications for the qa website20:48
wxlflocculant: lubuntu made some tasks that included whole test suites. i recommend the same for all ya'll guys if you haven't already20:48
flocculantwxl: I did that first if you mean packages :)20:49
wxlflocculant: yeah i can't remember anymore XD20:50
flocculantwxl: also half sorted on a task to cover the reports bug on tracker - see above ish20:50
wxlmy ideas, your ideas, it's all the same XD20:50
flocculantwxl:  yea it has been a bit like that for sure20:50
flocculantwxl:  ofc :D20:50
flocculantwxl: and a whole slew of small tracker issues are being dealt with already - merged just waiting for them to land20:51
dkesselballoons: how would i try the new "ubuntu personal" unity8 desktop? using an iso or using a lxd session?20:51
wxlflocculant: well yeah having this around the holidays is freaking nuts. not to mention that alpha's coming up soon20:52
balloonsdkessel, that's a question for ChrisTownsend, who owes me a wiki update :-)20:53
flocculantwe're not a1'ing20:53
balloonstry asking in #ubuntu-unity :-020:53
wxlwhy for not?20:53
* wxl shrugs20:53
flocculantespecially if 32bit is still not building :)20:53
flocculantwxl: I guess you have lxqt to think of too20:54
wxlflocculant: yeah, though that's not going to be released in an lts!20:54
flocculantcoward :D20:54
flocculantha ha ha20:54
flocculantI - as a release team guy - would be NOPE, not having my name on it - not for LTS :p20:55
wxlyeah that's what i was thinking20:56
wxlthat and we don't have all the packages we need in the repos20:56
wxlso i can always use that as an  excuse XD20:56
wxl(though technically the only one missing is the metapackage)20:56
flocculantwxl: so anyway - balloons is a bit <balloons> hhmm. So you want more reporting20:57
flocculant<balloons> I don't know offhand honestly about bug 1375456 so another voice from a flavour QA guy would be good :)20:57
ubot5bug 1375456 in Ubuntu QA Website "no way to subscribe to daily reports for a particular product" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137545620:57
wxluhhh i thought i threw in for that one20:57
flocculantmissing , between  honestly and about20:57
wxlelfy and i talked about that a long time ago20:57
flocculantwxl you did a task for it?20:58
wxlindeed i confirmed it20:58
wxland changed the description20:58
flocculanta GCI task?20:58
wxloh there's a task to fix it????20:58
* wxl grins widely20:58
flocculantno - that's what I mean - a voice from another flavour QA guy needed here ;)20:59
wxlflocculant: well i could leave a comment that says "me, too," but the bug reporting guidelines suggest otherwise XD20:59
flocculantI mean in here now :D20:59
wxlflocculant: then, yes, me, too :)20:59
flocculantha ha21:00
wxlballoons: were you and flocculant discussing doing a task for bug 1375456? if so, i vote yes and would be happy to mentor.21:08
ubot5bug 1375456 in Ubuntu QA Website "no way to subscribe to daily reports for a particular product" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137545621:08
flocculantI think that possibly the issue might be IS21:11
flocculantballoons: malevasquez is doing some nice 'bug confirming' for us21:23
wxlflocculant: link me to said task, would you?21:23
flocculantwxl: I've got 3 - thunar/parole/menulibre - but https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/tasks/5713974762930176/21:24
flocculanttrying to confirm some newish NEW bugs21:24
wxllinking upstream is a good idea21:26
flocculantyea - that's where the 'work' gets done21:26
flocculantalso - for at least menulibre and parole - the dev is in our team, so we talked first :)21:27
wxlflocculant: i took a slightly different approach https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/tasks/5490678339469312/21:28
flocculantI might actually ask to get the thunar one unpublished - it's a bit of a 'mare atm21:28
flocculantwxl: yep I read that task :)21:28
wxljust added a bonus points for upstream links :)21:28
flocculanttbh we've not had much traction on those tasks - not very beginner perhaps21:29
wxli made mine non-beginner21:30
flocculantwell - I like to stretch people :D21:31
flocculantover a rack often21:31
wxlremind me not to visit you any time soon :)21:31
wxli wish there was a mailing list where we could talk to students and pitch tasks at them21:32
flocculantha ha21:33
flocculantif ever you get to England - my door is run on an always open basis :)21:33
flocculantyea - no m/l21:33
balloonsflocculant, can you see https://portal.admin.canonical.com/87354? If not, I assume this will be worked very soon23:04
flocculantSorry, you don't appear to have permission to view this page.23:05
flocculantballoons: ^^23:05
flocculantwaiting for it to be friday for some bonamassa tickets with no fees ...23:06
balloonsflocculant, ahh no worries. Anyways, sometime tonight it will be live23:07
flocculantheh - I'll be about ...23:07
flocculantnuclearbob_: I know this must be one of those 'oh fgs things for you - but what's the core with jenkins and flavours?'23:45
flocculantcurrently I made a really simple manual test so I can at least let people know when the image had broken23:45
flocculantI really think that flavours would like to have an answer here - if it is 'you've got no hope' at least it is an answer23:46
flocculantI don't think that any of us expect anything concrete here - so a sensible answer to whether it's going to occur helps us where we are23:47

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