diddledan_ | brobostigon: it's not boring, it's methodical and builds momentun | 00:50 |
diddledan_ | momentum* | 00:50 |
diddledan_ | I'm betting they didn't wait till the end with comments like that | 00:50 |
mapps | of what ? | 00:51 |
mapps | emd of? | 00:51 |
diddledan_ | mapps: 2001 | 00:51 |
diddledan_ | speaking of 2k1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3rDfRF_650 | 01:17 |
webpigeon | selinuxium: https://www.linux.com/news/enterprise/systems-management/873287-getting-started-with-docker | 01:41 |
diddledan_ | don't you love that? technicolor have a demonstration of the difference between a certified display and an uncertified display. I'm viewing it on an uncertified display yet somehow they think I can see the quality of their certified displays by viewing an image of it on an uncertified display | 04:20 |
diddledan_ | http://www.technicolor.com/en/solutions-services/technology/technology-licensing/image-color/color-certification/color-certification-process/color-spaces | 04:20 |
zmoylan-1i | put the screen on an approved photocopier and print the results :-) | 04:38 |
diddledan_ | it's like showing the difference between whitening toothpaste and non-whitening by painting teeth for the photo of non-whitened | 04:39 |
* zmoylan-1i wonders how many people are looking at tvs that are running at well lower than their top res as they don't know the difference | 04:41 | |
mapps | hi all | 04:44 |
mapps | whos still up | 04:44 |
diddledan_ | not me | 04:44 |
mapps | :D | 04:46 |
mapps | gah | 04:52 |
mapps | gonna have to buy some mosuqito nets | 04:52 |
mapps | sick of getting bitten | 04:52 |
mapps | reallu want to open the windows | 04:57 |
mapps | hmm thogght was last ep this week | 05:02 |
mapps | anyone watch luther | 05:36 |
diddledan_ | I've not seen this week's | 05:48 |
mapps | first ep:D | 05:48 |
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte | ||
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away | ||
selinuxium | webpigeon, Cheers | 08:09 |
diddledan_ | someone says of their missus seeing start warts last night: "3am sandra comes to bed and says 'great film until they....<insert spoiler here>'" | 08:15 |
diddledan_ | (I've edited it slightly to remove any potential spoiler - the actual tweet included a bit more but not a full-on spoiler) | 08:16 |
diddledan_ | this person was bemoaning the spoiler he was subjected to | 08:17 |
pwaring | diddledan_: I saw that too (revk) | 08:22 |
diddledan_ | yup | 08:22 |
mapps | argh | 08:24 |
mapps | cant sleep | 08:24 |
* diddledan_ didn't try | 08:38 | |
davmor2 | Morning all | 09:05 |
diddledan_ | morning, davmor2 | 09:11 |
diddledan_ | lol: https://twitter.com/virginmedia/status/677416713726517248 | 09:15 |
davmor2 | hehehe | 09:17 |
* davmor2 notes the tumbleweeds rollin around in here too | 09:18 | |
diddledan_ | :-) | 09:18 |
davmor2 | diddledan_: have a play with google.co.uk test your knowledge of mozart :) | 09:22 |
diddledan_ | lol | 09:24 |
diddledan_ | three down | 09:28 |
diddledan_ | four - got that first time | 09:30 |
diddledan_ | yey I won | 09:30 |
diddledan_ | only the second one took more than one try :-) | 09:31 |
mapps | still cany | 09:33 |
mapps | arrgh this sucks | 09:33 |
mapps | diddledan_ dont you find you go past it and struggle to sleep? | 09:33 |
diddledan_ | mapps: I don't sleep :-p | 09:33 |
diddledan_ | mapps: ok that's a lie. I don't sleep and then I sleep lots | 09:34 |
diddledan_ | maybe I should be on martian days? | 09:34 |
mapps | how long you been up | 09:34 |
diddledan_ | since about 2pm yesterday | 09:34 |
diddledan_ | yesterday was a a day where I slept lots :-) | 09:35 |
mapps | ;] | 09:36 |
davmor2 | diddledan_: man you need a job again dude, I think popey was after a footstool and coffee maker ;) | 09:36 |
diddledan_ | lol | 09:38 |
diddledan_ | speaking of popey, ubuntu podcast has just been uploaded? | 09:40 |
JamesTait | Good morning all; happy Thursday, and happy Wright Brothers Day! ✈ | 09:41 |
* diddledan_ sticks his arms out to the side and yells "NNNNNYYYYEEEEEOOOOOOWWWWWW" | 09:42 | |
mapps | ah i assumed diddledan_ worked from home | 09:42 |
diddledan_ | I do/did | 09:43 |
mapps | =] | 09:43 |
diddledan_ | xmas pressie from boss was a kind "we don't got no work" | 09:43 |
diddledan_ | I'm mulling over possibilities for striking-out onn my own | 09:44 |
diddledan_ | if I can make it pay my thinking right now is to do kinda short-form web-dev training video series | 09:45 |
davmor2 | JamesTait: these seem apt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIQn8pab8Vc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RouQ5gAngk | 09:46 |
diddledan_ | davmor2: awesome choices | 09:46 |
foobarry | nagios: anyone know how i can switch from mk-livestatus to check-mk-livestatus seamlessly? | 09:47 |
diddledan_ | foobarry: change all your nrpe configs to include both, then change the nagios config to the new name and restart the daemon, finally once that's had time to propagate you can remove the older nrpe definition | 09:48 |
foobarry | thanks diddledan_ i'll hold over till after xmas and put a cron job in to rstart nagios every night instead until then | 09:49 |
diddledan_ | ouch | 09:49 |
foobarry | got a bug that stops nagios each night | 09:49 |
diddledan_ | dang, that's not fun | 09:50 |
JamesTait | davmor2, I 'ate that duck! | 09:50 |
davmor2 | JamesTait: You like the dance remix then :D | 09:50 |
diddledan_ | yey for american politics: http://www.wired.com/2015/12/congress-slips-cisa-into-omnibus-bill-thats-sure-to-pass/ | 09:53 |
mapps | ;] | 10:05 |
davmor2 | and at this point all the geeks and terrorists move to owncloud in a country that cares not one bit for americas security bills | 10:18 |
diddledan_ | like britain.. oh wait | 10:18 |
bashrc | yey for owncloud | 10:19 |
diddledan_ | or france? no, just as bad | 10:19 |
davmor2 | diddledan_: no we have gchq they've been spying on us all for decades that's what they do :) | 10:19 |
diddledan_ | swissroll land? | 10:19 |
davmor2 | diddledan_: sealand | 10:19 |
diddledan_ | is that still a thing? | 10:20 |
bashrc | I don't think the kind of bulk surveillance has been possible until the last 5-10 years. In the olden days there just wasn't the storage/compute capacity | 10:20 |
zmoylan-pi | the british government has been spying since forever. it's what they do. your job is to make the spying irrelevent by filling their databases with crap. | 10:20 |
bashrc | so GCHQ were probably always spying on *some* people, but not the entire population | 10:21 |
diddledan_ | zmoylan-pi: yeah but we're not all terrorists like you | 10:21 |
zmoylan-pi | gchq used to monitor all phone calls/faxes in ireland in mid 80s. nothing new here. just more computers involved is all | 10:21 |
diddledan_ | oh dang, now you're on a watchlist ;-) | 10:21 |
zmoylan-pi | and for all their spying it was useless. and very very expensive | 10:21 |
bashrc | in the 1980s they woldn't have had the storage capacity for phone calls, let alone the compute capacity to do speech analysis | 10:22 |
diddledan_ | yeah, the unionists carried on uniting, and the ira kept on irishing | 10:22 |
diddledan_ | and the pira kept on provisioning :-) | 10:22 |
zmoylan-pi | i used to love that sinn féin used to have an auction site for buying bugs they had discovered in offices, cars, buildings they used... | 10:23 |
diddledan_ | bashrc: according to my logic the PIRA had plenty of capacity because they could just provision more :-p | 10:23 |
diddledan_ | lol | 10:23 |
diddledan_ | I wonder who mo molem slept with to secure the peace deal? | 10:24 |
bashrc | you could do the math. What's the minimum storage for audio. How long is a typical phone call. How many people make calls on a given day | 10:24 |
bashrc | I bet it's way beyond the storage capacity of even the best 1980s computers | 10:24 |
diddledan_ | bashrc: now or then? now nobody makes any phone calls :-p | 10:24 |
diddledan_ | GCHQ have it easy - the only people using unencrypted comms seem to be the bad guys | 10:25 |
zmoylan-pi | and the geeks | 10:25 |
brobostigon | morning boys and girls. | 10:25 |
diddledan_ | morning, brobostigon | 10:26 |
zmoylan-pi | even the ones not programming at night wearing hoodies :-) | 10:26 |
diddledan_ | how did you know I wear a hoodie? | 10:26 |
diddledan_ | I must dig-out my guy fawkes mask at some point | 10:27 |
* zmoylan-pi reports diddledan_ to the daily mail as evil hacker... :-P | 10:27 | |
diddledan_ | oh thank god for that, I thought I might be in trouble till you said the daily mail | 10:27 |
diddledan_ | nobody takes that rag seriously :-D | 10:28 |
brobostigon | morning diddledan_ | 10:28 |
zmoylan-pi | they'll start a campaign to install windows vista on your laptop... | 10:28 |
diddledan_ | awesome! | 10:28 |
diddledan_ | upgrade ftw! | 10:28 |
diddledan_ | you can upgrade from 3.1 to vista, right? | 10:29 |
zmoylan-pi | or windows me if it's not compatible with vista... | 10:29 |
* diddledan_ windows' you as requested | 10:30 | |
diddledan_ | I didn't know that windowsing was a thing | 10:30 |
davmor2 | diddledan_: 3.1 these are hackers dude they don't need no stinking windows dos all the way ;) | 10:33 |
diddledan_ | ooh, one of those new fangled commandline thingies? | 10:34 |
davmor2 | diddledan_: they had to upgrade from punch cards it sounded too violent | 10:35 |
diddledan_ | I hear hackers love sitting in front of a screen with text scrolling past too quick for a non hacker to read (I guess hackers can somehow absorb it rather than read it) | 10:35 |
davmor2 | diddledan_: they are used to the matrix single lines of text are so much easier | 10:37 |
diddledan_ | there's a weird thread on ubuntu-developers mailing list entitled "Backup api" | 10:38 |
diddledan_ | latest email just arrived - their backup solution using btrfs snapshot mechanism is to copy a set of files into a different folder (which is backed by a btrfs subvolume) and make a btrfs snapshot of _that_ folder rather than the original | 10:40 |
diddledan_ | seems odd to me | 10:40 |
diddledan_ | maybe I'm reading it wrong? | 10:40 |
davmor2 | diddledan_: no I got a what the hell feeling reading it :) | 10:41 |
diddledan_ | I'm not mad then? | 10:41 |
diddledan_ | thank god for that. I was worried for a moment. | 10:42 |
diddledan_ | was all set to phone my doc to get my meds changed :-p | 10:42 |
diddledan_ | </joke> | 10:42 |
davmor2 | Oh no you're mad but not for reading that wrong :P | 10:42 |
diddledan_ | lol | 10:42 |
diddledan_ | good point | 10:42 |
diddledan_ | more flying bricks (for those that love launches): http://spaceflightnow.com/2015/12/17/vs-13-mission-status-center/ | 10:54 |
diddledan_ | this one is launching two galileo satellites (the european equiv to GPS IIRC) | 10:55 |
Laney | http://red3blog.tumblr.com/post/135098280942/formeldeharv-i-put-all-i-want-for-christmas-is | 12:23 |
bigcalm | Good morning peeps :) | 12:30 |
bigcalm | Laney: oh my ha! | 12:31 |
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch | ||
Azelphur | So, in todays wtf. I noticed my boiler cupboard has a leak, went in there to figure it out, https://owncloud.azelphur.com/index.php/s/Vw1KbY4gK11YtCR | 12:53 |
Azelphur | I shit you not, some nutjob built it like this. | 12:53 |
ali1234 | Azelphur: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Whitefurze-14cm-Clear-Plastic-Funnel/dp/B004XLGX0I | 12:56 |
Azelphur | good idea, I have one in my cupboard | 12:58 |
ali1234 | that green ring on the upper pipe suggests it was connected to something at some time | 12:59 |
Azelphur | ali1234: had a look around on the floor and nothing is htere | 13:12 |
Azelphur | if there was something there, it must have been removed, probably before I even lived here | 13:13 |
popey | did the pipe not just drop due to gravity and poor connection? | 13:17 |
popey | if you grab the lower one, can you lift it? | 13:17 |
diddledan_ | Laney: that's amazingly bad | 13:17 |
diddledan_ | err | 13:19 |
diddledan_ | that's a bad bit of gapping | 13:19 |
diddledan_ | gapping re: Azelphur | 13:19 |
Azelphur | popey: looks like you're right and it has fallen out, no easy way to get it in | 13:23 |
popey | lift it, shove it back in, put a brick under it to hold it for now | 13:24 |
popey | get some plumbers tape to go round the metal pipe and push the bottom one up over it to seal | 13:24 |
Myrtti | Azelphur: whaa | 13:30 |
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g | ||
foobarry | i have 19.86 to pay back on topcashback. why is it only allowing me to pay 11.64 into my account? | 13:51 |
foobarry | Membership Deduction | 13:52 |
foobarry | - 8.22 | 13:52 |
foobarry | whats this swindle? | 13:52 |
foobarry | i never signed up for their plus membership | 13:56 |
Azelphur | popey: had my dad come over and reattach the pipe properly, it's propped up by a plastic box :) | 14:11 |
Azelphur | he had lots of complaints about the shoddy workmanship in that cupboard. | 14:11 |
foobarry | dads are great | 14:12 |
NotInThere | Should this work with #Ubuntu ? http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00OGT9U2A | 14:20 |
NotInThere | I shall check the logs at E. of Day. | 14:20 |
Seeker` | Everyone needs to go and see star wars right now | 14:23 |
popey | No spoilers | 14:32 |
Seeker` | popey: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWWMjdFVEAEi9ml.jpg:large ? | 14:37 |
popey | va va voom | 14:37 |
* Seeker` saw the midnight showing last night | 14:37 | |
Seeker` | is good. Go see it now. | 14:37 |
SuperEngineer | Star Wars spoilers: the kangeroo learns to swim, the teddy bear gets genitals tatoo'd, the penguins *do* fall over backwards when a plane flies over, ...& Little Red Riding Hood marries the wolf | 14:38 |
SuperEngineer | ...and, aparrently, there seems to be a new film release going on [so they say] | 14:41 |
Myrtti | SuperEngineer: don't play with it too much, some of freenode staffers are taking a dim view on spoilers... | 14:43 |
Myrtti | Seeker`: looks like we've got to wait until 23rd | 14:44 |
Seeker` | Myrtti: aww. Why so long? | 14:45 |
Myrtti | Seeker`: priorities with life at the moment | 14:45 |
Myrtti | I'm just happy we didn't book the midnight show | 14:45 |
SuperEngineer | Myrtti, but re the above: it's true.. my dreams prove it | 14:45 |
Myrtti | hubby's down with a stomach issue of some kind, he stayed awake last night for hours and we ended up calling 111 for instructions | 14:46 |
Seeker` | ouch | 14:46 |
Seeker` | he ok? | 14:46 |
Myrtti | and I'm on my third night of crappy sleep | 14:46 |
Myrtti | yeah, just staying in working from home today, too | 14:46 |
Myrtti | speaking of his work... http://www.comparethemarket.com/ | 14:47 |
Seeker` | hope he gets better soon | 14:47 |
Myrtti | or http://www.comparethemarket.com/galactic-insurance/ to be more exact | 14:47 |
Myrtti | I certainly hope so too, we've got things to do and places to be | 14:47 |
popey | Myrtti, before you joined- <AnttiSaarnio> We have received financing to continue Sailfish OS development from our investors. THIS means that reports about Jolla's death are greatly exaggerated :) | 14:49 |
Myrtti | popey: yeah, I heard elsewhere | 14:49 |
Myrtti | cybette ♥ | 14:49 |
popey | heh | 14:49 |
Myrtti | I hope it's good news for her | 14:49 |
Myrtti | she is in one of my favourite Wedding Photos ♥ | 14:52 |
popey | those jolla tablets on the chinese site are only 120 quid | 14:59 |
popey | clearly means jolla get no revenue from them, but that's cheap | 14:59 |
Myrtti | yeah | 15:00 |
SuperEngineer | Since Linux Voice completely moved to https from http I can no longer use gpodder to catch their [https] feed, or lifrea for the rss feed on https, or [just tried] rythmbox for the podfeed either... could this be a version prob [all from ubuntu repos, on 14.04.3] or a system prob I've not picked up till now? suggestions welcome. | 15:09 |
popey | what error does gpodder give? | 15:20 |
SuperEngineer | "Some podcasts could not be added to your list:" | 15:21 |
SuperEngineer | https://www.linuxvoice.com/podcast_mp3.rss | 15:21 |
SuperEngineer | [still looking for any relevanyt logfile... without much success] | 15:22 |
SuperEngineer | and just updated to 3.8.5 - same version as just tried by degville which worked for him... this appears to be a problem at my end therefore [but work out what the heck is going on] | 15:24 |
SuperEngineer | https connections fully okay via Firefox etc... it's just gpodder & liferea [& I've tried the podcast via rythmbox, fail] | 15:27 |
SuperEngineer | confused | 15:27 |
SuperEngineer | Liferea gives: HTTP error code 0: A network error occurred, or the other end closed the connection unexpectedly | 15:28 |
SuperEngineer | hmm.. just found [relevasnt? gpodder log... http://paste.ubuntu.com/14074357/ | 15:38 |
SuperEngineer | gonna try on ubuntu mate partition & see what happens there. bbs | 15:42 |
diddledan_ | looks like it thinks he's offline | 15:44 |
diddledan_ | dns issue mayhaps | 15:44 |
SuperEngineer | hmmm... just in case you're still available popey - odd! In U-Mate 15.10 no problem found. | 16:06 |
SuperEngineer | In Ubuntu 14.04.3, no go. This may well be a local [my system] problem but have no clue where to start on this one :( | 16:06 |
popey | interesting | 16:06 |
popey | could be some python library which needs updating | 16:08 |
popey | oooh, I'm getting a flashback | 16:08 |
SuperEngineer | ah! I do see python errors mentioned in logs.. but are meaningless to me... | 16:09 |
Azelphur | in todays other weird events, https://owncloud.azelphur.com/index.php/s/ITVU0rkCW1MMMGF my head flying hours is greater than my power-on hours | 16:09 |
* SuperEngineer hopes for popey flashback | 16:10 | |
popey | do you have any other ssl feeds? | 16:10 |
popey | is that the only one | 16:10 |
SuperEngineer | liferea? | 16:10 |
SuperEngineer | [which also fails] | 16:11 |
SuperEngineer | no other secure feeds on gpodder - all other feeds are http | 16:12 |
SuperEngineer | it is the https which fai;ls on both gpodder and liferea | 16:12 |
SuperEngineer | ...& rhythmbox | 16:12 |
diddledan_ | ssl library issues then perchance.. | 16:13 |
* diddledan_ awaits the utterance of the oracle | 16:13 | |
diddledan_ | (popey) | 16:14 |
* SuperEngineer awaits... & hopes | 16:14 | |
popey | no idea | 16:14 |
SuperEngineer | doh! | 16:15 |
SuperEngineer | :-D | 16:15 |
diddledan_ | it might just be that 14.04 was 20 months ago and the ssl landscape has changed so that the ciphers the client is allowing aren't available on the server's allowed | 16:17 |
diddledan_ | just guessing tho | 16:17 |
SuperEngineer | hmmm... | 16:17 |
SuperEngineer | contemplating upgrade to 15.10 | 16:19 |
diddledan_ | if you had a buttered filesystem I might risk suggesting doing a full system-wide snapshot and attempting an upgrade to a more recent buntu release to see if that fixes the issue - if it does then file a bug on the 14.04 release and if it doesn't then you can rollback with no ill effects :-) | 16:19 |
SuperEngineer | thinks....do I have btrfs or not... no! | 16:22 |
SuperEngineer | [I do have btrfd on an external drives partion for my media backups,; but that ain't gonna help really, is it!] | 16:23 |
SuperEngineer | ;) | 16:24 |
SuperEngineer | what really worries me is that if this a library prob, there are many other LTS users out there. | 16:29 |
SuperEngineer | If I could prove a bug, I'd report a bug. | 16:30 |
SuperEngineer | The fact that I haven't [yet] heard of anyone else having probbs... worrying. | 16:31 |
diddledan_ | it's an odd one because we can't be sure exactly where the issue may be. | 16:31 |
SuperEngineer | agreed | 16:31 |
diddledan_ | at least with a crash it's obvious that the program you launched had an issue :-) | 16:31 |
diddledan_ | I can hear singing | 16:33 |
diddledan_ | I wonder if the school over the road are having a carol evening? | 16:33 |
SuperEngineer | if it's angels singing... run! | 16:33 |
SuperEngineer | shout, "I'm alive, I tell you!] | 16:33 |
user_3216 | knife can not cut without the permission of Allah | 16:35 |
user_3216 | rulers are not doing Allah is doing | 16:36 |
user_3216 | governments are not doing Allah is doing | 16:36 |
user_3216 | sleep is not doing Allah is doing | 16:36 |
* foobarry popey | 16:37 | |
diddledan_ | I'm sstarting to dislike heart internet. I asked them to cancel a service and instead of cancelling they asked me why I want to cancel and would I please not cancel. then they left it uncancelled | 16:37 |
popey | oh dear | 16:37 |
SuperEngineer | zzzzzzzzzzzz..... popey it's back again! | 16:37 |
user_3216 | hunger is not doing Allah is doing | 16:37 |
popey | go away user_3216 | 16:38 |
Azelphur | popey: it's a bot | 16:38 |
foobarry | kicking is not doing popey is doing | 16:38 |
SuperEngineer | it's a bottom | 16:38 |
popey | heh | 16:39 |
diddledan_ | if it's a bot why is it using webirc? | 16:39 |
SuperEngineer | webirc is doing, whatitsname is not doing | 16:39 |
diddledan_ | it does raise a question tho, what constitutes doing allah? | 16:40 |
diddledan_ | because governments aren't doing him | 16:40 |
SuperEngineer | rude! | 16:40 |
SuperEngineer | ;) | 16:40 |
diddledan_ | indeed | 16:40 |
popey | moving on | 16:41 |
SuperEngineer | wow! have you the seen size of my | 16:41 |
SuperEngineer | .... | 16:41 |
SuperEngineer | wart | 16:41 |
diddledan_ | so dominos want me to buy a pizza to celebrate the start warts | 16:41 |
SuperEngineer | ;_0 | 16:41 |
SuperEngineer | the farts awaken? | 16:42 |
diddledan_ | nothing proves your love for a movie franchise than gluttony | 16:42 |
diddledan_ | more* | 16:42 |
SuperEngineer | Has anybody seen the new StratWarts movie yet? | 16:46 |
SuperEngineer | - just checking so I can add to personal ban list until I see it! ;-) | 16:46 |
diddledan_ | no :-( | 16:46 |
zmoylan-pi | who knew that darth vader would be princess leias dad!!! | 16:47 |
diddledan_ | zmoylan-pi: I heard that luke is actually anakin and is in fact his own father | 16:47 |
zmoylan-pi | accident with faster than light drive and condom again? | 16:48 |
zmoylan-pi | and a copy of big 'uns | 16:48 |
SuperEngineer | diddledan_, you're saved then, zmoylan-pi at least you didn't give awat the teddy bear's dark secret | 16:48 |
diddledan_ | yeah. plus regeneration now due to conception while travelling through time with all that wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff | 16:48 |
diddledan_ | the teddy bear had a huge thingy? | 16:49 |
zmoylan-pi | i haven't seen episode 2 or 3 yet... so 7 might take a while | 16:49 |
diddledan_ | me either | 16:49 |
diddledan_ | I kinda gave up after 1 | 16:49 |
zmoylan-pi | jar jar binks made me avoid | 16:49 |
diddledan_ | 1 ruined it | 16:49 |
SuperEngineer | [you know, the one where the teddy bear reveals it is darth vador's great, great, graet grand mother | 16:49 |
diddledan_ | :-o | 16:49 |
diddledan_ | so the teddy bear is stuff full of gogo juice? | 16:50 |
diddledan_ | "I rush in, whip my wand out and fire my magic all over his ass" | 16:50 |
SuperEngineer | yup, that & mars bars | 16:50 |
diddledan_ | gotta love raj | 16:51 |
SuperEngineer | ah, BBT at last! | 16:51 |
diddledan_ | \o/ | 16:51 |
SuperEngineer | +1 | 16:51 |
diddledan_ | +1.1*10^15 | 16:52 |
diddledan_ | :-p | 16:52 |
diddledan_ | gotta use scientific notation! | 16:52 |
SuperEngineer | [that's not yet proven - it;s only imaginary] | 16:52 |
diddledan_ | no that's √-1 | 16:53 |
diddledan_ | aka j | 16:53 |
zmoylan-pi | i haven't an iota what you're talking about as i don't watch bbt | 16:53 |
diddledan_ | or i | 16:53 |
diddledan_ | depending on whether you're talking to a mathematician or an engineer :-) | 16:53 |
SuperEngineer | [so... +it/is-not*yet~proven = result] | 16:53 |
SuperEngineer | both now *saisfried* | 16:54 |
davmor2 | diddledan_: it doesn't matter the physicist will say they are both wrong | 16:55 |
diddledan_ | I think the i/j/√-1 conundrum just proves that we haven't devised appropriate mathematics to cope with the construct. the value definitely exists because it can be used to do funky equations to rotate sine-waves but at the same time it cannot exist because our rules state that √-1 should equal 1 but the previous example relies on that not being the case | 16:56 |
SuperEngineer | but what did the next example say? | 16:57 |
diddledan_ | SuperEngineer: you just need to rotate the wave to find out | 16:57 |
SuperEngineer | lol | 16:57 |
diddledan_ | I know about i/j being an issue because dad used to be a telly engineer and the tv broadcast system uses it extensively | 16:58 |
SuperEngineer | Best experiment I have ever performed in the physics world: | 16:58 |
diddledan_ | you dropped an apple on isaac's head? | 16:59 |
zmoylan-pi | waste of a macbook :-) | 16:59 |
davmor2 | SuperEngineer, diddledan_: here watch this and then we can just all get along damn it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8N_tupPBtWQ | 16:59 |
diddledan_ | see, I don't think it was a random accident, I think his rival was actually in the tree chucking them at isaac | 16:59 |
diddledan_ | menamama | 17:00 |
SuperEngineer | Q/ what is the result of building mercury motor and "accidebtally setting tranformer to use direct full mains voltage insteas of 12V? | 17:00 |
zmoylan-pi | i think it was dropped by a cat who resented that he had invented the cat flap... | 17:00 |
diddledan_ | SuperEngineer: exploding mercury? | 17:00 |
SuperEngineer | a/ emergency evacuation of entire lab full of students :_D | 17:00 |
davmor2 | zmoylan-pi: it's a Schroedinger cat flap | 17:00 |
diddledan_ | \o/ | 17:00 |
diddledan_ | my sister in law just cannot get her head around schrödinger :-) I tease her with it | 17:01 |
diddledan_ | +e | 17:01 |
diddledan_ | schröedinger | 17:01 |
diddledan_ | what I want to know is how did the dude get away with that kind sadistic thinking? | 17:03 |
diddledan_ | "I know, let's put nibbles in a box with a load of poison" | 17:03 |
SuperEngineer | "schrödinger" or "schröedinger"... you don't know until you open the book therefore until then both ae correct | 17:04 |
diddledan_ | what did he expect to happen?! | 17:04 |
zmoylan-pi | it was a cat, a lot of people hate cats | 17:04 |
diddledan_ | seriously, you put a cat in a box with poison, it be dead | 17:04 |
SuperEngineer | or in a box with tesco cat food - same result | 17:05 |
diddledan_ | perhaps it was a cover story to murder a terrifying feline? | 17:05 |
zmoylan-pi | depends on the cat. a lot of people will tell you how hard it is to get a cat to eat a pill that will make them better | 17:05 |
SuperEngineer | ermmm.... this pill is *not* one of "make you better" pills ;) | 17:06 |
zmoylan-pi | so the little beggar will ignore it | 17:06 |
diddledan_ | more a make you a lil bit queesy | 17:06 |
SuperEngineer | lol | 17:06 |
diddledan_ | upset your stomach a tad | 17:06 |
zmoylan-pi | we found the cat nibbled around the pill leaving it with a few mm of cat food attached. | 17:06 |
diddledan_ | you'll be right as rain in no-time | 17:06 |
diddledan_ | i.e. we'll flush you down the drain | 17:07 |
SuperEngineer | schröedinger's salmonela - you don't know whether it's lethal until you get the post mortem | 17:08 |
diddledan_ | is it feeding time yet? | 17:09 |
SuperEngineer | nom nom, stale chicken tonight | 17:10 |
diddledan_ | ooh, nice - how you having it, just plain or in a sauce or something? | 17:11 |
diddledan_ | plain with beans is nice and simple | 17:12 |
diddledan_ | and maybe a jacketed spud | 17:12 |
* diddledan_ lurve bakey beans | 17:12 | |
zmoylan-pi | beans on toast, spaghetti on toast, cheese on toast. anything they can slip under the locked door... :-) | 17:14 |
diddledan_ | :-) | 17:14 |
SuperEngineer | Just joking.. prefer living more "on the edge" than that - tonight is actually salmon fish cakes which I can't remember how long ago I bought them... now that's what I call real russian roullette | 17:14 |
diddledan_ | toasticles are tasty too, I agree | 17:14 |
diddledan_ | lol | 17:15 |
zmoylan-pi | well porcelain roulette... :-) | 17:15 |
zmoylan-pi | just make sure the kazi is covered by wifi and has back up reading material... and maybe a backup battery... | 17:15 |
SuperEngineer | I like the logixc here! | 17:16 |
diddledan_ | I don't think you want it backing up | 17:16 |
SuperEngineer | buy shares in andrex is my advice | 17:16 |
zmoylan-pi | or wipe up with puppies... ah la father jack... | 17:17 |
SuperEngineer | ADVERT: mmmmmm... puppies.... smooth of the botty...& better than kittens | 17:19 |
zmoylan-pi | definitely less sharp than kittens | 17:19 |
SuperEngineer | so, in retrospect, I started on this channel today talking about https probs... now we're talking about puppies being better than kittens for botty usage... life is good again! :-) | 17:22 |
zmoylan-pi | next up; porcupines are a complete no no | 17:24 |
SuperEngineer | #ubuntu-uk... better than therepies, better than pharmasuticals. | 17:25 |
zmoylan-pi | which printer paper is best for backup loo roll... | 17:25 |
SuperEngineer | &, zmoylan-pi, +1 on that. Most definitely better than that! | 17:25 |
SuperEngineer | used printer paper is best... it's been pre-warmed & pre-softened [so I'm told] | 17:27 |
zmoylan-pi | yeah but toner and inkjet ink can leave weird inverse temporary tattoos.... or so i've heard... | 17:27 |
SuperEngineer | "Dear Cartridge World, when I said I wanted a cartridge that didn't leave any residue..." | 17:28 |
zmoylan-pi | dear cartridge world, adding a moisturiser to your cartridges would be appreciated... :-P | 17:33 |
=== xnox is now known as xnox_2016 | ||
SuperEngineer | :-) | 17:34 |
=== BigRedS_ is now known as BigRedS | ||
SuperEngineer | time to go cook those ruddian roulette fishcakes; if you don't hear from me again,,,send flowers bitter | 17:49 |
SuperEngineer | *russian | 17:49 |
zmoylan-pi | and bogroll carrying puppies... | 17:50 |
SuperEngineer | [no kittens, sharp teeth!] | 17:51 |
zmoylan-pi | and their ability to climb anything using claws | 17:51 |
SuperEngineer | youch!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 17:51 |
zmoylan-pi | ... and their was much screaming | 17:51 |
SuperEngineer | & lo, he wept... | 17:52 |
SuperEngineer | ...from both ends! | 17:52 |
zmoylan-pi | but not as much as when a+e applied the iodine... | 17:52 |
SuperEngineer | you are determined to put me off these fish-cakes, aren't you! | 17:53 |
zmoylan-pi | do amazon have specials on stomach pumps? :-D | 17:53 |
* SuperEngineer checks entiire area... no puppies, no kittens [definitely no kittens]... | 17:55 | |
SuperEngineer | and no ambulances outside house [yet] | 17:55 |
zmoylan-pi | remember aliens? check the ceiling space | 17:55 |
SuperEngineer | scratch, scratch | 17:55 |
zmoylan-pi | *bip* *bip* *bip* they're in the room... | 17:55 |
SuperEngineer | can't wait for the stomach bit | 17:56 |
SuperEngineer | and, not being from this planet, /me gets ignored by alien | 17:57 |
SuperEngineer | phew... that was close. Now what's this lump on the wall..... arrrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhhhhh! | 17:58 |
SuperEngineer | [happy dreams everybody!] ;-) | 17:59 |
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD | ||
mapps | well that was tiresome | 18:38 |
mapps | slept from 11;30am ish till 6pm ish wokeup loads;/ | 18:38 |
mapps | wokeup and my clock said 10;05 pm too, pretty confusing thought it really was that late;p | 18:39 |
mapps | charity worker steals 25k after becoming addicted to facebook games | 18:53 |
mapps | spent 4k on virtual crystals...wow | 18:53 |
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte | ||
mapps | handy..feel tired yet got up 7pm | 22:36 |
mapps | ugh | 22:36 |
mapps | ;/ | 22:37 |
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