mine_field | welp, is unity8 in a broken state on 16.04 or is something wrong with my install. using unity8 desktop session mir, (just updated everything), unity8 loads, i can see the launcher and the top bar but instead of the wallpaper all i see is black, deep black :'( and when launching apps from the launcher, apps don't load X-( :'( | 09:51 |
vila | df | 09:53 |
Saviq | vila, some 20GB | 10:01 |
Saviq | mine_field, any chance you got some PPAs enabled? | 10:01 |
vila | Saviq: lol, damn focus ;) | 10:03 |
tsdgeos | mzanetti: would you do https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/testIndicatorsMenuFix/+merge/280165 ? or want me to find someone else? | 10:18 |
mzanetti | tsdgeos, ack, will do | 10:19 |
tsdgeos | tx | 10:19 |
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mine_field | Saviq, yep, i have libertine | 10:27 |
Saviq | mine_field, if that's silo 19, move to silo 21 instead | 10:28 |
Saviq | should be no need for silos soon | 10:28 |
mine_field | Saviq, uuuu nice :D thanks | 10:28 |
dandrader | hmmm... unity-files-daemon decided to eat half of my CPU time | 10:34 |
dandrader | Saviq, is there still time to add more branches to the current silo? | 10:37 |
Saviq | dandrader, yeah, still waiting for mir 0.18 to release | 10:37 |
dandrader | Saviq, https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/unity8/fixDragHandleTest/+merge/280733 and https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/unity8/updateMouseTouchAdaptor/+merge/280718 | 10:38 |
Saviq | dandrader, both there already :) | 10:38 |
dandrader | Saviq, oh, ok. what's the silo number btw? | 10:38 |
Saviq | dandrader, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/784 - silo 31 | 10:38 |
* Saviq thinks maybe should skip sizeHints while we're blocked with Mir... | 10:39 | |
dandrader | Saviq, what's the problem with sizeHints? | 10:51 |
mzanetti | tsdgeos, that test passes for me without your patch too | 11:57 |
tsdgeos | mzanetti: i have an irc log saying it failed for you :D | 12:00 |
tsdgeos | mzanetti: xenial? | 12:00 |
Saviq | dandrader, no problem with sizeHints, but it's the only thing that makes us wait for mir 0.18 | 12:00 |
dandrader | Saviq, and why is that? | 12:08 |
Saviq | dandrader, because mir 0.18 needs to land qtmir | 12:10 |
Saviq | dandrader, and you need to land qtmir | 12:10 |
Saviq | for sizeHints | 12:11 |
tsdgeos | dandrader: about "package 'UbuntuGestures' not found", do you have it installed? | 12:12 |
tsdgeos | or did you use dpkg-buildpackage? | 12:12 |
dandrader | tsdgeos, I "apt-get dist-upgrade"d it | 12:14 |
tsdgeos | dandrader: that's weird, the .pc pacakge is still called UbuntuGestures | 12:15 |
dandrader | tsdgeos, is has a .pc package? | 12:15 |
dandrader | s/is/it | 12:15 |
tsdgeos | ah wait | 12:15 |
tsdgeos | i think i have shit in my pc | 12:15 |
davmor2 | tsdgeos: man just use a toilet like the rest of us :P | 12:16 |
tsdgeos | davmor2: nobody told me i could leave my chair whjile working! | 12:16 |
davmor2 | :D | 12:16 |
davmor2 | commode chairs ftw | 12:17 |
tsdgeos | dandrader: yeah it's /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig/UbuntuGestures.pc provided by libubuntugestures5-dev 1.3.1761+16.04.20151216.1-0ubuntu1 | 12:18 |
tsdgeos | dandrader: which version of libubuntugestures5-dev do you have installed? | 12:18 |
dandrader | tsdgeos, none :D | 12:22 |
tsdgeos | dandrader: :? | 12:22 |
dandrader | tsdgeos, gotta update debian/control btw | 12:22 |
tsdgeos | dandrader: i did | 12:22 |
tsdgeos | like 5 mins ago :D | 12:22 |
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tsdgeos | dandrader: the floatingflickable tests work :/ | 13:37 |
dandrader | tsdgeos, I installed nodda on my nexus 7 and paired it with a bluetooth mouse | 13:39 |
tsdgeos | dandrader: i'm not saying floatingflickable works | 13:39 |
tsdgeos | just saying that the tests do | 13:39 |
dandrader | tsdgeos, ok. bad sign indeed | 13:39 |
tsdgeos | i'm not sure i have a way to test the floatingflickable as you say | 13:39 |
tsdgeos | i do not have a nexus 7 | 13:39 |
dandrader | tsdgeos, a nexus 4 would do | 13:40 |
tsdgeos | dandrader: a nexus11? | 13:40 |
dandrader | tsdgeos, have you been drinking? :) | 13:40 |
tsdgeos | nexus10 i mean | 13:41 |
tsdgeos | dandrader: do i have to answer that? | 13:41 |
dandrader | tsdgeos, I think it's no longer supported. but if it flashes correctly it should be ok | 13:41 |
tsdgeos | i'll tackle that after fixing the disable timers thing | 13:42 |
tsdgeos | dandrader: though ideally we'd "fix" the unittests to fail | 13:42 |
dandrader | tsdgeos, definitely | 13:44 |
mcinitreevan | ping Trevinho, when you say to wrap the variables in a blank namespace, like this? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/14073473/ or should the whole rest of everything be wrapped in that namespace too? | 13:51 |
Trevinho | mcinitreevan: hi | 13:51 |
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Trevinho | mcinitreevan: only the const global variables | 13:51 |
Trevinho | so logger and gnome_media_Settings.. | 13:52 |
Trevinho | See the patch I sent you | 13:52 |
Trevinho | basically you get the whole thing by applying that :-) | 13:52 |
Trevinho | mcinitreevan: ^ | 13:52 |
mcinitreevan | Trevinho: Oh, I didn't see any patch, I was just fixing it all by hand based on the comments - I should have it ready in just a minute :) | 13:53 |
Trevinho | mcinitreevan: fine, ping me when you need the final review... | 13:55 |
mcinitreevan | Trevinho: Pushed, thanks for all the help! | 14:03 |
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Trevinho | mcinitreevan: thank you for the contribution! | 14:04 |
mcinitreevan | Happy to help :) | 14:06 |
mterry | mzanetti, thanks for the lockout-time-travel review. Glad to see that's going to make OTA8 | 14:52 |
mterry | mzanetti, I want to try out your input branch, looks like it still needs a review itself | 14:52 |
tsdgeos | mterry: you mean OTA9 ;) | 15:02 |
mterry | tsdgeos, heh. I was thinking too much about time travel I guess :) | 15:03 |
tsdgeos | D_: | 15:03 |
Saviq | @unity, dednick: standup | 15:31 |
kgunn | wil | 15:42 |
kgunn | oops ww | 15:42 |
tsdgeos | dandrader: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/removeTimeConstraintsFromSwipeArea/+merge/280868 exposes removeTimeConstraintsFromSwipeArea so i can use it in http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/nodda/revision/2108 | 15:44 |
tsdgeos | let's see what zsombi says :) | 15:45 |
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dandrader | tsdgeos, skimmed through it. looks ok | 15:52 |
dandrader | mzanetti, ping | 16:07 |
mzanetti | dandrader, hey | 16:07 |
dandrader | mzanetti, should I be able to flick through the windows in the desktop spread using my finger (touch input)? | 16:08 |
mzanetti | dandrader, yes | 16:08 |
dandrader | mzanetti, tried that in "make tryDesktopStage" and it doesn't work. Don't know why... | 16:09 |
mzanetti | used to work | 16:09 |
mzanetti | dandrader, also there needs to be a minimum amount of apps in there | 16:09 |
mzanetti | or it will be non-interactive | 16:09 |
dandrader | hmmm | 16:09 |
mzanetti | some 8 or so I think | 16:09 |
dandrader | mzanetti, right, that was it! thanks! | 16:10 |
mzanetti | don't know the number. it's calculated by the width they require and the width it provides | 16:10 |
dandrader | mzanetti, btw, tsdgeos's nodda branch broke that but DesktopStage tests still passed | 16:10 |
mzanetti | oh | 16:10 |
dandrader | mzanetti, is that feature tested? | 16:10 |
mzanetti | the flicking... not sure tbh... I definitely have put more focus on mouse/kbd interaction on that so far | 16:11 |
mzanetti | dandrader, it's not entirely feature complete when it comes to touch interaction yet | 16:11 |
mzanetti | but well, I guess I should add a test for that | 16:11 |
mzanetti | thanks for letting me know | 16:11 |
dandrader | mzanetti, or, actually, maybe the more correct thing would be a FloatingFlickable test.... | 16:13 |
dandrader | mzanetti, and then it lies on me | 16:14 |
mzanetti | works for me :D | 16:14 |
tsdgeos | dandrader: there's a FloatingFlickable it just that it passes | 16:14 |
cimi | pstolowski, tsdgeos in which scope I test the optionselector filter? | 16:49 |
cimi | silo 54 | 16:49 |
tsdgeos | i don't think there's any scope exposing those yet? | 16:49 |
pstolowski | cimi, use mine lp:~stolowski/+junk/scope-filters ; in the click/ dir you will find armhf package | 16:50 |
cimi | ok | 16:50 |
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Trevinho | mcinitreevan: hey, still here? | 18:26 |
Trevinho | mcinitreevan: I've commented the MP, please fix that var name :) | 18:29 |
* greyback_ signs off for the holidays | 18:45 | |
greyback_ | o/ | 18:45 |
mterry | mzanetti, "He's a nice guy" :) (mail from Rob Schroll in ubuntu-phone) | 18:47 |
mterry | Internet approved | 18:47 |
mzanetti | hah | 18:48 |
mcinitreevan | Trevinho: Blah, I was going to compile it on my server to test, but I didn't because I didnt have the build deps. I'll do it once I get home and can make sure it compiles :) | 18:56 |
Trevinho | mcinitreevan: if you can just rename the variable I can test-build it... | 19:15 |
Trevinho | So we can try to land this before xmas :) | 19:16 |
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