
shurtagulWhy doesnt the gutar tabs applet work in amarok? the wikipedia used to not but it randomly started to, maybe after I upgraded stuff..00:16
valorieshurtagul: you might check their kde-apps page or whereever the code is00:17
valorieit's a plugin, not a part of amarok00:17
shurtagulAlso muon disappeared since I moved to the unstable channel.00:54
valorieshurtagul: muon, or muon package-manager?02:01
valorieand by "unstable channel" do you mean kci-unstable?02:01
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shurtaguland I believe, I added the ppa and upgraded02:37
shurtagul"Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable distribution that some required packages have not yet been created or been moved out of Incoming." Then goes on to show unmet dependencies.02:40
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Sine_Is this channel for support?02:51
Sine_Having an issue with 15.10 install.02:51
derekcSeems after the 3rd or 4th update on Wily I have been getting the 5 key repeating it self even though it's never been pressed.  I don't have another keyboard to test if it's hardware but I did open the keyboard and the board and contacts all seem fine but I was wondering if anyone else is experiencing this and maybe it's software related?03:05
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Dragnslcrderekc- I have seen that once or twice, but I assumed it was just my keyboard. Pressing any other key stopped it.03:13
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Sine_Installation is hanging on Preparing install right before selecting disks03:40
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jie__how can I install wubi in kubuntu?07:53
hateball!wubi | jie__08:08
ubottujie__: Wubi was a way to install Ubuntu from within Windows, but it is no longer supported in recent versions of Ubuntu and was never well maintained even for Ubuntu 12.04. Do not use Wubi. See !install for other options for installing Ubuntu.08:08
hateballjie__: Note the "Do not use" part.08:08
jie__Do don't see.08:09
jie__I mean Wubi input method for Chinese.08:10
jie__It's like Pinyin input method.08:10
hateball!info ibus-table-wubi08:16
ubottuibus-table-wubi (source: ibus-table-chinese): ibus-table input method: Wubi. In component main, is optional. Version 1.8.2-1 (wily), package size 2911 kB, installed size 10697 kB08:16
hateballI have no idea, but this seems to be a package08:16
jie__In Ubuntu I can through "setting->Language->Support Language" add Chinese08:18
jie__then through "text entry" add wubi input method.08:19
jie__but in Kubuntu I can't.08:19
jie__I must install ibus manually.08:19
jie__I just want to is have a easy way to have a Chinese input method.08:20
hateballjie__: maybe they know more in #ubuntu-cn08:37
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw08:37
jie__Ok, thank you.08:37
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BluesKajHowdy all12:18
mausschubserhallo, itś me again13:03
mausschubserstill the intel 915 chip13:03
mausschubserwith the same problem as in 14.0413:04
mausschubsermy buttons to close, maximize or minimise a window are gone13:04
mausschubserkde5 is crap13:04
mausschubserit`s beta13:05
BluesKajkde5 doesn't exist13:05
mausschubserbut you are forced to use it, instead of 413:05
BluesKajit's just kde with plasma 513:06
mausschubserdoes anyone know a possibility to use kde 4 under kubuntu 15.04?13:06
mausschubserit`s the same13:06
s_20mausschubser: uh, no13:06
s_20it's depracated13:06
BluesKajnope, I stick with 14.04.313:06
mausschubseri have the problem for 4 days now13:06
s_20you might want to try a different distribution then13:07
mausschubserupgrading, upgrading, updating13:07
mausschubseri am running kubuntu for years13:07
mausschubseri never had such a problem13:07
s_20so have i, at work, debian at home13:07
s_20but the upgrade to 5.* was less than smooth13:07
s_20then i switched to debian (and kde) at work as well, smooth sailing so far13:08
mausschubsernice words13:08
mausschubserin the older plasma 5 it worked13:08
mausschubserbut the system was slow, no german13:08
mausschubserafter updating to the latest , my bad, it's that catastrophe, again13:09
mausschubsers_20: i don't have the time to set up a whole new system13:10
BluesKajI have 15.10 on my laptop with the i915 driver for intel gpu , but no problems that you describe mausschubser. Are you using a downloaded theme for desktop?13:10
mausschubsermight be13:10
mausschubserlet me check13:10
Smurphymausschubser: You should use a different window manager theme !13:20
Smurphythat's all.13:20
BluesKajSmurphy, think he's embarassed after all his complaining and criticism, hasn't returned13:29
Smurphyprolly ...13:31
SmurphyBTW - do you by chance know if there is a PPA for Plasma 5.5 -> Kubuntu 15.10 ?13:32
BluesKajSmurphy, the plasma 5.5 package isn't ready for kubuntu, but it should be in the backports in a few days from what i was told by the devs yesterday13:36
Smurphyah nice. Thx for the info. I won't be able to check it out until after christmas, but I'll give it a try.13:37
Smurphymausschubser: You should use a different window manager theme !13:37
mausschubserBluesKaj: kwin-x11 was missing, I installed13:37
SmurphyIf that does not work, delete all the caches.13:37
mausschubserSmurphy: it was the default one, thanks13:37
Smurphythose related to the plasmashell -> cd ~/.cache && rm -rf plasmashell13:37
BluesKajinteresting , hwe could kwin-X11 be missing13:38
SmurphyDo that from the console (after switching down -> Ctrl-Alt-F1, login, and remove it.13:38
mausschubserSmurphy: i already solved it! Thank you13:38
Smurphyah - ok.13:38
mausschubseri don have a clue13:38
mausschubserthanks for your help and merry christmas to everybody13:39
Smurphyfound out why I couldn't start mysql on my Kubuntu.13:40
Smurphybecause I run it off a SSD - I tend to mount /var/log, /var/run and some other directories from tmpfs -> Ramfs.13:40
SmurphyWhen I boot up - I create the directory structure and files required by some programs manually out of rc.local.13:41
SmurphyWhen mysql does not find /var/run/mysqld and /var/log/mysql owned by user mysql - it won't start.13:41
Maxiridei've read the announcement of plasma 5.5.1 on the kde website but I didn't understood if it's still a beta or if I will be able to install it shortyl on kubuntu 15.1013:52
BluesKajMaxiride, it should be in he backports in a few days13:55
MaxirideBluesKaj:  ins't the backports repo for testing\unstable software?13:57
ubottuIf new updated packages are built for an application, they may go into Kubuntu Backports, which is one of the official Kubuntu PPAs. See https://community.kde.org/Kubuntu/PPAs for more information.13:58
Maxiridemy fault, must have misunderstood the "back" part of "backports" xD13:58
soeei dourb in will be in backports in a few days14:02
BluesKajgotta keep their hopes up , when all th eother distros already have 5.5 in their repos, soee14:03
BluesKajsoee, so what's your prediction for 5.5?14:04
soee5.5.1 is on TODO list for Xenial - probably not started yet14:05
soeeit has to get into Xenial than backports will start14:05
BluesKajhe was asking about 15.1014:05
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.14:49
veqz_why is the only two options for downloading kubuntu at kubuntu.org 14.04 or 15.10? 15.10 doesn't like my optimus laptop, so I would like to go back to 15.04.15:36
s_20veqz_: because that's how ubuntu releases work15:36
s_20either you take the latest or a LTS release15:36
veqz_15.04 wasn't an LTS?15:37
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s_20they happen every 2 years15:38
Veqzah ok15:38
geniiVeqz: Nope15:38
Veqzso is there any support for 15.04 still? I found the iso on my disk, but would it just be useless to install it now?15:38
genii8.04, 10.04, 12.04, 14.04, next is 16.04 April next year15:38
ubottuUbuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) was the 22nd  release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/15.04/ - 15.04 reaches end of life in Januray of 201615:39
Veqzah ok15:39
geniiVeqz: As you can see, it will be EOL in Jan15:39
Veqzuseless then15:39
VeqzI'll try to live with this then, or see if I find another distro until 16.04. :)15:41
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CrystalMareI'm trying to load a script from a shortcut15:57
CrystalMareI've set the shortcut to the .sh file and made sure its executeable15:57
CrystalMareBut if I press the screenshot, nothing happens15:58
CrystalMareIf I click the script in dolphin, it runs just fine15:58
CrystalMareshortcut, not screenshot15:58
geniiCrystalMare: Do you have a shebang on the first line of the script?16:02
BluesKajthink if it's an executable file then you need to creat a link not a shortcut16:03
CrystalMareIt's a .sh file16:03
Smurphyand is it executable ? chmod 755 <filename>16:03
SmurphyThen, you need to make sure that files from your directory are allowed to be executed16:03
CrystalMareIt's just one file16:04
SmurphyAnd - last but not least - if you expect something to happen, tell it to be executed in a console/terminal;16:04
CrystalMareSmurphy, https://i.imgur.com/cuhmz0A.png16:05
CrystalMareThere's a . at the beginning of the path16:05
CrystalMareThere's no option to start it in a terminal16:06
SmurphyOh - but there is: "konsole -e ~/scripts/sync_home.sh"16:08
SmurphyThat's what I use. Starts konsole which in turn starts the script and displays me what it does.16:09
CrystalMareBut I do not need the terminal at all16:09
CrystalMareSo can I start konsole in 'invisible' mode or something ?16:09
SmurphyWhat does that script do ?16:09
CrystalMareIt allows me to select a region of my screen, and then it makes a snap and uploads it to imgur16:10
Smurphyeventually you have to set the DISPLAY Variable inside the script. Don't know if it is provider with it.16:11
SmurphyStart it with the konsole, and see what it returns.16:11
SmurphyAs means of debugging.16:11
SmurphyUnfortunately, I'll have to leave soon :( I have a 500Km drive ahead.16:12
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SmurphySo - looks like it is working.16:13
CrystalMareHow do I go about configuring konsole -e ~/script16:14
CrystalMareBecause if I put that in the Custom Shortcuts and press Apply16:14
CrystalMareit removes it again16:14
SmurphyCan't tell. Sorry. I usually do all on the console16:15
CrystalMareSo I can't just run a script from a shortcut ?16:15
CrystalMareSmurphy, I found the problem16:31
CrystalMareDoing CTRL + SHIFT + 4 is saved as CTRL + $16:31
CrystalMareBut when you execute it, it doesnt see the $16:31
Smurphyyep. Correct.16:38
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pkay_can somebody help me in registering nickname !!20:05
Chaser!register | pkay_20:06
ubottupkay_: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode20:06
pkay_thanks chaser and ubottu20:12
JaXI have one question, can i install a *i686.deb on Kubuntu 64bits?21:33
JaXI have one question, can i install a *i386.deb on Kubuntu 64bits?21:50
geniiJaX: All the *buntu have shipped with multiarch built in for some time now, they run 64 or 32 bit things.21:54
JaXThank you, so multi arch works fine ? Because in my Debian don't work21:55
geniiJaX: Although if this is some mystery deb, it might be putting things in /usr/lib32 instead of the new standardized place in /lib/i386-linux-gnu21:55
geniiJaX: What are you trying to install, and on what version of Kubuntu?21:56
JaXSo un Ubuntu, deb multiarch works fine, not like debian ?21:57
JaXSkype & TW21:57
geniiJaX: You can install Skype from Canonical repositories if you enable partner repositories21:57
JaXThanks, but have publicity in Skype, no ?21:58
genii( no need then to manually dpkg -i deb)21:58
JaXAnd trackers of Canonical21:58
geniiNot that I'm aware of.21:58
BlueProtomanWhat exactly does KDE's "Activities" feature do?21:59
JaXDon't understand ^^'22:00
JaXYou know, the Ubuntu tracker, he's only on Unity ? Or on all versions22:00
soeeBlueProtoman: Activities are something liek Virtial Desktop were, but here you can bind some apps to activities, show only fiels used on each activity in menu, pasue/disable activity and bring it back when you want etc. :)22:02
JaXExcuse my English i'm french ^^ it's the reason i don't understand all22:02
soeei think in new Frameworks there is also option to make activity pricvate22:03
JaXKubuntu have a tracker like Ubuntu ?22:32
JaXclivejo: Ubuntu contain a tracker with searchs etc22:56
clivejooh the Unity online search?22:57
clivejoKubunbu used KDE desktop not Unity22:57
JaXYeah you know,23:36
JaXI have see : Ubuntu contain a rat/informer23:36
JaXFor canonical i think23:37
denza242JaX: what23:53
JaXdenza242: i have see Ubuntu contain a "tracker"23:54
denza242JaX: oh you mean the whole unity scopes debacle? That's fixed now23:55
JaXTracker is not on Ubuntu now ?23:56
denza242JaX: it is not on ubuntu now23:56
JaXThank you23:56
JaXSo Ubuntu is clean ?23:57
JaXLike debian ?23:57
valoriewhat do you mean by "clean"?23:59

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