=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun [07:47] good morning [09:23] mzanetti: can I ask you what you think of https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone/msg17356.html ? Planning on submitting the syncthing app to the Open Store, but was wondering whether you need me to recompile it from source, or would accept the upstream binary? [09:26] mcphail, well, if recompiling, I would be doing that... if it's about downloading a binary from a well known project I guess I'm ok with that. but still I would like to download it and package it into your click. [09:26] mcphail, there is also #ubuntu-openstore [09:27] mcphail, right now we have that process, as rschroll said, for security reasons. I'm trying to avoid someone uploading malware [09:28] mcphail, however, we are working on a untrusted community repository where you can then upload yourself whatever you want [09:28] obviously also install things on your own risk from there [09:28] that's not in place atm [09:28] indeed. I'll try their build process and see if it is practical. If not, I'll try some kind of download/hash validation approach and see what you think? [09:29] yeah, works for me I guess... [09:29] * mcphail goes to read about docker [09:30] mzanetti: cheers [09:30] hah... I've no clue about that, but sounds a little overkill for this :) [09:30] mcphail, I guess if your build process would download it, that'd be ok... [09:31] QMAKE_POST_LINK=wget syncthing-binary [09:31] mzanetti: that's their build process. Sounds like the easiest way to cross compile the Go app for ARM... [09:31] something like that [09:31] mzanetti: OK [09:31] obviously the source of the binary should be an official mirror from them [09:31] indeed [09:32] mcphail, you can also just put it in the build instructions for me when submitting... just say, in order for the build to succeed, you need to download the binary from... and put it into directory ... [09:33] that works too for me... whatever you prefer. just not submitting black box binaries that could be evil is the rule [09:33] mzanetti: grand. I'll sketch something up then see what you think? [09:34] ok === javiercrowsoft1 is now known as javiercrowsoft === tsdgeos_ is now known as tsdgeos === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk === boiko_ is now known as boiko [12:14] Can i create a click package from python? [12:19] mcphail, sorry, with an python interpreter? [12:19] mcphail, as, that its included? [12:22] Kivi: no - just want to run the equivalent of "click build dirname" from a python script without running the click binary. Wondering id there is a python library for that? [12:23] mcphail, Don't know. [12:24] OK :) [12:27] mcphail, yes you can use python3-click. [12:27] DanChapman: thanks. I'll have a look. My naive google search brought up a different python click library [12:32] mcphail, :-D np! yeah I briefly remember the same when I was looking into it a while back. I don't think there is any API documentation for it though [12:33] DanChapman: do you know if there is a 2.7 version? [12:35] mcphail, I don't believe there is. [12:36] DanChapman: OK, cheers === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk [15:44] how do i resize the ubuntu emulator [15:58] by changing the resolution in the thrme file ... but note that your apps might then display bad on actual HW ... the numbers used are tied to the actual devices [15:58] *theme [17:06] mzanetti, popey: question why does notes in About device storage not have an icon? [17:10] hey, any changelog page on playlist support for mediahub apis from 8 to 8.5? [17:15] snizzo: probably somewhere [17:20] snizzo: do you actually mean changelog or do you mean documentation on using it [17:21] jhodapp: ^ man after your heart here possibly :) [17:21] snizzo, not in one place, what do you want to know? [18:27] Hi guys, is it possible to create nodejs app with qml or HTML5 front end?