jamesh | jibel: I couldn't reproduce the music-app crash you mentioned in your testing. | 01:17 |
jamesh | could you be a bit more specific about what you did to trigger it? | 01:17 |
ahayzen | jamesh, maybe he is seeing bug 1526877 ? | 01:19 |
ubot5 | bug 1526877 in media-hub (Ubuntu RTM) "Dbus errors in the console when closing the music-app" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1526877 | 01:19 |
jamesh | ahayzen: he specifically said he saw a crash | 01:19 |
ahayzen | (that has only started appearing since bug 1434584 was fixed :-) ) | 01:19 |
ubot5 | bug 1434584 in QtMir "closing an app by swiping it should graceful quit" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1434584 | 01:19 |
ahayzen | jamesh, ok :-) just wondered if that would be enough to cause apport to think its crashed on exit | 01:20 |
jamesh | ahayzen: the silo in question should remove a class of music-app crashes when there is a problem opening the media index (if it either doesn't exist, or has an unknown schema version) | 01:21 |
jamesh | it causes the music app to behave as if there is nothing on the device, but that's a step up from a segfault | 01:21 |
ahayzen | ahhh ok, probably ignore me then :-) | 01:22 |
jamesh | it also includes a fix for a bug in the tracking of directory renames | 01:24 |
jamesh | so it should be less likely to tell return information about files that don't exist | 01:24 |
ahayzen | cool :-) | 01:25 |
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oSoMoN | bzoltan_, hey, when do you expect silo 45 to land? | 08:58 |
oSoMoN | trainguards: can the armhf build for webbrowser-app vivid be retried in silo 6, please? (https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-006/+build/8455347) | 09:04 |
sil2100 | oSoMoN: on it! | 09:04 |
oSoMoN | cheers | 09:04 |
sil2100 | oSoMoN: done :) | 09:04 |
sil2100 | Mirv: piiing | 10:02 |
bzoltan_ | oSoMoN: Any moment | 10:02 |
oSoMoN | bzoltan_, webbrowser-app has build failures for xenial in silo 45 though… | 10:03 |
bzoltan_ | oSoMoN: I have seen, but I doubt that our change causes it | 10:04 |
bzoltan_ | oSoMoN: Do you know what makes it fail? | 10:04 |
oSoMoN | bzoltan_, I know, your changes are not at fault, but I doubt you’ll be allowed to publish a silo with build failures :) | 10:05 |
oSoMoN | bzoltan_, no idea what causes it, it looks like the build fails to find liboxideqt-qmlplugin, which doesn’t make sense | 10:05 |
bzoltan_ | oSoMoN: odd | 10:06 |
oSoMoN | yes | 10:06 |
oSoMoN | traiguards: any idea what is causing the webbrowser-app build failures (xenial) in silo 45 ? | 10:06 |
oSoMoN | trainguards: ^^ | 10:06 |
bzoltan_ | oSoMoN: the liboxideqt-qmlplugin 1.9.5-0ubuntu1 version is available in Xenial | 10:07 |
oSoMoN | according to https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/oxide-qt it’s version 1.10.3-0ubuntu0.15.10.2 | 10:08 |
bzoltan_ | oSoMoN: might not be related, but I have seen similar anomalities with an other project where the builder simple did not see the latest version of a package... like if it were a delayed mirror | 10:08 |
oSoMoN | bzoltan_, yeah but version 1.9 has been in the repo for a long time already, it’s not a recent upload | 10:09 |
bzoltan_ | oSoMoN: yeah... black magic | 10:09 |
robru | oSoMoN: bzoltan_: "but it is not going to be installed" doesn't mean that it's not available, it means some other thing it depends on is broken | 10:11 |
bzoltan_ | robru: that is true too | 10:11 |
oSoMoN | how can we find out what is broken? | 10:11 |
Mirv | I wonder if it could be related to the huge perl transition by any means? | 10:11 |
bzoltan_ | robru: oSoMoN: lemme get a Xenial chroot | 10:11 |
robru | The error message is basically meaningless. You need a xenial vm with proposed enabled and try to install all the deps | 10:11 |
bzoltan_ | robru: +1 | 10:12 |
oSoMoN | bleh for meaningless error messages | 10:12 |
Mirv | there was also xenial oxide-qt 1.11.3 upload | 10:12 |
robru | Yeah, this has bit me a bunch of times. I think it's basically a bug in apt itself | 10:12 |
Mirv | oSoMoN: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/oxide-qt/1.11.3-0ubuntu1 is faulty upload, somehow (don't know how) built against Qt 5.4. Qt 5.5 was in xenial-proposed since 2015-12-02 | 10:19 |
Mirv | so that's why it fails | 10:20 |
Mirv | oSoMoN: so I gueses it was built in another silo without -proposed even enabled or something? PPA:s should have the proposed enabled. | 10:20 |
oSoMoN | Mirv, huh, that’s weird, but your explanation makes sense | 10:21 |
Mirv | oSoMoN: so yes, it was built on 2015-12-05 which should have been fine but the PPA it built in did not have xenial-proposed enabled. | 10:21 |
oSoMoN | Mirv, so we need to do a no-change rebuild, what’s the fastest way of doing that? | 10:22 |
Mirv | oSoMoN: a core-dev like sil2100 reuploading it (since oxide is in main and I didn't got my PPU yet) | 10:22 |
bzoltan_ | Mirv: oxidte-qt making trouble? Why do I have dejavu feeling | 10:26 |
sil2100 | Mirv, oSoMoN: I could do that but this will take time, re-building the 'source' package even takes a bit on my PC, not to mention the upload | 10:29 |
sil2100 | Mirv, oSoMoN: if you're fine with that I can start the process ;) | 10:29 |
oSoMoN | sil2100, please do, if you don’t mind | 10:30 |
oSoMoN | sil2100, I filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/oxide-qt/+bug/1527544 to track the issue | 10:30 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1527544 in oxide-qt (Ubuntu) "liboxideqt-qmlplugin 1.11.3-0ubuntu1 in xenial-proposed not installable" [Undecided,New] | 10:30 |
sil2100 | oSoMoN: thanks | 10:32 |
jamesh | davmor2: hi. jibel marked my silo as blocked yesterday (https://trello.com/c/EOw3EQ4q/2583-782-ubuntu-landing-030-mediascanner2-jamesh), but I can't reproduce the problem he mentioned. How can I get things moving? | 10:32 |
jibel | jamesh, yeah, I'll check again this morning | 10:33 |
Mirv | sil2100: thank you! yes, download, repackaging and uploading oxide-qt is quite... fun! | 10:34 |
jibel | jamesh, on which device did you test? I tried on krillin with latest rc-proposed (205 yesterday) | 10:34 |
Mirv | oSoMoN: can you make sure the PPA:s used for oxide builds include the -proposed component in the future? | 10:34 |
jamesh | jibel: I tested on mako (I don't have a krillin), but none of the changes in the silo should be hardware specific | 10:34 |
jamesh | all the GStreamer stuff happens in a separate process that is unchanged by the silo. | 10:35 |
jibel | jamesh, okay I'll reflash mako and krillin | 10:35 |
oSoMoN | Mirv, I’ll forward the info to Chris, who usually does the builds (he’s on vacation now) | 10:36 |
jamesh | jibel: ahayzen said he'd run into some new shutdown warnings recently (https://bugs.launchpad.net/music-app/+bug/1526877). I don't know if they can cause a crash, but they'd be unrelated to my silo | 10:37 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1526877 in media-hub (Ubuntu RTM) "Dbus errors in the console when closing the music-app" [Undecided,New] | 10:37 |
Mirv | oSoMoN: ok | 10:37 |
davmor2 | jamesh: I'm going to see if I can reproduce it, if I can I can add details for you | 10:39 |
jamesh | thank you | 10:40 |
bzoltan_ | davmor2: The silo45 is ready from my point. | 10:56 |
davmor2 | bzoltan_: do you have a test in automation suite to ensure that toggle switches hold their position at all, if not would it be possible to add one please | 10:57 |
bzoltan_ | davmor2: Of course :) we have added test coverage for this case alongside to the fix -> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bzoltan/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/OTA9-landing-2015-12-16/revision/1781/tests/unit_x11/tst_components/tst_toggles.qml | 10:59 |
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davmor2 | bzoltan_: awesome thanks | 11:08 |
davmor2 | bzoltan_: we just want to make sure we were not hit by it again :) | 11:08 |
bzoltan_ | davmor2: yeah, that was an ugly one | 11:09 |
Saviq | sil2100, how did the oxide-qt breakage come to happen? was there a pre-qt-5.5 silo released? | 11:11 |
sil2100 | Saviq: oxide-qt for xenial is built in a mozilla security PPA which doesn't have -proposed enabled | 11:11 |
sil2100 | Saviq: so when it was built Qt 5.5 was still in -proposed and the oxide did not get built against it, then once Qt migrated and oxide got released, well, this happened | 11:12 |
Saviq | sil2100, understood | 11:12 |
sil2100 | I think we'd need to recommend the security PPA for mozilla to get -proposed enabled | 11:12 |
sil2100 | Not sure if that won't have any implications from other directions | 11:12 |
sil2100 | Mirv: ^ | 11:12 |
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Saviq | yeah well, not building against -proposed sounds scary ;P | 11:12 |
jibel | bzoltan_, I don't understand the status of bug 1524234. How can it be fix released if the silo is not landed yet? | 11:17 |
ubot5 | bug 1524234 in Canonical System Image "QML function trigger() with no argument doesn't override ActionItem.trigger" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1524234 | 11:17 |
jibel | bzoltan_, the fix is in silo 45 right? | 11:18 |
bzoltan_ | jibel: There are 3 branhces linked to that bug... if one of them lands then the bug gets to "fix released state" | 11:19 |
bzoltan_ | jibel: and two of the three branches are landed | 11:20 |
jibel | bzoltan_, okay then | 11:20 |
bzoltan_ | jibel: it is a bit confusing, but the point is that this issue was addressed three times because of three different scenarios.. the third one is in the silo45 | 11:21 |
Mirv | sil2100: well I guess security updates are maybe against release pocket since they bypass other queues? but security updates are also usually timely, ie built and released as soon as possible. the oxide was lying around for two weeks. | 11:25 |
Mirv | sil2100: so either the oxide PPA should get -proposed enabled or they should to timely builds just before publishing | 11:26 |
jamesh | jibel: I was hoping to stop for the day soon. Did you have a chance to check on the mediascanner silo again? | 11:28 |
jibel | jamesh, on it, trying on mako | 11:29 |
jibel | jamesh, I'd like to go on holidays soon too | 11:29 |
jamesh | jibel: thanks :) | 11:29 |
jibel | jamesh, it crashes on a freshly flashed mako too on latest rc-proposed with exactly the same test case. | 11:41 |
jibel | jamesh, it = music-app | 11:41 |
jamesh | jibel: is there anything in music-app's log file to indicate what happened? | 11:41 |
davmor2 | jibel, jamesh: I'm currently flashing krillin to test there, I'll run the test on the system without the silo first and then install the silo | 11:42 |
jamesh | davmor2: the "delete media index then run music-app" test is going to be quite quick without the silo: it will segfault as it starts | 11:43 |
jibel | jamesh, http://paste.ubuntu.com/14087268/ log of music app | 11:43 |
jibel | davmor2, the silo fixes the app crash without a mediastore | 11:44 |
jibel | davmor2, so the app is not crashing anymore but still crashes on close | 11:44 |
jibel | jamesh, interesting, apport was running when the app crashed but /var/crash is empty on mako | 11:45 |
davmor2 | jibel, jamesh ah fair point | 11:45 |
jibel | ERROR: processing /var/crash/_usr_lib_arm-linux-gnueabihf_qt5_bin_qmlscene.32011.crash: Invalid core dump: BFD: Warning: /tmp/apport_core_r_zs_fx8 is truncated: expected core file size >= 98680832, found: 2162688 | 11:46 |
jibel | jamesh, ^ which may explain why you didn't see a crash file | 11:46 |
jibel | and crashes from krillin failed to retrace | 11:49 |
jamesh | jibel: okay. I've managed to get a crash file locally. Just going to see what I can do | 11:49 |
jibel | jamesh, thanks. I'm on holidays starting from now. alesage and davmor2 can help with the verification. | 11:50 |
jamesh | jibel: okay. I should also be on holidays (it's almost 8pm here) | 11:50 |
davmor2 | bzoltan_: adb working and web browser working, it's a good start :) | 11:56 |
bzoltan_ | davmor2: feels like xmass already :D all the bells are there | 11:56 |
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davmor2 | bzoltan_: 1 question on the desktop webbrowser I can grab the scroll bar with the mouse and drag it should I be able to do that with the browser on the phone with a bt mouse connected or is that a feature only available on bigger screens? | 12:20 |
davmor2 | bzoltan_: that is the desktop version of the webbrowser-app | 12:21 |
davmor2 | jamesh: I can not reproduce jibels Issue I'll reflash and double check though | 12:21 |
bzoltan_ | davmor2: whenever a mouse is connected the shell switches to windowed mode regardless of the display size. | 12:22 |
jamesh | davmor2: I did, after running qmlscene under gdb with some extra debug symbols I got this trace: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14087435/ | 12:22 |
jamesh | it looks like it is media-hub / dbus-cpp related | 12:22 |
davmor2 | jamesh: oh damn that won't be fun :( | 12:23 |
* kdub wonders if I can do anything to move ticket 725 along :) | 12:28 | |
davmor2 | bzoltan_: right so should I be able to grab the scrollbar then or is that not yet implemented on the phone over the desktop version do you happen to know other than that this is looking pretty good so far | 12:33 |
bzoltan_ | davmor2: this is the very first revision of the converged scrollbar. We collect feedback and see how people use and adopt to it. I expect lots of improvement with this component | 12:36 |
davmor2 | bzoltan_: right that's fine then I just noted it as a difference between the one on the phone and the one on the desktop which I assume is a gtk scrollbar right? | 12:37 |
jamesh | davmor2: I've updated the trello card with what I found. Hopefully that is enough to get the silo unblocked. | 12:39 |
davmor2 | jamesh: Nice I'll have a play with it propoerly later and see if I can't get it unblocked | 12:41 |
davmor2 | -o | 12:41 |
davmor2 | jamesh: yeap agreed if ahayzen and jhodapp are aware of it I see if I can complete testing of it after and get it passed for you | 12:44 |
jamesh | davmor2: great. I attached the stack trace to the bug I mentioned in the card, so hopefully that'll give them a head start | 12:45 |
davmor2 | bzoltan_: so as expected, browser is displaying the scrollbar but things like system settings are not, do you know if that will be displaying it at some point? Other than that looking good | 12:46 |
davmor2 | bzoltan_: passed it should show up here shortly | 12:49 |
bzoltan_ | davmor2: Excellent! Thanks for catching those last minute issues. | 12:55 |
davmor2 | bzoltan_: well that's what we are here for :) | 12:56 |
bzoltan_ | davmor2: really? Damn.. I thought we are here to have fun :) | 12:56 |
davmor2 | bzoltan_: shhh that was just for management you know we only come here to party really ;) | 12:57 |
davmor2 | sil2100: after silo 45 lands any chance of a new image as it will fix developer mode on rc-proposed | 12:57 |
bzoltan_ | davmor2: Ohh... we work so haaaard, sweat blood and shit bricks | 12:57 |
davmor2 | bzoltan_: ffffffwwwick! was that a sound of a distant whip cracking back to work then :) | 12:59 |
sil2100 | davmor2: sure, although silo 45 will still have to wait a bit ;) | 13:01 |
davmor2 | sil2100: yeah, yeah just when it lands | 13:02 |
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sil2100 | uh | 13:57 |
sil2100 | Who published silo 45? | 13:57 |
sil2100 | Mirv: ^ ? | 13:58 |
sil2100 | Mirv: did you copy-package the vivid parts? | 13:58 |
Mirv | sil2100: yes, the vivid parts since webbrowser-app in xenial needs to wait for the oxide-qt but zoltan is building a new ubuntu-sdk-ide that needs the vivid parts | 14:08 |
Mirv | sil2100: train is intelligent enough to accept publishing the xenial parts when they are ready | 14:09 |
sil2100 | Mirv: ok, phew, I was worried for a moment you published the whole stack | 14:09 |
Mirv | sil2100: no, surely not. I also commented there in the ticket about the manual copying of vivid packages. | 14:09 |
sil2100 | All good :) | 14:10 |
oSoMoN | sil2100, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/oxide-qt/1.11.3-0ubuntu2/+build/8458995 failed, apparently due to a compiler segfault, I guess the build should be retried | 14:18 |
oSoMoN | I’ve seen this kind of segfault locally on my laptop, but never in a launchpad build before | 14:18 |
sil2100 | oSoMoN: yeah, let me retry and let's see if it helps, thanks for noticing! | 14:19 |
oSoMoN | trainguards: can the changes in silo 45 be force-merged, to unblock building other silos? | 14:21 |
sil2100 | oSoMoN: I wouldn't want to do that as we still need to re-build webbrowse-app somewhere... I don't want to publish a package to the archive that doesn't build | 14:22 |
sil2100 | Even if we could only rebuild it to make it work once oxide is released | 14:22 |
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alan_g | cihelp - we're seeing setup failures on krillin-14 & krillin-15 (krillin-08 and krillin-09 are succeeding) here: http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/mir-mediumtests-runner-xenial-touch/ could you take a look? | 14:25 |
oSoMoN | sil2100, can we not merge the code without publishing the package? | 14:25 |
psivaa | alan_g: i'll take a look | 14:25 |
sil2100 | oSoMoN: we can, but the silo will then be 'Landed' and discarded | 14:26 |
sil2100 | oSoMoN: meaning, the xenial bits will not be released | 14:26 |
oSoMoN | sil2100, ah, ok, then it’s not an option indeed | 14:26 |
sil2100 | And will not exist anywhere | 14:26 |
oSoMoN | for some reason I thought it was possible to merge without releasing the corresponding silo | 14:27 |
sil2100 | oSoMoN: we could force publish it and publish the non-building webbrowser-app to the archives and then retriggering it in the archive once oxide releases, but as you can see it's a bad way of doing things ;) | 14:27 |
sil2100 | And I'm worried the archive admins would skin me alive | 14:27 |
oSoMoN | sil2100, yes, I’m not pushing for this kind of bad practices :) | 14:27 |
oSoMoN | ubuntu-qa: will there be QA engineers around next week for validating silos? | 14:28 |
nuclearbob | oSoMoN: jibel will probably know best. I'm looking at the calendar and it doesn't seem to cover all the vacations, so I'll check in the hr system | 14:30 |
brendand | oSoMoN, not many. i know rvr is off already. davmor2 can tell you when he's off | 14:31 |
nuclearbob | oSoMoN, brendand: the hr system says he's EOY already | 14:32 |
iahmad_ | oSoMoN, brendand davmor2 would around I guess until Thursday next week. | 14:33 |
nuclearbob | oSoMoN: if everybody's entered leave correctly, there should be several | 14:33 |
iahmad_ | +be | 14:33 |
nuclearbob | oSoMoN: yeah, iahmad_ is right, I'm reading things wrong | 14:33 |
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oSoMoN | nuclearbob, iahmad_: thanks, I’m particularly interested in Monday and Tuesday, after that I’m EOY myself :) | 14:38 |
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john-mcaleely | sil2100, didn't we land this: https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/753 | 14:46 |
john-mcaleely | ? | 14:46 |
john-mcaleely | might need davmor2 to remind me | 14:46 |
sil2100 | john-mcaleely: I don't remember... I know we wanted to postpone it to post-OTA-8.5, don't remember it being released tho | 14:49 |
john-mcaleely | sil2100, it's in the current rc-proposed builds. I remember davmor2 telling me he was +1 | 14:56 |
john-mcaleely | (post 8.5) | 14:56 |
sil2100 | john-mcaleely: ok, good to know - let's close this ticket then :) | 14:57 |
john-mcaleely | sure | 14:57 |
alan_g | psivaa: any progress? | 14:57 |
* sil2100 is on it | 14:57 | |
psivaa | alan_g: not yet, still investigating. I'll let you know once I find something | 14:57 |
alan_g | Thanks | 14:58 |
sil2100 | Mirv: is there no way of manually editing the Status field in bileto anymore? | 14:58 |
sil2100 | I had to 'Abandon' the request | 14:59 |
sil2100 | john-mcaleely: what confused me is that the request wasn't even set to 'QA Granted' | 14:59 |
john-mcaleely | sil2100, odd. oh well | 15:00 |
Mirv | sil2100: not really, but when you're editing a silo when it updates Status in the background, you get "status updated" when saving and it resets it to eg "Ready for build" so I guess the field is there but hidden | 15:00 |
morphis | sil2100, Mirv : one has time for an upload to a silo? | 15:04 |
sil2100 | morphis: sure | 15:04 |
sil2100 | robru: do you have any tricks on how to 'Land' non-citrain requests? | 15:05 |
sil2100 | morphis: links plz | 15:05 |
psivaa | alan_g: this does not look device specific: http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/mir-mediumtests-runner-xenial-touch/61/console is on krillin-13 | 15:07 |
psivaa | 'No space left on device' | 15:07 |
psivaa | Looks like the issue is marginal that sometimes, the packages are extracted successfully | 15:08 |
alan_g | psivaa: so the correlation between krillin-14/15 failing and krillin-08/09 passing is coincidental? | 15:11 |
psivaa | alan_g: I think so | 15:11 |
psivaa | alan_g: krillin-13 also had the same issue | 15:12 |
alan_g | psivaa: ack | 15:12 |
davmor2 | sil2100: john-mcaleely: I passed it I thought you spun it into an image | 15:12 |
psivaa | alan_g: this wasn't very visible until very recently due to those devices flashing wrong channel in the past, which we fixed last week | 15:12 |
davmor2 | john-mcaleely: not sure if the arale version got spun up though | 15:12 |
davmor2 | sil2100: do you know? | 15:13 |
alan_g | psivaa: yes, camako was saying something about that yesterday. | 15:13 |
john-mcaleely | davmor2, different requests for arale | 15:14 |
john-mcaleely | davmor2, not sure what the status there is | 15:14 |
alan_g | psivaa: I think we just made the xenial-touch test mandatory - could we flip that back until we have a solution? | 15:15 |
davmor2 | john-mcaleely: well yes it was camera image size and something else | 15:15 |
davmor2 | john-mcaleely: again I marked it passed | 15:15 |
psivaa | alan_g: we could do that. do you need them today? | 15:15 |
alan_g | psivaa: we're getting about half our CI and autolanding jobs fail - which wastes a lot of time and re-runs | 15:16 |
psivaa | alan_g: ack, i'll try and merge it today | 15:17 |
alan_g | psivaa: thanks | 15:17 |
Elleo | davmor2: heya, just a quick heads up, silo 17 will need rebuilding after silo 45 lands (but that shouldn't have any real effect on testing, that just updates the webbrowser to be compatible with the uitk landing) | 15:23 |
davmor2 | Elleo: okay thanks | 15:25 |
davmor2 | sil2100: how we looking new image wise? | 16:05 |
davmor2 | tvoss, jhodapp: silo 22 needs top approval | 16:45 |
davmor2 | jhodapp: 34 has no MP's at all is that correct? | 16:45 |
tvoss | sil2100, https://code.launchpad.net/~thomas-voss/media-hub/enable-dual-landings/+merge/278270 ^ | 16:45 |
jhodapp | davmor2, correct | 16:46 |
tvoss | jhodapp, I would like sil to ta https://code.launchpad.net/~thomas-voss/media-hub/enable-dual-landings/+merge/278270 | 16:46 |
jhodapp | that works | 16:46 |
pmcgowan | tvoss, wow thats a big mr | 16:48 |
tvoss | pmcgowan, it's taking everything from vivid+o forward | 16:50 |
tvoss | pmcgowan, I need sil's ta for the packaging changes that are required to enable dual landings | 16:50 |
davmor2 | pmcgowan: pffff just look at silo21 it gives new definition to big mr | 16:50 |
alex-abreu | robru, I dont get why silo 14 is not building, the fail deps for oxide > 1.9 are weird ... | 17:07 |
jhodapp | Mirv, ping | 17:10 |
Mirv | jhodapp: ponged on another channel | 17:15 |
davmor2 | sil2100: hey dude how's things image wise, I assume slow landing it isn't helping right? | 17:31 |
davmor2 | Elleo, bfiller: So the downloader looks good but before I pass it I would like to run one more download once the silo is rebuilt just as a confirm that nothing broke | 17:40 |
bfiller | davmor2: great, sounds good | 17:40 |
davmor2 | bfiller: You'll see in the trello board that I have temporarily marked it blocked. | 17:43 |
psivaa | alan_g: just to let you know that we've made xenial touch jobs non fatal for now | 18:03 |
psivaa | the deployment of the new configuration is waiting on a couple of jobs to complete | 18:03 |
alan_g | psivaa: thanks. That will make things easier until we have a better fix. | 18:04 |
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOY | ||
=== ev changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Train trouble? ping trainguards | CI problems? ping cihelp (until Jan 1st) | Train: http://bit.ly/1hGZsfS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: CATASTROPHIC TRAIN FAILURE restored from stale backup, please do your best, I'm sorry. Please run "DIFF_ONLY" build job on your silos. Also, low on silos! | ||
=== ev changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Train trouble? ping trainguards | CI problems? ping cihelp (until Dec 24th) | Train: http://bit.ly/1hGZsfS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: CATASTROPHIC TRAIN FAILURE restored from stale backup, please do your best, I'm sorry. Please run "DIFF_ONLY" build job on your silos. Also, low on silos! | ||
davmor2 | kgunn, kdub, pmcgowan: silo 21 passed | 18:46 |
pmcgowan | nice | 18:46 |
kdub | davmor2, thanks, yay | 18:46 |
kdub | ^ camako bregma | 18:46 |
davmor2 | bfiller, Elleo: looks like I have a new image so that I am assuming is the one that sil2100 triggers with silo 45 in it | 18:47 |
sil2100 | davmor2: yeah | 19:01 |
davmor2 | sil2100: thanks dude makes testing easier :) | 19:02 |
kgunn | awesomw davmor2 | 19:07 |
kgunn | and thanks a bunch kdub | 19:07 |
kdub | kgunn, you're welcome | 19:11 |
jhodapp | robru, can I get a silo for this please? https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/808 | 19:27 |
jhodapp | robru, and can you please also dput qtmultimedia-opensource-src 5.5 from ppa:jhodapp/ubuntu/ppa to that silo? | 19:27 |
davmor2 | jhodapp: now you are just being greedy :P | 19:29 |
jhodapp | davmor2, hehe | 19:29 |
jhodapp | davmor2, you better believe it! ;p | 19:29 |
robru | jhodapp: one minute, sorry | 20:24 |
robru | alex-abreu: known issue with qt, see chat log from last night with bzoltan_ osomon and sil2100. Not sure what/when it will be fixed though | 20:25 |
sil2100 | robru, alex-abreu: oxide-qt segfaults during build on armhf all the time, not much I can do here | 20:26 |
sil2100 | We'd need doko to take a look | 20:26 |
sil2100 | I'll try looking into the details a bit as well, but this clearly looks like a toolchain issue or something with the builders | 20:26 |
robru | jhodapp: ok you got 36, will copy package now | 20:29 |
=== robru changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Train trouble? ping trainguards | CI problems? ping cihelp (until Dec 24th) | Train: http://bit.ly/1hGZsfS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: Low on silos! | ||
jhodapp | robru, thanks | 21:12 |
robru | jhodapp: you're welcome | 21:12 |
sil2100 | Have a nice weekend everyone o/ | 21:30 |
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