dholbach | good morning | 07:47 |
dpm | morning dholbach and all | 08:03 |
dholbach | hi dpm | 08:03 |
dpm | hey :) | 08:05 |
svij | hey dpm | 08:07 |
svij | I just saw, that you added me to that trello board for ubucon summit… do I need to do something there? | 08:08 |
dpm | morgen svij | 08:08 |
dpm | svij, no, I just added the info to the card for completeness' sake. Your talk and bio are now listed on the website and now I'm adding it to the schedule | 08:09 |
svij | ah great | 08:09 |
dpm | svij, ok, now on http://ubucon.org/summit/schedule | 08:11 |
svij | yay | 08:12 |
dpm | :) | 08:12 |
svij | 3 Achievements unlocked: | 08:12 |
svij | 1.) Longest talk title | 08:12 |
svij | 2.) Longest name | 08:12 |
svij | 3.) unprofessional photo :D | 08:13 |
dpm | svij, I added a line to your profile. I thought the mention to being an UbuCon organizer couldn't go unnoticed :) | 08:13 |
dpm | I hope that's ok! | 08:13 |
svij | sure | 08:13 |
svij | you also linked twitter and g+, great :D | 08:14 |
dpm | 4.) Shortest bio (for someone who could fill in a page with all the awesome things he's achieved :) | 08:14 |
svij | haha | 08:14 |
* dpm hugs svij :) | 08:15 | |
dpm | oh, and the picture is no problem, whenever you want, I can replace it with your table dance one at http://www.freiesmagazin.de/mobil/2015-12-bilder/ubucon2015_eroeffnung.jpg | 08:15 |
* svij rehugs dpm | 08:15 | |
svij | errr | 08:16 |
svij | no :D | 08:16 |
dpm | :-) | 08:16 |
dpm | although, thinking about it... you've got edit rights to the site, so you could probably retaliate! | 08:17 |
svij | oh yeah | 08:17 |
* svij adds "David Planella is an annoying guy…" to his bio. | 08:17 | |
svij | s/his/dpms/ | 08:17 |
dpm | :) | 08:18 |
dpm | ok, let's agree not to use our photobombing skills then | 08:18 |
svij | hehe | 08:18 |
svij | if anyone would have told me 5/6 years ago "ohh you'll be flying to the US and give a talk next to Mark Shuttleworth, Jono Bacon and co" I would've probably answered "Haha, good joke" O_o | 08:20 |
dpm | all your own work! | 08:24 |
svij | :) | 08:25 |
svij | well the phone insider programm gave me a good oppurtunity and contact to all the international people and involvement. :) | 08:25 |
davidcalle | Morning o/ | 08:46 |
dpm | morning davidcalle | 08:51 |
dpm | ok, only the 2 keynotes to add and the schedule is complete \o/ | 08:51 |
dpm | http://ubucon.org/en/events/ubucon-summit-us/schedule/ | 08:51 |
* dholbach relocates to the office, brb | 10:47 | |
dholbach | davidcalle, dpm, mhall119: I call this a success: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14088468/ (sqlite) vs http://paste.ubuntu.com/14088470/ (postgres) | 15:50 |
dholbach | I think with this I can write a longer mail to the Django CMS folks, so they can check what's going on | 15:50 |
* dpm expects to see something exploding | 15:50 | |
dpm | cool. I cannot quite figure it out, but I read it, as "postgresql test failed as expected, more accurate info for debugging" | 15:52 |
davidcalle | dholbach: that's more tangible than anything I've been able to get on this front, thanks! So, when do we switch to mysql? | 15:52 |
dholbach | davidcalle: I think we'll get this fixed wherever before you'll get mysql deployed anywhere :) | 15:53 |
mhall119 | dholbach: fantastic, at least we now have a way of detecting the specific failure | 15:55 |
dholbach | and the code is a bit nicer to read now O:-) | 15:55 |
davidcalle | *much* nicer | 15:55 |
dholbach | all right my friends - I call it a day - have a great weekend | 16:59 |
dpm | have a good one dholbach | 16:59 |
dholbach | you too :) | 17:00 |
dpm | davidcalle, mhall119, balloons and all: I've added some more content to http://ubucon.org/en/events/ubucon-summit-us/register and shared it in the Ubuntu channels. If you could help re-sharing and spreading the word, that'd be awesome | 17:08 |
dpm | and with this, I'll call it a day | 17:14 |
dpm | have a nice weekend everyone | 17:14 |
* balloons waves | 17:14 | |
balloons | enjoy! | 17:14 |
dpm | o/ | 17:14 |
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