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Saviqtsdgeos, hey, I thought of something re: huge background, could we put it through the thumbnailer so it caches the scaled down version?08:25
tsdgeosSaviq: we could, but that would not help with smooth resizing i guess08:26
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah it would, I'm only after not resizing from the 4K bitmap every time we load08:26
Saviqtsdgeos, like you did in the branch, just instead of loading directly, put it through thumbnailer08:27
Saviqthis way the next time we load it, we should have a cached, scaled down version08:27
tsdgeosSaviq: ok, i was still waking up :D08:34
Saviqnw :)08:34
tsdgeosSaviq: i guess it wold work yes08:34
tsdgeosSaviq: want me to alter the MR or stack it on top in a different MR?08:38
Saviqtsdgeos, same MR is fine08:39
tsdgeosSaviq: pushed, please make sure the commit log i made makes sense :D09:01
Saviqtsdgeos, tak09:01
Saviqtsdgeos, hmm thumbnailer can't deal with file:// urls?09:02
Saviqtsdgeos, according to https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/apps/qml/tutorials/use-ubuntu-thumbnailer/ you shouldn't need the .substr()09:04
tsdgeosit didn't work i think last time i tried09:04
tsdgeoslet me see09:04
tsdgeosoh it does work09:05
tsdgeosweird i must have been doing something wrong09:05
tsdgeosgood catch09:05
tsdgeosit did indeed look ugly09:05
dkesselhow could i try the new "ubuntu personal" unity8 desktop? using an iso or using a lxd session?09:28
Saviqdkessel, you need to install unity8-desktop-session-mir and select the "Unity 8" session in greeter09:56
Saviqno other way today I'm afraid09:56
dkesselok thanks Saviq09:59
tsdgeosQWARN  : tst_DragHandle::dragThreshold_horizontal(rotated 90) file:///usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/qml/Ubuntu/Components/Themes/Ambiance/1.3/ButtonStyle.qml:45: TypeError: Property 'gu' of object function() { [code] } is not a function10:03
tsdgeosthe line is10:03
tsdgeos    implicitHeight: units.gu(4)10:03
Saviqwhat is "units"?10:14
tsdgeosyou know the typical units.gu thing we use everywhere10:23
Saviqyeah I know, but what it is in this case10:23
Saviqsounds like the context property didn't get set proper (/me hates context properties btw, they're too "magically there" :P)10:24
tsdgeosSaviq: it's the problem we're finding with Qt 5.5 and the SDK having statics10:27
tsdgeosi'm refining the problem to give zsombi a reproducible case and stumbled upon it10:27
tsdgeosmore fun than something that i wanted really to fix10:27
tsdgeoshttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1527546 is the crash/bg10:36
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1527546 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu) "Crash when having multiple QQuickViews in a row" [Undecided,New]10:36
tsdgeosdednick: you here?10:42
tsdgeosSaviq: are our xenial silos building fine?10:45
tsdgeosxavigarcia is having a trouble with one giving him https://launchpadlibrarian.net/230433259/buildlog_ubuntu-xenial-armhf.unity8_8.11%2B16.04.20151218.1-0ubuntu1_BUILDING.txt.gz10:45
Saviqtsdgeos, just finding out now, yesterday there was a problem with some other migration10:45
tsdgeosthat if i read correclty seems a dependncy problem?10:45
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, if that's current then we're stuck, proposed has some migration issues10:46
* Saviq will investigate in a mo10:46
Saviqwas hoping it'd be gone by now10:46
tsdgeosnot sure how recent it is, let me ask10:46
tsdgeosSaviq: seems it's from today :/10:47
tsdgeosbut yeah if you can push some buttons it'd be great10:47
dednicktsdgeos: i am10:49
tsdgeosdednick: k, xavigarcia was looking for you and you don't seem to be on the canonical irc10:49
dednicktsdgeos: i can't get on either10:49
dednicknot for like 2 days now.10:49
dednicktsdgeos: ah. removing dns got me back on10:51
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Saviqtsdgeos, hah, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/14087111/11:05
tsdgeosso we did not rebuild that?11:06
tsdgeosi mean how did that happen?11:06
tsdgeoswe had a landing after 5.5.1, no?11:06
Saviqyeah, I think it's an explicit dep11:08
Saviqtsdgeos, bug #152754411:09
ubot5bug 1527544 in oxide-qt (Ubuntu) "liboxideqt-qmlplugin 1.11.3-0ubuntu1 in xenial-proposed not installable" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/152754411:09
Saviqwonder how did that happen11:10
Saviqah that's not going through silos11:12
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cimitsdgeos, pstolowski did you try pawel scope with silo 54? crashes for me when clicking filters12:09
pstolowskicimi, what crashes? the shell?12:14
cimithe scope12:14
cimion desktop too12:14
cimiwhen I click on the filters12:14
tsdgeosyaeh the scope doesn't work12:15
pstolowskicimi, hmm apparently something broke since i last checked. will take a look12:15
tsdgeosi think it needs a rebuild or something12:15
tsdgeosit has that behaviour of blocking the dash12:15
tsdgeosbecaue it takes too much to start/crashes12:15
cimiterminate called after throwing an instance of 'unity::LogicException'12:16
cimi  what():  unity::LogicException: Variant does not contain a double value:12:16
cimi    boost::bad_get: failed value get using boost::get12:16
cimioh ok then other stuff...12:16
ciminoticed now the log continues12:16
pstolowskitsdgeos, re the crash of filters test scope - do you has hasStartValue() before calling startValue() on rangeinput filters as agreed before?12:49
pstolowskiin any case i'm changing it to issue a warning and return 0 instead of throwing. not ideal, but better than aborting13:01
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tsdgeospstolowski: let me check13:07
tsdgeospstolowski: but anyway, yeah never throw :D13:08
tsdgeospstolowski: that'd be in the slider value, no?13:09
pstolowskitsdgeos, no, it's the simple range input filter with to input boxes13:09
tsdgeosah right13:09
pstolowskitsdgeos, so no value is perfectly correct13:09
tsdgeosso i do use it and do not use it13:10
tsdgeosyou better change it13:11
tsdgeosit makes the qml/js life easier13:11
pstolowskiok, just make sure you don't show the value if has*Value is false13:11
tsdgeospstolowski: so what i was saying13:14
tsdgeosis that i have code that does http://paste.ubuntu.com/14087668/13:14
tsdgeosso it is not used, but it is accessed13:14
tsdgeossince it makes it easier to have a function that does the check13:14
tsdgeosinstead of copying the code 4 times13:14
pstolowskitsdgeos, ah, i see13:15
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tsdgeoscimi: you're doing https://code.launchpad.net/~stolowski/unity8/shareData-rename/+merge/280056, right?13:36
dandradermzanetti, revision 2094 broke some code. you removed priv.foregroundMaximizedAppIdIndex but it's still being referenced in a couple of places14:14
dandradermzanetti, in DesktopStage.qml14:14
mzanettikk, will fix14:15
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pstolowskicimi, tsdgeos i fixed the crash in silo 5414:37
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cimitsdgeos, yes14:41
Saviqltinkl, re: when to update .po/.pot files, I realized that you might if you're aware of one more thing in Ubuntu - langpacks - which are generated out-of-band from the normal release process and updated periodically15:06
ltinklSaviq, I see, thx15:07
Saviqltinkl, as you can see unity8 packages don't actually ship the .mo files, they're stripped off of the packages and langpacks are generated as needed: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=unity8.mo&mode=exactfilename&suite=xenial&arch=any15:09
Saviqltinkl, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/Internationalisation/Packaging#Language_Packs15:10
Saviqactually now I look at it am not so sure langpacks are updated outside of package releases :P15:11
ltinklSaviq, ye it doesn't mention that; how does it fit with our different release process?15:13
Saviqltinkl, at the very least langpacks are generated before every OTA15:15
ltinklSaviq, yea, at least that :) so rc-proposed is likely left out, right?15:15
Saviqltinkl, oh yeah, that's for sure ;)15:15
SaviqOTOH the latest langpack is from 121615:16
ltinklSaviq, ugh that doesn't look good15:16
ltinklSaviq, 2014-08-27 really?15:17
Saviqltinkl, 12.1615:17
ltinklah :) I thought revision number15:18
ltinklor 1216, the true medieval language pack15:18
Saviqltinkl, they seem to be updated every week for "in-flight" archives https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/stable-phone-overlay/+packages?field.name_filter=language-pack-touch-pl&field.status_filter=&field.series_filter=vivid15:19
ltinklSaviq, in-flight?15:20
Saviqltinkl, vivid overlay, xenial (not released)15:21
Saviqtsdgeos, have two failures in silo 31 http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/14088316/, anything springs to mind?15:21
Saviqthat's on vivid15:21
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cimitsdgeos, pstolowski the range filter makes it crash15:34
cimiwhen you set min and max15:35
tsdgeoscimi: i think pstolowski was fixing that?15:35
cimithat's another one then i wasnt aware15:35
pstolowskino, looks like something else15:35
cimitry setting a min and max value, it crashes15:35
pstolowskicimi, ignore range filter for now. it's the first time i actually see it on the screen after implementing it. my test scope doesn't even honor it yet15:36
cimiok so I will just review the optionselector of albert15:36
tsdgeosSaviq: can't see anything in silo 31 that would cause these tbh15:51
tsdgeosSaviq: is there a branch with all the branches merged or do i create one for myself?15:52
Saviqtsdgeos, lp:~ci-train-bot/unity8/ has them all15:52
Saviqtsdgeos, lp:~ci-train-bot/unity8/unity8-ubuntu-xenial-landing-031 in particular15:53
Saviqtsdgeos, could be flaky, is all, I will run adt again15:53
Saviqwill try a local build as well15:53
tsdgeosSaviq: also adt has different/more failures than qmluitests sometimes because we don't "split/organize" things for it (as we seldom run it)15:56
tsdgeosso that may be a reason too15:56
Saviqtsdgeos, might be indeed15:56
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cimitsdgeos, refine your results doesnt work for me too16:06
cimitsdgeos, did you try the test scope by pawel?16:07
tsdgeoscimi: i did, like 3 months ago16:07
cimicooool :D16:08
tsdgeoscimi: what "doesn't work2?16:08
cimiI set two optionselector filters, I press "refine your result" reset button16:08
cimiand nothing happens16:08
tsdgeos"Refine results" is a label16:09
tsdgeosthe "Reset" button is not linked to it16:09
cimibut the reset next to it?16:09
tsdgeosit's a UI fail if you think they are :D16:09
tsdgeosyes there's a reset button next to it16:09
cimiyeah is UI fail indeed16:10
cimibut the reset button, that looks like a label and not a button, doesnt click16:10
tsdgeosi'mk not sure if he has implement the restet function16:10
tsdgeosit does, when running make tryDash and clicking on it i can clearly see the debug line printed16:11
cimiah ok16:11
tsdgeosso the bug can be16:11
tsdgeosa) reset is not implement on his side16:11
cimiI see your code just does scopeView.scope.resetFilters()16:12
cimiso it belongs to pawel16:12
tsdgeosb) the reset implementation on his side breaks on the UI level when propagating the changes16:12
cimianchors seems fine too16:12
cimithe AButton is on top of the label so...16:12
tsdgeosSaviq: i've looped dashheadertest on that branch and doesn't seem to fail16:13
cimitsdgeos, I'm gonna approve those two optionselector branches, they seem to work apart this unimplemented reset16:14
cimitsdgeos, the ranges one are not testable on a real scope, they crash, so I'd hold on on them16:14
tsdgeosyeah, well he's away for the next week16:14
tsdgeosso i guess we can continue next year :)16:15
cimitsdgeos, it's not a good reason not to approve option selector :)16:15
tsdgeosthat would be nice16:15
tsdgeoslands 4 branches16:15
tsdgeosnot sure how doable it is though16:16
tsdgeosotoh we can land all the branches too16:16
tsdgeossince no scope uses those filters16:16
tsdgeosso even if there's some issues it won't matter16:16
tsdgeosand the tests on our side "kind of prove" they "kind of work"16:16
cimiwell, option selector works and I tested, I would not approve the ranges or you would too?16:16
tsdgeosnot that we can't land anything yet anyway since the oxide-qml thing :D16:17
* tsdgeos gets a cookie16:17
Saviqtsdgeos, ack16:22
cimitsdgeos, approved \o/16:23
tsdgeoscimi: you approving the 2 parents?16:29
cimibig xmas sales!16:30
cimiapproving branches like santa is giving away gifts16:31
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davidcalletsdgeos: what's wrong with oxide-qml? I've discovered that I couldn't start webbrowser-app on xenial anymore, does it just need a rebuild against latest qt or is it something else?16:43
davidcalle(since you are meintionning it...)16:44
tsdgeosdavidcalle: yeah needs a rebuild it seems16:44
davidcalleok, ty16:45
tsdgeosdavidcalle: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/oxide-qt/+bug/152754416:45
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1527544 in oxide-qt (Ubuntu) "liboxideqt-qmlplugin 1.11.3-0ubuntu1 in xenial-proposed not installable" [Critical,In progress]16:45
Saviqdavidcalle, note this problem's only in proposed, so if you don't have proposed enabled, your issue's something else16:53
balloonsChrisTownsend, still need that update on the best way to run Unity8 atm. Can you spread some love on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity8inLXC and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity8Desktop ?17:37
ChrisTownsendballoons: Oh, right, sorry, forgot about those.17:46
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ChrisTownsendballoons: Ok, I've updated those pages.18:06
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balloonsChrisTownsend, lovely thank you! :-)18:07
ChrisTownsendballoons: You're welcome.18:07
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