denza242 | valorie: probably means "not backdoored" | 00:09 |
denza242 | JaX: yes | 00:09 |
JaX | Yeah denza242 | 00:10 |
JaX | Thank you, because i have see, canonical tracks users | 00:10 |
JaX | Or something like that | 00:10 |
valorie | there has always been the option to allow user:agent or so | 00:13 |
valorie | but again, that has always been OFF by default | 00:13 |
valorie | tracking user:agent, I mean | 00:14 |
JaX | valorie: it's the canonical tracker ? | 00:22 |
valorie | JaX: no | 00:48 |
valorie | sorry don't have time to explain right now, we're going to dinner | 00:49 |
JaX | valorie: what is the canonical tracker ? | 00:49 |
JaX | ... | 00:49 |
valorie | the scopes is I believe what you referred to | 00:49 |
valorie | we use *nothing* like that | 00:49 |
valorie | nothing at all, and never have | 00:49 |
JaX | So ubuntu do not track me, he's good like debian ? | 00:50 |
JaX | Free like debian ? | 00:50 |
n1cky | I'm getting a lot of graphics issues on wily, Atom Z36xxx/Z37xxx graphics, compositor is set to use OpenGL 3.1 with GLX | 00:58 |
n1cky | screen tearing is common, but I have vsync on automatic so I assume I can fix that | 00:59 |
n1cky | but the biggest thing is a lot of leftover fragements of windows and taskbar popups | 00:59 |
n1cky | Is this fixed / better in upstream KDE? | 00:59 |
=== struk|desk|away is now known as struk|desk | ||
scott | does someone here know who runs the kubuntu-ci bot? | 02:57 |
scott | it's been sending me private notices regarding build failures but I am entirely unaffiliated with kubuntu | 02:57 |
scott | might be a fun bug going on :) | 02:57 |
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valorie | scott: please write to the kubuntu-devel list with the relevant details, like to which email account those emails are being sent | 05:34 |
scott | valorie: it's sending me notices here on freenode, not by email | 05:36 |
scott | I was hoping there'd be some developers familiar with the bot here - is there a development channel I should check instead? | 05:36 |
valorie | #kubuntu-devel | 05:39 |
scott | thanks | 05:39 |
valorie | those notices used to be in a private chan, and now on that chan | 05:39 |
valorie | uber-strange that they are coming to you | 05:40 |
scott | yeah, it was certainly surprising | 05:40 |
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lukas_ | hey | 08:28 |
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francish | Hi all, I'm a Kubuntu user for a long time and I'm not sure if it's future is secured now. Any official statement from Canonical or Kubuntu Council about this ? | 10:12 |
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lordievader | Good morning. | 10:17 |
francish | Good morning | 10:17 |
lordievader | francish: Other people have stood up to replace Riddel. There will at least be a 16.04, and I suppose more. | 10:18 |
francish | I would hope so, thanks. Kubuntu council is positive but I could not see any strong sign, apart teh work on 16.04. Thanks and have a nice day | 10:20 |
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marus | after upgrade my kernel from 3.16.0-55-generic 4.2.0-19-generic, usb and wireless doesn't work, do i have to install something else like extra? | 11:04 |
marus | any one know if 4.2.0-19-generic support on 14.04? | 11:10 |
marus | okay thanks ... | 11:12 |
marus | | 11:12 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1424676 in bcmwl (Ubuntu) "bcmwl-kernel-source bcmwl kernel module failed to build with kernel 4.0 [error: ‘STATION_INFO_TX_BITRATE’ undeclared (first use in this function)]" [High,Fix released] | 11:12 |
lordievader | 4.1.2 works on my 14.04 vm's... | 11:15 |
marus | lordievader: there is big diference between vm and pysical host, and 4.2 and 4.1 | 11:20 |
lordievader | I know, just sharing my experience. | 11:20 |
marus | lordievader: thanks ;-) | 11:27 |
arnaudoff | hi guys. I'm a new linux user. I've just installed kubuntu. I want to ask you something because I can't figure it out alone. | 11:34 |
soee | !ask | 11:34 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 11:34 |
arnaudoff | I wish to add some shortcuts and they are: with WIN button to open start menu; with CTRL+ALT+T to open terminal and with WIN+E to open /root | 11:35 |
arnaudoff | I've found in start menu - global/standard/custom keyboard shortcuts but don't know how to set these ones I've mentioned | 11:36 |
arnaudoff | @soee, thank you in advance, mate | 11:37 |
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soee | i'm not sure if you can set only META (WIN) key alone as a shortcut | 11:41 |
soee | worth to remember: plasma developers call windows key META here | 11:41 |
soee | buti think you can use any combination META + XXX to open menu widget | 11:42 |
soee | you can right click on menu icon i panel, open menu widget settings and go to Keyboard Shortcuts section an bind some shortcut there | 11:42 |
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soee | arnaudoff: when it somes to teminal i strongly suggest to install Yakuake | 11:43 |
soee | it as a utostarted, hidden by defautl dropdown wrapper for terminal, activated by F12 key - you will love it | 11:44 |
arnaudoff | @soee, what are the advantages of yakuake? | 11:46 |
arnaudoff | :) | 11:47 |
soee | it looks liek this: | 11:48 |
Fritigern | arnaudoff: I agree with soee, yakuake rocks. It should be possible to open Yakuake with a custom shortcut. | 11:48 |
arnaudoff | I've justs installed it and assign ctrl+alt+k to it. | 11:48 |
arnaudoff | ctrl+alt+t * | 11:48 |
soee | you have it running in teh bacground, dont have to start it each time you need temrinal access etc. is tupports tabs and all the other tuf. | 11:48 |
arnaudoff | thanks. | 11:48 |
arnaudoff | should I install another file manager or Dolphin is good? | 11:49 |
soee | lol :D Dolphin is teh best ! | 11:49 |
Fritigern | As for the Win+E thing, it should be possible to write a simple script that's invoked by Win+E. However, why would you want to open /root? | 11:49 |
soee | just play with it a bit and you will notice how powerful it is | 11:49 |
arnaudoff | @Fritigern, as I said, I'm a new linux user and I'm NOT much familiar with using only the terminal. I've been using Windows for years and I'm used to open "My computer" this way (Meta+E). :) | 11:51 |
Fritigern | Ah, I see. In that case you will want to open /home/<your login name> instead. A quick notation of that would be ~/ | 11:52 |
soee | and it equals opening Dolphin :D | 11:53 |
arnaudoff | I've just set it. :D | 11:53 |
Fritigern | So if you were to write a script (kinda like a batch file) you would want it to use the command "dolphin ~/" only without quotes | 11:53 |
arnaudoff | But Dolphin cannot be closed with Meta+W | 11:53 |
arnaudoff | :D | 11:53 |
Fritigern | You can close it with Alt+F4, | 11:54 |
soee | CTRL + Q | 11:54 |
soee | Q = Quit (linux make it more sens) | 11:54 |
Fritigern | BTW arnaudoff, I am a self-proclaimed GUI addict, and II will usually prefer NOT using the terminal. Having said that, there are times when I do prefer the terminal, like when I am searching for a file, or updating Kubuntu. | 11:57 |
Fritigern | Anyway, I totally get what you are coming from. I made the switch 10 years ago and I remember how odd everything seemed in Linux, like not having drive letters, or having to setting a script as executable before I could run it. | 11:59 |
alex__ | yuio | 12:02 |
arnaudoff | Fritigern, I like that someone understands me. :) | 12:03 |
Fritigern | I think most people here will understand you. We all started using Linux at some part of our lives. Some just have been using it longer than others | 12:04 |
soee | Fritigern: and don you have this feeling now that Windows is kinda stange :D ? | 12:06 |
Fritigern | Heh, I do. Whenever I have to use Windows i'm like "why can;t it work like Linux?" :-) | 12:06 |
soee | true, true :) | 12:07 |
Fritigern | Whenever I need a terminal in Windows, I will first try to usre Powershell, after all, many Linux-style commands will work, like lls of example (the only one that I can think of off the top of my head) | 12:08 |
Fritigern | That was suppoeds to be ls, not lls. | 12:09 |
Fritigern | Welcome back, arnaudoff | 12:13 |
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arnaudoff | I've tried Linux Mint as first distro because a friend of mine told me that Mint's closest to Windows interface | 12:13 |
Fritigern | IMO KDE/Plasma is closer than Gnome. | 12:14 |
arnaudoff | But it was running slow and I don't enjoy it at all. | 12:14 |
arnaudoff | Then, other friends suggest me trying Ubuntu but finally I chose the kubuntu. | 12:15 |
Fritigern | Yeah, the Ubuntu interface (called Unity) is not every intuitive if you are used to Windows | 12:15 |
Fritigern | every = very | 12:16 |
AwN | valorie: ? | 12:19 |
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arnaudoff | @Fritigern, I have ASUS X550VB and it has a technology called Smart Gesture. You can make different things with your touchpad, i.e. sliding down with three fingers minimizing all open apps. | 12:22 |
arnaudoff | I'm really missing it here. | 12:23 |
arnaudoff | Because ASUS made this driver for Windows only. | 12:23 |
Fritigern | That's a toughy, I don;t know if there is an alternative driver for that under Linux. I could have a look, but don;t count on anything | 12:27 |
arnaudoff | want to ask you something else | 12:27 |
arnaudoff | have you ever used elementaryos? | 12:27 |
Fritigern | I've found this, but I can not guarantee that it will work for you. | 12:29 |
arnaudoff | I'm asking you this because I've a dilemma which one to install - kubuntu or elementaryos :D | 12:29 |
JustME | arnaudoff: Kubuntu has a tracker ? | 12:30 |
Fritigern | To be honest, I have no experience with ElementaryOS | 12:30 |
JustME | I wait valorie i want speak with him | 12:30 |
arnaudoff | JustME, what? | 12:30 |
JustME | arnaudoff: | 12:33 |
JustME | | 12:35 |
Fritigern | JustME: That issue has been resolved a long time ago | 12:37 |
soee_ | JustME: valorie is a woman :D | 12:48 |
soee_ | | 12:48 |
internetpanda | so I installed kubuntu on my macbook and all was fine then I went and changed the time format to de and now it won't load anything in kde | 12:49 |
internetpanda | it says Error loading QML file: | 12:49 |
internetpanda | file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.panel/conte | 12:49 |
internetpanda | nts/ui/main.qml:25:1: plugin cannot be loaded for | 12:49 |
internetpanda | module "org.kde.kquickcontrolsaddons": Cannot load | 12:49 |
internetpanda | library /usr | 12:49 |
internetpanda | help me kubuntu wan kenobi you're my only hope | 12:50 |
JustME | Sorry valorie & soee_ ^^ | 12:50 |
soee_ | internetpanda: | 12:51 |
ubottu | KDE bug 355618 in general "Error loading QML file: file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.panel/contents/ui/main.qml:25:1: plugin cannot be loaded for module "org.kde.kquickcontrolsaddons": Cannot load library /usr" [Grave,Resolved: fixed] | 12:51 |
soee_ | so the status is: Status RESOLVED FIXED | 12:52 |
soee_ | probably in Plasma 5.5 | 12:52 |
internetpanda | so how can I fix it soee_ ? | 12:53 |
JustME | What is the last version of Plasma, in Kubuntu ? | 12:54 |
JustME | Plasma 5.5.1 ? | 12:54 |
soee_ | 5.4.3 | 12:55 |
JustME | And how can i have the logo who jump with the mouse when i launch an app ? | 12:56 |
soee_ | internetpanda: i do not know, i'm not sure if this has been fixed exactyl in new Plasma (probalby). You can try the hard way: reset system settings by removing .kde and .config files | 12:56 |
soee_ | *directories | 12:56 |
internetpanda | soee_, will it recreate them? | 12:57 |
soee_ | internetpanda: yes | 12:58 |
soee_ | JustME: i think this is defautl behaviour / either way chech System Settings -> Appplications -> Launch Feedback | 12:59 |
internetpanda | I do recovery mode and root console from there | 12:59 |
internetpanda | but it loads the filesystem as read only | 12:59 |
internetpanda | so it wont let me delete .kde and .config | 13:00 |
soee_ | use sudo | 13:00 |
internetpanda | I am logged in as root already | 13:00 |
internetpanda | sudo rm -rvf .kde doesnt work either | 13:00 |
internetpanda | says read only | 13:00 |
soee_ | | 13:01 |
internetpanda | that worked for removal but the problem persists | 13:03 |
internetpanda | are the settings only in the user folder? | 13:03 |
Fritigern | My advice, do NOT remove those folders, but rename them instead | 13:04 |
Fritigern | Ah, too late | 13:04 |
internetpanda | I will just reinstall and not change the date I guess | 13:06 |
internetpanda | that's pretty shitty | 13:07 |
mmacheerpuppy | Hi | 13:15 |
mmacheerpuppy | Anybody here? | 13:15 |
mmacheerpuppy | I'm looking for some support on installing Kubuntu via Crouton | 13:16 |
BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 13:23 |
CrystalMare | How do I get rid of these two icons, | 13:24 |
CrystalMare | There's no easy way of removing them | 13:26 |
lordievader | CrystalMare: Unlock the taskbar and remove them? | 13:26 |
CrystalMare | There's no unlock option | 13:26 |
CrystalMare | lordievader, There's no unlock option | 13:27 |
lordievader | CrystalMare: Right click task bar -> Panel options -> Panel settings -> remove icons | 13:28 |
CrystalMare | k | 13:29 |
CrystalMare | got it | 13:29 |
CrystalMare | -1 for kde | 13:29 |
CrystalMare | Took me too long to figure this out | 13:29 |
lordievader | ? | 13:29 |
BluesKaj | CrystalMare, well now you know that right click on the panel gives you several options , that's a plus in my book | 13:32 |
mmacheerpuppy | Hey | 13:33 |
mmacheerpuppy | ANybody here? | 13:33 |
mmacheerpuppy | Anybody here* | 13:33 |
BluesKaj | check the nicklist | 13:33 |
mmacheerpuppy | Yeah but that doesn't show me who is AFK | 13:34 |
mmacheerpuppy | rofl | 13:34 |
BluesKaj | that depends on your client | 13:34 |
mmacheerpuppy | Does anybody know the KUBUNTU 15.10 installation repository name? | 13:34 |
mmacheerpuppy | I'm trying to get it | 13:34 |
mmacheerpuppy | but I can't find what it's called anywhere | 13:34 |
lordievader | Do you mean | 13:35 |
BluesKaj | mmacheerpuppy, looking for the iso image? | 13:35 |
mmacheerpuppy | Perhaps, I'm new to the OS. I've got Kubuntu running on my Windows OS. However I want to get it running on my Chromebook. | 13:35 |
mmacheerpuppy | Now when I use Crouton I try sudo sh -e crouton -t "kubuntu-desktop" | 13:36 |
mmacheerpuppy | I'm not sure if I need to go ahead and make an unbuntu installation before I can install kubuntu | 13:36 |
mmacheerpuppy | All I can find on Google is a lot of old information as to how I'd go about installing the KDE over Ubuntu, and that's not what I want. | 13:37 |
mmacheerpuppy | because the KDE environment in question as far as I'm aware isn't the same thing as Kubuntu 15.10 | 13:37 |
mmacheerpuppy | So with no specific instructions on how to install these kinds of packages for a new user this is a bit frustrating | 13:37 |
lordievader | "Kubuntu running on my Windows OS", what do you mean with that? Virtualized? | 13:38 |
lordievader | What version of Ubuntu does Crouton install? | 13:38 |
mmacheerpuppy | Sorry, I have it in dual boot via GRUB | 13:38 |
BluesKaj | | 13:39 |
mmacheerpuppy | Umm let me see | 13:39 |
lordievader | mmacheerpuppy: You do realize Kubuntu is little more than Ubuntu core + KDE, right? | 13:40 |
mmacheerpuppy | Yes | 13:40 |
mmacheerpuppy | That's what I've gathered from googling | 13:40 |
mmacheerpuppy | So whilst I can find instructions on how to install KDE (which people claim is KDE/Kunbuntu (but that can't be quite right) via Crouton) | 13:41 |
BluesKaj | !flavor | 13:41 |
ubottu | !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu. | 13:41 |
lordievader | mmacheerpuppy: That is rather correct though ;) | 13:41 |
BluesKaj | wth is crouton? | 13:42 |
lordievader | BluesKaj: A Chromebook thing for installing Ubuntu. | 13:42 |
mmacheerpuppy | Basically installs a linux distro over ChromeOS | 13:42 |
BluesKaj | ok lordievader, thanks | 13:42 |
mmacheerpuppy | You can choose between using sudo sh -e crouton [this is the package] -t "repository name here" | 13:43 |
mmacheerpuppy | so something like | 13:43 |
mmacheerpuppy | sudo sh -e crouton -t xfce | 13:43 |
mmacheerpuppy | would work | 13:43 |
BluesKaj | thought you wanted kde plasma desktop | 13:44 |
mmacheerpuppy | Well I'm new to Linux and what I want is the same Kubuntu 15.10 provided in the ISO image | 13:44 |
mmacheerpuppy | installing via Crouton | 13:44 |
lordievader | mmacheerpuppy: So what version of Ubuntu does it install? 14.04? | 13:44 |
mmacheerpuppy | lordievader: I could go ahead and make the Unbuntu installation now, and I believe so, yes. | 13:45 |
lordievader | Right, 14.04 has Plasma4, 15.10 has Plasma5. I think that that is the difference you are reffering to. | 13:47 |
mmacheerpuppy | lordievader: To me that claim would mean, Unbuntu 14.04 has Plasma4 and Kubuntu 14.04 (which contains Plasma 4) is the same as Unbuntu 14.04 | 13:48 |
mmacheerpuppy | But that's not right | 13:49 |
mmacheerpuppy | What I want is the ISO image for Kubuntu at | 13:49 |
lordievader | How is that not right? | 13:49 |
lordievader | Kubuntu and Ubuntu share the same core and repositories. | 13:49 |
mmacheerpuppy | lordievader: Well looks NOTHING like Unbuntu 14.04 | 13:49 |
lordievader | Correct, that is Plasma5. | 13:50 |
mmacheerpuppy | lordievader: I want it to be EXACTLY the same | 13:50 |
lordievader | mmacheerpuppy: Get Crouton to install 15.10. | 13:50 |
mmacheerpuppy | lordievader: So what you're saying is, Kubuntu + Plasma 5 == Unbuntu | 13:50 |
lordievader | No. | 13:50 |
mmacheerpuppy | unbuntu + plasma 5 == kubuntu * | 13:50 |
mmacheerpuppy | sorry | 13:50 |
lordievader | Yes. That is correct. | 13:50 |
mmacheerpuppy | okay | 13:51 |
BluesKaj | not unbuntu, it ubuntu btw, but you want kubuntu 15.10 which has kde/plasma 5 by default | 13:52 |
lordievader | I took Unbuntu to be a typo, is it actually something different? | 13:54 |
mmacheerpuppy | lordievader: That is a typo, yes. I spent all night working first line support | 13:55 |
mmacheerpuppy | lordievader: it was pretty cancerous | 13:55 |
jubo2 | mmmhh.. | 13:58 |
jubo2 | trying to get ALSA MIDI -> JACK MIDI to work just appeared to cause that the internal nor external soundcard are being detected | 13:58 |
BluesKaj | jubo2, cat /proc/asound/modules , what does it show? | 14:02 |
jubo2 | BluesKaj: it sees the hda intel and the 2 pcs usb audio | 14:05 |
jubo2 | It's only a 2-tracker | 14:05 |
jubo2 | kinda weird it shows 2 | 14:05 |
BluesKaj | deepnds if you habve both analog and digital outs connected then it shows 2 | 14:06 |
jubo2 | digital out.. to the USB? | 14:07 |
jubo2 | I got message today that they have shipped my mixer | 14:07 |
BluesKaj | I have both connected so the modules show 2 | 14:07 |
jubo2 | that's at least reliable analog technology | 14:07 |
jubo2 | I was just trying to play klingity-klangity inztrument with mah midi controller | 14:08 |
jubo2 | GNU/Linukka audio/studio not easy | 14:08 |
BluesKaj | cat /proc/asound/pcm for digital out | 14:08 |
BluesKaj | jubo2, use proper terms for linux and let's speak real english not some dialect | 14:09 |
jubo2 | that sees them | 14:09 |
jubo2 | but System Settings -> Multimedia sez only "default" card found | 14:10 |
jubo2 | stupid machine not working like it should | 14:11 |
BluesKaj | do you havbe the drivers listed in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf ? Example: options snd-hda-intel index=0 (for Card 0) the the same for Card1 , probnly your usb soundcard driver | 14:13 |
BluesKaj | then the same | 14:14 |
jubo2 | I'm not sure if I'm seeing them | 14:16 |
BluesKaj | yuo have to add them | 14:18 |
jubo2 | One day I'm going to get a properly working JACK sink that uses ALSA driver and just input PulseAudio to JACK sinks | 14:18 |
jubo2 | BluesKaj: who/what removed them? | 14:18 |
jubo2 | should I be worried? | 14:18 |
BluesKaj | no , you just need to add them for added recognition | 14:19 |
BluesKaj | it's a modules helper file | 14:19 |
jubo2 | It has # autoloader aliases | 14:19 |
jubo2 | I think those just detect the sound cards in a sequence | 14:20 |
jubo2 | so I'm not seeing a driver loaded specifically | 14:20 |
BluesKaj | don't think too much, just add them:-) | 14:21 |
jubo2 | BluesKaj: how about I apaste the /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf | 14:21 |
BluesKaj | if you wish | 14:22 |
jubo2 | | 14:22 |
jubo2 | si vuS souhaitez regarder je vous remercie | 14:23 |
BluesKaj | the drivers won't show unless you add the lines for the inex as aI pointed out above | 14:23 |
BluesKaj | index | 14:23 |
* jubo2 brews some more coffee and gets some orange juice | 14:24 | |
BluesKaj | jubo2, change the bottom line from "options snd-usb-audio index=-2" to "options snd-usb-audio index=1" , no quotes of course . also add, options snd-hda-intel index=0 | 14:26 |
jubo2 | BluesKaj: ok. right after the orange juice | 14:26 |
BluesKaj | you'll probly need to reboot | 14:27 |
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jubo2 | BluesKaj: Dänks for helps | 14:29 |
jubo2 | I added those lines | 14:29 |
jubo2 | rebooting now | 14:29 |
sora | hello | 14:33 |
jubo2 | BluesKaj: no change :( | 14:35 |
jubo2 | only default is seen by System Settings | 14:35 |
jubo2 | The modifications to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf didn't affect that | 14:35 |
=== struk|desk|away is now known as struk|desk | ||
BluesKaj | jubo2, they have to be the same oder in system settings multimedia | 14:46 |
BluesKaj | order and card # | 14:46 |
jubo2 | they are not in System Settings -> Multimedia | 14:47 |
jubo2 | they just don't show up | 14:47 |
jubo2 | usually you can alter their order switching the integers around | 14:48 |
BluesKaj | that's because you're still using pulseaudio. it mucks up the situation especially for jack | 14:49 |
BluesKaj | pulseaudio is for regular alsa setups and not fully implemented drivers doesn't need pulse to work , snd-hda-intal driver is not dependent on pulse | 14:51 |
BluesKaj | ntel even | 14:51 |
BluesKaj | brb | 14:52 |
jubo2 | Ok.. | 15:11 |
jubo2 | got this problem | 15:11 |
jubo2 | 'aplay -l' lists all cards fine | 15:11 |
jubo2 | but System Settings -> Multimedia -> Audio and Video does not see them | 15:11 |
jubo2 | furthermore audio works on internal speakers but not on 3.5mm stereo jack | 15:12 |
CrystalMare | Every now and then | 15:12 |
CrystalMare | My entire taskbar freezes | 15:12 |
CrystalMare | God, this is annoying | 15:13 |
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BluesKaj | jubo2, because you have pulseaudio as the sound server. I'm not going to repeat myself again | 15:16 |
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mmacheerpuppy | Hey!! | 16:50 |
mmacheerpuppy | Can someone give me a hand with disk partitioning for my linux installation? | 16:50 |
mmacheerpuppy | In the Linux instructions it states, /var and /tmp should be > 5 GiB, So does that mean both VAR and TMP should take a maximum of 5GB ish | 16:51 |
mmacheerpuppy | or they should each be allocated 5GB | 16:51 |
mmacheerpuppy | That's very unclear | 16:51 |
mmacheerpuppy | take a minimum, rather | 16:51 |
mmacheerpuppy | Nobody here? :( | 16:53 |
BluesKaj | mmacheerpuppy, why do you need /var and /tmp partitions? | 16:57 |
mmacheerpuppy | BluesKaj: Apparently they are useful for security measures | 16:58 |
BluesKaj | are you on work machine ? | 16:59 |
mmacheerpuppy | BluesKaj: It will be used at the office | 16:59 |
mmacheerpuppy | BluesKaj: I can see why you want /tmp | 16:59 |
mmacheerpuppy | BluesKaj: as fixed but i have no idea how much space i should be allocating | 17:00 |
BluesKaj | is this a work requirement ? because I've never heard that /var and /tmp partitions provide better security | 17:02 |
ZaX_ | valorie: ? | 17:35 |
BluesKaj | ZaX_, she's away | 17:36 |
ZaX_ | BluesKaj: Thank's | 17:36 |
BluesKaj | marked as away, I mean | 17:36 |
=== struk|desk|away is now known as struk|desk | ||
FJEI | After installation of Kubuntu, my PC is locked on black screen when i reboot | 18:23 |
Walex2 | FJEI: that almost always means that the graphics card driver is not right | 19:27 |
Walex2 | FJEI: is it right when you shutdown and restart? | 19:28 |
FJEI | Walex2: Sometimes at boot, always when i shut down | 19:30 |
FJEI | Walex2: how i can resolve the problem ? | 19:30 |
=== kinga is now known as obsrwr | ||
=== struk|desk is now known as struk|desk|away | ||
=== struk|desk|away is now known as struk|desk | ||
=== struk|desk is now known as struk|desk|away | ||
sora | hello | 21:54 |
valorie | hmmm, what is the deal with people wanting to speak to me personally? not a good way to get your questions answered, IMO | 22:33 |
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