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MikaelaWhat is the purpose of bug expiration ? I somehow doubt that it's peoductive to open a duplicate every 60 days17:29
dobeyMikaela: why would you open a duplicate every 60 days?18:04
rbasakMikaela: do you mean bug expiration of bugs marked Incomplete? Expired bugs are still in the bug database, they just don't show up on developers' bug lists since they by definition cannot be worked on. If you can provide more information you can always still add to the bug. And if the bug has enough information then it can always be marked Triaged. Expired bugs are not deleted.18:04
Mikaeladobey: because the bus expiry every 60 days and users are told that it's a lot easier for developers if they just open a new bug18:04
dobeyMikaela: it only expires if the bug was marked Incomplete, and there has been no activity on it for 60 days18:04
dobeyso no, developers aren't telling those people to open new bugs18:05
rbasakMikaela: developers ask for new bugs to be opened if it isn't clear that somebody else is reporting the same issue.18:05
dobeyother people who have the same bug should report new bugs though18:05
dobeyit's the developers who should decide if a bug is duplicate or not18:05
rbasakMikaela: multiple issues can lead to similar looking symptoms, and it is very confusing for developers if multiple things reported by different people are all in the same bug but have different root causes.18:05
dobeyand any bug that was expired can be "re-opened" if there is new relevant activity on it18:06
Mikaelabut why open a new bug if the symptoms are exactly identical and everyone suffering it has the same device?18:06
dobeybecause symptoms aren't the cause18:07
Mikaelaand this makes no sense with the "this affects me" button, with that logic it shouldn't be used, but a new bug should be opened in case it's a different bug18:07
dobeyand if you file a bug and are totally unresponsive when developers ask for more information, it's better to have someone else file a bug that will be responsive to those requests18:07
Mikaelabug in question https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/142418118:07
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1424181 in linux (Ubuntu) "Huawei E3372 USB modem not always detected" [Medium,Incomplete]18:07
dobeyyou are overreacting to a request from someone who is not a developer18:09
Mikaelaif youare a developer then, can you tell if we all Huawei E3372 users can share the same bug for the device not working, or do we all, at least three users, have to open our own issues?18:10
dobeyif it's the exact same bug, then a single bug report is sufficient18:10
dobeyi'm not a kernel developer, and i don't have the hardware in question, so i can't really help confirm or deny whether everyone in the report is seeing the same issue or not18:11
Mikaelait's the exact same bug18:11
rbasakAIUI, that's why the kernel team prefer separate bug reports from separate bug reporters. It's far more common for reporters to think they are the same issue when they are not, than the other way round. It's also very confusing because hardware configuration matters immensely and they all get confused together otherwise.18:12
dobeythe person you're complaining about is a "volunteer bug triager" though. he is a bit too enthusiastic sometimes, and makes somewhat ludicrous requests of the users at times18:12
rbasakYou don't know that they are the exact same bug unless you have completed a root cause analysis.18:12
rbasakYou only know that they have similar symptoms. There may even be multiple root causes.18:13
dobeyMikaela: but on the other hand, you should generally always file a new report and leave it to the develoeprs to decide if it's a duplciate or not18:13
MikaelaHow do I recognize a developer? If I would just leave it for them to decide if they want me to open a duplicate or not18:13
dobeyMikaela: you're assuming the new bug that you are opening is definitely a duplicate. you need to not make that assumption18:14
rbasakNote that you can always say "I think this is the same issue as bug XXXXX" in a bug report and Launchpad will ensure they are hyperlinks.18:14
cjwatsonthis really sounds like a discussion that you need to be having with the overenthusiastic triager in question, anyhow18:15
rbasakIt is easier to mark bugs as duplicates than to split apart useful comments that apply to separate root causes afterwards.18:15
dobeyif you know enough about the kernel driver in question, and the hardware, to make a statement to the effect that the bug is definitely a duplicate; then the best option would be to see if you can help find the bug in the source and provide a patch as well18:15
dobeycjwatson: indeed. and i've tried that before in a previous kernel bug i filed, but alas :-/18:16
MikaelaI see, I will see if I have time to open a new bug later18:17
dobeybeyond that, i don't know how to make christopher be more respectful and polite towards bug reporters, unfortunately18:19
Mikaelathere is also fault in my behaviour and having hot feelings with other things I am dealing with18:21
clivejoany LP staff about who could bump us a bit more storage in https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ci/+archive/ubuntu/stable/+packages ?19:15
cjwatsonclivejo: I've bumped it to 30GiB.19:21
clivejothanks cjwatson, sgclark sent in a request as well, but I was trying my luck :)19:22
cjwatsonYeah, I just closed that one.19:22
clivejoThat should hopeful help KCI :)19:25

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