[04:20] hello folks, happy weekend [13:30] Lubuntu 14.04.3.. I have a 8GB disk and 773MB free. When i try to install the updates it is tell me there is not enough free space it need more then 400 MB to install the updates. What can i do with this ? [13:32] what is wrong ? [13:39] do you have only one / filesystem, or also smaller /boot? [13:41] Only one partition and 512MB swap. the messgae tell me to free about 40MB i can use Sudo apt-get clean. But i am not so famyliar with using the terminal. [13:41] The updates is around 60MB so 773 MB fress shud be enough. === tachibana is now known as PentUpPentium [20:51] how can i keep audio running while the screensaver is activated? [20:53] I don't know, but that sounds like a handy thing to know. I haven't used Lubuntu in 1.5 years or so. [20:54] Anyone else around who knows this? If so, intervene, because I'd like to learn this too. [21:05] dust: http://xubuntu.org/news/screen-locking-in-xubuntu-14-04/ [21:07] thx krytarik [23:43] I installed lubuntu, the most recent version, i want to get the gnome audio volume controls how can i get them? alsamixer and the applet do not let me go over 100% volume