
Robin_I got sent here from #ubuntu, as I reported my bug in the wrong place12:10
Robin_I reported a bug a while ago on Launchpad and I even wrote a fix and included it in my bug report12:11
Robin_But I did not receive a response to my bug report for almost 2 months now12:11
Robin_This bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-center/+bug/151023712:12
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1510237 in software-center (Ubuntu) "Software Center doesn't start on systems in Esperanto" [Undecided,New]12:12
Robin_I just also uploaded the traceback and fixed Python file as an attachment, as I first used Pastebin links12:12
hjdRobin_: Hi12:25
hjdRobin_: Thanks for working on the fix.12:27
hjdI think what would help is if you could create a patch which displays how the changes apply to the file in question. That way, it is easier for reviewers to see what has changed rather than looking at the resulting method.12:28
hjdI'm not sure at the moment what is the current best-practices for patches, but have you worked with bzr branches before?12:29
rbasakhjd: I think the change is so trivial in this case it's OK to treat it as a patch rather than force Robin_ to have to learn the tools.12:29
rbasakI'm sure a committer will be happy to add the try/except if he is happy with it, without requiring a patch file to apply, since it is so simple.12:30
hjdAlso, when submitting a patch, you can subscribe the team ubuntu-reviewers to the bug report so that they will be aware of it. (Though, it may still take som time before someone has time to look at it)12:30
rbasakhjd: are you triaging the bug or shall I?12:33
hjdrbasak: That's a fair point. Might be useful to know about for future patches ;)12:33
rbasakhjd: agreed. Useful to know :)12:33
hjdrbasak: Feel free. :) I don't have permission to mark it Triaged anyways.12:33
Robin_hjd: I don't really know how to make a patch, I looked before online how to submit code, but it looked a bit too complicated for me. That is why I uploaded the code as a normal Python file.15:56
Robin_Literally the only thing that is added is the try/catch and the whitespaces to indent the code15:57
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