
* mikeputnam waves00:58
tsimonq2anyone else around for a quick little meeting?00:59
tsimonq2adueppen? you were talking to me in Hangouts...get over here! XD :P01:00
adueppenoh yeah that01:00
tsimonq2mikeputnam: how have you been?01:01
mikeputnamgood! you?01:01
tsimonq2awesoe :D01:01
tsimonq2mikeputnam: have any fun projects that you have been working on?01:01
mikeputnamunrelated to anything, this is a neat .js library that can do amazing visualizations: http://paperjs.org/examples/01:01
tsimonq2oh cool01:02
mikeputnamthe nyan rainbow one is particularly neat01:02
adueppenJust a heads-up, I won't be talking much here since I'm doing QA. I swear I'm not turning into Simon.01:02
mikeputnamaudio volume incr/decr with the visual01:02
tsimonq2adueppen: XD wot m8? :P01:02
tsimonq2mikeputnam: ha ha cool :D01:02
adueppentsimonq2: I'm doing that task01:02
tsimonq2oh ok :)01:03
tsimonq2mikeputnam: oh WOW that's AWESOME LOL01:03
tsimonq2mikeputnam: neat :)01:03
tsimonq2mikeputnam: so have you worked on anything notable this past few weeks?01:04
adueppenActually i will still be talking a bit since i have my tablet here01:04
tsimonq2or have you found out something cool that you can do with your Ubuntu machine, mikeputnam?01:04
tsimonq2adueppen: same goes for you :)01:04
mikeputnami've been tinkering on a python rss/atom feed parser thing that will hopefully incite people to edit a wiki by way of playful competition01:04
tsimonq2ooh, fun :)01:05
adueppenI've been working on Google Code-in01:05
adueppenAnd I made my wiki page01:05
tsimonq2mikeputnam: you have anything to link us, or are you just describing the concept? :)01:05
tsimonq2adueppen: yay! link?01:05
mikeputnambackstory: i wrote an emailer script (python) that i run on a weekly cron that looks up a google calendar for the current week's events and sends an email to our Makerspace's mailing list01:05
adueppenhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/adueppen I think that's the right link, i01:06
tsimonq2oh that's pretty SWEET, mikeputnam :D01:06
mikeputnamjust adding the wiki stuff to that01:06
adueppenHad ti hand-type that01:06
tsimonq2adueppen: cool :D01:06
tsimonq2adueppen: you might want to add a little more content, it looks a bit blank01:07
tsimonq2and you would be surprised what you can put on there01:07
adueppenI know, I'll be working on it this weekend01:07
tsimonq2mikeputnam: any recommendations from you about adueppen's wiki page?01:07
mikeputnamhere is an example of the email output (before wiki)01:08
mikeputnam- Make the Space! Monday 6:00PM-10:00PM01:08
mikeputnamthat ^01:09
tsimonq2mikeputnam: oh cool, so what have you been adding to it?01:09
tsimonq2mikeputnam: will it now output to a wiki page?01:10
tsimonq2or what?01:10
tsimonq2mikeputnam: I just don't know how the wiki page aspect fits into this, that's all01:11
mikeputnamit will read the Recent Changes RSS feed for our makerspace's wiki01:11
tsimonq2oh cool :)01:11
mikeputnamthen show a "leaderboard" of who edited the most01:11
tsimonq2ha that's cool01:11
mikeputnam(hopefully inciting people to want to compete to edit more)01:12
tsimonq2mikeputnam: speaking of leaderboards, look at what I am on top of for Xenial: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/reports/testers01:12
tsimonq2number one tester for Xenial :D01:12
tsimonq2mikeputnam: and #80 for all time: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/reports/testers/top10001:13
tsimonq2gonna get to (at least) #20 before Juse, when I apply for membership01:13
tsimonq2mikeputnam: but cool concept, keep us updated :)01:14
adueppenWelp found an issue with the testing here01:14
tsimonq2adueppen: ruh roh, what did you do?01:14
adueppenThe manual partitioning testcase01:14
tsimonq2adueppen: talk to me in Hangouts01:15
tsimonq2mikeputnam: besides the system requirements on the flavors being wrong, do you have anything to suggest for http://ubuntu-wisconsin.org/?01:16
tsimonq2mikeputnam: my goal is to get it finished by our next meeting01:17
tsimonq2mikeputnam: and adueppen is doing/did some artwork for it01:18
tsimonq2it looks great so far :)01:18
mikeputnamlooking good!01:19
tsimonq2mikeputnam: and if looking it over, you find a typo or something, here is the Github link: https://github.com/wisconsinlinux/wisconsinlinux.github.io01:20
mikeputnamone piece of feedback: at first glance, i didn't notice the heading/menu and just saw the "work in progress" thinking there wasn't much to see01:20
mikeputnamtsimonq2: that's the link to the one i maintain  ;)01:21
tsimonq2mikeputnam: so how could that be fixed?01:21
tsimonq2whoops wrong link, sorry :)01:21
mikeputnam(well... we maintain)01:21
tsimonq2heh I got it ;)01:22
tsimonq2mikeputnam: I am going to put more information on the home page01:22
tsimonq2mikeputnam: but any code suggestions?01:23
mikeputnamtotally subjective, but I'd put the http://ubuntu-wisconsin.org/AboutUbuntu/ first paragraph on the main page01:23
tsimonq2that's my plan :)01:23
mikeputnamand the "What does it look like?" section01:23
tsimonq2yeah, I gotta go through and fix a couple things with those images :)01:24
tsimonq2mikeputnam: but does that seem like all?01:24
mikeputnamyes i think that would be a great start to a page that is aimed at non-ubuntu users.01:25
tsimonq2ok :)\01:25
mikeputnamcheck out ubuntu! here's what it is!01:25
tsimonq2mikeputnam: on our next informal IRC meeting as well as the main monthly one, I am gonna ask for more input01:26
tsimonq2but yeah, my goal is to be able to link a newbie to this and for them to walk out being able to install it and/or get support01:26
tsimonq2that was the goal of the site, right?01:26
mikeputnamyes i think so01:27
tsimonq2ok, good01:28
tsimonq2and speaking of the next meeting, I prepared a wiki page along with some agenda items01:28
tsimonq2adueppen, mikeputnam: So maybe you should check it out and give feedback on the agenda items and the wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/WisconsinTeam/2016010801:29
tsimonq2your choice01:29
tsimonq2mikeputnam: I also plan on working with adueppen to get the Quick Start page good to go01:30
tsimonq2so I think that is it01:30
adueppenand I'm still here doing QA if you need to say something to me01:31
tsimonq2unless someone has another cool thing to link us to, I think we can conclude this little informal meeting01:31
tsimonq2adueppen: ok :)01:31
tsimonq2adueppen: just read the logs :)01:31
tsimonq2ok, that seems to be it. thanks guys, and see you around! :)01:31
tsimonq2I will put the above logs on the wiki page for general consumption ^01:32
adueppentsimonq2: bye01:32
=== tsimonq2 changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-wi to:  Welcome to the Official IRC channel for the Ubuntu US Wisconsin LoCo Team!  | Next Monthly Meeting: Friday, January 8, 2016 from 7:00 to 8:00 PM CST, details here: http://v.gd/EEAGWg | Next IRC Meeting: Friday, January 1, 2016 from 7:00 to 7:30 PM CST | Please mind the guidelines: http://is.gd/r3bNJS | This channel is publicly logged here: http://is.gd/qsmiqS
tsimonq2mikeputnam: BTW, can you make LUG calendar entries for our weekly informal IRC meetings?01:40
tsimonq2thanks :)01:42
tsimonq2cool :D01:45
tsimonq2mikeputnam: and do you think it would be beneficial to add the wiki page for our next meeting on the GC event, or not?01:45
tsimonq2http://v.gd/IPpjvB < the GC entry01:45
tsimonq2mikeputnam: and also, we won't have a meeting on the 25th, so if you could remove that specific GC entry, that would be great01:46
tsimonq2thanks :)01:46
mikeputnamit already has the wiki page in the description01:47
tsimonq2oh ok :)01:47
tsimonq2mikeputnam: and is it possible in GC to specify to not have the IRC GC entry on the second Friday of each month, or would you have to delete them manually?01:48
adueppenSo both of these QA tests have been failures. If anything goes wrong during the third one (making sure the live session works) then something is seriously wrong01:55
mikeputnamI think I got it.  had to create separate repeating events on 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th weeks01:57
tsimonq2mikeputnam: ok, cool01:57
tsimonq2thanks :)01:57
tsimonq2mikeputnam: aaand look at February 2601:58
tsimonq2mikeputnam: as well as the monthly meeting doesn't repeat01:58
tsimonq2mikeputnam: and May 27, and March 25 :P02:00
* tsimonq2 keeps mikeputnam on his feet :D02:00
tsimonq2mikeputnam: and June 24 :P02:02
tsimonq2And August 2602:02
tsimonq2mikeputnam: that will be it for amount of duplicate GC events I am going to bother you about for now ;)02:03
mikeputnamupon further review, that duplication will have to do02:06
tsimonq2aww ok02:06
mikeputnamit forces the repeat to be "last friday of month" but some months have 5 some have 402:07
mikeputnamso they collide with the "4th friday" months02:07
mikeputnambetter 2 reminders than none; i think02:07
tsimonq2yeah :)02:34

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