
ovidiu-florinyofel sgclark I'm on leave for the next two weeks09:22
ovidiu-florinhow can I help?09:22
ovidiu-florinRiddell: are you around?09:32
valorienice to see you, ovidiu-florin09:39
clivejositter Riddell: any ideas why pupose is failing - http://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_purpose/10:06
clivejolast build was 2 days, 11 hours ago, shouldnt it build every day?10:07
ovidiu-florindoes it build even if there are no updates?10:14
Riddellhi ovidiu-florin, I'm about to go out11:10
clivejonot sure, but errors such as "chown: cannot access ‘/var/lib/jenkins/.ssh:/var/lib/jenkins/.ssh’: No such file or directory" dont look good11:20
clivejowhen I look in the unstable PPA there are other purpose packages but with a version number 5.9.0 11:23
clivejobut upstream are only at 1.0 - http://download.kde.org/stable/purpose/11:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about purpose11:25
BluesKajHey folks13:12
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ovidiu-florinsgclark yofel, are you around?23:06
ovidiu-florinhow can I help ?23:07
valorieI think we need to get our packaging docs in better shape, so that people don't have to ask23:10
valorieI've been dreaming about packaging docs, which does not make for good sleep23:10
yofelovidiu-florin: I'm there now23:16
yofelovidiu-florin: so, priority would be to get the stuff in WIP done. Which means looking at the status pages, fixing all the red and blue stuff, and checking what of the yellow stuff is important to fix23:19
yofelthen send someone here with commit access a patch to apply to git23:19
ovidiu-florinyofel: are you available for a hangout now, so you can guide me to start?23:22
ovidiu-florinif not, then tomorrow morning?23:24
ovidiu-florinI guess you're in EU time zone23:24
yofelI'll be up a while longer, but please not a hangout. I already had my headphones on for a couple hours now.23:26
ovidiu-florinI wanted hangout because it's faster to talk23:28
ovidiu-florinhere come my questions:23:29
ovidiu-florinwhere, what is WIP?23:29
ovidiu-florindo you mean the kubuntu jenkins?23:30
yofelWIP is what's WIP in the topic, and on https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas (identity login)23:30
yofelstatus pages are linked from qa.kubuntu.co.uk23:30
yofelhm, Applications .3 actually looks done, let me move that to landing23:32
ovidiu-florinyofel: you're still talking in tongues23:34
ovidiu-florinfor me23:34
ovidiu-florinso first I'll go with this: http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ppa-status/plasma/build_status_5.5.1_xenial.html right?23:35
ovidiu-florinah, so wip means work in progress :)23:36
yofelthere you might want to look at kdeplasma-addons, that's not too complex23:36
ovidiu-florinI've looked at kde-cli-tools23:38
ovidiu-florinfrom the log I see there are a few frameworks missing23:38
ovidiu-florinyofel: what can I do about that?23:39
yofelthe important stuff is actually at the bottom of all those missing ones23:39
yofel(missing: Config DocTools IconThemes Init I18n KCMUtils23:39
yofel  KIO WindowSystem) (Required is at least version "5.16.0")23:39
yofelwe built plasma before we finished frameworks, and now it's build with a too-old frameworks version23:40
yofel5.15, not 5.1723:40
yofellets see if frameworks is done by now23:40
ovidiu-florinI have frameworks 5.18 on my laptop in my devel env23:41
ovidiu-florinwas that released?23:41
yofelok, I don't think looking at plasma is very useful before re-uploading it to build with fw 5.1723:42
ovidiu-florinso then I move to status of frameworkd23:43
ovidiu-florinsome are in orange23:43
ovidiu-florinwhat does orange mean?23:43
yofel"something is potentially not right, but nothing is release-critical wong"23:44
ovidiu-florinI don't see other colors23:44
ovidiu-florinjust green and orange23:44
yofelor well, something *is* not right, otherwise it wouldn't be yellow23:44
yofelyes, we mostly already fixed that up23:44
ovidiu-florinI don't see any yellow23:45
ovidiu-florinECM cries for sphinx23:45
yofelwell, orange23:46
ovidiu-florinso I should check all non green?23:47
yofelok, the ECM docs should be fixed, but we can already use that to build plasma.23:47
yofeltheoretically yes, but the others are in the "not-so-important-right-now" department23:48
ovidiu-florinok then23:49
ovidiu-florinso what should I do now?23:49
yofeldo you know some shell scripting? I'll copy fameworks to the plasma ppa, then someone has to script re-uploading plasma23:50
yofelthe automation tools have the package list and some useful scripts, but nothing dedicated to that23:51
ovidiu-florinBash, python :D23:51
yofelstill some shell scripting + do-all should do the trick23:51
ovidiu-florinthis is still vague to me23:51
ovidiu-florinI mean the process of how all this works23:52
yofeluntil now, roughly: upload stuff with staging-upload, fix stuff after looking at status page, upload23:53
yofelright now we're a bit out-of-process as we need a re-upload after fixing the foundation that's being built on23:53
ovidiu-florinI don't understand why don't we have a jenkins that watches for KDE releases and then compiles according to the dependencies. The dependencies are in some metadata that kdesrc-build uses. IMO all this can be automated. 23:55
yofelnobody wrote that. That's essentially what staging-upload does23:55
ovidiu-florinI'll go with the current process untill I understand it, and then I'd propose a improvement23:56
yofelstill leaves you to actually fix stuff for the archive. CI has a slightly different environment, so the additional QA is required23:56
ovidiu-florinthat's some knowledge that I'm missing23:56
ovidiu-florinI need to learn that23:56
yofelour process leaves lots to be improved, but it does the job23:57
yofelCopying oxygen-icons5 4:5.17.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu16.04~ppa2 from ppa:kubuntu-ppa/staging-frameworks [xenial] to ppa:kubuntu-ppa/staging-plasma [xenial]... FAILED:23:57
yofel[HTTP 400]: source has no binaries to be copied23:57
yofelerrr, what?23:58
ovidiu-florinyofel: you're working wight now. I want to help, How can I?23:59
yofelaaaaah, oxygen is missing from the frameworks list, so it doesn't show up on the status page23:59

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