
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP300:02
soee_valorie: most likely they like you :)00:15
valorieha, only because they don't *know* me00:16
shurtagulSo I have a smallish problem, everything mostly works but I added the cl unstable ppa awhile ago, didnt realize that it was the daily untested builds. I removed the ppa but is there a way to revert back my upgrades? Some things wont install because Im in unstable, like muon.00:43
valorieshurtagul: you might use ppa-purge00:47
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html00:47
shurtagulvalorie: ok so since I removed the ppa, do I add it then use ppa-purge?00:50
valorieyou don't have to add it I don't think00:51
valorieyou have to install ppa-purge though00:51
shurtagulthanks valorie youre very helpful00:52
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shurtagulvalorie: Still cant get it to work. It did downgrade some packages, I installed synaptic, tried to fix dependencies to no avail01:40
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regeditso kubuntu (or is it apt?) *used* to delete older kernels (keeping 1 older version around, i think) automatically. but recently (after upgrading to 15.10 maybe?) all kernels keep piling up, old ones do not get autoremoved anymore03:24
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ericcaronallo , ello :)04:41
ericcaronKubuntu is running a bit slow for me (not much installed as of yet) is there a way to speed up the loading of programs safely? or is Kubuntu generally slow because of how it's "built"?04:44
valorieshurtagul: try `sudo apt install -f`05:23
valoriemore than once if necessary05:23
valoriethe -f switch is not force, but fix05:24
valorieericcaron: it does seem a bit slower later06:16
valorieit's like the devels now all have SSDs, so they aren't noticing it06:17
ericcaronyeah i am on a ghetto first gen intel macbook pro. stuff loads up sluggish but downloading and installing anything doesn't seem to be too bad. everything seems to work right at least, wishing there was a non-destructive way to boost program load speeds across the board. though i am thinking its a combination of hardware+software.06:18
valoriecould be06:28
ericcaroni will stick to it for now . might swap over to xubuntu or something lighter. just using it to browse the net and explore commands and what not inside of linux itself/ learn to trouble shoot etc06:39
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malakianHow can I install Kubuntu without instaling boot manager? I'm using reFInd and I would like to do this manualy.11:38
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prietpraatnot my first noob question: how do i install plasma 5.5 on kubuntu 15.10?12:29
prietpraatis there perhaps a tutorial availabl?12:31
BluesKajHey folks13:12
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pac1I'm searching for a facility in kubuntu that will allow me to easily mount unmounted partitions without using fstab.  This is a feature of ubuntu and i'm looking for a similar feature in kubuntu.15:37
pac1looks like dolphin is what I'm looking for.15:44
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RoeyBluesKaj:  heya17:45
BluesKajHi Roey17:46
Roeywas wondering, couldja help me with this, it's been not working for months now.;17:46
Roeyfirst off,17:47
RoeyI am not sure what device it is getting assigned17:47
Roeyif any17:47
RoeyI checked /var/log/syslog and dmesg and found nothing17:47
RoeyI disconnected and re-connected it, now I see it is /dev/sdb.17:49
Roeythen I try "sudo mount /dev/sdb /backup"17:49
Roeyls /backup17:49
Roey(it shows nothing)17:49
BluesKajtry to resist hitting the enter key too often...put your question in a single line , makes it more coherent for me17:49
BluesKajis /backup in /etc/fstab?17:50
RoeyBluesKaj:  yes it is.17:51
BluesKajyou shouldn't need to mount it then17:54
Roeyit won't even get recognized17:55
RoeyI'm trying to diagnose this17:55
RoeyI tried cfdisk /dev/sdb,17:55
Roeyand it asks me to assign it a label.17:55
BluesKajunless the entry is incorrect17:55
Roeywhich is not what I expect from cfdisk17:55
Roeyit doesn't matter, I can't even mount this successfully when I specifically enter the device name17:56
BluesKajpastebin your /etc/fstab file17:56
RoeyI'm tryinhg to find out if my disk is damaged or if it is recoverable17:56
Roeyone moment..17:56
RoeyBluesKaj:  http://pastebin.com/7DTw7Sis17:57
BluesKajnot familiar witht nofail entry, what's that supposed to do18:00
Roeyit means that it will not pause the system and ask for user help if the drive is not found18:01
Dragnslcr"mount /dev/sdb" is almost certainly wrong. You probably want something like "mount /dev/sdb1"18:19
DragnslcrAs a bit of a sanity check, you can also try "sudo blkid /dev/sdb1" to see what file system it has18:19
Roeyjesus fucking christ.18:20
Roeyare you not reading what I said above about it not even recognizing the drive?18:21
Roey/dev/sdb: UUID="0b632782-3d8d-4a5e-bea3-2197cd38deef" TYPE="ext4"18:21
DragnslcrIf /dev/sdb is reporting as an ext4 partition, then I would think something is very wrong18:35
Dragnslcrsudo blkid /dev/sda  ;  /dev/sda: ... PTTYPE="dos"18:35
Dragnslcr /dev/sdb should list a partition table. /dev/sdb1 should be a file system.18:36
Roeywell I have it on /dev/sdb18:38
Roeynot /dev/sdb118:38
Roey(I hae the filesystem on /dev/sdb)18:38
DragnslcrThat's definitely not normal18:39
RoeyI mean tat's the way I've been doing it for ages18:39
Roey(on my backup drive, that is)18:39
DragnslcrI dunno, maybe it can work, but I've never tried it, and I have no idea why anyone would want to18:39
Roeyok anyway, so:18:39
RoeyI cannot seem to mount this.18:39
Roeyand I do not see any error messages in the output of "dmesg" or in /var/log/syslog18:40
RoeyI am considering just re-formatting this and setting Dirvish back up again.18:40
TNVolFanAny of you guys know how to post to newsgroups anonymous?20:41
BluesKajtry #newsgroups, this is kubuntu support20:45
BluesKajor some such chat20:46
TNVolFanok BluesKaj, this IRC Client is a PITA lol20:47
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flavia_hi! I set up a printer using CUPS, test page from both CUPS and kde printer settings works fine, pdf sent to the printer using lpr works fine as well, but in okular the page is not centered (it gets cut off by a few cm on the right...), any ideas? tnx23:14

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