
sidiIs there somewhere a version of the Launchpad logo that allows derivative works? https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/issues/464615:13
rbasaksidi: you can ask Canonical for permission here: http://www.ubuntu.com/legal/terms-and-policies/contact-us17:23
rbasakI don't understand what Font Awesome really is or why they want to use logos of various projects (the last I heard about was the Docker one). But that's just me. It's not up to me.17:24
dobeyrbasak: font awesome is the thing that web sites used to break usability by shoving icons for things into fonts, rather than loading images17:27
dobeyaka, it's not at all awesome17:28
rbasakWhat's their reasoning?17:29
dobey"speed" or some such nonsense17:31
dobeythere is no good reason for it. but twitter/github/etc… all do this17:31
rbasakAh, so they're the reason some websites break because I have overridden some fonts?17:32
rbasakWhat happened to CSS image sprites?17:33
sididobey, rbasak people prefer this approach because it's easier19:56
sidipng sprites dont look good if resized, and im not sure how easy it'd be to have a nice layer of abstraction above an svg sprite that can be resized, as well19:56
sidirbasak, thanks for the contact link19:57
cjwatsonThat sounds like something that would be referring to Launchpad rather than to something else and thus my guess is that it would be OK, but I can't give permission for this; you would indeed have to contact Canonical legal.20:17
rbasaksidi: ah, that's a reason I hadn't thought of, thanks.20:41
cr3hi folks, why does the exception guidelines say to never catch a TypeError: https://dev.launchpad.net/ExceptionGuidelines21:14
lifelessbecause they are not issued as a matter of course21:17
lifelessso its better to fix the bug causing it to be raised21:17
lifelesscr3: ^21:18
cr3lifeless: darn common sense that's not so common. makes perfect sense, thanks for the explanation!21:20
lifelesscr3: :)21:32

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