
SebastianTCLhow can i install chrome on lubuntu02:43
SebastianTCLthe most recent ubuntu02:43
SebastianTCLi tried to install it by downloading and installing the file from their website02:44
SebastianTCLdidnt work02:44
SebastianTCLi uninstalled firefox03:18
SebastianTCLand mplayer03:18
SebastianTCLhopefully it wont cause any problems03:18
django_anyone here04:49
django_there is a button that i kee on pressing04:49
django_that doesnt display all the things open by the start button04:49
django_but those things remain open04:49
django_it doesnt appear in alt tabanymore04:49
=== TheRedQueen is now known as Drone`
SebastianTCLskype's got no sound21:38
SebastianTCLwhen i go to sound options it shows all devices for sound speakers and mics as virtual device21:38
SebastianTCLi got on the alsa settings and it all looks as it should21:38
anarkhosThe problem is only related to Skype?21:46
Unit193SebastianTCL: Got Pulseaudio installed?21:47
Unit193And running, that is.  You should use pavucontrol to check levels.21:47
SebastianTCLwhats the cli command21:50
phillwhi SebastianTCL22:11
luus99Hello Community, I have an strange problem on Lubuntu 14.04 in the lxterminal. When I type "sudo apt-get update" everything work fine. But When I type "sudo cp‭ ‬-r sourcefolder ‬/usr/share/nginx/html" I get ---> "No command 'sudo' found, did you mean: ..." . Please help me22:20
ianorlinluus99: are you sure you typed sudo right and not sduo22:21
luus99exactly "sudo" when I remove the "sudo" and write only "cp‭ ‬-r sourcefolder ‬/usr/share/nginx/html" the message says "No command 'cp' found, did you mean: ..."22:23
ianorlinluus99: hmm I am not sure ?22:25
phillwluus99: how long have you had the lubuntu installed?22:26
phillwand hi CaCO322:26
luus99phillw: It's installed fresh in January 2015. I didn't use it over the year. And yesterday I started up & updated to the newest updates22:34
phillwluus99: if you are having issues with sbin commands (like cp, sudo etc).. you have a very poorly machine.22:35
phillwI'm not sure what / how to suggest things if you do not have simple commands. Is there data on there that you need to backup?22:36
luus99phillw: no Lubunbu is on an flash drive. but I spent some time on an preparation for an owncloud test install with nginx22:39
phillwluus99: we can spend hours on trying to rescue, but my honest advice is to run an md5checksum on the install media you used (it is in the boot screen as check CD / media... sort of thing) and simply do a re-install. If the install media is okay, it would point to your HDD being on its way out.22:42
luus99ok. thank you. I will do that. bye22:46
phillwUnit193: who is Drone` ?22:46

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