
snizzoqtcreator says "attach your device" while with adb devices my phone is there... anyone experienced this?12:00
kalikianasnizzo: it might expect a different device, if you had used multiple before12:28
kalikianaat least that's what happened to me before12:28
kalikianaif you check the project setting, or the run setting, you'll see what it's using12:29
snizzokalikiana: ahh ok, got it thank you :)12:29
snizzopopey: hey. Can you point me to the source of ubuntu components?13:16
snizzoor better, appdevs is there documentation for music hub api (Playlist component)?13:17
snizzoi mean autogenerated somewhere :)13:17
kalikianasnizzo: https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/apps/qml/13:42
kalikianaor https://developer.ubuntu.com/api/apps/qml/development/13:43
snizzoahh kalikiana that's lifesaving13:45
snizzoahayzen: should https://developer.ubuntu.com/api/apps/qml/sdk-15.04.1/QtMultimedia.Playlist/ be in 8.5?14:07
ahayzensnizzo, ooo there are docs \o/ and I think parts/most of it is in 8.5 i'm just waiting for some extra fixes before music can fully move :-/14:08
snizzoah ok. I'm just trying to make it work again with 8.5 but I'm facing strange problems like14:09
snizzoMediaControls.qml:86: TypeError: Property 'addSource' of object QDeclarativePlaylist_QML_77(0xfde5e8) is not a function14:09
ahayzensnizzo, note it was changed to addItem ;-)14:09
ahayzenand removeItem etc14:09
ahayzensnizzo, use this as a reference http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~music-app-dev/music-app/media-hub-bg-playlists-rework/view/head:/app/components/NewPlayer.qml14:09
ahayzensnizzo, yeah upstream changed it to that :-)14:10
snizzoahh yes14:10
ahayzenit is currentItemSource as well14:11
snizzothanks for being responsive also on sundays :D14:11
ahayzenhaha :-)14:11
snizzoI'm beginning to like your work on playlists however14:12
ahayzensnizzo, hah, i'm just linking the music-app to the QML part, its the media-hub guys (abeato and jhodapp) that have done most of the work :-)14:13
snizzooh yes, I'm saying that as you as a team14:15
snizzoI still hope in some code that could be executed in some ways in background but for now Playlist are evolving fast14:16
ahayzenyeah it should be able to run without us, then i'm hoping for a sync up function when we come back...14:17
ahayzensnizzo, bug 151816014:17
ubot5bug 1518160 in qtubuntu-media (Ubuntu RTM) "Once the music-app has a normal app lifecycle there needs to be a mechanism to sync the info lost during the suspend period" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/151816014:17
ahayzenshould cover all of the information we need to know while the app was suspended :-)14:18
snizzoahayzen: what if I actually need to do some http requests to obtain a new audio file streaming url to play onthefly?14:19
ahayzensnizzo, i'm not sure, there was work for improving streaming stuff14:20
ahayzensnizzo, karni maybe best to talk to about this when he is about14:20
snizzoah ok14:20
snizzomy hope for a change in app lifecycle won't die like ever xD14:21
ahayzenhah :-)14:21
ahayzeni hope we can be intelligent enough so that we can be suspended, then we can have a super battery life :-)14:21
snizzomostly because I have the same exact application on qt android and hasn't any problem about battery drain or something... and do radio streaming14:22
snizzoyeah I agree about battery life14:22
snizzobut I, as a user, would love to spend my battery for features, instead of having a super battery defensive phone that at the end of the story, isn't capable of certain actions14:23
snizzoimho is useless to have a 4 day battery when I have to use my android phone because utouch has such restrictions14:23
ahayzenyeah, i think trusted services is the best way of doing this14:23
ahayzenso handing over the tasks to media-hub in our cases14:23
snizzowhat if I have my own service that gives me streaming url on the fly depending on my music history? I should query the server at the end of a song, and I should be capable of doing it while the screen is off (and I'm driving). That's custom code that can't be handled by services I think...14:26
ahayzenyeah but maybe a hook or a plugin for media-hub14:26
snizzoI hope so :)14:26
ahayzensnizzo, i would talk to the media-hub guys when they are around as this will likely be a usecase they might want to know about while designing the streaming part14:27
snizzohah ok :)14:27
snizzoahayzen: how can I iterate through playlist items?18:41
snizzoI'm using a for loop but console.log(items[i]) returns undefined18:41
snizzooh there's current item once18:43
ahayzensnizzo, Playlist.itemSource(i) IIRC19:18

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