
daftykinsi believe it's sleep o'clock00:51
daftykinsenough madness for one day ^_^00:51
nicomachus$user somehow has admin control over a server, but doesn't know basic terminology, commands, or procedures.......02:17
Bashing-omnicomachus: Sounds like a perscription for disaster . ;)02:20
nicomachusNitroShare really is a handy program. It's basically just a GUI for rsync, but it makes things easier for users that don't know what rsync/ssh transfers are.02:23
Bashing-omnicomachus: In this case was his life saver ! Great that you were on hand, watching, and knew the app .02:33
Bashing-omnicomachus: IRT regedit :: What does the pacjage manager show ' dpkg -l | grep linux- ' ?03:33
nicomachuslooks correct to me?03:36
Bashing-omAwaiting the dpkg result . That will tell the tale that both the vivid and wily control packages are installed ,03:38
nicomachusah, that's here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14110905/03:39
Bashing-omyeah .. I missed it some how .. look'n at this time .03:39
Bashing-omnicomachus: Surprised as only " ii  linux-headers-generic " stuff is installed ,,, so how did " ii  linux-image-4.2.0-19-generic " (wily) get in the system ?03:42
nicomachuslinux-image-generic is buried down in there.03:42
nicomachusline 4603:43
Bashing-omnicomachus: ueah .. "linux-image-generic" control files will install for vivid .. would not install for the 4.2 kernels with out the related HWE suppirt as 'linux-image-generic-lts-wily' for the 3 or 4 control files .03:45
nicomachuslooks like there was a bug for Precise where kernel packages were getting marked as manually installed, which meant autoremove wouldn't remove them. possible extension of that?03:47
Bashing-omnicomachus: Do not know .. perhaps I am confussed . did vivied (15.10) come out originally with the 3.19 kernel ? trying to recall / 3.13= trusty-14.04  3.16=utopic-14.10 then 3.19 would be vivid-15.04 4.2=wily-15.10.... I just upgraded 15.04 to 15.10 this day, and that 15.10 is the 4.2 kernel .03:53
nicomachusyea I think that's correct. I'm wondering if when he upgraded to 15.10 from 15.04, he already had those old kernels on the system and they were marked as manual install during the upgrade.03:54
Bashing-omnicomachus: Well .. I watched the release upgrade I did . and I was a bit concerned that the upgrade process removed my 3.19 kernels ( did leave one but failed to make the backup symlink to it !) .03:56
Bashing-omnicomachus: I am just wondering how this 4.2 kernels got on the system if this turns out to be a 15.04 install . - lsb_release -a - do us any good ?03:58
nicomachushe's on 15.1003:59
Bashing-omnicomachus: K .. then we are good as is .. if "autoremove"  will not remove the kernels . then yeah must be set as "manual" . manul apt remove I guess to remove the old kernels . Then I should think the packager manage will be happy and in the furure 'autoremove' will function .04:03
Bashing-omnicomachus: My favorite to deal with the 'rc' marked packages ' dpkg --list |grep "^rc" | cut -d " " -f 3 | xargs sudo dpkg --purge ' .04:04
* nicomachus is dizzy looking at that....04:05
Bashing-omnicomachus: Boils down if the package is markd 'rc' purge it !04:09
nicomachusha, I see04:10
Bashing-omnicomachus: My humbel opinion here IRT regedit is to sic dpkg on all those old 3.19 kernels and get rid of them manually .04:15
nicomachusyep, he cleared them.04:15
Bashing-omall setreled out .. I gonna call it a night .04:17
nicomachusnight o/04:18
Ben64nolsen (~nolsen@71-88-180-5.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com) has left #ubuntu ("I give up, this support channel sucks.")04:44
Ben64great quit message04:44
nicomachusI was GONNA help him...04:44
nicomachusone of these days I'll have to re-enable joins parts and quits...04:46
Ben64i tried, i can't deal with people who refuse to answer basic questions04:50
Ben64most of the time people don't want to do what they think they want to do04:51
ubot5The XY problem is when you need to do X, and you think you can use Y to do X, so you ask about how to do Y, when what you really should do is state what your X problem is. There may be a Z solution that is even better than Y, but nobody can suggest it if X is never mentioned.04:51
Ben64yeah that04:51
Ben64wasn't sure it was a trigger04:51
nicomachuswhat a handy factoid.04:51
Ben64most recently someone was asking how to remove the login window at startup, turned out they just wanted to enable auto-login04:52
lotuspsychjegood morning mates05:42
* nicomachus checks system time05:45
nicomachuswhere are you, mate?05:45
nicomachus23:45 here05:45
lotuspsychjenicomachus: belgium, 6h4705:48
nicomachuswhy are you awake... lol05:48
lotuspsychjeim always that early05:48
lotuspsychjemy regular hour05:48
lotuspsychjethe early bird catches the irc worm05:49
nicomachuswanna take a shot at this guy's grub issue? I had no idea.05:53
MonkeyDusti cant connect to freenode with irssi12:58
MonkeyDust"Irssi: Unable to connect server irc.freenode.net port 6667 [Connection timed out]" ... and this goes on for ever12:58
MonkeyDustok, it's because i try it from within a container, it seems13:08
BluesKajHey folks13:12
daftykinshrmm best start learning modern Hyper-V i guess :(15:21
pauljwhi everyone15:42
daftykinspauljw: in relation to your managing systems at home via SSH, have you considered playing with landscape? It's that free for <10 computers remote management service that lets you control the others from a web admin :>15:46
slidinghornhowdy :)15:46
pauljwhi guys, no daftykins i haven't but i will look into it, thanks.15:47
daftykinsnp ^_^15:48
daftykinsnot used it in a while but it used to be fun to tinker with15:48
EriC^^evening all15:49
pauljwhi EriC^^15:49
EriC^^hi pauljw daftykins15:49
EriC^^how's it going?15:50
pauljwpeachy, and you?15:50
EriC^^good :D15:50
daftykinsyip all good here ta, just trying to update my knowledge on Microsoft's Hyper-V virtualisation technology (eww) for a potential part time job15:51
daftykinsi'd rather just coax them into going to free educational VMware :P15:51
daftykinsmy spare quad core machine has lightning-fried onboard USB, so doesn't support USB boot anymore :(15:57
daftykinsblech 3 PCs and one working DVD drive15:58
nicomachushave optical drives always been this unreliable or is it just because so few use them now?15:59
EriC^^i think they always have15:59
EriC^^i used to have to scrub the games i got on cd with alcohol a lot to get them to work sometimes16:00
daftykinsweird really, the SATA DVD in my desktop died one day when i unplugged it to temporarily put someones hard disk in for some data recovery16:00
daftykinsjust never powered up again after plugging back in o016:00
EriC^^the blue alcohol that smells like peanut butter works wonders on cd's, i dont know the scientific term for it though16:00
nicomachustrying to install a distro from a wonky optical drive is one of the worst experiences I've had with linux.16:01
daftykinsheh, when i used to teach the hardware sessions the donated computers were mostly too old for USB boot, or we just didn't have flash drives on hand... so dealing with dying or dead hard disks and optical drives was a constant16:02
daftykinswhen you think about a lesson that's only maybe 90 minutes long and trying to get 12+ students in one class with a fully assembled and working PC plus an OS installed... blech16:03
nicomachusdaftykins: PLoP is a life-saver in those situations. You load it on a disk, it's a super-minimal BIOS emulator thing, and then you can boot from USB16:03
daftykinsnah my point is that you have no flash drives for 12 kids in a class16:03
nicomachusah right16:03
daftykinsand the optical may be dead so you couldn't even use such a chainloading disc16:03
daftykinsthis is why the department acquired a beefy virtualisation server, the idea being to try and give the kids more exposure to a wider range of OSs by having them all virtualised and ready to go16:04
EriC^^i had a super hard time getting an iso to boot from grub yesterday, kept saying init: /dev/sr0 no medium found16:04
EriC^^i wanted to try popcorntime in a live session cause i heard it might have malware and it's just a binary16:04
daftykinswas it looking at a physical drive instead of the mounted image at sr1?16:05
* daftykins has never used GRUB to boot an ISO16:05
nicomachusEriC^^: haven't found any malware in popcorntime yet, but the sources on it aren't as reliable as they used to be now that the original devs are gone.16:05
EriC^^i dunno, i tried the stuff in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot#Menuentry_Example16:05
daftykinsi've heard that thing keeps going through many iterations as different sites etc get shutdown16:05
EriC^^nicomachus: yeah it's a clone of it i think, time4popcorn16:06
nicomachusEriC^^: ohhh. no idea about that one. There is a "community maintained" version of the original popcorntime now that isn't half-bad, but some of the streams aren't seeded well and some of the options on the interface no longer work.16:07
daftykinsnot sure why you guys don't just go to a reliable source ;)16:07
daftykinsbut then this topic is pretty sketchy for freenode16:07
EriC^^reliable source like16:08
EriC^^/msg EriC^^ <reliable source>16:08
nicomachusYTS, which is Yify. A pretty well-trusted uploaded. but he/she/they made a deal with the MPAA to "retire", so that source is gone.16:08
daftykinsoh my word, this person claims to be running 15.10 and look at their policy on 'kodi' - http://paste.ubuntu.com/14116967/16:16
daftykinsthat's such a mess16:16
EriC^^debian jessie repo16:17
EriC^^that's a ticking time bomb16:17
daftykinsyep 4 different sources installed for the same program16:17
daftykinsi know what it really is, hence the 'claim' part of the sentence :>16:18
nicomachusdaftykins: he said 15.04 though...16:18
nicomachus10:09 < doxinho> I'm running Ubuntu 15.0416:19
daftykinsi'm referring to a user in another channel :)16:19
nicomachusha, oh!16:20
nicomachusmy bad.16:20
daftykinsno worries, i'm keeping you on your toes with talk from #kodi-linux :D16:20
nicomachusit looked like the same paste...16:20
nicomachusoh. I didn't copy your link... that's why. whoops.16:21
daftykinsi really need to disable the ctrl+click requirement on KiTTY, it's making me try to ctrl+click all links o016:23
daftykinsright so i need to obtain a legit windows server eval ISO, burn that to good ol' ghetto DVD, then have a working drive in my spare PC to install it16:24
EriC^^i learned a new feature recently, middle clicking in browser opens a link in a new tab16:25
daftykinssure does :>16:25
EriC^^pretty cool16:25
EriC^^i wish xchat did the same, oh well :D16:25
daftykinshow about all the lovely keyboard shortcuts like ctrl+shift+T to open the last closed tab? :>16:25
nicomachusEriC^^: I just have all links set to open in new tab.16:25
nicomachusin my browser settings.16:25
EriC^^daftykins: nice!16:27
nicomachusalso, here's a super handy list covering multiple programs: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/2g7wvh/what_is_a_keyboard_shortcut_that_everyone_must/ckghqxe16:27
nicomachusmost are windows-only, but there's a browser section that's handy.16:28
EriC^^nicomachus: thanks16:28
* daftykins mooches 9600.17050.WINBLUE_REFRESH.140317-1640_X64FRE_SERVER_EVAL_EN-US-IR3_SSS_X64FREE_EN-US_DV9.ISO16:29
daftykinswhat a memorable name16:30
daftykinsugh i bet that optical in my server is a DVD reader only16:30
daftykinsholy tux, a DVD-R writing at 10x sounds like it's going to take off16:58
daftykins14x now as it goes along17:00
daftykins19,000KB/sec O_O17:00
daftykinsI 17:02:37 Average Write Rate: 17,672 KiB/s (13.1x) - Maximum Write Rate: 25,220 KiB/s (18.6x)17:03
daftykinsapparently optical grew up toward the end ;)17:03
daftykinsi wonder what BD is like17:03
nicomachusyou're brave. I usually stick to 4x on a questionable drive17:04
daftykinsoh no this is the good one17:04
daftykinsthough amusingly it has a tray issue, takes about 8 presses to eject17:04
nicomachusah... wonder what that must be like... having a good optical drive17:04
daftykinsit's running the verify now17:04
daftykinseven my spare desktop has an SSD :D17:14
daftykinsTJ-: o/17:22
slidinghornwb TJ-17:23
pauljwhi TJ-17:23
TJ-afternoon :)17:23
BluesKajlooking at a ssd for the laptop, then swap out the 1Tb drive and use it for media storage/server17:24
daftykinsTB! :D17:25
daftykinshahaha, server 2012 R2 standard requires 1.225GB of updates at install17:25
TJ-Mmmm, all those juicy bugs17:26
BluesKajhey daftykins, TJ-, slidinghorn17:26
daftykinsyep - i've been asked to manage my old College's virtualisation server, unfortunately they run Microsoft's Hyper-V right now so i thought i'd update myself on it (i.e. see if it's still horrible)17:26
slidinghornafternoon BluesKaj17:26
daftykinsgreetings \o17:27
TJ-Windows Server - apart from the damned GUI - is pretty good, until you start adding services like Exchange :)17:27
BluesKajrescued my xenail plasma desktop ...it was a mess, reinstalled the daily to /17:28
daftykinsi'm hoping Hyper-V doesn't depend on the host being a domain controller anymore, that was horrifying17:28
TJ-Really? I don't recall it wanting that originally (2003 version)17:28
BluesKajxenial even17:28
daftykinsthe kids in the class had to have a working physical host which needed to be a member of the domain just so they could log in =|17:28
daftykinsTJ-: hyper-v didn't exist back then, first release was server 200817:29
TJ-There was something, not sure what it was... a long time ago17:30
daftykinspossibly VirtualPC17:30
daftykinsno idea in a server context though17:30
TJ-yes, that's right, they renamed it later as the added core OS support in the server17:32
daftykinsi was saying i'd really rather just switch them over to VMware educational, but i would likely encounter bureaucratic resistance toward that from the IT support department there17:32
daftykinswhich i also used to work for XD17:33
daftykinsDosTuMai: wb o/17:36
DosTuMaiThankies. =]17:37
DosTuMaiBut I've been at work all day. O_o17:37
daftykinson a Sunday, that's horrid :P17:38
DosTuMaiIt's Sunday, I get time & half.17:38
TJ-You missed a nice balmy sunny day though! Charge them double17:39
DosTuMaiAnd has been slow as hell all day. So yah, much staring at the walls.17:39
daftykinsheh, what do you do?17:39
DosTuMaiCustomer services agent, over the phone dealing with stupid people.17:40
TJ-oh, and then you come here for relief?!!?17:40
daftykinsah so almost verbal #ubuntu - scary17:40
* TJ- rolls eyes17:40
daftykinsthat's why DosTuMai belongs with us, also a sucker for punishment17:40
TJ-This is light relief... you want punishment, you can take over this USB protocol reverse-engineering I'm doing, to make a Linux driver that matches what a Windows driver does :D17:41
DosTuMaiYah sure, I'm on like, 4 servers. Loads of people that aren't challenged by unlabelled pull doors.17:41
nicomachusTJ-: you've been working on that a few days now17:42
daftykinsTJ-: what's the requirement behind that one?17:42
TJ-Optical microscope; the current Linux driver doesn't handle it correctly. Discovered its sending entirely different command sequences for device config/init and so on, so looks like the Linux driver has always been incorrect17:43
TJ-So I have to sniff the USB packets using wireshark with a Windows VM, then figure out what is going on and how to implement that same behaviour in the Linux driver17:44
slidinghornthat is WAAAAYYYYY over my head ;)17:44
DosTuMaiOh joy.17:44
daftykinssounds good :)17:45
slidinghornI mean...I understood what you said, but the act itself is17:45
nicomachusyea I'm with slidinghorn o that one17:46
TJ-It doesn't help that there is no published documentation on the Sonix USB bridge chipset, and very litle - and what I have is not 100% accurate - for the CMOS image sensor17:46
daftykinsyay 156 updates just began installing on this server ^_^17:47
daftykinsgogo SSD17:47
TJ-so it requires exactly duplicating the Windows driver behaviour without understanding what it is doing, not knowing if some responses are conditional on values it reads from the device, etc.17:47
daftykinssounds like quite the black box!17:48
nicomachusTJ-: is this for work, or just to submit to the kernel?17:48
TJ-nicomachus: just because it needs doing17:49
nicomachusyou're a good man.17:50
nicomachusor woman....?17:50
TJ-or husky :)17:50
daftykinsthat'd be quite the chimera17:51
nicomachuson the internet, apparently you can tell people you're a dog17:51
daftykinshe used to be a huskie but he's alright noooooooooooooooooow17:55
TJ-I was helping Silver remove a thorn from a pad yesterday; her right rear foot swelled up terribly with infection, but we seem to have fixed it today17:59
daftykinsah yeah, that's happened a lot to my parents dogs18:01
daftykinssee them whimpering along nursing a paw, or stopping dead in their tracks!18:01
TJ-yes, she was sat in the field several times yesterday nagging at the foot, but you know how they carry on regardless, was hard to tell until later when she looked ill18:02
daftykinsMischief came in with a small dried leaf attached to one of her whiskers, suspended by spider web material earlier today18:03
daftykinslooked hilarious :D18:04
TJ-she has very sensitive/ticklish feet. It's a battle to wash them when we get back from a muddy walk :)18:04
TJ-lol... moustachio18:04
TJ-Pepper keeps putting green 'eyeliner' on - don't know where she's getting it from unless she's practicing head-stands when we aren't looking18:04
nicomachusLOL, that's hilarious18:04
daftykins116 of 156 updates installed!18:06
TJ-I cannot believe, 12 years later, the Windows update process is still so poor18:08
nicomachuss/still so poor/worse/18:08
TJ-the amount of chugging it does, and repetitive scanning of the registry, it used to drive me crazy. It's sometimes faster to slipstream a new image and write it18:09
daftykinsnot that you can do that anymore :(18:09
daftykinsi used to keep my install media up to date but it just isn't the way anymore18:10
daftykinsthere are technologies for rapid deployment but it's so once in a blue moon it'd be a waste of time for me atm18:10
TJ-right, we used to use an SUS18:10
daftykinsmmm, i avoid domains like the plague18:10
TJ-but the amount of wasted time in applying the updates is just awful.18:11
daftykinsthis box has a 52 minute uptime now, solely been updating ;)18:11
daftykinscore 2 quad with an SSD18:11
daftykinsa mechanical would likely have been an overnight job18:12
TJ-it wouldn't be so bad if Windows could chroot so you could update 1 image whilst the machine remained fully active, and then switch over18:13
daftykinsi find it criminal they don't just refresh media constantly18:14
TJ-I was about to say this is 1 of the reasons I quit Windows - but realised that list probably has more than 1000 items on it!18:15
daftykinsgood to know the DVD portion of that NEC drive is totally fine ;)18:15
daftykinsof course it's far easier in *buntu land where we're handholding folks through getting working wifi drivers, graphics driver quirks, other non-working hardware or EFI drama *cough*18:17
* daftykins ducks18:18
TJ-the point is, at every stage, we have full control and insight into the state of the system, so we can gater accurate diagnostic data and act on it correctly. In Windows, you're mostly operating blind, especially when it comes to device drivers/boot failures/BSOD/ etc18:20
TJ-even the windows boot.log only reports the files its reading... so all you can gain from it is where the boot stopped18:20
daftykinsthat's only good from a more developer angle though i feel18:23
TJ-Give me a dmesg and I'll give you a working system :)18:24
daftykins1hr 10 minutes and we've finished update round 1!18:30
daftykinsthis is quite fun to be honest... to have a real task requiring the need to play with new technologies again18:31
DosTuMaiWoo, now for round 2? xD18:31
daftykinsyep! that's my standard approach, hit windows update again to see if there were any that depended on the first round :)18:31
daftykinsi love the way the guy presenting in this free video had a popup about disk encryption whilst trying to deliver...18:36
daftykinsmrsam is becoming a common troublemaker :P18:37
nicomachuswants a network monitor, probably won't understand the outputs...18:38
daftykinsugh, asking how to run a program even18:42
daftykinsyep leaving that one alone18:42
daftykinsserver 2012 R2 restarted \o/18:42
nicomachusgksu factoid says to run 'gksudo'....18:42
daftykinsyeah, write an updated factoid and then bug someone in #ubuntu-ops to apply it18:43
daftykinsin my experience they ignore me fully.18:43
daftykinshowever at least 'AMD' finally exists now instead of 'ati' - though they ignored my content update for the actual message18:43
daftykinsi'm totally going to make my old college upgrade it to SSD XD18:49
EriC^^we should just hack ubottu18:50
EriC^^i wonder how it knows a person is logged in, maybe it looks for is logged in as <nick> in the /whois18:51
TJ-I offered to add functionality to it several years ago when it was first languishing... didn't even get a response on the ubuntu-irc mailing list. From that and other interactions I got the distinct feeling the IRC grouping was very cliquish18:51
EriC^^maybe just using the realname as that would trick it18:51
daftykinsi think they kicked out the guy that created it.18:52
TJ-EriC^^: it'll do /query nickserv info <nickname>18:52
daftykinspower struggle on a personal basis18:52
TJ-Yes, that was when I offered to take over18:52
nicomachusjust write a new bot. ha!18:52
TJ-It's basedon supybot, and I'd added a load of really useful stuff to it myself already18:52
EriC^^so it does /nickserv info <nick> and looks for last seen : now ?18:52
nicomachusand prompt the factoids with . instead of !18:52
TJ-EriC^^: no, it'll use a combination of what's available from Services and the IRC daemon itself18:53
nicomachusahh... anabain back with the same issue as the last 3 days.18:53
EriC^^it has a vulnerability already, it msgs to channel without checking if the person is in the channel or not18:54
TJ-something to add you the todo list for Squoosh.os :D18:55
ubot5<EriC^> wants you to know: Package bla does not exist in vivid18:56
EriC^^pretty easy to flood using it18:56
daftykinsimo a core feature that's missing with ubottu, is the ability to give her a cookie18:58
Bashing-om^ in the case of TJ- ; give our bot an Apple pie .18:59
EriC^^what's the actual msg to change a factoid?18:59
EriC^^i recall something like @change <factoid> +newstuff19:00
EriC^^i tried to mess with the bot a bit and it said ubot5> Your edit request has been forwarded to #ubuntu-irc.  Thank you for your attention to detail19:04
EriC^^that's not going to look good :D19:05
daftykinsoops :>19:13
daftykinsi've got Hyper-V up and running on this server2012 R2 machine now, got a win7 client installing :O19:13
daftykinslets get cocky and have an ubuntu machine too...19:14
daftykinsah i do love gigabit, throwing ISOs about at 112MB/sec :>19:15
BluesKajodd card.freenode and dickson don't like my vpn connection , but asimov has no trouble, all settings are exactly the same for all,  ssl, sasl on port 700019:15
BluesKajgonna recheck something19:17
TJ-daftykins: It gets better when you trunk the links; I have a servers here which have 4x GE trunked to the switch, akes moving disk images around a casual thing rather than a should I/shouldn't I debate19:18
daftykinsthat'd need at least two hosts with that though eh19:19
daftykinswell, unless two clients are dealing with a large file copy at once19:19
TJ-well yes, with separate storage servers. But it means I can fire up a forensics VM on 1 server and access the disk images on the other with no lag, and ssh from the laptop on its measily 100FE/144WiFi connection19:20
daftykinsare you using a managed switch to handle that or just the OSs?19:20
TJ-managed 48-port POE switch19:21
daftykinsmmm only got a 16-port unmanaged toy here :>19:22
TJ-It's 1U and was noisy but I took out the 4 small side fans and fitted one large 12cm fan in the top instead19:23
daftykinsthar she blows19:24
daftykinsit's crawling with just two XD19:27
TJ-how many vCPUs have you allocated?19:28
daftykinsit's IO bound right now i think :) one little 500GB mechanical with both VMs on19:28
TJ-on my Core2Duo laptop I can generally run 4 VM guests each using 2 vCPUs without much sign of slowdown19:28
daftykinsso this is the basic operation, but system centre virtual machine manager will install all kinds of junk like SQL server19:33
daftykinsTJ-: do you think RAID10 is the best choice for the VM store of a box with a hardware controller card and possibly 8+ 1TB WD Greens?19:40
daftykinsi think that's what it's always been at this place19:40
* nicomachus needs to find where to get one of these "1tb thumb drives"19:42
daftykinsit's either wrong, or actually a hard disk19:43
BluesKajquite sure it's a hdd with usb connection19:45
BluesKajor he doesn't know the diff between Gb and Tb19:46
daftykinsGB and TB!19:47
* BluesKaj shrugs ...19:47
daftykinsi throw many GB over my Gb LAN19:48
nicomachuswell apparently they do exist... but theyre like $75019:50
TJ-daftykins: I always prefer mirrored RAID, so RAID10 is good19:53
BluesKajtoo small, i've already lost a couple of those little sticks19:53
BluesKajnot 1TB mind you :-)19:54
nicomachusthis guy's getting ripped off all over the place.20:00
daftykinsi don't quite believe we're getting told the full story, but mmm20:00
daftykinsright now i'm imagining this thing to be a chinese knock-off that claims to be 1TB but actually just loops over and over :)20:01
daftykinsalthough it would forget sdb1 existed if so, hmm20:02
DosTuMaiGreat to see a clear desktop, Daftykins. =D20:05
daftykinsDosTuMai: haha, that is a server i only just installed ;)20:07
DosTuMaiMy most recent desktop: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1XfDBb8toplSnRxdUJRMGY2bHM20:09
daftykinsooh my that's an old school res :)20:12
DosTuMaiThis is an oldskool laptop. Aspire 5315! xD20:13
OerHekswhat are the pros of an video hdd? like Seagate Video 3.5 HDD ST3320311CS, 320GB20:14
daftykinsis that really its' name? o020:14
OerHeksyes, got it from a tv mediabox, harddisk recorder20:15
OerHeks15 ms seektime20:15
daftykinsoic, mmm usually different lines have different ratings for MTBF or whether they're expected to be able to run 24x720:16
OerHeksThat would be my thought, 24/7 ..20:16
TJ-'video' generally means poor random I/O performance20:22
TJ-e.g. OK for sustained contiguous writes as is typical in video-recording20:22
DosTuMaiAnd a lot of segfaults when trying to run it as a desktop HDD.20:24
OerHeksoh oke20:24
daftykinsDosTuMai: you've actually seen that? o020:25
OerHeksanyone who needs a poor hdd, sata300 ?20:25
daftykinscan't see the two being related myself20:25
daftykinshaha, give it to DosTuMai - it might be an upgrade ;)20:25
OerHeksi would swap it for ... ehm .. a fresh keyboard20:25
DosTuMaiIt will be! xD20:25
OerHeks,,, really?20:26
daftykinsDosTuMai: i actually feel so bad i almost want to post you an SSD.20:26
daftykinsi'd totally expect cookies for that, though20:27
DosTuMaiI don't think this could handle a SSD! xD20:27
daftykinsaaah it improves everything :)20:28
DosTuMaiI'll be buying a proper PC soon™, anyways.20:28
nicomachusapparently I got a better deal on this monitor yesterday than I thought: http://www1.la.dell.com/la/en/corp/peripherals/monitor_e207wfp/pd.aspx?refid=monitor_e207wfp&s=corp21:21
nicomachuscheapest I can find on Amazon is $6221:22
OerHeksnot bad, 1680x1050  is my current resolution too21:23
nicomachusit's set at 1440x900 now21:25
OerHeksah, maybe because your 1st screen is lower21:26
nicomachusyep. only 1366x76821:29
daftykinswhy not 1:1 ? anything less than matched will look blurry and meh21:30
DosTuMai1280x800 >_>21:30
nicomachusdaftykins: 16x9 v. 16x10 I suppose21:31
daftykinsi'm not gonna play the desktop resolution game because then TJ- will say his ;)21:31
TJ-why? i'm using standard on all the monitors21:31
daftykinshaha sure but the total one :>21:31
daftykinsi.e. i'd have said 3840x120021:32
TJ-I've never added it up, because I use multiple X screens21:32
daftykinsnicomachus: nah i mean - are you using 1440x900 on that 1680x1050 panel?21:32
TJ-but as you insist: W = 1200+1200+1920+1200 , H = 1920+120021:32
nicomachusdaftykins: yea, it won't let me select anything higher. could force it with xrandr I suppose21:32
daftykinsnicomachus: hmm what cable type and graphics?21:33
nicomachusVGA, integrated intel21:33
daftykinswhich CPU?21:33
daftykinsah i have a sandybridge lappy too21:33
TJ-Set the external to be the primary; then it should allow it to use full res21:34
nicomachusTJ-: it is the primary.21:34
TJ-nicomachus: really? then it should be possible to use the max res the EDID reports, provided the framebuffer is large enough21:34
TJ-nicomachus: what does "xrandr -q" report?21:34
nicomachus1440x900 as top. wanna see the whole thing?21:35
TJ-please, it should show for all21:35
TJ-nicomachus: OK, well according to that the best resolution is 1440x900.  You need to check /var/log/Xorg.0.log to ensure the monitor is reporting EDID, and if it is, then those are the valid resolutions21:39
daftykinsit should be pretty apparent if it's not the native resolution21:43
daftykinstext would be quite ugly21:43
nicomachuswell, the text is a big ugly.21:44
daftykinswhole file would be handy really21:44
TJ-nicomachus: lets see the whole file, a snip isn't useful. It may be corrupted or modes it lists might confirm things21:45
daftykinsthis is hilarious, to manage this Server 2012 R2 system i need a *second* one to put the management tools on21:46
TJ-nicomachus: looks like the 'LGD' is the laptop's panel21:47
TJ-nicomachus:  is it 1366x768 ?21:48
daftykinsi'd figure the Dell for a samsung panel21:48
TJ-intel(0): switch to mode 1366x768@60.0 on LVDS121:48
TJ-there's no indication of EDID from the VGA1 port there21:50
daftykinsbad cable?21:50
daftykinsnicomachus: is this the machine you have Windows on too, or is that different?21:50
nicomachusha, bought the cable for $0.98 out of the bin there. I've got another one I can try.21:50
nicomachusand yea this has windows.21:50
daftykinsi'd see what that does21:50
nicomachusugh. I haven't booted it up in forever. the updates alone will take an hour. lol21:51
nicomachusI'll give it a shot later though.21:51
daftykinsjust ignore them :>21:51
nicomachusok, back in a moment.21:52
TJ-you could install edid-decode tools21:53
nicomachussame resolutions.21:58
nicomachusWindows does actually identify the monitor though. the most I could get out of Ubuntu was "Dell Inc 19". Windows shows "Dell E198WP"21:59
TJ-nicomachus: either that is correct then, and reported via EDID21:59
TJ-or, there's a pretty sophisticated hack in the monitor firmware :D21:59
nicomachusI think I had the wrong link before.21:59
nicomachusbest explanation22:00
OerHeksalways open an uneven number of tabs on Firefox, like 59 or 6122:00
TJ-those are the native resolutions22:01
nicomachusstill $55 on Amazon, wow22:02
nicomachusI feel like I ripped off the thrift store22:02
DosTuMaiOkidoki, started typing what I said in #ubuntu here, this chan closed and posted in the wrong channel...22:03
daftykinsDosTuMai: don't you know #ubuntu-discuss is like the Hotel California?22:04
DosTuMaiBecause this channel is on my auto-join list, so you're right!22:04
OerHeksuh oh22:05
DosTuMaiBut yah, I never got that: I have 60+ tabs open on my browser, FSM knows how many other programs open, therefore: NEED MOAR RAM!22:09
daftykinsa client who keeps leaving so many windows and tabs open just plain annoys me22:10
daftykins"you're never going to read that! STOP IT!"22:10
OerHeksIt is just silly, indeed.22:10
* TJ- hides22:10
TJ-I keep them open from support issues, with interesting stuff, and then when about 80 collect I try to file them in groups22:11
daftykinsi'm quite sad mozilla are killing tab groups from Firefox :(22:11
DosTuMaiBut you don't blame the tech for your habits, TJ-. Or at least, you haven't complained about need more memory...22:11
nicomachusTJ-: pinned tabs...?22:12
TJ-True :) I keep on trying to get around to filing them away or dismissing them but there's always something in them I think 'ooo, nice, must read that later'22:13
DosTuMaiI usually dump all those in my unsorted bookmarks and the page never meets my browser again...22:14
TJ-I think I get caught up in too much multi-tasking... I push onto the stack and don't pop enough!22:15
daftykinssupport queries are so hard for that, before you know it you have 12 pastebins open22:15
DosTuMai"This looks interesting, I'll bookmark it for later perusal." 10 minutes later, it's forgotten because things.22:15
daftykinswhat we need is some kind of squoo.sh ...22:15
* TJ- hides22:16
TJ-I'm aiming for a 1.1.2016 launch22:16
daftykinsare you still keen on coming up with a better domain prior? ;)22:16
TJ-I think it makes a great name for an OS :p22:16
TJ-no, I like it22:16
TJ-will be fun watching people trying to explain what it is :D22:17
DosTuMaiSquoosh... was it sat on by an elephant?22:17
TJ-No, by daftykins  :D22:17
DosTuMaiNo comment. =o22:17
daftykinsi'll have you know i'm a lean, mean, cookie eating machine.22:18
TJ-he's the one camped on that name22:18
daftykinshey i can rally more for my cause!22:18
TJ-yup :D22:18
daftykinsoh man the downside of me creating a second server2012 R2 as a VM, updates x 2 >_<22:19
* TJ- sniggers22:19
TJ-clone the image - oh - you can't :D22:19
daftykinsi think i could as it goes22:19
daftykinsas they're an eval copy22:20
daftykinshi rww22:20
TJ-hmmm, maybe, but it still ties to the drivers, and the wrong drivers will be installed22:20
TJ-remember Windows doesn't do dynamic boot-device discovery22:20
DosTuMaiNoep, because MS wants you to stay with them.22:21
* daftykins browses onto the physical host from the VM and copies the downloaded windows updates to avoid a second download22:21
DosTuMaiOr do that. xD22:22
daftykinsthere's only 37,000 files22:22
DosTuMaiStill faster than downloading, or not?22:23
TJ-Is that ridiculous, or what?22:23
daftykinswell it's 'cause i'm just doing the whole directory tree instead of just the 'Download' one, but yeah - WU management is a crime22:24
daftykinsi think WU will end up sitting looking cocked-headed at the files for a while regardless ;)22:25
TJ-might as well go to bed now and it might be ready for morning22:25
daftykinsusually quite like to have everything off overnight though, as i already have my server running 24x722:26
TJ-isn't it cheaper electricity overnight22:26
TJ-During winter I charge the batteries overnight22:27
daftykinswe pick our bands over here, i think mine is 9pm - midnight22:27
daftykinsstay tuned for the thrilling result, folks - we're at 90%!22:28
TJ-we get 'economy 7' overnight from midnight, or 1am, I forget which22:28
TJ-it was a tariff originally designed for heating up storage radiators that contained heat bricks overnight, so they released heat during the day.22:29
daftykinshrmm o022:30
daftykinsthey call ours super economy 12 i think22:30
daftykinsmay've said before, but we have a huge cable link to France, via Jersey - so get our power from them22:30
DosTuMaiI'm on a pre-pay meter, think my cheap electricity is 5am when I get up.22:41
daftykinsi bet even i could write a better windows update, this is shocking22:47
daftykinsi don't see how it can take so long to go "this is what's installed" -> download available list -> "i need these" -> check local folders for 'these' -> batch download the rest22:48
daftykinssorry folks, i'd move the rant to ##windows-discuss but i bet it's inhumane in there ;)22:53
Bashing-om^ Just one more reason why I avoid Windows . Do not like it, do not do it .22:58
DosTuMaiMy thoughts exactly, Bashing-om.23:00
Bashing-omDosTuMai: Too had good upbring'n .23:01
daftykinswell, i see issues across all OSs... so as i always say, you just use what you mind picking up after the least23:03
DosTuMaiOrdered, organised and polite? Sure, guess I was raised to become a decent human being...23:03
daftykinsin this case however... i'm learning something so i can be fully informed when i say it needs to go :)23:04
Bashing-om" Ordered, organised and polite? " Uh Huh .. sounds like linix to me .23:05
DosTuMaiI was raised by religious fanatic family. Yah, that's the nicest way I can put it.23:11
daftykinsso they all owned macs? :D23:13
Bashing-omWell. Raise your children in the admonition of the Lord, and in their old age they will still be Ordered, organised and polite . :)23:14
DosTuMaiThey didn't trust computers, my father - despite having more money than he'll ever spend - still has a CRT TV because he doesn't trust flat screens...23:16
daftykinsoh dear!23:20
daftykinssounds like a scary place to be23:20
DosTuMaiThat's fine, I've been disinherited, disowned, and branded heretic. Better off not having anything to do with them. And anyway, this time of year sucks enough without dredging up memories.23:22
=== nicomach2s is now known as nicomachus
daftykinsDosTuMai: mm, sorry to have enabled it23:26
daftykinswell here's the exciting result, the physical box only had 500MB of the 1.4GB of updates, but copying those over did indeed spare it from downloading that 500MB again ^_^23:26
DosTuMaiYey, joy. xD23:27
daftykinsinstalling update 92 of 15623:27
daftykinsall this geekery has made this room really warm23:28
DosTuMaiAnd the peaceful sound of computers whirring, eh? =]23:31
TJ-Hmmm, am I doing something wrong? Mine buzz?23:34
daftykinsit is quite the background *something* yeah :)23:35
TJ-apparently daftykins go 'squoosh'23:35
TJ-that's the water cooling :D23:35
daftykins10 PRINT "SQUOOSH"23:35
daftykins20 GOTO 1023:35
TJ-20 GOTO 1023:35
daftykinsoh dear ;)23:36
OerHeksrand usr 023:38
TJ-int main (int argc, char **argv, char **env) { printf("%s\n", "SQUOOSH"); return 0; }23:42
TJ-see - no race condition in my code :D23:43
Bashing-om^ But but but .. "SQUOOSH" !! daftykins Has that linked to "  check local folders for 'these' " . Maybe a never ending process ?23:50
TJ-I think Juniper are about to be slaughtered23:56
Bashing-omSQUOOSH-ed ?23:59
TJ-worse. Last week they revealed their ScreenOS (VPN edge concentrator) had 2 source-code compromises23:59

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