
LaserbearHow do I check the status of a config00:47
LaserbearFor example how do I get the status of Apt::Install-Recommends00:47
Laserbeargot it00:49
MatthewAllenflocculant or balloons can I get some clarification on "04:25
MatthewAllenAdd bug report link to tracker testcases (Ubuntu)"04:25
KHa_How do u install Ubuntu on mac?05:31
wxlGirish: i don't see anything in review anymore?05:44
magi_KHa_: are you planning to install on a virtual machine or as a dual-boot?06:02
magi_KHa_: Dual booting: http://www.howtogeek.com/187410/how-to-install-and-dual-boot-linux-on-a-mac/06:04
magi_I don't use a Mac though, so I can't guarantee it is up to date.06:05
magi_Virtual Maching: http://www.simplehelp.net/2015/06/09/how-to-install-ubuntu-on-your-mac/06:05
magi_Hope the links helped you :)06:05
Girishwxl: Check again. I've left a comment on the task linking to my youtube video.06:08
wxlwatching a movie right nwo, girish06:19
wxlGirish: popey himself will likely get to it before me :)06:20
Girishwxl: No problem.06:30
Girish-androidAlso, star wars?06:33
Girish-androidCan anyone review? https://codein.withgoogle.com/tasks/5880796325871616/11:36
ubot93Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/11:36
flocculantMatthewAllen: I clarified on the task.11:36
flocculanttwice ...11:45
MatthewAllen2How's everyone going progress wise? How many tasks you guys completed?12:25
Rob1507I have 4 tasks completed :/12:51
MatthewAllen2flocculant are you able to check out my task?14:31
flocculantMatthewAllen2: I've done what I can - the code looks good, but you need to wait for balloons to ack it14:31
MatthewAllen2flocculant, mmk awesome :)14:32
flocculantthanks for working on the tracker ;)14:32
MatthewAllen2flocculant, Balloons said that tasks were being added to the qatracker - should I be able to find more than the one i just did and the "Remove Hello username link from QA Tracker" or is that it for the qatracker?14:33
xcubDoes anyone know why I am getting the error http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/14116015/ whenever I try to run an application with a desktop kit in the ubuntu-sdk? Doing qmlscene main.qml works just fine though.14:36
flocculantMatthewAllen2: that's the last one not being worked on14:37
MatthewAllen2flocculant, ahh - so each of those tasks is limited to 1 student?14:37
flocculantMatthewAllen2: there might be more, but I at least don't want to add anything until what we've got is in production - any more changes are likely to be affected by what you and others have done14:38
MatthewAllen2flocculant, mmk good to know - thankyou very much :-)14:38
Rob1507Is there anyone to answer my question?15:37
DanChapmanRob1507, what's up?15:37
Rob1507My task is to add unit test to wiki.py and I don't really understand what's going on15:37
Rob1507DanChapman, there is a file wiki.py and test-wiki.py and unittests are in latter one.15:38
DanChapmanRob1507, got a link to the task? :)15:38
Rob1507DanChapman, here it is15:39
DanChapmanhmmm i get a 40415:39
DanChapmanRob1507, is it the one for snapcraft?15:40
Rob1507DanChapman, yes15:40
Rob1507DanChapman, try this link  https://codein.withgoogle.com/task-instances/5930718593024000/?sp-page=115:40
DanChapmannope that 404's as well. Weird!15:41
DanChapmanI've found it now anyway. just looking....15:41
robbertdarkxst: hey, are you there?15:46
DanChapmanRob1507, sorry about that. Had a phone call. Anyway.... so do you know what test you need to add?16:00
Rob1507DanChapman, no :/ I don't know where to start16:01
Rob1507DanChapman, I don't understand what wiki.py is testing. I read the code and imagine that it is only managing parts for further using.16:05
DanChapmanok so wiki.py doesn't contain tests. Thats part of the snapcraft api. test-wiki.py test the functions in wiki.py. So take a look here https://coveralls.io/builds/4512175/source?filename=snapcraft%2Fwiki.py#L50 you can see the current tests never hit line 50. So it needs another test to check that line of code does what it should16:08
Rob1507ok, so I should add it on test_wiki.py right?16:14
DanChapmanyep :)16:15
Rob1507DanChapman, that was what I asked because I understood from the task that wiki.py is test file and we should add there. :)16:17
Rob1507So after opening it I messed up all :D16:17
Rob1507DanChapman, thanks DanChapman  for great help16:24
xcubis anyone here familiar with the ubuntu-sdk16:27
subins2000flocculant: Hey, my mentor didrocks is not going to come I think for a few days16:28
subins2000flocculant: Meanwhile, can you guide me through the task : https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/5131342014578688/?sp-page=116:28
subins2000balloons: ?16:36
flocculantsubins2000: I'm afraid not - the tasks I can guide people with I am a mentor on16:36
subins2000flocculant: Ok, I understand16:36
flocculantall I can do is what I did yesterday for you16:36
Ritwickim asking that can i get the file that i have to modify to make it simpler and redeable by others16:37
DanChapmanRob1507, your welcome :-)16:49
DanChapmanxcub, what's up? you having some issues with the sdk?16:49
xcubYeah, I'm trying to create an application using Bacon2D16:50
xcubSo I create it using the template16:50
xcubAnd when I try to run it using the desktop kit, it says qrc:///main.qml:2:1: module "Bacon2D" is not installed16:51
DanChapmanxcub, right so the desktop kit is broken. Is doesn't include qml modules that aren't part of the ubuntu sdk. The desktop kit looks for them in /usr/ubuntu-sdk-dev/* which you don't have bacon 2d installed in that location16:53
DanChapmanxcub, you will need to run your app from the commandline instead and make sure you have ubuntu-sdk-libs installed16:54
xcubwith qmlscene?16:55
xcuband i do have ubuntu-sdk-libs installed16:57
DanChapmanxcub looks like the template produces a binary so you would want to use qmake / make. qmlscene just loads qml documents16:58
DanChapmanxcub have you used qmake before?16:59
xcubno, i always used qmlscene16:59
DanChapmanxcub so from the root of your project you can do something like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/14117491/17:01
xcubI've been getting this error whenever I run qmake qmake: could not exec '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/bin/qmake': No such file or directory17:04
xcubqmake: could not exec '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/bin/qmake': No such file or directory17:04
xcubqmake: could not exec '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/bin/qmake': No such file or directory17:04
xcubqmake: could not exec '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/bin/qmake': No such file or directory17:04
xcubqmake: could not exec '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/bin/qmake': No such file or directory17:04
xcubqmake: could not exec '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/bin/qmake': No such file or directory  It's giving me that error whenever I try to run qmake, should I install "qt-sdk"?17:04
xcubdid not mean to post that many, sorry17:04
DanChapmanxcub ahh try $ QT_SELECT=qt5 qmake ..17:05
xcub=qt5: command not found17:06
DanChapmanurrrgh can you paste the whole output for me17:08
xcubthat's all there was17:08
DanChapmanhave you got qt5-qmake installed?17:09
DanChapmanthat should work then.17:11
DanChapmanxcub what happens if you run17:16
DanChapmanexport QT_SELECT=qt517:16
DanChapmanthen qmake ..17:17
xcubyup, that did it :)17:18
DanChapmancool :-)17:19
xcubbut how would i install bacon2d in /usr/ubuntu-sdk-dev/* so i don't have to do this whenever I want to build it?17:20
Rob1507DanChapman,  In test file, should I add another function or change existing one?17:23
DanChapmanwith difficulty unless bacon 2d has been compiled with the same version of qt even which then you would have to manually move it all into the correct location.17:23
DanChapman*same version of qt as the sdk17:23
DanChapmanRob1507, the task is asking for another test so I would add another one.17:25
xcuboh, alright then, thanks for all your help!17:25
DanChapmanno problem :-)17:25
Rob1507DanChapman, ok, thanks for help17:29
ubot93Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!18:02
Rob1507Can we know about leaderboard?18:37
Girish-androidDanChapman: could you review this task?https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/4993872342024192/18:42
ubot93Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!19:01
Rob1507DanChapman, How can I run the code to see the output of a function. I mean there is an import of javashceme in yaml.py and I can find it to compile wiki.py19:07
Rob1507can't find it *19:07
=== RobGev is now known as Rob1507-Tab
=== Rob1507-Tab is now known as Rob1507
robbertdarkxst: hey, are you there?19:22
DanChapmanRob1507, sounds like your missing a python library. take a look in snapcraft/debian/controls and check you have all those packages installed19:24
krishna_ravi732Hey, can anyone help me run the dialer app?20:36
krishna_ravi732ok the ubuntu-emulator20:36
fazerpopey, are the tests for the terminal app no longer being used because the app was re-written, and the tests no longer apply to the current structure of the app?20:48
fazeralso ballons, I pushed the changes that ahayzen had requested. I believe the branch can be merged now.20:49
ahayzenfazer, i saw that :-) i now need to check that the test passes on all of my devices and doesn't destroy my ~/Music :-)20:56
fazerahayzen, alright.20:56
ahayzenand check its cool for Victor as well20:57
fazerok. just wanted to make sure you were aware that I pushed those changes :)20:57
ahayzenyeah :-) i'll try and do that in the next day or so20:58
fazerballoons or anyone else who works on the terminal app: are the tests for the terminal app no longer being used because the app was re-written, and the tests no longer apply to the current structure of the app?21:02
fazerahayzen, I'm looking at the task that says add fast scroll to the music app. It talks about the contacts app, would that be referring to the address-book-app? Because I can't find a core app called contacts-app21:13
mcinitreevanfazer: I think that'd be it. As for the terminal app, I've worked with it a little and it does seem that the unit tests were dropped in the rewrite but there are some open bugs to add them back21:15
fazermcinitreevan, the tests were dropped because they would no longer work after the rewrite right? So will they have to be re-written now?21:16
fazerOr is it possible that some variable names have to be changed and the tests will work?21:17
krishna_ravi732Hi, i am trying to run the dialer-app as per the HACKING file, however it talks about Ubuntu.Telephony and Ubuntu.Contacts module not being installed21:26
krishna_ravi732What packages do i have to install to get these modules?21:26
mcinitreevanfazer: Im not too sure, I havent looked at the old code for the terminal21:33
mcinitreevankrishna_ravi732: One second, let me take a look at the file so I can help out21:35
krishna_ravi732mcinitreevan: thank you!21:35
mcinitreevankrishna_ravi732: So when are you getting the error? (What command are you running?)21:36
mcinitreevanSo it build properly and everything?21:37
krishna_ravi732just running fails as its ubuntu contacts and telephony modules arent there21:37
mcinitreevanYeah Im getting the same issue, what I would try is grabbing the source for those and building them, and then running 'make install' to install them, and then try running the dialer app, but Im not sure how well that would work21:40
krishna_ravi732mcinitreevan: oh thanks i got it!21:40
mcinitreevanYou could also try running an emulator of a ubuntu phone, I think you can create emulators through the Ubuntu SDK21:40
krishna_ravi732sudo apt-get install qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-telephony0.1 qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-contacts0.121:41
krishna_ravi732that fixed it21:41
mcinitreevanAha, there you go21:41
mcinitreevanMuch better than what I was thinking, lol21:41
krishna_ravi732mcinitreevan: i was trying to run it via an emulator, but i couldnt deploy it21:41
mcinitreevanAh, well at least you figured it out :)21:42
krishna_ravi732again, it looks like i really need to run it in emulator21:48
krishna_ravi732attempting to replicate this bug: https://codein.withgoogle.com/tasks/4555594971217920/?sp-is_beginner=False21:48
krishna_ravi732but i get no network, and the call isnt made on the desktop21:48
GirishDanChapman: Updated the video. Can you check? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7coKgskZYZw22:07
GirishDanChapman: https://codein.withgoogle.com/tasks/5880796325871616/22:08
darkxstrobbert, hi23:08
ahayzenfazer, yup the address-book-app, i even had a prototype branch somewhere23:17
robbertdarkxst: hey, i will be finished in about 20 minutes23:18
darkxstrobbert, ok, I just replied to your email btw23:23
robbertdarkxst: ya thank you, thats why ill be finished :D23:25
robbertdarkxst: so the debdiff of the old and the new package gives me no output, as files just have been modified but not added/removed23:34
darkxstdebdiff shows all changes, did you apply the changes via quilt?23:35
robbertdarkxst: havent yet, will do23:37
darkxstdo you have a git patch?23:38
robbertdarkxst: not yet, i thought i should do that with bazaar, but then you told me to use quiltj23:39
darkxstwell bzr is ok as well, you can put that patch in debian/patches folder and add it the series file23:41
fazerahayzen, can you direct me to the part of the address-book-app that has the fast scroll implemented, I can't find it.23:55
ahayzenfazer, let me try and find it, this was my prototype branch https://code.launchpad.net/~ahayzen/music-app/refactor-prototype-fast-scroll-tracks ... also I'm not sure how well this will work its sortof an explorative thing :-) but if it works well we'll merge it :-)23:57
ahayzenfazer, the FastScroll component itself is here http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/address-book-app/trunk/view/head:/src/imports/Ubuntu/Contacts/FastScroll.qml and http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/address-book-app/trunk/view/head:/src/imports/Ubuntu/Contacts/FastScroll.js23:57
ahayzenfazer, probably have a look at my old branch and then the address-book one.. then make a new branch that does it in the current app :-)23:58
fazeryeah I just saw that on the bug request for the music-app :P thanks23:58
ahayzenfazer, weather has it in the locations list IIRC as well23:58
fazerwhats iirc?23:59
ahayzenfazer, yup http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-weather-dev/ubuntu-weather-app/reboot/view/head:/app/ui/AddLocationPage.qml#L26923:59
ahayzenIIRC = if i recall correctly23:59

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