
zykotick9slight problem from with user xpruined - just got "23:25 <xpruined> rsync isn't just for shoving up your ass anymore" via PM.  i'll add to ignore but wanted to share with Ops.04:28
rwwon a random note, any issues in #ubuntu with star wars spoilers? seems like everywhere on the internet has trolls giving them out recently06:11
ubottuIn #ubuntu, hard_iron said: !ubottu is it like this12:52
k1l_xpruined (~xpruined@   that was our pm harrasment guy using proxies, again13:13
k1l_ypeered (~ypeered@  our pm troll using another open proxy16:12
Unit193ECSini → Tarminquay21:59
rwwwhat is #ubuntu-discuss supposed to be used for these days22:20
k1l_more (technical) discussions around ubuntu. since -offtopic is not a good place for that (seen from the last times i was in -offtopic)22:21
rwwwhy on earth did daftykins redirect someone asking about .deb packaging to #debian23:01

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