
bekksanabain: show us the actual error message.00:01
anabainbekks:    ls: can't open directory /deuteros/media/joan/USB/: permission denied00:03
OerHeksin /mount/ or /mnt/ ?00:03
SebastianTCLI installed lubuntu, the most recent version, i want to get the gnome audio volume controls how can i get them? alsamixer and the applet do not let me go over 100%  volume00:03
anabainOerHeks, /mount is a custom dir, it's actually /deuteros, a dir meant to be shared via nfs. But this problem is happening on the server.00:04
bekksanabain: So it isnt /mount but /deuteros.00:04
anabainyes, as the error output shows00:04
bekksanabain: so check the permissions of /deuteros, then /deuteros/media, then /deuteros/media/joan then /deuteros/media/joan/USB00:05
OerHeksand on what filesystem is that usb folder?00:05
OerHeksoh nfs00:06
anabainbekks, http://pastie.org/1064240600:08
anabainOerHeks, as far as I understand you, it is meant to be an nfs export that will automatically show at the client. But it's been rbinded to /deuteros/ because /deuteros is the only dir that will be exported in /etc/exports00:11
OerHeksanabain, earlier you asked about vfat with rbind, is this the same issue?00:11
srulii am testing KVM on  lubuntu 15.10 and seem to have a permission issue that i didnt have on 14.04 when trying to start a VM i get permission denied, user is member of groups kvm and libvirtd, dir of image and images are root:kvm00:12
anabainOerHeks, but as I said, ignoring the nfs stuff for now, I'm having that permission error at the server. http://pastie.org/1064240600:13
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janesmithI am used to ubuntu server. I'm setting up normal ubuntu on my TV. I have a script that I need to run whenever a user is logged in. I assume something like ~/.bashrc won't work... where should I call that script?00:17
imthenachomanhey guys... anyway to make it so when I ssh to my server and the IP of my home machine is a certain IP then sudo doesn't require password? all other times it should00:17
needhi guys im having trouble installing vm virtual box on ubuntu. could someone help me ??00:17
nicomachusjanesmith: do you need to run it on startup?00:17
daftykinsimthenachoman: discover key auth i think would make more sense00:18
janesmithnicomachus: yes00:18
needno nikol00:18
daftykinspapa, nikol00:18
anabainbekks, OerHeks, any ideas?00:18
nicomachusjanesmith: you can stick it on /etc/rc.local or enter it into the GUI for "Startup Applications" from the Dash00:18
needim trying test another os but i just cant figure  out how to install virtuakbox00:19
daftykins!info virtualbox00:19
ubottuvirtualbox (source: virtualbox): x86 virtualization solution - base binaries. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 5.0.10-dfsg-2ubuntu1 (wily), package size 13759 kB, installed size 61742 kB00:19
needany help would be greatly appriciated00:19
needim running on 64 bit version of ubuntu00:20
daftykinsneed: it's pretty simple, you install "virtualbox" with the software centre or run "sudo apt-get install virtualbox"00:20
needdafty, can you hold on a moment00:20
needim about to do that00:21
anabainneed, you can go to the virtualbox site and follow the instructions to modify your /etc/apt/sources.list according to your ubuntu version00:21
daftykinsneed: did you even try before you came here?00:21
janesmithnicomachus: thanks00:21
awshelpdoes ubuntu have a inbuilt firewall?00:21
OerHeksanabain, NFS expects to find POSIX attributes in the file system it's exporting (like permissions, etc.) that vfat doesn't have.00:21
daftykinsanabain: better to only complicate matters later ;)00:21
awshelpi opened a port on the aws and on the znc but i am not connectable00:21
daftykinsawshelp: yes00:21
daftykinsbut it won't be on as default most likely00:22
anabaindaftykins, it depends, I'm assuming he/she is not stupid00:22
awshelpok thanks00:22
daftykinsanabain: and yet you see a query asking how to install a package00:22
awshelpany idea why i wouoldnt be connectable?00:22
codepython777I am root on a remote server. But I cant login as root. I can login as a user. But I think ssh root@localhost is disabled00:22
daftykinsnope, this is OS support, not amazon support.00:22
codepython777Any ideas how to get a root shell?00:22
needof course i tried many times just even reinstall ubuntu all over again just to make sure im starting from the beginning just in case i fucked something up while im trying to install VM!00:22
nicomachuscodepython777: sudo -i00:23
daftykinscodepython777: ubuntu makes use of 'sudo' before commands.00:23
awshelpk thx00:23
anabainOerHeks, I repeat: I'm having the issue on the *server* side, nothing nfs related is involved at that point00:23
nicomachus!language | need00:23
ubottuneed: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList00:23
sruliok, got it, forgot to uncomment user=root and group=root in qemu.conf00:23
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daftykinsneed: so surely you ran the program and set up a VM, what goes wrong?00:24
codepython777daftykins: nicomachus: I dont have the password for the account in which i can login into - use ssh key to get in00:24
codepython777I do have the password for root for that machine - the account i can login into - has sudo privilages, but dont have the password for that account00:24
neednothing goes wrong. i just cant find the damn icon of vm to start the software!00:24
needbtw installation is over00:25
OerHeksanabain, oh, i don't have a clue what you talk about then, nor what your issue is.00:25
nicomachusneed: you've already been warned once about langugage.00:25
anabainOerHeks, thanks anyway00:25
needexcuse my french00:25
awshelpits not an aws issue00:26
needhow can i open it up?00:26
nicomachusneed: type "virtualbox" into a terminal00:26
daftykinscodepython777: then you can't do it.00:26
needcant find the icon even tho i searched from my cpu00:26
nicomachusneed: you don't need to. type "virtualbox" into a terminal.00:27
daftykinscodepython777: root shouldn't have a password. "su" would try switching00:27
needi greatly appriciate your help00:27
needthanks a lot!00:27
daftykins!manual | need for future reference00:27
ubottuneed for future reference: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/00:27
needim so unix stubborn. lol00:27
needgot you bud00:27
needthanks again!00:28
awshelpsudo netstat -plutn00:29
awshelptcp6       0      0 :::5000                 :::*                    LISTEN00:29
awshelpwhat does this mean exactly?00:29
awshelpis the 6 on the tcp6 relevent?00:30
awshelpbecause i cant connect00:30
needdaftykins ty for your help too00:31
daftykinsawshelp: IPv6 listening on port 500000:32
awshelpdaftykins i have ipv4, is this why it isnt working?00:33
awshelpit should be listening for ipv4 and ipv6?00:33
daftykinswas that the full netstat output?00:33
awshelpfor znc yes00:33
daftykinspastebin the whole thing.00:33
daftykinsdon't paste into IRC again00:33
awshelpdaftykins ^^00:36
Ollie65Good night everyone, I'm going to hit the sack for now :-)00:38
daftykinsawshelp: yes it's not running on v400:38
codepython777daftykins: I just logged into the root shell using a recovery reboot00:39
codepython777but /home is not mounted. Any chance i can change the password for a user?00:40
daftykinsi thought the idea was it was a remote server you only had network access to00:40
codepython777daftykins: mount /home gives me : mount: can't find /home in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab00:40
daftykinsi don't really like what you're up to, so you'll get no help from me i'm afraid.00:40
codepython777daftykins: Its a VPS with console access00:40
codepython777no its not00:40
codepython777so i rebooted it into revovery mode00:40
codepython777then ssh root@remotehost - and that worked00:40
codepython777but the recovery mode does not have /home mounted00:41
daftykinsit wouldn't need it.00:41
codepython777How do i change a sudo user password?00:41
* daftykins walks off00:41
srulicodepython777: you cant, if you want to use root account enable it by sudo passwd root00:43
codepython777sruli: when the machine is booted normally, it does not allow ssh root@remotehost00:43
srulicodepython777: but u will still be able to execute root privileges with regular user pass using sudo00:43
daftykinsgoing about things backwards :(00:43
awshelpdaftykins ????00:44
codepython777VPS providers twisting your hands - dont have access to console00:44
daftykinsDigitalocean work fine for me.00:44
daftykinsawshelp: a series of four question marks is surprisingly VAGUE about what you're asking.00:45
srulicodepython777: try user@remotehost, by default root logins are disbaled00:45
awshelpdoes tcp6 listen on ipv4 as well?00:45
daftykinsawshelp: you wouldn't have a problem if it did! NO!00:45
daftykinslook at your paste, why does it say tcp and tcp6? they're different00:45
codepython777sruli: passwd user -> Tells me no such user?00:46
awshelpso this is my problem?00:46
codepython777Unknown user00:46
daftykinswow awshelp.00:46
awshelpwhat is the purge command for znc again?00:46
awshelpto purge it00:46
daftykinsno you need to reconfigure it, not purge it00:46
awshelpi will reconfigure00:46
srulicodepython777: what is the username?00:46
awshelpits easier to purge and reinstall/reconfigure00:46
daftykinssudo dpkg-reconfigure znc00:46
codepython777sruli: cg - so when i do sudo cg : I get unknown username - in recovery mode.00:47
daftykinsi'm going to assume you're saying it asks for config on install00:47
daftykinsso run that.00:47
awshelpno i use znc --makeconf00:47
codepython777sruli: what is surprising is that /etc/shadow does not have cg listed - is that normal?00:47
srulicodepython777: in recoverymode? i think only root works in recovery, i dont understand  u r ssh'd into recoverymode?00:47
codepython777sruli: yes, I booted the machine in recovery mode using the VPS provider's web interface. Then I could ssh root@myhost - and that gave me a shell. The problem - nothing in /home00:48
daftykinsawshelp: easier to edit the config.00:49
daftykinsjust seen their wiki00:50
daftykinsawshelp: 1) don't leave SSH running on port 22 2) reconfigure znc to listen with IPv4, perhaps instead of v6 in fact. 3) enjoy00:50
awshelpty daftykins00:51
srulicodepython777: if u never used the root to login u wont find anything in /root/home why r u in recovery mode, whats the prob?00:51
SchrodingersScatthere should really never be a /root/home unless you explicitly create it00:52
zumba_addictI installed ubuntu on vmware on my mac book pro. When I switch to the highest resolution, it looks like it's way beyond the screen00:53
sruliSchrodingersScat: once u login with root it creates it00:53
zumba_addictso right now, I'm only at 1440x90000:53
sruliso this is my story for the last few days, needed a feature to work in virt-manager, couldent get it working supposedly by pressing left ctrl+alt together it should work, no luck many hours of trying and testing, after i found that newer version of spice surely works, as its not available on 14.04 i formatted and installed 15.10 and it still didnt work! after 2 days of trying and wasting my time i found that i was using the right ctrl+alt, instead of left, i hi00:53
SchrodingersScatsruli: it truly doesn't.  where have you seen this?  Anyway, it's a moot point, he didn't say /root/home/ he said /home/  ; codepython777 are you sure you're looking at the right root? root of the machine and not something else from the recovery mode?00:54
srulion the bright side i got to try 15.10 which will give me some time to prepare for 16.04 get used to systemd etc00:55
codepython777sruli: I dont have a password for any accounts on this machine, but root. I can login into the machine using my ssh keys for the users. Or as root in recover mode00:55
sruliSchrodingersScat: sorry my mistake it create /root not /home/root00:56
srulicodepython777: can u create user? adduser $USERNAME00:58
codepython777What is bizarre, is in recovery mode, /etc/ssh/sshd_config does not have an entry showing PermitRootLogin!?00:58
nolsen_Ubuntu repositories doesn't have the latest kernel verison yet?00:59
nolsen_(The 4.3 kernel)00:59
codepython777sruli: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14109246/01:00
codepython777why isnt /home mounting?01:00
nicomachusnolsen_: no. 15.10 is still using 4.2, 16.04 experimental builds have 4.3 though01:00
nicomachusbut 16.04 will be on 4.4 by launch, iirc01:00
srulicodepython777: u tried mount -o rw,remount /01:02
codepython777sruli: nope. In recovery mode? What does that do?01:02
srulicodepython777: mounts the drive as read/write in recovery mode01:03
codepython777sruli: how can a file change its contents in recovery mode vs regular mode?01:07
srulicodepython777: i dont know whats mounted, but if u have the same mounted then the contents should be the same01:08
anabainI'm having an issue with a rbind dir: /media/joan/USBdevice is rbin mounted at /deuteros/media/joan/USBdevice. Actual mounting (at least this is what it seems to happen) takes place when I click the proper icon on Dolphin. Then, ls /deuteros/media/joan/USB device as joan outputs a permission denied message, and as root it outputs nothing. Any ideas?01:08
srulihow do i set in grub that it should not display gui for boot encrypted password, display console instead? for some reason in virt-viewer an encrypted install wont display the gui password entry on boot, i have to hit escape to see console password entry01:12
codepython777sruli: seems like i'm booting in recovery mode but the files are different , when i boot into the regular mode!01:14
codepython777sruli: makes sense, since in recovery mode, the sshd_config must have been backed up and replaced with a new version - so that its more laxed01:15
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awshelphow do i make a process auto launch on boot01:33
sruliawshelp: on login or boot?01:33
awshelpi want it to be always running01:34
awshelpno matter what01:34
sruliawshelp: what r u using? 14.04? server? desktop?01:34
awshelpubuntu server01:34
VFDPrimok so if i take my ssd out of one computer plug it into the other to move files what should i expect to see and what if the one im moving stuff from has partitions will that be available on the other computer allso01:35
sruliawshelp: is it a custom script u want to run?01:35
awshelpsruli znc01:36
sruliawshelp: http://wiki.znc.in/Running_ZNC_as_a_system_daemon01:38
Bashing-omVFDPrim: That is an oipen ended question . Are you going to attempt to boot the trnasfered SSD or just access the files on the SSD, and as such what is the operating system of the host machine ?01:38
awshelpsruli it says to add a crontab01:39
awshelp*/10 * * * * /usr/local/bin/znc >/dev/null 2>&101:39
awshelphow do i do that01:39
VFDPrimi just need to move the files easaly from that ssd to the new ssd and be able to access them01:39
awshelpthats not a command01:39
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Azuualguien habla español01:41
sruliawshelp: do u have a znc file in ur /etc/init.d01:41
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.01:41
tltsorry for that cfhowlett01:41
Azuubuscar my channel llamado01:41
awshelpsruli i dont know01:42
awshelphow i check01:42
cfhowletttlt, no need to apologize.  great minds think alike!01:42
tltcfhowlett, alright then, Thanks01:42
sruliawshelp: check, ls /etc/init.d | grep znc01:43
Azuuno hablo ingles :(01:43
Azuuno spkeai englsh01:43
sruliAzuu: !es01:43
Azuuno se que hacer??01:43
nicomachus!es | Azuu01:43
ubottuAzuu: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.01:43
nicomachussruli: note the format.01:44
cfhowlett!es > Azuu,01:44
srulinicomachus: tnx01:44
Azuujoin #ubuntu-e01:44
nicomachuscfhowlett's format works as well, and does it as a PM01:44
sruliok, always lerning01:44
Bashing-omVFDPrim: Were me, I would install the 2nd drive, format it and partition as desired. copy my files straight across to the new mounted partitions .01:45
srulinicomachus: maybe u can help me? how do i set in grub that it should not display gui for boot encrypted password, display console instead? for some reason in virt-viewer an encrypted install wont display the gui password entry on boot, i have to hit escape to see console password entry01:45
nicomachusnot sure, sorry01:45
sruliwas worth a try, tnx01:45
sruliawshelp: did u check?01:46
VFDPrimBashing-om i have no idea how to do that and the other computer still needs the ssd01:47
Bashing-omVFDPrim: Consider, ssh into the target system, and copy the files that-a-way ?01:48
nicomachusyea... rsync it.01:48
VFDPrimwhats ssh?01:48
r3c0nDoes ping -f act like a DDos attack or no?01:49
nicomachusr3c0n: no.01:49
r3c0nOkay cause I am trying to troll some of my douchebag friends01:49
awshelpsruli how i check01:50
nicomachussuggestion: don't.01:50
sruliawshelp: check, "ls /etc/init.d | grep znc"01:50
Bashing-omVFDPrim: See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secure_Shell .01:50
nicomachusr3c0n: a DDoS attack is not a troll, it is a federal crime.01:50
r3c0nI know that01:50
VFDPrimBashing-om thanks ill take a look01:51
nicomachusr3c0n: you will receive no help from here on that.01:51
awshelpls /etc/init.d | grep znc01:51
awshelpnothing happens01:51
awshelpsruli ^01:51
r3c0nI read the cyber crime laws. I know you get arrested for that. FBI vans are typically involved01:51
Bashing-omVFDPrim: ^^ That way you do not have to mess about pulling and installing hard drives .01:51
tltr3c0n, you have to ask in ##security01:52
r3c0nOh I forgot I was in #Ubuntu. Thanks01:52
tltno problem. It's more appropriate there.01:52
sruliawshelp: so u dont have it01:53
awshelpsruli i guess not, what can i do01:54
r3c0nBtw the way, the DDos was for my Metasploitable box so no cyber laws broken01:55
nicomachusr3c0n: regardless, you will not receive support here for that.01:55
Bashing-omVFDPrim: Are both machines 'buntu, in the same house and able to share the same router ?01:55
r3c0nI know I won't01:55
VFDPrimbashing-om yes they are like litaraly inches apart lol01:56
awshelpcan anyone help me?01:56
awshelp*/10 * * * * /usr/local/bin/znc >/dev/null 2>&101:57
awshelphow i add this crontab01:57
Bashing-omVFDPrim: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2159449 <-easiest way to cp files 'tween two 'buntus that share the same router/house (Morbius1)01:57
sruliawshelp: 1. make a bash script with "service znc start" save it as /etc/init.d/znc make it executable "sudo chmod /etc/init.d/znc"01:57
sruli2. run  "update-rc.d znc start 10 2 3 4 5 . stop 90 0 1 6 .01:57
awshelpsruli is there an easier way01:58
nicomachusawshelp: do you have a GUI?01:58
sruliawshelp: sorry, in #1 i made a typo its "sudo chmod +x  /etc/init.d/znc"01:58
VFDPrimbashing-om i think it would take me years to do transfers that way01:58
nicomachuswhy years?01:59
sruliawshelp: if u have a server with no gui, this is the easiest way, this is good enough for the bash script http://paste.ubuntu.com/14109842/01:59
Bashing-omVFDPrim: Follow the guide .. a matter of minutes . Simple really as falling out of bed wide awake .01:59
VFDPrimlots of files the way it looks is that thats good for just one or two files02:00
nicomachusVFDPrim: if it's never leaving the network, then it'll go at whatever speed your hardware allows. Which is likely gigabit.02:00
VFDPrimbut it says i would have to type it in for each file02:00
nicomachusVFDPrim: if you use NitroShare (which is recommended on that page) then you can just drag and drop a whole directory or whatever you want.02:01
awshelpi am just trying to auto boot znc02:01
awshelpisnt there an easier way02:01
nicomachusawshelp: do you have a GUI?02:01
awshelpubuntu server02:02
sruliawshelp: very simple will take a min, 1. "sudo nano /etc/init.d/znc" then type in from the paste i posted, ctrl+o to save, ctrl+x to save, 2.  "sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/znc" 3. "sudo update-rc.d znc start 10 2 3 4 5 . stop 90 0 1 6 ."02:02
nicomachusawshelp: then sruli's method is the easiest away.02:02
srulictrl+x to exit02:02
VFDPrimmaybe i got the rong link or am blind lol im not seeing ware it says anything about nitro share02:02
awshelpi am super confused02:03
awshelpstep 1 sudo nano /etc/init.d/znc02:03
awshelpten type what?02:03
sruliawshelp: type what u see here http://paste.ubuntu.com/14109842/02:04
nicomachusVFDPrim: "sudo apt-get install nitroshare"02:04
sruliawshelp: once inside nano you type that02:04
VFDPrimE: Unable to locate package nitroshare02:05
nicomachusoh, right, I found it because I already had the tarball... whoops.02:06
VFDPrimlol ok so what do i do lol02:06
VFDPrimnever did anything with tarballs as far as i know so ill need step by step if thats ok02:06
nicomachusVFDPrim: "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:george-edison55/nitroshare02:06
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sruliawshelp: should look like this http://pasteboard.co/aa70dcX.png02:08
sruliawshelp: oops ignore the top line with ed in the pic02:08
nicomachusVFDPrim: then "sudo apt-get update", then "sudo apt-get install nitroshare"02:08
awshelpis this right02:09
VFDPrimdoing it now02:09
awshelphttp://pastebin.com/irwRTRdx  is this right sruli ?02:09
awshelpand where do i put */10 * * * * /usr/local/bin/znc >/dev/null 2>&1 then?02:10
sruliaws help, ctrl+o is what u hit on your keyboard to save the file, ctrl+x is what you hit on the keyboard to exit nano, the nano file should look like the the paste i sent u02:11
awshelpok but what about that02:11
awshelp*/10 thing02:11
sruliawshelp: forgett eh cronjob, this is instead of it02:11
VFDPrimok now what02:11
awshelpok doing now02:12
nicomachusVFDPrim: all installed?02:12
nicomachusVFDPrim: you'll need to install it on both machines.02:12
VFDPrimok give me one sec i have to go back up to see exactly what was said lol02:13
sruliawshelp: just to make sure the cronjob you are refering to is to auto start znc, right?02:13
=== nolsen_ is now known as nolsen
St1gma_awshelp: use this to install the service http://wiki.znc.in/Running_ZNC_as_a_system_daemon02:14
awshelpso do that after sruli script?02:14
VFDPrimso odd having two keyboards right infront of me lol02:15
nicomachuswelcome to my life.02:15
sruliawshelp: i initially sent u the link stigma just posted, i just checked it there is no instructions to setup a cronjob, follow the instructions in that page for debain based systems02:15
nicomachusVFDPrim: wait until you have terminals that control 3 different machines open on your desktop02:15
awshelpso what should i do02:15
awshelpcron job or what u said02:15
sruliawshelp: what i told u was instead of it, but u will be better off following that page02:15
awshelpas a daemon?02:16
St1gma_what sruli did works, and it should be fine but a daemon should make it more "standard"02:16
awshelpwhat is a daemon?02:16
sruliawshelp: just used what i said02:16
sruliSt1gma_: i just checked that page says to use from 15.0402:17
VFDPrimok its up and running on both now what do i do i did not understand there directions02:17
St1gma_awshelp: a daemon is a background process02:17
awshelpso what should i do???02:17
St1gma_awshelp: just like a "service" in windows02:17
nicomachusVFDPrim: one moment, pulling up mine to refresh my memory.02:18
sruliawshelp: from the top... lets start over...02:18
VFDPrimok thanks02:18
Bashing-omVFDPrim: Must be your lucky day that nicomachus Knows and is on hand and has the app insalled ! wow .02:19
St1gma_sruli: the page says that Ubuntu 15.04 and on use SystemD02:19
VFDPrimyea must be as long as it works lol02:19
St1gma_and those are init scripts02:19
nicomachusVFDPrim: launch nitroshare, either from a terminal or the dash.02:19
St1gma_so the question now is "What version are you using awshelp?"02:19
sruliawshelp: 1. run "sudo nano /etc/init.d/znc" then type in it should look like this http://pasteboard.co/aa70dcX.png the on your keyboard press ctrl+o to save, then ctrl+x to exit nano, 2. run "sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/znc" 3. run "sudo update-rc.d znc start 10 2 3 4 5 . stop 90 0 1 6 ."02:19
nicomachusshould only need to do this on one machine, probably the "sender"02:19
sruliawshelp: thats all02:20
sruliSt1gma_: he said 14.04 server02:20
VFDPrimi did that and it poped up with instructions and i said ok or what ever and it disapeered02:20
awshelpyes 14.0402:20
nicomachusha, well that's not usually advised... should read that. but ok.02:20
nicomachusVFDPrim: click the little icon in your menu bar, and then select "send Directory"02:20
VFDPrimoh i did read it and did not understand it lol02:21
=== flavio is now known as Guest90895
awshelpdoing now sruli02:21
VFDPrimok then select files right?02:21
cfhowlett!br | Guest90895,02:21
ubottuGuest90895,: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.02:21
St1gma_sruli: then he can follow those instructions. but if you have got him down a different path already then might aswell finish that. :)02:21
nicomachusVFDPrim: yep. select the files/directories you want to send.02:21
awshelpwhats the difference between the bashs cript and the daemon?02:22
awshelpwhich is better?02:22
nicomachusVFDPrim: after that it should ask you to select who you want to share them with. the other machine SHOULD be listed.02:22
sruliSt1gma_: u saw the instructions i gave him, this is the paste he sent me to confirm that he made the bash file correctly http://pastebin.com/irwRTRdx i dont think he'd be able to follow through the official instructions02:23
VFDPrimit sould not she the one im on correct02:23
VFDPrimthere is one listed but they both have the same name lol02:23
sruliawshelp: both are bash scripts, difference is what they contain and how they run02:23
nicomachusha. are both of your machines named the same thing VFDPrim?02:23
VFDPrimyes both are named the same thing i do beleive02:24
TarminHello. Any reports of Ubuntu bricking the MSI Cubi using the suspend function?02:24
VFDPrimoh i guess not never mind02:24
VFDPrimok so i clicked it now i just hit ok?02:25
TarminAnother report of Ubuntu bricking Intel's NUC: https://communities.intel.com/thread/9378802:25
nicomachusand it'll start.02:25
cfhowlettTarmin, why report this here? file a bug!02:25
TarminAnyone know if the problem is limited to the Intel NUC?02:25
VFDPrimoh cool thnks so very much you are a HUGE help tome today02:25
k1lTarmin: seems like a intel muc issue.02:25
nicomachusTarmin: doesn't seem to be an ubuntu issue.02:25
Tarmincfhowlett: I know to avoid the Intel NUC. I'm wanting to know if the MSI Cubi is OK.02:25
VFDPrimdo i have to wait for it to be done to chose more or can i just keep adding them02:25
St1gma_sruli: gotcha. sorry to interrupt you :)02:26
awshelpsruli which method is better?02:26
nicomachusTarmin: but as that page says, disconnecting the CMOS battery may restore.02:26
nicomachusVFDPrim: you can keep adding.02:26
safe_How do I automatically mount ntfs-partition at boot? I googled about fstab but it's a little confusing02:26
k1lTarmin: there are some intel nuc relabeled. see what that hardware is exactly.02:26
St1gma_awshelp: keep on doing what sruli is telling you. that's the easier path02:26
Tarmink11, Well, I heard the Cubi uses Intel parts. I wonder though if the problem is related to the BIOS Intel uses.02:27
VFDPrimok thanks much this will be much easyer then any of the other ways that where told to me due the it being a gui thing so thank you verry much you have no idea how much i apreateat it you have made it very easy, there a way i can give you a gold star or something hahaha02:27
sruliSt1gma_: its actually the same, just needs to paste a large chunk of txt ;-)02:27
spugmy 15.10 system upgraded to 4.2.0-22-generic.efi.signed last night and now it cannot find root, however if I can boot 4.2.0-16-generic is the efi.signed significant here ?02:28
k1lTarmin: well, i dont know. best is to ask intel or the cubi guys02:28
spugoops, let me rephrase that..02:28
nicomachusVFDPrim: yea, NitroShare is great for users that are looking for ease. It's basically just a shell for an rsync command, so if you want to dig into that in the future feel free. :)02:28
spugmy 15.10 system upgraded to 4.2.0-22-generic.efi.signed last night and now it cannot find root, however I can boot  4.2.0-16-generic is the efi.signed significant ?02:29
awshelpsudo update-rc.d znc start 10 2 3 4 5 . stop 90 0 1 6 .02:29
awshelpthis is all one command?02:29
=== Tarmin is now known as Tarminquay
VFDPrimquestion again is there a way to make it get into a partition? i have a large free space partition that has allot on it that needs to be moved02:29
sruliawshelp: yes02:29
TJ-spug: .signed means its expecting SecureBoot. that GRUB core image has some modules not included, such as cryptodisk, so it depends on whether the system is using LUKS encryption, MD RAID, LVM, BTRFS and some other modules not included in .signed02:29
awshelpsruli done02:30
nicomachusVFDPrim: as long as that partition is mounted it should be able to access it to *send* files *from* it. I'm not sure about sending files *to* a separate partition on the same machine.02:30
sruliawshelp: restart, then run "sudo service znc status" to see if its running02:30
awshelphow do i restart?02:30
nicomachusVFDPrim: but you can also do that just from Nautilus, so long as the partition is mounted.02:30
spugTJ-: It's unencrypted and I haven't configured UEFI secure boot... why would it switch from generic to signed I wonder ?02:30
VFDPrimok i was telling it to send directory ill try the files thanks02:30
sruliawshelp: sudo reboot02:30
VFDPrimnope this stupid 15.5 update screwed up being able to get to there from select files02:31
spugTJ-: It's just a plain old ext4 fstab: "UUID=de0afeb4-669e-4373-a512-fbe55a0e3797 /               ext4    errors=remount-ro 0       1"02:32
TJ-spug: maybe it was only the .signed kernels, and not the .signed GRUB EFI package02:32
spugTJ-: I guess I'll try a "aptitude install linux-generic"02:33
TJ-spug: those will come in due to linux-signed-generic02:33
yugihow to fix the GStreamer02:33
yugii am a new boy:)02:34
xanguayugi: fix what?02:34
spugTJ-: so how can I get back to an up to date bootable system, I wonder ?02:34
TJ-spug: does it stop at a busybox prompt?02:34
awshelpubuntu@ip-xxx:~$ sudo service znc status02:34
awshelp  /etc/init.d/znc: fork: Cannot allocate memory02:35
spugTJ-: Yes, when I boot any of the 4.2.18,19,21 or 22 signed kernels it times out finding root and drops me in the initramfs busy box, but 4.2.16 if fine.02:36
spugTJ-: not quite sure how 18,19 and 21 got there and I didn't notice till 22... maybe02:36
TJ-spug: that suggests there's something missing/broken in the /boot/initrd.img-$VERSION files for those later kernels02:36
TJ-spug: is there a separate /boot/ file-system? has it run out of space/02:37
awshelpsruli ?02:37
TJ-awshelp: looks like the host doesn't have sufficient RAM02:37
awshelpits a free tier aws instance02:37
awshelphow much ram cud it need?02:38
sruliawshelp: how much ram do u have?02:38
TJ-awshelp: you'd have to check the AWS specs, and look at the current usage with the command "free -m" (reports in Megabytes)02:38
awshelpi have no idea02:38
spugTJ-: /boot is under / (/dev/dm-0) and is only 11% in use, there is a seperate /boot/efi but it's only 1% in use.02:39
TJ-spug: OK, so not the obvious problem then02:39
avisoddly i'm getting served pages that do not show up on web browsing history.  they are hitting at&t dns servers though.02:39
RonWhoCaresIf I have "Kdenlive" installed and I update to the newest release within 'terminal' will 'Kdenlive' stay installed02:39
awshelp             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached02:39
awshelpMem:           992         53        938          0          0          702:39
awshelp-/+ buffers/cache:         46        94602:39
awshelpSwap:            0          0          002:39
spugTJ-: Let me diff /boot/.config for .16 and .2202:39
nicomachus!paste | awshelp02:40
ubottuawshelp: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:40
TJ-spug: it suggests you've changed something that affects the initramfs-tools package since .16 if those others are affected02:40
VFDPrimRON DO NOT DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!02:40
nicomachusVFDPrim: what why02:40
VFDPrimleave KDEN LIVE AS IS02:40
awshelpwhat can i do??02:41
VFDPrimbeleive me if you have been using it as it was you will not like it it still has most the issues and they chainged some visual things02:41
TJ-awshelp: memory looks OK02:41
spugTJ-: only ever clicked the GUI automated updates button or run "aptitude update;aptitude safe-upgrade"02:41
RonWhoCaresI am thinking of buying the soon to be released Pine64 to render videos02:42
nicomachusRonWhoCares: apparently VFDPrim knows what he's talking about.02:42
awshelpshould i follow the daemon tutorial?02:42
VFDPrimi use it weekly and it is really anoying for me now so much also do not go to 15.10 just my sugestion lol02:42
TJ-spug: is the root file-system on LVM?02:42
RonWhoCaresI would need to start with Ubuntu 14.0402:42
VFDPrimROn i dont know much but i do know this lol02:42
sruliawshelp: i dont know, maybe someone else can help with it, the only thing i can still advise is to change to the official instructions, u can do so easily by, 1. run "sudo nano /etc/init.d/znc" delete all the text you put in before, paste in all the text from here http://paste.ubuntu.com/14110326/ then ctrl+o to save then crtl+x to ext. 2. run "sudo update-rc.d znc defaults"02:42
RonWhoCaresI am already using Ubuntu 15.10.  I did it working  in this.  I needed to update all the audio drivers.02:42
VFDPrim14.4 is just fine hell even 15.4 was fine but with the 15.10 update kden live got all wanky02:43
awshelpsruli is it hard to do the daemon or crontab thing?02:43
sruliawshelp: i just told u what u need to change to get the official script02:44
spugTJ-: Good question, there's no lvs or vgs command installed so I assume, no, but the device manager is managing them: dmsetup ls gives ubuntu--vg-root and ubuntu--vg-swap_102:44
awshelpwhat official script?02:44
TJ-spug: "dpkg -l lvm2" should be 'ii' installed02:45
sruliawshelp: do u want to try to follow my last instruction to see if it works?02:45
RonWhoCaresDo you know if the user interface is the same02:45
spugTJ-: the diff doesn't show much, erm, difference.02:45
VFDPrimRON you also cant use the in program sound finder you actualy have to go to the site and look and its kinda a pain02:45
awshelpsruli i deleted the instance already02:45
awshelpgonna start over02:45
VFDPrimuser interface is not the same02:45
spugTJ-: lvm2 missing in action02:45
awshelpsruli can i pm?02:46
TJ-spug: I bet you've managed to uninstall/disable 'lvm2' so it isn't being added to the newer initial ramdisks02:46
VFDPrimfor the most part it is as far as how its set up but they chainged a few icons and what not02:46
TJ-spug: "sudo apt-get install lvm2"  ... then after it is installed regenerate all the initrd.img  for the kernels that aren't booting02:46
spugTJ-: No awareness of that, but I'll install lvm2 and see if my initramfs rebuild to happiness02:46
sruliawshelp: its better if u use public channel, but if u really want i dont mind02:46
nicomachusVFDPrim: glad you're able to help RonWhoCares with this, but it's really not an *ubuntu* support thing. Perhaps you can continue in #ubuntu-offtopic?02:46
VFDPrimalso i have set up a main layout that i like and every time i go into it i have to manualy set it to the right one where before i did not have to do that02:46
spugTJ-: Many, many thanks... will give it a whirl02:47
VFDPrimRonwhocares if ou have any other qs just pm me02:47
TJ-spug: I'll bet this shows lvm missing from all but .16: "for RD in /boot/initrd.img*; do echo $RD; lsinitamfs $RD | grep lvm; done02:47
VFDPrimno problem Nicomachus02:47
TJ-spug: typo...  "for RD in /boot/initrd.img*; do echo $RD; lsinitramfs $RD | grep lvm; done"02:48
spugTJ-: apt logs show the removal: /var/log/apt/term.log.1.gz:Removing lvm2 (2.02.122-1ubuntu1) ...02:48
TJ-spug: can you tell why?02:48
awshelpsruli i am tyring to pm02:48
VFDPrimnicomachus is there a way to select more then one file so transfer at a time on nitro02:49
spugTJ-: Your script confirms your prognosis02:49
spugTJ-: only .16 has lvm02:49
nicomachusVFDPrim: you can do a whole directory. just put all the files/directories you want into one directory and send that.02:49
spugTJ-: Hunting through logs for clues as to how it decided to get rid of lvm202:50
VFDPrimguess i did not realise the difrence in a directory and a file thanks yet again02:51
nicomachusVFDPrim: directory is basically the linux word for what windows would call a folder.02:52
awshelpcan someone please tell me how to make this crontab?02:52
awshelp*/10 * * * * /usr/local/bin/znc >/dev/null 2>&102:52
sruliawshelp: i thought u r reinstalling server now? when u finished .. we'll try to help u further02:53
spugTJ-: seems like something decided to get rid of 4.2.16-generic-signed: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14110453/02:53
awshelpsruli yes i am but i am trying to find otu what i need to do02:53
awshelpfor crontab02:53
sruliawshelp: its a few simple commands02:53
spugTJ-: and that included lvm2 and some other crypto relates stuff.02:54
awshelpcan u tell me plz02:54
spugTJ-: s/relates/related/02:54
TJ-spug: in the related term.log.X.gz you might find more info02:54
srulicoffee break02:55
spugTJ-: Throwing emacs at it now...02:55
awshelpok i am setting it up02:55
VFDPrimok im gunna sighn off here thank agian for all the help i now have a few hours of sorting and transfering to do lol02:57
spugTJ-: Seems to have happened post 4.2.18: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14110505/02:59
spugTJ-: Gonna just install lvm2 and rebuild the initramfs and see if that's enough to get me back.02:59
TJ-spug: there are some very unexpected packages in that purge list, "ubiquity-casper" for example, should only be on the live installer02:59
TJ-spug: "Running in chroot, ignoring request.^M" ... you did a recovery at tha ttime?03:00
spugTJ-: I did a USB stick install to a mechanical drive, and then switched to an SSD, I think the install wasn't the smoothest experience I've had but I'm afraid I don't recall the wrinkles.03:00
spugTJ-: All this on a tiny ASRock BeeBox.03:01
yppoI get those wierd wfw block in my syslog, can this be a security threat? https://gist.github.com/anonymous/929c46bb3d6e76d6a8f803:01
TJ-spug: those messages suggest packages used by the installer in the live environment were actually deleted from the /target/ system because the command was issued whilst in the chroot /target/03:02
spugTJ-: Not conciously03:02
awshelphow i do this please03:02
spugTJ-: consciously03:03
awshelp*/10 * * * * /usr/local/bin/znc >/dev/null 2>&103:03
srulithe answer to my next question is gonna kill me03:04
sruliawshelp: did u install znc03:04
awshelpand configed03:04
sruliso i die of embarrassment03:05
awshelpdo i have to do this agin03:05
sruliawshelp: do waht again?03:05
awshelpformat reinstall03:05
St1gma_I'm so confused... I'm not sure what you are trying to do. I assume just prevent ZNC from dying?03:06
sruliawshelp: who said u need to format -reinstall?03:06
awshelpi dont know03:06
awshelpwhy r u embarrased03:06
nicomachusSt1gma_: he just wants to make znc start as a startup application, and it's become entirely too difficult.03:06
spugTJ-: Giving: "update-initramfs -u" a whirl03:06
sruliawshelp: no one said u should u decided out of ur on freew ill to do so03:06
awshelpno i know03:07
awshelpi wanted to03:07
awshelpbut i am asking03:07
sruliguys setting a cronjob for a user, will it run on boot if user doesnt login?03:07
awshelp*/10 * * * * /usr/local/bin/znc >/dev/null 2>&103:07
awshelpznc wiki says this is the best way to do it03:07
sruliawshelp: some patience please03:07
sruliSt1gma_: was the yes directed at my question regarding crontab?03:08
spugTJ-: 4.2.0-22 now has lvm2 in it's ram disk... will give it a whirl03:08
St1gma_sruli: yeah. the other easy option is rc.local03:09
sruliawshelp: 1. run "crontab -e"03:09
St1gma_echo "/usr/local/bin/znc" > /etc/rc.local03:09
IBM_CLONEI have been away from the Ubuntu forums lately. Just came back and would like to know about the best web server such as Apache. Is that the industry standard right now or is there a better one?03:09
k1lIBM_CLONE: apache is known to work03:09
sruliawshelp: what the last line u see?03:09
Ben64awshelp: did you configure znc yet03:10
St1gma_IBM_CLONE: Ubuntu has nothing to do with the best web server out there03:10
awshelpBen64 yes03:10
awshelpsruli select an editor03:10
IBM_CLONEK11 thanks. I have used it in the past.03:10
sruliawshelp: select nano03:10
St1gma_IBM_CLONE: Apache2 is great, so is NGINX, depends on your needs.03:10
ni_Best or not I use Apache03:10
awshelpbin/nano ?03:10
sruliawshelp: nano03:11
IBM_CLONESt1 I agree. I was just interested if there were something new. I refuse to use Windows Servers.03:11
awshelpsruli https://gyazo.com/cfdad9c678b91e98aa20a9041b6bc62a03:11
awshelp#2 ?03:11
sruliawshelp: type "2" then hit enter on ur keybaord03:12
sruliawshelp: now what is the last line u see?03:12
St1gma_go to the end copy/paste the crontab command03:13
St1gma_then pretty ctrl+x03:13
St1gma_then yes03:13
St1gma_should say something like "crontab installed"03:13
IBM_CLONEI suppose just use the apt-get install and install the Apache server then.03:14
awshelp*/10 * * * * /usr/local/bin/znc >/dev/null 2>&103:14
awshelpthis line/.?03:14
Ben64awshelp: thats still incorrect03:14
awshelpcan i change it to 3 minutes?03:14
awshelpBen64 its from the znc wiki03:14
sruliawshelp: yes03:14
Ben64awshelp: ok fine, do whatever you want03:15
awshelpactually i wannat change it to 1 minute03:15
St1gma_Ben64: yeah that'll keep on trying to spawn the process03:15
Ben64officially giving up03:15
awshelp*/1 * * * * /usr/local/bin/znc >/dev/null 2>&103:15
sruliawshelp: change it to whatever you want03:15
Ben64tried yesterday, i feel like i've said the same thing a million times03:15
awshelpBen64 i didnt try this yesterday03:15
awshelpyesterday was a different issue03:16
Ben64yes you did03:16
awshelpi tried to execute this line as a command yesterday03:16
sruliawshelp: did u yet save the crontab?03:16
awshelpnot yet03:16
IBM_CLONEI came here earlier today and asked if there were an interface with Apache web server that has live one on one talk with a client. Any comments on that?03:16
awshelp*/1 * * * * /usr/local/bin/znc >/dev/null 2>&103:16
awshelpthis means 1 minute03:17
SchrodingersScatIBM_CLONE: one on one talk?03:17
IBM_CLONEI have been on some websites and the interface was like an IRC chat with a channel list like this channel.03:17
sruliawshelp: have u saved the crontab?03:18
awshelpnot yet03:18
kuschelJOIN #lxcontainers03:18
sruliawshelp: u r waiting for?03:18
awshelpshould there be an extra line at the end, or should the crontab entry be the last line, or it doesnt matter?03:18
nicomachusdoesn't matter03:18
SchrodingersScat!spam | kuschel03:18
ubottukuschel: Please don't spam03:18
awshelpextra blank line03:18
nicomachusSchrodingersScat: I assume he was trying to join and forgot the /03:19
awshelphow do i reopen the crontab to verify it did save?03:19
sruliawshelp: run "sudo service znc status"03:19
sruliawshelp: the same way u opened it the fist time "crontab -e"03:20
sruliawshelp: run "sudo service znc status"03:20
awshelpunrecognized service03:20
St1gma_awshelp: crontab -l03:20
sruliand i asked if u installed it!03:20
awshelpi did03:20
SchrodingersScatIBM_CLONE: I think that would be outside the scope of this channel and more about whatever people have created that can run on apache2/php5, there are probably quite a few chat options.  There's also jitsi-meet that defaults using nginx03:20
awshelpits running03:20
St1gma_awshelp: you gotta make sure that you provide the channel with enough information to help you03:21
IBM_CLONESchrodingersScat here is a sample of what I am talking about. I don't endorse this website, but it is what I am looking for.   http://www.chat-avenue.com/03:21
St1gma_you said you installed it, where did you install it? was it the package?03:21
awshelpznc is installed and running, i am connected to it03:21
St1gma_run "which znc"03:21
awshelpsudo apt-get install znc03:21
St1gma_awshelp: please run "which znc"03:21
regeditso my system *used* to delete older kernels (keeping 1 older version around, i think) automatically. but recently (after upgrading to 15.10 maybe?) all kernels keep piling up, old ones do not get autoremoved anymore03:22
awshelp   /usr/bin/znc03:22
awshelpi just tried to run this as a command also by accident03:22
awshelpdid i mes soemthign up03:22
SchrodingersScatregedit: I think I noticed the same thing :/  need to watch my /boot/ on a few vps now.03:23
St1gma_go back to your crontab and make sure that's what you have in there03:23
sruliawshelp: in ur crontab "crontab -l" change the path u put from /usr/local/bin/znc to usr/bin/znc03:23
St1gma_SchrodingersScat: doesn't "apt-get autoremove" work for you?03:24
SchrodingersScatwell, /usr/bin/znc03:24
SchrodingersScatSt1gma_: not in that situation, no03:24
nicomachusregedit: you can remove them manually.03:24
St1gma_so you might have to run update-grub203:24
nicomachusregedit: just make sure you don't remove all of them.03:24
awshelpsruli done03:25
sruliawshelp: yes, i forgot the leading / it should be /usr/bin/znc03:25
St1gma_I assume, because I have a couple of VPS on 15.10 and I don't have that issue03:25
awshelpyup i did that03:25
awshelpsudo service znc service?03:25
sruliawshelp: restart ur server wait however long u specified in ur crontab and see if it started03:25
SchrodingersScator you could sudo apt-get remove linux-image-{version} and then run an autoremove, what I've been doing, idk why you'd jump to manually removing them.03:25
awshelpunrecognized service03:25
awshelpbefore reboot03:26
awshelpshud i be concerned03:26
St1gma_yeah... I do autoremove, works.. first I hear about this issue03:26
regeditnicomachus: i would really love it if the previous behaviour continued where older kernels (2 releases back or so) were autoremoved...03:26
regeditnicomachus: any clue how that used to work, why it doesnt work now, and how can this behavior be restored?03:26
sruliawshelp: try "sudo service /usr/bin/znc status"03:27
awshelpok rebooting i will after its on03:27
nicomachusregedit: can you paste the contents of /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01autoremove-kernels03:28
awshelpit worked :-d03:28
nicomachusregedit: to a pastebin, please. :)03:28
regeditnicomachus: sure hang on, thanks...03:28
awshelpthank you so much sruli and St1gma and everyone else :-d <33333303:28
srulifor some03:28
regeditnicomachus: for some reason everyone gets the "never autoremove" treatment now: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14110847/03:29
regeditno wait03:29
nicomachusregedit: there are only 2 kernels there. that is normal, and advised.03:29
regedityes it does look good03:30
regeditso why do i have so many other kernels?03:30
SchrodingersScatnicomachus: so, that's a little interesting, in one machine it lists 2, in another it lists 3, I call shenanigans.  Note that the one that has 3 is the machine with the lowest /boot/03:30
nicomachusregedit: well, let's see what 'sudo ls /boot' looks like03:30
nicomachusregedit: yea... that is odd.03:31
nicomachusregedit: so apt-get autoremove catches nothing now?03:32
regeditnicomachus: before i rebooted, apt-get was claiming it "kept back" linux headers etc. but after booting into new kernel apt-get doesnt do anything about older kernels anymore :(03:33
nicomachusSchrodingersScat: you can check /etc/kernel/postinst.d/apt-auto-removal to see how many are set to be removed.03:33
regeditnicomachus: i do remember seeing some output from running that03:33
nicomachusregedit: "kept back" means it isn't installing them... you have to run apt-get dist-upgrade to install them.03:33
nicomachusregedit: that's referring to *new* kernel installs, not old ones.03:33
regeditnicomachus: ye exactly until i did dist-upgrade and rebooted03:33
regeditah ok03:34
spugTJ-: 4.2.0-22 working perfectly, amazing powers of deduction on picking that lvm2 was missing!03:34
IraLIs there anyone around who knows abount dual boot on modern UEFI?03:34
nicomachusregedit: so what do you get from ' dpkg -l | grep linux- '?03:34
gambl0reis npm the same thing as ruby gems?03:34
regeditnicomachus: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14110905/03:35
SchrodingersScat!info npm | gambl0re, looks like node.js treachery03:35
ubottugambl0re, looks like node.js treachery: npm (source: npm): package manager for Node.js. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.4.21+ds-2 (wily), package size 344 kB, installed size 1871 kB03:35
nicomachusregedit: ok. so what happens when you run autoremove?03:36
* regedit awaits further messages from nicomachus like a panting puppy with drooping tongue03:37
regeditat this point nothing03:37
nicomachusno treats for you.03:37
regeditnicomachus: there was output one time, but now nothing03:38
regedita bunch of lines starting with "Del" or something03:38
regeditis there a history log of apt-get autoremove i can examine?03:38
awshelpthanks again everyone cya03:39
IraLPlease anyone who can advise on dual boot with UEFI and SSD >>> Many Thanks03:39
nicomachusregedit: there is a log for apt-get at /var/log/apt/term.log but idk if it'll really tell you anything03:40
regeditIraL: feel free to ask your actual question. just spill the beans instead of asking to do so :)03:40
regeditnicomachus: ye i cant find that output in there..03:43
IraLSorry for being unclear just collected on Squaretrade Warranty after following Ubuntu Forum advice and repair-boot Want advice on forthcoming Digital Storm System with UEFI?SSD/etc03:43
nicomachusregedit: yea it's a pretty worthless log tbh. wish it was better. :/03:43
St1gma_gambl0re: yes, npm is the package manager for node.js where gem is the one for ruby. You might want to ask in those channels if you have any more questions.03:44
nicomachusregedit: this is 15.10 right?03:45
regeditnicomachus: yep, sure is03:45
regeditLinux regedit-U410 4.2.0-22-generic #27-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 17 22:57:08 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux03:45
nicomachusok, I'm just looking around to see if there's a bug report for this.03:45
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IraL@regedit Could you mention a "Canonical" site for good UEFI aand SSD dual booting advice03:47
ashzillaim wondering how i can install the unsquashfs tool03:47
regeditlsb-release shows DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu DISTRIB_RELEASE=15.10 DISTRIB_CODENAME=wily DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 15.10"03:47
nicomachusregedit: what's the output of ' apt-mark showmanual | grep linux-image '?03:48
regeditIraL: first few links here https://www.google.com/search?q=ubuntu%20uefi&rct=j03:48
regeditnicomachus: hm come to think of, i should mention i had troubles during upgrade 15.04 > 15.10 and had to apt-get -f install which deferred me to dpkg -a --configure which seemingly finished things, but yes maybe some became "manual"?...03:50
IraLMany Thanks actually had first 2 sites trying to disambiguate is there a contact person at Canonical on dual boot?03:50
regeditIraL: ask the specific detail/quote right here03:51
regeditnicomachus: well whadya know http://paste.ubuntu.com/14111019/03:52
regeditnicomachus: what does this mean? and why do newer kernels keep getting marked as manual?03:52
regeditor is it really only up to 4.2.0-1903:52
IraLThanks I'll have to wait till I buy new system following advice on earlier HP allin1 on ubuntu forums destroyed disk leading to warranty check now buying new system with SSD and fancy UEFi and scared :-(03:52
regeditnicomachus: ...which is the 1st kernel since upgrade to 15.1003:53
nicomachusregedit: those were all marked as manual?03:53
regeditnicomachus: that is the output i get from your command ^03:53
regeditnicomachus: if they were marked as manual, i have no idea how/why (unless the troublesome upgrade story i relayed before ^ )03:55
nicomachusok, well that explains it. I'm wondering if those were on the system whenever you upgraded to 15.10, and the upgrade somehow forced them to become marked as "manually installed". and since autoremove doesn't remove any manually installed packages, it won't remove them.03:55
regeditso is it just a matter of marking them as automatic?03:55
regeditSchrodingersScat: try this out03:56
nicomachusthe 4.2.0-19 kernel is marked properly, because that's how autoremove knows to not remove it. but those 3.19 kernels should be marked as "automatic" so that autoremove can clear them out.03:56
regeditSchrodingersScat: [22:48] <nicomachus> regedit: what's the output of ' apt-mark showmanual | grep linux-image '?03:56
SchrodingersScatregedit: nothing03:56
nicomachusnow, I don't know for SURE why those were marked manual. but I'm GUESSING it was because they were in the system during the upgrade... that's the only thing I can think of.03:56
regeditnicomachus: why should 4.2.0-19 not be removed?03:56
regeditSchrodingersScat: bummer...03:57
regeditah ok03:57
regeditplus maybe my troubles during the upgrade...03:57
nicomachusperhaps. what were those trouble again?03:57
nicomachusyou interrupted the upgrade, right?03:58
regeditnicomachus: system froze completely while doing something seemingly important (kernel upgrade perhaps?)03:58
regediti had to kill power, when rebooted i got grub recovery console03:58
regedithad to live CD boot-repair and update-grub03:59
nicomachusah that's right03:59
regeditafter which i did apt-get -f install which in turn told me to dpkg -a --configure03:59
nicomachuswell, go ahead and remove those older ones manually for now.04:00
regeditnicomachus: also the 4.2.0-19 right?04:00
nicomachusregedit: yes. just make sure to leave -21 and -2204:00
regeditjust for fun, i'd like to mark them as automatic and see if apt autoremoves them, or is this a terrible idea for some reason?04:00
nicomachushmm... should be fine.04:01
regeditnicomachus: oh but wait, which packages do i mark automatic? http://paste.ubuntu.com/14111106/04:02
regeditlinux-headers-* linux-signed-* linux-image-* ?04:03
regeditwhat about linux-generic04:03
regeditand linux-signed-generic04:03
nicomachuslinux-generic is the big one. but you may be getting yourself into a mess using regex on those...04:03
nicomachusjust do it carefully.04:04
regeditok i'll do 'em verbosely04:04
regeditbut all of those?04:04
regeditwtf is linux-sound-base04:04
regeditnicomachus: am i supposed to also remove the linux-(signed-)generic then?04:05
nicomachuseeeehhhh... that's an EFI thing right? I have no idea.04:06
regediti'll leave those alone then... too scared04:06
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FelishiaI'm trying to find the devel package for openjdk-7 but I can't find it04:12
FelishiaI find it for red hat and opensuse though04:13
nicomachusFelishia: 'sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre' doesn't work for you?04:14
Felishiaweird i thought I had that installed04:14
regeditnicomachus: alright looks like this was indeed the solution, rebooting now. thanks for the help!04:14
FelishiaI installed the android sdk but where in the world is adb?04:18
rwwin android-tools-adb04:18
k1l_ubuntu ships adb04:18
k1l_install android-tools-fastboot and android-tools-adb04:18
codepython777how do i make scp exclude /mnt/dev/* ? --exclude doesnt seem to work04:20
FelishiaI found it04:22
Felishiait's in platform-tools04:22
Felishiahowever it still says that I need the devel java jar libraries04:22
Felishiaso the jre didn't work for it04:22
Ben64what exactly is the error04:23
k1l_java 7 sounds somewhat old04:23
nicomachusk1l_: it is...04:23
nicomachus8 is current04:23
zykotick9codepython777: i believe --exclude is a rsync switch, not a scp one...04:23
codepython777zykotick9: how do i use it on a scp - rsync -e ssh seems to require rsync on the other end. And I'm not root on the other side. Cant install rsync04:24
Ben64rsync -e ssh04:25
zykotick9codepython777: sorry, i have no idea.  good luck.04:26
Ben64doesn't need rsync04:26
regeditnicomachus: now when i autoremove, apt wants to remove... 4.2.0-21 ? and when i check 01autoremove-kernels it actually has -19 and -22?? wtf http://paste.ubuntu.com/14112841/04:26
codepython777Ben64: it does!04:26
codepython777I just tried it , and complains that rync is not available on the other end04:26
xpruinedcodepython777: that's right. You don't have to take that. zykotick904:27
Ben64codepython777: oh weird it does04:27
codepython777Ben64: its lame!04:27
Ben64lame that you don't have rsync...04:27
xpruinednicomachus: funny huh04:28
codepython777Ben64: I'm not root - this machine doesnt even have gcc!04:31
nolsenI'm trying to remove Gnome3 but it seems I'm having a bit of problem, I tried purging it but gnome-session is still a command.04:31
nolsenWhat do I do?04:31
nicomachusnolsen: I believe you want to remove gnome-shell, not gnome-session.04:33
nolsennicomachus: gnome-shell will also delete other stuff.04:34
nolsenoh wait.04:34
nolsenPackage 'gnome-shell' is not installed, so not removed04:34
nolsennicomachus: I already deleted parts of the DE.04:35
nolsenBut the command is still there.04:35
nicomachusnolsen: why are you trying to remove it?04:36
nolsennicomachus: Because gnome is horrible.04:36
nicomachusaka, what's your end-goal here?04:36
nolsenI just want to remove it, it's shit.04:37
nicomachusplease use calm, polite language here.04:37
nolsenIt's a waste on my computer.04:39
nolsenBecause it's horrible.04:39
nolsenI don't know how to undo the installation.04:39
nolsenBecause it wants to delete other stuff I want...04:39
ericcaronhow to do what installation?04:39
ericcaronwhy would you want that gone?04:40
nicomachusnolsen: ok. what's the output of ' env | grep $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP '?04:40
jellynicomachus: you want to remove $ from that grep04:40
nolsen env | grep $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP : command not found04:40
Ben64nolsen: what do you want instead of gnome04:40
nicomachusjelly: no, I don't.04:41
nolsenBen64: I know what I want and how to get it, I just want to get rid of gnome DE.04:41
nolsenit's that simple of an answer...04:41
Ben64it isn't04:41
nicomachusnolsen: ok.04:42
Ben64install mini iso and choose exactly what you want then04:42
nicomachusnolsen: sudo apt-get install env04:42
jellybut then it returns more lines than just "which DE is running at present"04:42
nicomachusthen run that command again04:42
nicomachusjelly: no, it doesn't.04:42
ericcaronok you want to get rid of gnome , but don't want it to get rid of what? and what's replacing your "gnome"04:42
nicomachusjelly: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/14112928/04:43
nicomachusok... he left.04:43
nicomachusI was gonna help.04:44
Ben64he didn't want help04:44
jellynicomachus: so you grepped for "Unity".  If it were "KDE" for example, you'd have gotten 4-5 lines with all the env.vars containing KDE04:45
nicomachusjelly: and that's fine. I'm 90% positive he was running unity.04:45
ericcaronif he wanted help he would have stayed to listen to some ideas. he was in a hurry for a quick fix. quick fixes lead to bad things happening .... i know this a bit too well :)04:45
ericcaronquestion ( yes i am still very new to a lot of this) is Kubuntu generally slower at opening programs than other versions of Linux?04:47
ericcaronmust be something with my macbook pro then (wrong version to install on an older macbook)....04:48
nicomachusericcaron: you may look into a lighter distro like lubuntu or xubuntu.04:49
* jelly wonders which release has /usr/bin/env not be part of coreutils package04:49
nicomachusjelly: get over it. I gave the command to get the info I wanted to help him.04:49
ericcaroni was thinking the same thing nico... i have pretty much kubuntu and 2 skins installed. net works everything works nice  just seems sluggish04:50
jellynicomachus: I'm over it.  env not in path is a different thing.04:50
django_im on lubuntu, when i hit crtl tab i accidentally hit something else and all the programs open, left from the start bar dissappear04:51
django_but they are still open04:51
django_i cant alt tab to them either04:51
django_alt tab**04:51
ericcaronam i able to do a direct install from the terminal/command  of xubuntu?04:52
nicomachusdjango_: you probably switch workspaces. (if lubuntu has them)04:52
ericcaronyou should be able to disable the workspaces if you don't plan on using them django :)04:52
django_ericcaron, how do i swtich to it04:53
ericcaronnot sure on your current version it should be in your settings. to change the keys to swap desktop environment etc.04:53
django_ericcaron, im hitting alt tab and i accidentally remove everything04:54
django_but programs remain open04:54
django_with their same states04:54
ericcaronyes thats your key combination to swap around work spaces.... need to locate your work spaces in your settings.04:54
ericcaronbottom left corner should pop up a menu with all your programs like system settings , applications and such04:55
django_ctrl alt tab isnt doing it04:55
nicomachusdjango_: try Ctrl+Alt+left/right arrows04:56
ericcaron^ or try that :)04:56
django_omg ty04:56
nicomachusthat do it?04:56
hheehi guys. which image editor (resize, crop, hue save in others format) in linux can i use?04:57
ericcaronlol if you want to keep it do that if not well try my suggestion later lol04:57
nicomachus!gimp | hhee04:57
ubottuhhee: gimp is an advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information.04:57
hheenicomachus, i know it. but it's very big. i m not want so many features. just e few for some basic edition04:58
nicomachushhee: ah, ok. imagemagick can do that, but it's a command-line program. shotwell and pinta may also be of interest.04:59
fzecthe best one is Gimp05:00
fzecbut the easiest is Kolourpaint05:01
ericcaronother ones work nicely too. but gimp like hhee said is kind of large :)05:01
hheenicomachus, oh tnx. command line - not that i'm need. (i need manual edit) shotwell and pinta - i'll check it tnx :)05:01
nicomachusgood luck.05:01
hheenicomachus, wow it seems cool http://pinta-project.com/05:02
nicomachusI've never used it, but it seems similar to MS Paint05:02
hheenicomachus, i think more powerfull05:05
nicomachushhee: the story of linux :)05:06
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Gallomimiagrub-install: warning: File system `ext2' doesn't support embedding.05:10
Gallomimiagrub-install: error: embedding is not possible, but this is required for RAID and LVM install.05:10
Gallomimiaum. i think i'm doing something wrong...05:10
ericcaronwhat are you trying to embed Gallomimia?05:10
Gallomimiawell, i'm trying to install grub to a separate /boot partition05:11
Gallomimiasince i have most of my disk allocated to raid05:11
ericcarondo you already have it on one?05:11
ericcarondo you have a spare partition? have you made a partition for it?05:12
Gallomimiasda1 is 249 mb ext2 for /boot and sda2 is 1gb ext3 for /boot/EFI im not quite sure how it goes05:12
ericcaronmight not be a good idea to do it on a raid partition just yet. ( wouldn't want to wreck anything)05:12
Gallomimiai put those partitions in before raiding05:13
Gallomimiasda3 is 2TB for raid05:13
ericcaroni had a friend do it incorrectly and wrecked the raid setup badly....05:13
Gallomimiawell everything is fine for now, except the boot isn't working05:13
ericcaronwhat message are you getting at the boot? anything?05:14
Gallomimiaand i need to embed lvm and dmcrypt in my initrd05:14
Gallomimiauh... gee i haven't tried booting from that in awhile05:14
Gallomimiafor now i have ubuntu installed on a flash drive :/ supah-slow05:14
ericcaronhave you googled up a raid support for the grub you are attempting to instal?05:15
ericcaroni think theres a seperate one specific for raid set ups. could be wrong though05:16
Gallomimiai had this working once before... the installer fluked into it this one time but i haven't been able to repeat the process05:16
ericcaronshame u didnt have a backup of how it was when it was working could have pulled the backup for a repair05:17
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ericcaronwould be able to help out more if i had an idea of what things looked like .05:19
regeditnicomachus: (still there?) does it make sense that 10autoremove-kernels would in fact retain 4.2.0-19 and -22 but not -21 ?05:22
nicomachusregedit: no, not really. did you mark all those as auto-installed? including the -19?05:23
regeditnicomachus: yes... should i not have?05:24
nicomachuswell I don't think it matters, really, but it probably has something do with that.05:25
ericcaron*is curious about this auto-remove kernel.05:26
regeditoh well i'll just wait for another kernel release and see then...05:28
regeditnicomachus: where was it located again please?05:28
nicomachusregedit: where was what located?05:28
regeditnvm found it /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01autoremove-kernels05:29
regeditericcaron: ^05:29
regeditalso /etc/kernel/postinst.d/apt-auto-removal05:29
nicomachusyep. I would NOT recommend editing those.05:30
nicomachusunless you know EXACTLY what you're doing.05:30
ericcaronso if i remove some of the kernal will this speed my Kubuntu up  some? lol05:30
ericcaroni know to keep at least the last 3 kernels ... just in cast05:30
nicomachusericcaron: not likely....05:30
ericcarongood thing my laptop is for testing only lol and not an expensive new one to get stupid with ;)05:31
nicomachusericcaron: if you want you can check 'sudo ls /boot' to see how many kernels are chillin there05:32
regeditaight im off, cheers05:32
ericcaronheh i def will one sec.05:33
ericcaronnot as many as i thought.   so not worth touching just yet05:35
ericcaron:P lots to learn     thank goodness i have something to test things on ;)05:38
ericcaronsteam work decent if i wanted to try out some games via kubuntu? or still a lot of bugs to fix?05:47
nicomachusericcaron: steam is great on linux now. not a TON of games, but lots. and lots more on the way.05:47
ericcaronhmm hoping to at least get something working on my old macbook :P just to see it play something would be nice05:48
foxletI seem to have an issue with a C710’s trackpad under
foxletIt doesn’t work at all.05:49
ericcarontry enabling your trackpad?05:49
ericcaronhas it ever worked or just stopped working?05:49
foxletericcaron: The trackpad can’t be disabled as far as I’m aware, and it has worked before.05:50
nicomachusfoxlet: yes it can. when did it stop working?05:50
foxletnicomachus: When making the move from Ubuntu 12.04 to 14.04.05:50
foxletVia a clean installation.05:50
ericcaronyou probably just need to go under the devices section in your system settings and just turn it on :) i had to do the same for my macbook pro05:51
nicomachusfoxlet: ah, ok. apparently ubuntu blacklists a pretty key module for that particular trackpad.05:51
foxletnicomachus: I had already removed the blacklist for the i2c module if that’s what you’re referring to.05:51
* nicomachus stops typing the long command he was entering...05:51
nicomachuswell then.05:51
Gallomimiasigh... i just want grub to work. that's all05:52
foxletericcaron: Devices section?05:55
nicomachusfoxlet: system settings --> Mouse & Touchpad05:56
ericcaronwhat nico said :)05:56
ericcaronsometimes they simply disable them. and the easiest solution is well easy05:57
foxletericcaron: Nothing notable there.05:57
nicomachuseverytime someone says "nico" I start singing The Velvet Underground...05:57
nicomachusfoxlet: there's an interesting setup script on this forum page that may be helpful in some way: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=219018705:58
nicomachusfoxlet: just looking at the commands the guy did from within his ubuntu VM.06:00
foxletnicomachus: It seems to be for the C720.06:00
nicomachushmm... so it is.06:00
ericcaronlets cross fingers and hope it works for ya ;)06:01
nicomachusI wouldn't06:02
ericcaronno fingers nico? lol06:02
nicomachussince it mostly seems to be dealing with the i2c modules issue.06:02
nicomachusfoxlet: after removing the blacklist did you reset the proper loading order?06:03
nicomachusfoxlet: echo "softdep chromeos_laptop pre: i2c-core i2c-i801 cyapa" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/chromeos_laptop.conf06:04
foxletnicomachus: The order in /etc/modules?06:04
nicomachusfoxlet: not sure, I'm looking at this: https://www.reddit.com/r/chrubuntu/comments/34d6qs/help_acer_c710_touchpad_support_with_ubuntu_1504/cqtr1xd06:05
nicomachushan-solo_: hello06:08
ericcaroncurious nico. you ever play around with kali os? :P06:11
nicomachusnope. just ubuntu. and only started around ~12.0406:11
ericcaronah  started kubuntu on my macbook pro first gen intel ... middle of last month.06:12
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ericcaronLong road of learning via trial and error ahead of me i am sure of it . :)06:14
nicomachusonly way to learn.06:15
foxletnicomachus: Nope, no changes.06:15
ericcaroni sure did learn. had the (inramfs) error :P showed that error who's boss though ;)06:16
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:16
nicomachusfoxlet: ok. do you have an external mouse lying around?06:16
nicomachusGuest24902: what's your issue?06:16
foxletI tried out Ubuntu back when 7.10 was a thing.06:16
foxletnicomachus: Yes, I’ve been using a Bluetooth mouse during the whole convo.06:17
foxletConnected it via terminal commands.06:18
nicomachusfoxlet: ok. what's the output of ' cat /proc/bus/input/devices '?06:18
foxletnicomachus: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14113278/06:21
nicomachusfoxlet: hmm... doesn't seem to be detecting your touchpad at all. so it's definitely a kernel issue.06:23
han-solo_hey, why can't we assign shortcuts to <escape> key?06:23
nicomachuswhat are the contents of your /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf ?06:23
nicomachusfoxlet: ^06:23
ericcaronhan-solo_: because it's your only way to escape ;)06:24
han-solo_that's what i wanted to do ;)06:24
han-solo_instead of <alt+f4>06:25
nixon1I have Ubuntu 15.10 x86_64 running on my system. I'm facing a very strange problem.06:25
ericcarontry a combo it should work no? like alt+esc?06:25
ericcaronwhats the problem nixon106:25
han-solo_i was thinking, just <esc> :)06:25
foxletericcaron: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1411328706:25
nicomachus!ask | nixon106:25
ubottunixon1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:25
nixon1When I boot into system , it doesn't shows the login screen. Instead it presents a grey screen.06:25
nicomachus!nomodeset | nixon106:26
ubottunixon1: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter06:26
nicomachusnixon1 try this ^06:26
ericcaronthanx fox having a gander at it :)06:26
nixon1the only work around I've got is to go to tty1, then sudo pm-suspend then wake up and killall Xorg presents the login screen06:26
nicomachusLOL, foxlet don't kill me.. but try putting a space after the # on your ic2 there.06:27
nixon1I have intel+amd graphics cards06:27
nicomachusfoxlet: or just erase that completely.06:27
foxletnicomachus: I removed the line at one point, which didn’t change anything.06:28
Sniper41mhow can i see the running processes? or like an alternative to task manager in windows. what is the command ?06:28
nicomachusSniper41m: htop06:28
nixon1adding nomodeset to boot parameter doesn't help06:28
han-solo_sniper: ps aux06:29
han-solo_will do, i guess06:29
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nicomachusnixon1: is this a fresh install?06:30
ericcaronyou able to take a snap and pop it on here for us to have a look at what you are seeing nixon1?06:31
nicomachusericcaron: if he can't login he can't screenshot. :)06:31
han-solo_except with an external camera ;)06:31
nicomachuspfffft. like everyone carries one of those in their pocket or something...06:32
ericcaroncellphone ;) nico :P06:32
* foxlet takes out his DSLR06:32
ericcaronit seems to be same error i fixed quite easily but i want to be sure nico106:33
nicomachusfoxlet: well, I'm a bit out of ideas on that touchpad... you may try submitting a bug report and see if anything comes up. see this page for more info on what they'll request for that: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingTouchpadDetection06:33
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han-solo_i wish there was an ubuntu distro named 'yodabuntu' :)06:33
nicomachusnixon1: is this a fresh install or upgrade or existing or what?06:34
foxletnicomachus: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14113316/06:34
ericcaronso grey screen. no error messages? can't type nothing in nixon1?06:34
foxletdmesg seems to show some warnings.06:34
ericcaronyou do any "fixes" of any kind like fsck before fox?06:35
ericcaronseems virtually all issues i've ever ran into seem to get fixed with it.... (not all but the few ive run into)06:36
nicomachusfoxlet: it really, really seems to point to that i2c issue.06:37
han-solo_i need a raspberry pie 2 B06:37
nicomachusfoxlet: just for sanity sake, and to double check, let's run these commands again.06:37
nicomachusfoxlet: sed 's/blacklist i2c_i801/#blacklist i2c_i801/g' -i /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf06:38
nicomachusthen: echo "softdep chromeos_laptop pre: i2c-core i2c-i801 cyapa" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/chromeos_laptop.conf06:38
foxletnicomachus: Checking with nano, the contents seem to be there.06:38
nicomachusfoxlet: just run the commands anyway. :)06:39
nixon1nicomachus: any help?06:39
han-solo_i had some problems with the <chromium> browser. It just restarts my system whenever i close the browser06:39
foxletnicomachus: The sed regex replacement and the write with echo?06:39
nicomachusnixon1: I asked you a couple questions that I'm waiting for an answer on06:39
nicomachusfoxlet: yes.06:40
nixon1I got disconnected. can you please repost the questions? nicomachus06:40
nicomachusnixon1: is this a fresh install, an upgrade, or what?06:41
foxletnicomachus: OK, they were executed.06:41
nicomachusfoxlet: now reboot and see if there's any change.06:42
nixon1nicomachu: it is an upgrade. No fresh install after 12.0406:42
nicomachusnixon1: ok. and you're on 14.04 now?06:42
nixon1nicomachus: on 15.1006:43
han-solo_you use a graphics card?06:43
foxletnicomachus: Nope, no change.06:43
nicomachusfoxlet: it's gotta be some sort of bug then.06:43
nixon1han-solo: yes. intel + amd hd 8670m06:43
han-solo_remove the graphics card and see06:43
nicomachusnixon1: can you get to TTY?06:44
nixon1nicomachus: yes06:44
nicomachusnixon1: ok, go to a TTY and login, then ' lspci | grep VGA ', let's see what driver you're working with.06:45
nixon1nicomachus: right now I'm logged in to gui06:45
nicomachusoh? how'd you get that working?06:46
nixon1nicomachus: went to tty, then 'sudo pm-suspend', then after waking up, 'sudo killall Xorg'06:47
nicomachushuh. ok then. well instead of lspci do ' sudo lshw -C video ' and paste the output to a pastebin, then link here.06:47
nixon1nicomachu: this get's the login screen, and I can log. But needs to be repeated every time I boot06:47
nicomachusyea it's probably a video driver issue. let's see what you're working with with that lshw command.06:48
nixon1nicomachus: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14113373/06:49
nixon1han-solo_:it's a laptop06:50
nicomachusnixon1: didn't you say AMD HD?06:50
han-solo_ow. sorry06:50
nixon1nicomachus: result of lspci http://paste.ubuntu.com/14113377/06:51
ericcaronzero latency nice :P06:51
nicomachusnixon1: do you know if you were using the radeon driver or the fglrx before this upgrade?06:52
nixon1I was06:52
nicomachusthose are two different options... which was it06:52
nixon1nicomachus: radeon06:53
nicomachusnixon1: ok. form a terminal, ' sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-radeon '06:54
nicomachusfrom a terminal **06:54
nicomachusnot form06:54
nixon1nicomachus: xserver-xorg-video-radeon is already the newest version06:55
nicomachusok, let's try switching it to the fglrx then.06:55
* jpx21 quit06:56
nicomachuseasiest way is to do it with the "additional drivers" menu in your software sources06:56
JeDajpx21: /quit06:56
nicomachusjpx21: /quit06:56
jpx21tx ;)06:56
JeDanicomachus: ninja'd06:56
jpx21you guys use irssi?06:57
nicomachusyes, but that's not on-topic here.06:57
nixon1nicomachus: I tried . Didn't work06:57
nicomachusnixon1: you switched the driver but still get the grey screen?06:57
ericcaronhave you tried06:58
nixon1nicomachus: yes. I've already tried06:58
ericcaronfsck /dev/sda1  ( or whatever number its installed on? )06:58
jpx21but i just installed irssi on my ubuntu server and I want to use tmux to have it constantly logged in06:58
ericcaronit usually can fix most errors.06:59
nicomachusericcaron: what06:59
jpx21and when i installed irssi it said to head over to #ubuntu06:59
nixon1nicomachus: weird thing is that i get the login screen after pm-suspend and killall Xorg from tty06:59
nicomachusyea... killing xorg made me think it was the xorg radeon driver giving issues.07:00
nixon1nicomachus: killall Xorg without pm-suspend doesn't work07:00
ericcaronfsck /dev/sda1   (used this to fix a boot two seperate boot errors.07:00
nixon1gives the same issue07:00
nicomachusnixon1: pm-suspend is power management, right? odd07:00
nixon1nicomachus: yeah07:01
ericcaronbug in the power management. did linux get a fix for the  delete  button login bypass hack?07:01
ericcaronhitting the delete button exactly 28 times bypasses all the login stuff and gets you straight to the desktop.07:02
nicomachusnixon1: the RadeonDriver page on the ubuntu wiki has a grub parameter for DPM. perhaps try adding ' radeon.dpm=1 ' after quiet splash on the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT line?07:03
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nixon1nicomachus: let me try07:04
han-solo2i hate this lag07:05
nixon1too much lag07:05
=== han-solo2 is now known as han-solo_
* nicomachus has no lag...07:06
han-solo_i have like 5Kbps max speed07:06
han-solo_how pathetic07:06
ericcaronno lag in here at all (only thing that doesnt have lag lol)07:07
* han-solo_ is using a dial-up conn.07:07
ericcaroni hope nixon1 has issue fixed :)07:07
nicomachushan-solo_: that's unfortunate. :( http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/14113424/07:07
han-solo_what's that?07:08
nicomachusa speedtest from my machine.07:08
han-solo_you're not gonna make me jealous, are you? :)07:08
nicomachusjust a bit.07:08
foxletI guess no one has an idea on the trackpad, then.07:09
nicomachusfoxlet: I'm all out, man. I'm sorry.07:09
nicomachusand the real experts are all sleeping.07:09
han-solo_asfdjafh sdkjsfkljf07:09
nicomachuslanguage, han-solo_07:09
han-solo_i'm gonna kill myself07:09
nicomachus:) let's keep the off-topic chat to a minimum.07:10
foxletnicomachus: I find it difficult to file a bug since I don’t even know the manufacturer of the trackpad.07:10
nicomachusfoxlet: Asus..07:10
foxletI don’t think the i2c bus provides it either.07:10
foxletnicomachus: The laptop is made by Acer...07:10
han-solo_nico:64 bytes from telehack.com ( icmp_seq=326 ttl=53 time=2979 ms07:11
nicomachusright. acer.07:11
nicomachushan-solo_: that's a ping, not a speedtest.07:11
foxletnicomachus: I’m not sure if the trackpad model would be “Acer” though.07:11
han-solo_dude, see the time07:11
ericcaronmaybe ask asus about it? who knows...... i don't think chromeos is widely supported just yet   but starting to fox07:11
nicomachusfoxlet: just provide as much info as possible.07:11
rwwacer is not asus.07:12
foxletericcaron: It’s Acer.07:12
nicomachusspirit__: hi07:12
spirit__wow it works07:12
foxletericcaron: Also, chromeos was completely wiped from this machine, so I don’t see how it would be relevant.07:12
Gallomimiawell, i managed to get my grub trying to mount my raid. it failed for some reason... and it was installed on the wrong device :P07:12
nicomachusspirit__: do you have an ubuntu support question?07:12
ericcarontry troubleshooting with acer.  for the hardware side.07:12
ericcaronit may be they already have something you can use to fix the issue :)07:13
Gallomimiahow frightening. what i lucked into to fix it i'll never know07:13
nixon1nicomachus:on boot I get radeon 0000:03:00.0: VCE init error07:13
nicomachusspirit__: ok, this channel is strictly for ubuntu support. you can chat on #ubuntu-offtopic or ask about IRC on #freenode07:13
nixon1nicomachus: and the same issue persists07:13
foxletericcaron: Windows and 12.04 work with the trackpad, so I don’t believe it would be hardware.07:14
foxletdmidecode also reports the trackpad to be enabled in 14.04, so it’s quite odd.07:14
nixon1nicomachus: also it takes around 1 minute to get to TTY07:15
nicomachusfoxlet: it's a kernel bug.07:15
ericcaronyou do any other repairs like fsck ?07:15
nicomachusnixon1: I'm getting out of my depth, but you said you tried the proprietary drivers?07:15
foxletericcaron: You got an example?07:15
nixon1nicomachus: yes07:15
nicomachusnixon1: both of them? fglrx and fglrx-updates?07:16
nixon1nicomachus: yes07:16
nicomachusnixon1: what's the laptop model? to check for bugs or similar issues07:16
ericcarona simple one would be (from terminal) fsck /dev/sda1 hit enter and hit yes to all if there is anything to be fixed07:16
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nixon1nicomachus: dell inspiring 353707:17
nicomachusericcaron: fsck checks the filesystem, not the kernel or drivers. it won't work here.07:17
nixon1ericcaron: I have done it for other issues07:18
nixon1ericcaron: it doesn't fix this issue07:18
ericcaronah ok. well keep trying until you get something don't give up.07:18
Sniper41m<han-solo_> which ps command would show me most cup and momeory usage process, for eg: in descending order07:19
nicomachusnixon1: what kernel are you running? (uname -a)07:19
=== han-solo2 is now known as han-solo_
nicomachus!htop | Sniper41m07:20
han-solo_sniper: did you try google07:20
nicomachusugh. Sniper41m: htop will show that, plus running processes.07:20
han-solo_anyway, ps aux | sort -nr -k 4 | head -507:21
Sniper41mhtop didn't work, it asked to install doing sudo apt-get,  but top worked07:21
nicomachusSniper41m: yes, you'll have to install htop.07:21
han-solo_that'll do07:21
Sniper41mthanks guys07:21
phoenix911anyone having solution for this eclipse error ?07:21
phoenix911org.eclipse.m2e.logback.configuration: The org.eclipse.m2e.logback.configuration bundle was activated before the state location was initialized.  Will retry after the state location is initialized.07:21
nixon1nicomachus: 4.2.0-16-generic #19-Ubuntu SMP07:22
nicomachusnixon1: that's just a bit behind. run a 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'07:22
nixon1nicomachus: okay07:22
JohnConstantinehi all, how can I share my Ethernet over wireless? so that I can use my laptop as hotspot for other devices07:23
nixon1nicomachus: it will take some time. I'm on a slower net07:23
nicomachusnixon1: ok. beyond that, I'm out of ideas.07:23
nicomachusand I've gotta go to bed, gf is yelling for me.07:24
nicomachusnight all.07:24
han-solo_sniper: and gnome-system-monitor, will give you sufficient info, i guess07:24
ericcaronbet you it will fix the issue :P *crossing fingers for nixon1*07:24
nixon1nicomachus: thanks man07:24
han-solo_later nico07:24
awshelpshould i have a firewall running on ubuntu znc server?07:24
awshelpor is aws instance security groups enough?07:25
JohnConstantinehi all, how can I share my Ethernet over wireless? so that I can use my laptop as hotspot for other devices07:25
Ben64JohnConstantine: https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/net-wireless-adhoc.html07:26
ericcaronanyone know of a command to get my first gen intel macbook pro fans to stay on max all the time? ( they kick in but not long , i don't care about the noise  , would like them on all the time)07:29
ericcaroneh i'll have to come back later  , just realised the time >.<07:32
awshelphey guys, or is aws instance security groups enough? or is aws instance security groups enough?07:32
c|onemanon OSX it's SMCfancontrol07:32
awshelphey guys, should i have a firewall running on ubuntu znc server?or is aws instance security groups enough? **07:32
Ben64awshelp: patience07:33
awshelpok sorry07:33
c272firewalls do very little for security07:34
c|onemanwhen he comes back later this is what he wanted http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2013/11/ppa-install-fan-control-ubuntu-macbook/07:34
awshelpim trying to protect myself07:35
awshelpany tips?07:35
c272now if you want to have some good security just focus on who can access what, and when07:35
c272and then how07:35
c272also log everything07:35
c272and i mean logs of logs07:35
c272also segregate everything, and backup stuff both online and offline07:36
han-solo_we should have something like,"!add http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2013/11/ppa-install-fan-control-ubuntu-macbook/" and it will add to the log and return a number07:36
awshelpwhat i am trying to do is prevent the znc port from getting ddosed mainly07:36
Ben64you can't07:36
han-solo_so we can access it like '!show <number>'07:36
c|onemanif your AWS instance just runs ZNC and nothing else, you don't have much to protect except your IRC logs07:36
c272awshelp: then the best soultion is something upstream, like another spam server07:36
awshelpi cant put a limit on the maximum number of incoming connections?07:36
c272awshelp: or then get something like a cloud service to port through07:37
c272so the service takes the brunt of the attack07:37
c272and then your servers are okay07:37
awshelpsounds costly07:38
c272it can be07:38
awshelptrying to do this with minimum cost07:38
c272but what you need depends on the threat model07:38
c272awshelp: so what's your threat model?07:38
Ben64then don't worry about it, you can't stop a ddos07:38
awshelpi am a noob07:38
awshelpdont knwo what a threat model is07:39
awshelpi cant even type^07:39
c272awshelp: you model your possible threats, and what is an acceptable level of security to you...07:39
awshelphmm ok07:40
c272so who are you trying to stop?07:40
han-solo_people do ddos these days? :/07:40
c272so skids07:40
awshelpi got ddossed last week07:40
c272i'd suggest to pay for a cloud hosting service, and let them deal with the ddos07:41
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:41
lotuspsychjeguys keep it ubuntu related issues please07:41
c272lotuspsychje: this is an ubuntu server issue07:41
lotuspsychjec272: #ubuntu-server to the rescue07:41
c272awshelp: my suggestion is to ask the guys in ##security they'll be better for your problems07:42
awshelpok thanks for help guys07:42
donatello673Hello. I've been trying to get Linux running on my PC. My previous attempt failed for some reason, so I'm trying again with Ubuntu.. I have a simple question:07:50
donatello673To prepare a USB for my PC with Ubuntu, I need to run this command: hdiutil convert -format UDRW -o ~/path/to/target.img ~/path/to/ubuntu.iso07:50
foxletdonatello673: Does your PC have UEFI support?07:50
donatello673my question is very noobish.. I just need to know how to start the path to my file.07:51
donatello673foxlet: I don't know.07:51
donatello673it's fairly new07:51
donatello673i've installed something on it via USB before07:51
c|onemanI use actual DVDs because I don't like to learn new things.07:51
donatello673got no DVDs or DVD player07:51
donatello673I'd have to burn a DVD at an internet cafe07:51
foxletdonatello673: It may be better to create a Fat32 filesystem on your USB flash drive, then copy the contents of the ISO.07:51
donatello673foxlet: just copy ? :O07:52
donatello673that could work?07:52
donatello673http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-mac-osx should mention that..07:52
han-solo_with a loader07:52
foxletdonatello673: If it’s an UEFI PC, there shouldn’t be a need to do anything else.07:52
donatello673foxlet: I will bloody try07:52
donatello673han-solo_: what do you mean with a loader?07:53
foxletdonatello673: Note that it means to copy the contents from the mounted ISO in OS X, not just copying the .iso as a single file.07:53
donatello673Yeah. If I extract the ISO I'll get the contents.07:54
donatello673do I want GUID or MBR?07:55
Ben64donatello673: why can't you follow the steps you posted07:56
foxletdonatello673: UEFI installations usually uses a GUID partition style.07:57
donatello673Ben64: simplyl because I don't know how to start the path to the .iso07:57
donatello673foxlet: do I copy the contents of the folder or the folder with the contents in it?07:57
Ben64did you see the tip at the top of the instructions07:58
donatello673Ben64: I didn't, but I tried that and it didn't work. I must've done it work despite the dragging.07:59
foxletdonatello673: It would be the contents of the folder.08:00
donatello673I tried installing trisquel and it just hands with a blinking underscore. Putting Ubuntu on the USB with an app to write the image didn't make a difference to the PC and it still boots up thinking trisquel is there08:05
donatello673so i might just get a DVD I guess08:05
Blueratehello everyone, I deleted complete downloaded file of utorrent and when I try to open gui, I am getting this error08:07
BluerateFile not found during integrity check: ./resume.dat.old08:07
Bluerateany advice08:07
=== stagnator1 is now known as stagnator
c|onemanBluerate: utorrent is not an ubuntu program08:09
Blueratec|oneman you mean I don't have to ask it here08:10
c|onemanI mean utorrent is a windows program08:10
c|onemanhow do you expect it to run on linux?08:10
auronandace!appdb | Bluerate08:11
ubottuBluerate: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help08:11
donatello673Ben64: i can't imagine what I'm doing wrong08:11
c|onemandonatello673: that's what I usually do after spending 10minutes trying to make a USB.08:12
c|onemanI give it a fair chance, then I move on with my life08:12
Blueratec|oneman, auronandace & ubottu: but I am using it on ubuntu 14.0408:13
c|onemanswitch to a native application like deluge or transmission08:13
bazhangthere is a linux version of it08:14
floadanyone ever been in EFI boot hell? Ive been trying to install linux mint on this damn intel baytrail mini pc, and I finally got it installed but now i cant boot into it only can boot into the liveusb, Ive tried boot-repair and a few different grub commands but it always boots me into EFI shell08:14
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org08:14
floadit doesnt matter if its mint or vanilla ubuntu it still wont boot08:16
floadthis is more of a bios problem/ efi08:16
bazhangfload, try ##linux then or the mintsupport channel08:17
rwwwhich Mint will happily help you with.08:17
floadok thanks08:17
bazhangBluerate, thats the linux version, correct?08:18
Blueratebazhang: yes08:18
bazhangBluerate, its not part of the ubuntu repos, but you could see if utorrent has an irc channel here on freenode, and/or try their support forums on the web08:19
bazhangBluerate, you can use alis to find the utorrent channel if any here; going for transmission, or any of the very well supported ubuntu ones is an option as well08:20
bazhang /msg alist list utorrent  <---- bluerate for the first alis search08:20
=== captain is now known as Guest72590
Blueratebazhang: thank you08:21
bazhangBluerate, on the plus side for transmission is no ads ever, and no paid version, supports magnet links very well08:22
bazhang!info transmission08:22
ubottutransmission (source: transmission): lightweight BitTorrent client. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.84-1ubuntu1 (wily), package size 1 kB, installed size 29 kB08:22
Blueratebazhang I don't get ur last comment08:24
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bazhangBluerate, an excellent native no outside repo torrent client is transmission08:25
auronandaceBluerate: is there a feature you need from utorrent that transmission doesn't have? why not use transmission?08:25
bazhangBluerate, modern torrent clients have something called magnet links08:26
=== HoloIRCUser2 is now known as nixon2
Bluerateauronandance how to use transmission08:26
bazhangBluerate, transmission has good support for those08:26
bazhangsudo apt install transmission   Bluerate08:27
tlttransmission has been in ubuntu for a while08:27
tlthe should have it already.08:28
auronandaceyes, default08:28
Blueratebazhang I installed but how to benefit from it with that issue08:28
bazhangthought that was deluge08:28
tltnah it's actually transmission, bazhang.08:28
tltbeen there a while too08:28
bazhangBluerate, no way, thats where you ask the utorrent forums, not here08:29
Blueratebazhang okay I understand08:29
red_racer12what's the easiest way to create a usb install with persistance? ubootnetin never finishes for me, booting into a live environment and running start up disk creator fails08:30
red_racer12i'm kinda perplexed08:30
tltinstall to the usb device just as if you would install to a harddrive08:31
bazhangred_racer12, why from a live environment08:31
tltthen you have a full system on that usb device.08:31
red_racer12okay tlt i will install to the usb as if i were to install to a hard drive right now.08:31
tltgood luck!08:31
red_racer12bazhang: well, i will start from the beginning, i have a freenas system with dying hard drives, i want to test all the drives using ubuntu disk utiilty.08:31
red_racer12so i have a usb stick with ubuntu, i thought hey let me use that. unfortunately it isnt that reliable for 8tb drives08:32
tlt8tb usb stick?08:32
red_racer12i think testing from a live environment might be the problem, so i wanna test from an installed environment08:32
red_racer128tb x 4 seagate drives in gen8 hp proliant microserver08:33
=== cpaelzer is now known as cpaelzer_afk
dk00U guys recommend any of these https://www.thefanclub.co.za/how-to/how-secure-ubuntu-1204-lts-server-part-1-basics08:45
cvetkohello everyone, how are you, I could find how configure unbound dns with dnscrypt, i think that can improve my privacy  to encrypt my dns request .... even if the dns is in localhost08:47
slidinghorn dk00 there are plenty of good ideas in the article, what in particular do you need help with?08:47
* slidinghorn is about to go to sleep, but he'll try to help in the next couple minutes if he can08:49
dk00Sorry walked away08:50
dk00Nothing really08:50
dk00Just looking for good idea08:50
dk00I am noobish mostly08:50
dk00Thanks slidinghorn08:50
slidinghorndk00: try not to use the enter button as punctuation..makes things hard to follow for others.  In terms of a lot of that article's specifics, I'm not really that familiar, but I'd strongly recommend googling several of those topics, such as configuring your firewall (though it mentions ufw for a server, which is...unconventional..)08:53
=== cpaelzer_afk is now known as cpaelzer
slidinghornd00: My point is that the article brings several good points to the table, but doesn't seem to take very practical approaches to them.08:54
slidinghorndk00 ^^08:55
* slidinghorn is off to bed. Good night folks - good luck!08:56
dk00Thanks slidinghorn nn08:57
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dk00What is used in place of ufw for server?08:57
calon361How do I run and debug a MIPS executable?08:58
morrwinHey guys, can any of you tell me a good debian distro that can handle 4k screen scaling, I need it to be 1.5x. So far only Ubuntu/Unity has the option and I think the newest Kubuntu KDE. Gnome and stuff only do 1 or 2x.08:58
bazhangmorrwin, ##linux for general linux stuff08:59
mrsam_hi all...which port i good for SSH?08:59
bazhangdk00, did you mean iptables08:59
mrsam_hi all...which port is good for SSH?08:59
dk00Thanks bazhang08:59
bazhang!ssh | mrsam_08:59
ubottumrsam_: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)08:59
bazhangmrsam_, read the Full links09:00
mrsam_tnx :)09:00
bazhangcalon361, isnt that a ##programming issue ?09:00
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ducassedk00: You can use something like ferm, it uses iptables but is easier to write and maintain rules for than to write them directly for iptables.09:03
MonkeyDust!find ferm09:04
ubottuFound: ferm, transfermii, transfermii-gui09:04
Guest58323is there a music player for ubuntu that has a proper genre list like itunes does09:05
bazhangnot sure what you mean by 'propre09:06
bazhangmost all of them09:07
MonkeyDustGuest58323  audacious is easy to use09:07
bazhangtry rhythmbox for that iTunes-y feel09:07
MonkeyDustor exaile09:07
baizonGuest58323: I'm using clementine09:08
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dk00Thanks ducasse09:09
Guest58323plus is there away to play blue ray movies on linux09:11
ducassedk00: There are some tutorials for it out there, just do a search. It's quite easy to get to grips with compared to writing iptables rules directly.09:11
bazhangmplayer has supported for a long while now Guest5832309:12
bazhang!info smplayer09:12
ubottusmplayer (source: smplayer): complete front-end for MPlayer and MPlayer2. In component universe, is optional. Version 14.9.0~ds0-1 (wily), package size 1388 kB, installed size 3702 kB09:12
bazhangthat ^09:13
MonkeyDustGuest58323  you're struggling wi(th multimedia... try and ask in #ubuntustudio09:13
dk00So ufw is not as good as iptables then?09:15
Ben64ufw is a front end to iptables09:15
Guest58323i was just wondering if there was a way of playing blue ray movies on linux as im doing a home theatre pc :)09:15
ducassedk00: it's similar to ferm, I like ferm better, though.09:15
dk00ducasse how come?09:17
dk00And also why is ufw "unconventional" for Ubuntu server tho?09:17
Ben64it isn't09:17
ducassedk00: I didn't say it was "unconventional" :) ferm is easier imo if you have a lot of rules - I just prefer the syntax. YMMV.09:18
=== Guest58323 is now known as aussiemale1
dk00Hmm ok going to read up on these, thanks ducasse Ben64 bazhang and slidinghorn :-d09:19
dk00And anyone else I missed :)09:20
dk00Can ssh port be hacked if using ppk key to login?09:22
Haugli92Everything can be hacked.09:24
Haugli92But using a private key instead of a password would make it mrore secure :)09:25
dk00Also how to change the default port?09:26
ducassedk00: pass -p port# in /etc/default/ssh09:27
dk00Thanks ducasse09:27
aussiemale1exaile does have a better radio player added to it09:35
red_racer12i have finished installing ubuntu to a usb stick, it seems to be working very nicely, however it's very slow09:39
red_racer12is there something i should've done to the usb3.0 corsair slider to make it faster?09:40
baizonred_racer12: usb has 10MB/s speed, thats damn slow09:43
red_racer12baizon: i see, that makes sense.09:44
baizonred_racer12: in comparison, a HDD has 100MB/s09:45
red_racer12does it not make a difference if i'm using usb3.0 controller and usb3.0 stick?09:45
baizonred_racer12: yes i makes, you get 1.5x faster write speed then usb 2.009:45
baizonred_racer12: usb 3.0 gets the most from "reading"09:46
red_racer12ah i see09:46
red_racer12that makes sense, it's taking forever to download and update ubuntu, but i am on usb stick install.09:47
awshelpey guys what does a /32 after an ipaddress mean?09:49
BlekpugWhat is already installed as an address book ?09:50
=== oli is now known as Guest16049
baizonawshelp: The /n = netmask with n number of 1's.09:51
baizonawshelp: = 1111111111111111111111111111 or 32 ones = /3209:51
baizonawshelp: = 1111111111111111111100000000 or 24 ones = /2409:52
baizonawshelp: also more here https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Range_blocks09:52
baizonGuest16049: pls stop it09:52
=== Guest16049 is now known as revilo
awshelp hmm ok09:53
awshelpis it like broadening the ip range or something?09:53
revilosorry, i'm kinda newbie here09:53
=== cpaelzer is now known as cpaelzer_afk
XSpeed_Hi, can someone answer to these 3 questions please? http://askubuntu.com/questions/708749/openjdk-icedtea-security-settings or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2306320 Thank you.09:57
blackflowHello folks. How do I submit a bug report to Launchpad? There is no "Submut Bug Report" link.10:06
cfhowlett!bug | black10:06
ubottublack: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.10:06
blackflowcfhowlett: thanks. which package do I Specify for encrypted swap not mounting on boot?10:07
cfhowlettblackflow, which ubuntu number??10:07
blackflowcfhowlett: 15.1010:07
cfhowlettblackflow, ecryptfs?  or whatever you encrypted with10:08
blackflowthe installer encrypted it.10:08
=== XSpeed_ is now known as XSpeedX
blackflowand the problem is not in cryptsetup.10:08
blackflowsomething destroys the encrypted swap partition so on reboot, it's not a luks device anymore.10:09
cfhowlettblackflow, ow.10:09
blackflowand that happens either on shutdown or on reboot, I don't know, I can't find a relevant entry in the logs, only that upon reboot, my swap partition is no longer a luks device.10:09
cfhowlettblackflow, ask again in channel, I have not seen this issue and not comfortable guessing10:10
blackflowI'll file a bug report. Just need to know how :) ubuntu-bug is asking me for pid if Choose OTHER, and none of hte given options applies.10:10
blackflowso is there a way to submit to launchpad directly?10:10
cfhowlettblackflow, not that I know of.10:10
blackflowcfhowlett: so it was removed? I filed a bunch of bugs that way, last several weeks ago.10:11
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cfhowlettblackflow, I have no idea.  I have only ever filed bugs via the bug utility in ubuntu10:12
greenbigfrogI installed a kernel I built some time ago but now initframs throws an error, if I run upgrade or isntall etc since it thinks the package is broken... df -h: http://hastebin.com/ifuzutewop.erlang_repl upgrade: http://hastebin.com/ayigaqewot.vbs10:13
greenbigfrogOn the web I only find posts of people who do not have enough space on their /boot... the 4.4 kernel is the only one I got installed ATM.10:13
greenbigfrogAnyone got an idea?10:13
cfhowlettgreenbigfrog, clean out old kernels10:13
cfhowlettgreenbigfrog, dpkg -l | grep linux-headers             too10:13
blackflowcfhowlett: where do I complain about this? This is an outrage. What if the bug is such that I cannot execute commands from command line?10:13
greenbigfrogcfhowlett: "the 4.4 kernel is the only one I got installed ATM." and I cleaned already10:14
cfhowlettblackflow, let me look ...10:14
cfhowlettgreenbigfrog, dpkg -l | grep linux-headers             too10:14
greenbigfrogzero answer10:14
glebihan_blackflow, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug/?no-redirect10:14
cfhowlettblackflow, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug10:15
blackflowglebihan_: ah, much obliged. Is that linked anywhere publicly?10:15
glebihan_blackflow, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs#Filing_bugs_at_Launchpad.net10:15
greenbigfrogll /boot/: http://hastebin.com/esuyomodex.hs10:15
blackflowglebihan_: thanks.10:15
glebihan_blackflow, you're welcome10:16
=== XSpeedX is now known as XpdX
Exagone313Hi, I have a dual boot Windows 7 and Ubuntu Server (14.04 I think, not sure). I tried to acess to ext4 partition with ext2fsd on Windows and now I can't boot on Ubuntu, I see "error: no such partition" then a command prompt "grub rescue". I tried ls, and it doe snot see partitions in (hd1) which is Linux I suppose. What do I do? Thanks for your help.10:37
=== HelloWorld is now known as Guest75389
cfhowlettExagone313, get your ubuntu USB, boot it and examine your partitions.10:38
Exagone313i don't have any usb or cd10:38
Exagone313right now10:38
cfhowlettExagone313, the wise ubuntu user ALWAYS has a USB -- or 3.  time to make one.10:39
Exagone313i don't have10:39
Exagone313i forgot to take it10:39
Exagone313there is no way to work with the command prompt?10:40
Exagone313I can still access the files with ext2fsd on windows so the partition is not really broken10:40
Exagone313no, now I can't access the files, but nothing is lost10:46
Walex2Exagone313: that's not a happy situation, because that means that somehow MS-Windows has deleted or recreated partitions.10:50
Exagone313ok I see10:50
Exagone313it was almost a fresh install10:50
Walex2Exagone313: unless your Ubuntu filetrees were inside LVM, and you used 'ext2fsd' directly on top10:50
Exagone313now ext2fsd sees a ext3 partition instead of ext4 after a reboot, and without space available10:51
Exagone313and it can't mount it10:51
Walex2Exagone313: ext2fsd cannot be used on 'ext4' partitions10:51
Exagone313i think this program caused the problem, won't try it again10:51
Walex2Exagone313: 'ext4' filetrees internally are quite different from 'ext2' and 'ext3' ones except some parts that might make 'ext2fsd' guess it is 'ext3'10:52
Exagone313but before, it was psosible to access the files, or just the tree I didn't try the files10:53
Walex2Exagone313: ahhh thiough the 'ext2fsd' site says recent versions support 'ext4'10:53
Walex2Exagone313: so the question is whether you installed ubuntu on LVM10:53
Walex2Exagone313: then use MS-Windows to download a live-CD distro like GRML and use the tools on that to diagnose your system10:54
Exagone313i'll reinstall when i'll have my usb key back10:54
Exagone313i prefer to reinstall, it was a fresh install10:54
Exagone313thanks anyway10:55
=== tesla is now known as fep
=== nikhil_ is now known as Guest6730
shreddingIn a Makefile, I have "STAGING_DB_ID = $(shell ssh root@ "docker ps | grep database" | awk '{print $$1}')"11:17
shreddingHow would i need to escape a variable to have that ip as a variable as well?11:17
studentttuhey can anyone help with intel parallel studio installation stuff here? I installed everything, but im unable to use the11:23
studentttuifort compiler11:23
studentttufor some reason11:23
studentttu(im a nuub)11:23
studentttuMAMAAAAAAAAA OOOHOHO, didnt mean to make you cry. If im not back again this time tomorrow. carry on carry onb11:27
=== Roikeman is now known as froike_
Guest6730hey how can I allow my Geforce 840m Graphics card to run instead of built-in intel integrated graphics?11:35
AlphakaremGuest6730, have you checked your BIOS for graphics order ?11:45
Guest6730Alphakarem: should I check?11:47
Walex2Guest8786: Alphakarem: it is most likely a laptop11:55
c0ldnew to ubuntu.. just tried logging in from hexchat11:57
c0ldhi guys11:57
=== Piper-Off is now known as Monthrect
dacronmalethank you12:04
guy_what is the proper way to install a -dbgsym kernel ? i tried following https://nickjpavey.wordpress.com/2015/01/05/installing-kernel-debug-symbols-in-ubuntu-14-04/ and  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Debug%20Symbol%20Packages but i do not seem to find a dbgsym for 3.13.0-35-generic12:10
=== step21_ is now known as step21
MACscr[306555.447390] type=1400 audit(1450613775.203:3047): apparmor="DENIED" operation="ptrace" profile="lxc-container-default" pid=21394 comm="ps" requested_mask="trace" denied_mask="trace" peer="unconfined"12:17
MACscrhow do if find out what was actualyl blocked?12:17
studentttuHow to install newest gcc compiler? I installed with sudo apt-get install gcc, but gcc --version says 4.8.4 (2013 !!!!!) newest is already 2015, 5.3.0 in website12:19
=== han-solo1 is now known as han-solo_
cfhowlett!test | han-solo_,12:23
ubottuhan-solo_,: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )12:23
han-solo_i was just testing my nick12:23
studentttuhan solo died in star wars_12:23
yeatsstudentttu: in general, you'll want to use the packaged version unless there's a specific need for for something newer, but https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/InstallingGCC has instructions if you want12:24
yeatsstudentttu: but if you go that route, don't expect it to be easy or fun12:25
studentttuyeats:  I downloaded the newest one but I dont understand the installing instructions https://gcc.gnu.org/install/configure.html12:25
studentttuyea but the ubuntu version is from 2013, its 2 years old, I actually need the december 2015 version12:25
yeats!compile | studentttu12:26
ubottustudentttu: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall12:26
akikstudentttu: there's a ppa for newer versions of gcc https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-toolchain-r/+archive/ubuntu/test12:28
akikstudentttu: if you want to compile it yourself, read about "make bootstrap"12:30
LonelyDanbohow do I learn how to do command lines properly? I grew up with DOS but it's hurting my head trying to figure out why something works sometimes but not others, like with quotes or forslash/backslash/spaces.12:31
=== step21 is now known as step21_
k1l_!terminal | LonelyDanbo12:32
ubottuLonelyDanbo: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal12:32
cfhowlettLonelyDanbo, you weren't born knowing DOS, you learned it.  you learn ubuntu / linux the same way12:32
LonelyDanboI've got this janky line to try and run a windows program in Wine. not sure if I should be asking specifically in #winehq since they're less busy and it's not specifically a Wine question.12:32
k1l_so its a windows terminal command? then try ##windows12:33
LonelyDanbono it';s not a windows terminal command.12:33
LonelyDanboI'm trying to make a shortcut in Xubuntu to run something in Wine.12:34
studentttuI have ubuntu 14.04 can i upgrade to 15.10 easily somehow? without destroying my files12:35
k1l_studentttu: not easily since you need to step by step upgrades and 14.10 is already dead.12:36
studentttuk1l_:  what do you mean with 14.10?12:37
k1l_studentttu: for upgrades you need to upgrade to every next ubuntu version. 14.04 -> 14.10 -> 15.04 -> 15.1012:37
k1l_except the LTS to LTS upgrade, which is 12.04 -> 14.04 -> 16.04(still  alpha)12:38
studentttuk1l_:  so I i just install 15.10 now, I can upgrade to 16.04 easily when it comes out?12:40
akikLonelyDanbo: i think you can specify the windows (wine) command to be in " ... " so you don't need to use backslashes12:40
k1l_studentttu: yes. or you make the upgrade path i described above with 3 upgrades, but for the first 2 upgrades you need some manual work since 14.10 is already shut down12:41
=== hard_iron is now known as ashbak
LonelyDanboyeah but sometimes one thing doesn't work with another, like when you want to add -openGL or something. I dunno. I don't understand the rules.12:41
=== ashbak is now known as hard_iron
studentttuk1l_:  so is it possible to upgrade to 14.04 -> 15.04 easily12:43
studentttusince u said its LTS to LTS12:43
studentttui have 14.0412:43
k1l_15.04 is no LTS12:43
baizon!LTS | studentttu12:43
ubottustudentttu: LTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04)12:43
k1l_every second year12:43
studentttuk1l_:  so if i upgrade to 14.10, will it keep my files_12:43
studentttuor format them clean12:44
k1l_studentttu: yes. upgrades do keep the files12:44
studentttuk1l_:  how should I upgrade to 14.10 then12:45
LonelyDanboWell it seems to be running. I took it all out and just put in "wine WoW-64.exe -openGL" and used the working directory and the wineprefix, so hopefully that's enough.12:45
k1l_studentttu: _but_ since 14.10 is not supported anymore you need to do some manual work to be able to upgrade. and after that you need to ASAP upgrade to 15.04 since 14.10 doesnt get any security updates anymore since its shut down already12:45
k1l_!eolupgrade | studentttu12:45
ubottustudentttu: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades12:45
studentttuk1l_:  whats the codename for 14.10?12:49
k1l_utopic. but you dont change that12:49
studentttuwait what do you mean dont change what12:49
k1l_you put the codename from the release you are currently using into the edited sources list12:50
hard_ironhow to send a private message to someone?12:51
cfhowlett!pm | hard_iron12:51
ubottuhard_iron: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.12:51
k1l_hard_iron: /query user12:51
hard_iron!ubottu is it like this12:52
hard_iron!pm | ubottu ?12:52
ubottuhard_iron: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.12:52
hard_ironok ok12:52
hard_ironactually i want to work on some open source project12:52
hard_ironbut since i am new to all this12:52
cfhowlett!contribute | hard_iron12:52
ubottuhard_iron: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu12:52
hard_ironso i need your help12:52
mrsam_hi...i wanna record my destop with my voice...wich program is good for ubuntu?12:53
Guesthello alruists, i am getting an error message while insalling a soft or updates.. the msg shows.. E: Encountered a section with no Package: header12:53
GuestE: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/packages.medibuntu.org_dists_precise_free_binary-i386_Packages12:53
cymblotmrsam : simple screen recorder12:53
cfhowlettmrsam_, desktop recorder12:53
mrsam_<cfhowlett>is it good or noT?12:54
cfhowlettmrsam_, or recordmydesktop12:54
cfhowlettmrsam_, install it and test for yourself12:54
hard_ironsomeone please guide me from basic12:56
hard_ironhow should i start working on a project12:56
cfhowletthard_iron, did you read the link? that is where you start12:56
hard_ironyeah i saw that12:57
=== kingplusplus_ is now known as kingplusplus
hard_ironcfhowlwtt    i know c and java12:57
hard_ironso can i work on any project?12:57
cfhowletthard_iron, https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/12:58
dangeredI can't even find a good remote desktop application for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS... Chrome Remote Desktop is broken, VNC I couldn't get quite set up, etc etc. Any idea what the best solution is?12:58
mrsam_HOW can i understand that my driver of graphic is install or noT?13:00
flux242hi, are there any plans to get rid of python2.7 for the 16.04?13:01
=== physicz_ is now known as physicz
cfhowlettflux242, I believe it was announced that python 3 would be the default for 16.0413:02
flux242default means no python2 libs at all or default means that it'll be used for gnome?13:03
romain__yo qqn a réussit à installer eclipse sur raspberry ubuntu mate ?13:04
cfhowlettflux242, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Python/313:04
=== hard_iron is now known as asbak
romain__y quoi hexchat13:05
k1l_romain__: this channel is english. try #ubuntu-fr for french13:06
romain__ok thx13:06
asbaki want help regarding open source13:06
romain__how do i change13:06
asbakplease someone help13:06
k1l_asbak: this is ubuntu support. what is the issue13:06
romain__translate please?13:06
cfhowlettromain__, go to the french channel for french.  no translation here13:07
srulii am trying to install negotiator-host for my qemu, but dont know how https://pypi.python.org/pypi/negotiator-host can anyone help?13:07
cfhowlett!contribute | asbak,13:07
ubottuasbak,: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu13:07
aldebaranromain: type /join #ubuntu-fr13:07
studentttuk1l_:  do I just sudo do-release-upgrade after installing the update managers and updating lists13:07
mrsam_HOW can i understand that my driver of graphic card is install or noT?13:08
bekksmrsam_: Whoch graphics card do you have?13:08
yeatsmrsam_: look for an application called "Additional Drivers"13:08
k1l_studentttu: yes. as explained on that wiki page13:08
mrsam_i have amd radeon13:08
studentttuk1l_:  yea im just making sure because i have not done this before and english is not my native language13:08
bekksmrsam_: Which one of the gazillion of "amd radeon"?13:09
mrsam_yeats : i see it but i cant understand speacial thing13:09
asbak!pm | cfhowlett i am not able to filter out how should i proceed13:09
ubottucfhowlett i am not able to filter out how should i proceed: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.13:09
mrsam_<bekks>umm i cant remmebr details13:09
cfhowlettasbak, suggest you read the wiki, choose a project and contact the project lead about contributing13:09
mrsam_I wanna one command to understand it13:09
bekksmrsam_: Pastebin "sudo lspci -k" please, and provide the URL of your pastebin.13:10
asbakcfhowlett, can you please give me a start13:10
xpruinedbekks: why you threaten me13:10
studentttu[15:09] <xpruined> you are example of genetic damage passed on from your grandparents and parents doing excessive legal and illegal drugs. Your brain is permanently genetically liberally ruined.13:11
=== MonkeyDust_ is now known as MonkeyDust
asbak!pm | cfhowlett  can you please give me a start13:11
ubottucfhowlett  can you please give me a start: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.13:11
BluesKajHey folks13:12
cfhowlettasbak, already done.  choose what you want to help with.  look in the program website for contact information.  contact the project and offer help.13:12
aldebaranBluesKaj: Hi13:12
bekksmrsam_: Look at the last two lines.13:13
flux242hm, devs are marking all bugs related to the python2 to python3 upgrade as low. Blueman for instance is fixed in debian but marked as low priority13:13
flux242in ubuntu13:14
asbakcan u help me13:14
BluesKajhi aldebaran, asbak13:15
mrsam_<bekks? is it installed?13:16
MonkeyDustmrsam_  use tab to complete nicks ... type be and then hit tab13:16
k1l_asbak: what is your ubuntu issue?13:16
bekksmrsam_: So what does the last line say?13:16
asbakin ubuntu's link.....which one should i start13:16
mrsam_<bekks? say use radeon13:17
asbakand how13:17
k1l_asbak: i dont understand what you mean exactly13:17
studentttuk1l_: Upgrade complete   The upgrade has completed but there were errors during the upgrade  process.13:17
asbaki want to start working on a project13:18
studentttuhow should I proceed?13:18
k1l_!in | asbak maybe they can help you in your native language13:18
ubottuasbak maybe they can help you in your native language: #ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India13:18
asbaki am totally new to all this13:18
MonkeyDustasbak  what brings you here13:18
bekksmrsam_: No. What exactly does it say?13:18
k1l_studentttu: depends on the errors13:18
mrsam_Display controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Venus XTX [Radeon HD 8890M / R9 M275X/M375X] (rev ff)13:19
mrsam_Kernel driver in use: radeon13:19
studentttuk1l_:  it doesnt say anything about the errors13:19
asbakthis is the defaulf channel,,,,,so i thought i might get help regarding my issue13:19
studentttuoh hold on13:19
k1l_mrsam_: radeon is the open source driver. that is in use on your system.13:19
MonkeyDustasbak  and what is your issue?13:19
studentttuk1l_: http://pastebin.com/ywNFA2RD13:20
asbakMonkeyDust just tell me what should be my next step if i ant to work on a project13:20
MonkeyDustasbak  what kind of project? fly to the moon?13:20
mrsam_<k1l> so i wanna install a program looklike photoshop..which program is good?13:21
cfhowlettmrsam_, gimp13:21
k1l_mrsam_: use gimp13:21
MonkeyDustasbak  that was rude... i mean, what are you trying to do?13:21
asbaka basic project in which a student having knowldge of c can proceed with13:21
boodllebati have a issue with GNU make can i ask here ?13:22
cfhowlettboodllebat, ask13:22
flux242on my system I only have blueman and gvs-backends to depend on python2. Too bad if they won't make them python3 compatible for 16.0413:22
MonkeyDustasbak  ok, C programming... join a C channel13:22
boodllebati have two make statements 1st works but 2nd not , can i know why ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/14115295/13:22
asbakok but dont be angry13:22
asbakmany of us are new here13:22
mrsam_k1l and other problem is (i cant connect to linux with android)13:23
MonkeyDustasbak  type    /j ##c++13:23
mrsam_k1l and other problem is (i cant connect to linux with android with ssh protocol)13:23
boodllebatcfhowlett: i did it :)13:24
asbakthanks MonkeyDust13:24
Abdallahi have problem with mail server on ubuntu13:28
mrsam_i cant connect to linux with android with ssh protocol13:28
Abdallahi have problem with mail server on ubuntu13:29
cfhowlett!patience | Abdallah13:29
ubottuAbdallah: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:29
goudkovhi, if i need to restart unity/compiz without killing the session, what's the difference among:  "setsid unity". "setsid unity --replace", "setsid compiz --replace" ? i can't find a concrete explanation. just examples of commands.13:29
matdelllilaI can not insall epiphany browser13:29
MonkeyDust!find epiphany13:29
ubottuFound: epiphany, epiphany-browser, epiphany-browser-data, epiphany-browser-dbg, epiphany-data13:29
k1l_mrsam_: then check if the ssh server is running13:30
matdelllilaI download ephipany .deb13:30
k1l_!ssh | mrsam_13:30
ubottumrsam_: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)13:30
mrsam_<k1l/. i install openssh-server13:30
k1l_mrsam_: read the howto13:30
matdelllilaand when  I install It says wvdial missed13:31
cfhowlettmatdelllila, that is not the way.  sudo apt install ephipany13:31
k1l_studentttu: that is not enough information.13:31
MonkeyDustmatdelllila  no need to use a deb ... simply type    sudo apt install epiphany13:31
Abdallahcan i install mail server on ubuntu ? not ununtu server ?13:31
MonkeyDustcfhowlett  was faster13:31
cfhowlettAbdallah, yes13:31
bekksAbdallah: Sure.13:31
matdelllilaI use ubuntu Mate13:31
MonkeyDustmatdelllila  no difference13:32
Abdallahif i need install bind9 < i must remove smba?13:32
matdelllilaI do not see snaptic13:32
MonkeyDustmatdelllila  open a terminal window13:32
cfhowlettmatdelllila, no one mentioned snaptic.13:32
k1l_Abdallah: a mail server on not a server is kind of pointless.13:32
k1l_Abdallah: and most mailservers do block dynip mail servers.13:32
matdelllilaIt says unable to locate package13:35
k1l_matdelllila: make sure you dont have a typo. its called synaptic13:36
aldebaranhello, ubuntu77913:39
akikwhen plugging hdmi to the laptop and connecting it -> amplifier -> tv, i can't get audio coming out until i restart my laptop. is there any way to restart some process to make audio come out, other than restarting the laptop? (kubuntu 14.04.3)13:39
ubuntu779Whenever I try to open a terminal, it won't open one. Using the shell (I actually have no idea what that means) in Emacs reveals that there is no such file as libvte2_90.so.9.13:39
ubuntu779Also, is Peppermint Linux relevant to this?13:40
cfhowlettubuntu779, yes.  peppermint is NOT ubuntu and is NOT supported here.13:40
MonkeyDustubuntu779  not supported here13:40
k1l_ubuntu779: ask the peppermint gyus if that is a common issue on their OS13:40
ubuntu779Isn't Peppermint based on Lubuntu?13:40
donatello673I tried installing trisquel from a USB but instead of booting from it after installation was complete, it hangs with a blinking underscore in the top left. I've tried to reformat the USB and put ubuntu on it but when I put it in the PC and boot, the boot selection still reads trisquel.......13:40
MonkeyDustubuntu779  mint is a different distro, you're in the wrong channel13:41
k1l_ubuntu779: based, but we cant know what they changed. so please ask them13:41
cfhowlett!flavors | ubuntu779, not on this list?  not supported here.13:41
ubottuubuntu779, not on this list?  not supported here.: !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.13:41
MonkeyDustdonatello673  you too, trisquel is not supported here13:41
k1l_donatello673: for trisquel ask the gnu guys for support. thanks13:41
donatello673k1l_ MonkeyDust : i'm trying to install ubuntu13:41
MonkeyDustdonatello673  type /j #trisquel13:42
k1l_donatello673: how did you make that ubuntu usb?13:42
donatello673k1l_: with OS X, following this guide http://computers.tutsplus.com/tutorials/how-to-create-a-bootable-ubuntu-usb-drive-for-pc-on-a-mac--cms-2118713:43
ubottu!Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.13:43
k1l_donatello673: you might to clean format and make a new partition table on that usb drive13:44
donatello673k1l_: i believe i did that13:44
studentttuk1l_:  hey so... everything crashed and now it boots to emergency mode13:46
studentttuk1l_:  what to do13:46
k1l_studentttu: what errors exactly?13:46
studentttuk1l_:  whole thing crashed and when it rebooted im at emergency mode, root place13:47
renn0xtk9Hey all,  I placed a symling in /etc/rc0.d to a script "$HOME/a.sh" .  a.sh is calling a subroutine in $HOME/b.sh   .   I notice that a is well called when shutting down the computer but it seems like we do not enter b.sh  (although I specified the fullpath of b,sh in a.sh)13:47
renn0xtk9any idea what is going wrong?13:47
k1l_studentttu: "my car is broken" "what is broken" "my car"     without any details its very hard to get a solution. that is why i asked for more details before13:48
studentttuk1l_:  but I have no details, the screen froze and now it boots to emergency mode13:48
studentttuk1l_:  I can give root commands, thats all13:49
guy_what is the proper way to install a -dbgsym kernel ? i'm on trusty 14.04 3.13.05-3513:50
jaaphermsenThere are three Linuxkernels installed on my computer, but only one is recommended. Can I remove two of the Linuxkernels without having problems with my system?13:50
cfhowlettjaaphermsen, remove ONE kernel with sudo apt-get autoremove       keep at least one reserver kernel13:51
ioriastudentttu, you can try to boot in Recovery Mode , root shell, exit , resume and then open a console13:51
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guy_anyone ?13:55
jaaphermsenDone! Thanks, cfhowlett!13:56
cfhowlettjaaphermsen, happy2help!13:56
matdelllilaGdebi package says  broken Dependencies13:59
matdelllilahow to repare this package13:59
toorSO, my server can receive emails but cannot send them.14:00
studentttuioria:  didnt work, but I may get there via boot menu14:01
carreraubuntu mate 15.10, on an Asus G751 with GeForce 860m, sees my Samsung external monitor but does not send signal.  Can anyone help me?14:02
ioriastudentttu, it doesn't resume ?14:02
studentttuioria:  okay this is awkward in boot menu it says ubuntu with linux 3.19 recovery mode14:02
ajay_hey go yar14:02
ioriastudentttu, yes....14:02
studentttuioria: it goes to root14:03
studentttuif i resume14:03
ioriastudentttu, ok.... try to exit and resume14:03
studentttuexit resume goes to root14:03
matdelllila Gdebi package says  broken Dependencies  how to repare this package14:03
ioriastudentttu, it comes backs to root shell ?14:04
studentttuioria:  ya if i click resume in menu14:04
ioriastudentttu, what did you do before the crash ?14:05
studentttuioria: i  did a sudo do-release-upgrade14:06
studentttuit completed with errors14:06
studentttuthen i did sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade and computer crashed14:06
studentttuand booted to root14:07
ioriastudentttu, ah, ok .... maybe a broken upgrade....   you were vivid and wanted upgrade to wily ?14:07
studentttui had 14.0414:07
studentttuwanted to upgrade to 15.1014:07
studentttuso k1l adviced to do-release-upgrade to 14.10 first14:07
ioriastudentttu,  yes14:07
tanmayI have a dell inspiron 3537 with 6 gb ram, intel i5 4th gen cpu. it takes too much time to boot ubuntu 15.10 ( around 3 minutes). help please14:08
ioriastudentttu,  it'a a long road14:08
studentttuioria:  How can I fix this? preferabbly continuing upgrade14:08
ioriastudentttu,  14.04 -> 14.10 -> 15.04 -> 15.10   this ?14:08
studentttuioria:  yes14:08
ioriastudentttu,  uname -r14:09
flux242why do you want to install 15.10 over 14.04?14:09
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studentttuflux242:  because the gcc compiler is too old in 14.04, and the ppa doesnt work properly14:09
MonkeyDuststudentttu  wait 4 months, 16.04 will soon be released14:10
flux242i'd wait for 16.04 too14:10
thecycloneMonkeyDust: will 16.04 be LTS?14:10
flux242yes, lts14:10
MonkeyDustthecyclone  yes14:10
studentttuioria:  go to root?14:10
liangruichangI use the xubuntu14:11
studentttuioria:  away from recover mode root i mean14:11
ioriastudentttu,  yes.... what kernel did you have on your trusty ?  3.16  or 3.19 ?14:11
studentttubut just now 3.1914:12
flux242and I wouldn't do that kind of shit upgrading all the way up the hill 100500 intermediate releases. I'd just install new distro over14:12
studentttuioria:  okay this is wierd but14:12
cfhowlettflux242, no need or place for profanity in this channel14:12
ioriastudentttu,  for me is a broken upgrade .... there's a reason why you cannot install wily direclty ?14:13
studentttuioria: just now it was briefly booting to 15.04, and now im in root again. uname -3 is 3.1914:13
flux242cfhowlett: what's profanity?14:13
cfhowlett!language | flux24214:13
ubottuflux242: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList14:13
flux242i do speak calm polite english. I just don't know another word for shit14:14
cfhowlettflux242, knock it off. now.14:15
MonkeyDustflux242  avoid the sh word14:15
studentttucan i install 15.10 from root straightly somehow?14:15
studentttufresh install14:15
flux242is crap allowed?14:16
MonkeyDustflux242  behave or go away14:17
studentttuMonkeyDust:  do you know if its possible to install new ubuntu fresh via root14:17
carreraubuntu mate 15.10, on an Asus G751 with GeForce 860m, sees my Samsung external monitor but does not send signal.  Can anyone help me?14:18
MonkeyDuststudentttu  you mean, from within a running system?14:18
carreracfhowlett, can you help me with that ^^?14:18
studentttuMonkeyDust:  yeah14:18
cfhowlettcarrera, sorry, no idea where to start.14:18
MonkeyDuststudentttu  no, use a usb/dvd to install ubuntu14:18
carreracfhowlett, thanks anyway14:18
cfhowlettstudentttu, sudo do-release-upgrade14:19
studentttucfhowlett: i did but it didnt recognize new releases14:19
studentttuwhole thing is borken14:19
cfhowlettstudentttu, then clean install and use the usual methods of system management14:19
MonkeyDuststudentttu  you want to go directly from 14.04 to 15.10? then use a usb/dvd14:19
studentttuMonkeyDust:  well I did a do-upgrade and wanted to get to 14.10, but apparently 15.04 was installed and now it briefly loads 15.04 and boots to root14:20
cfhowlettstudentttu, did you do end of life upgrade method?14:21
cfhowlettstudentttu, then you did something wrong.  consider your system broken and beyond repair.  clean install.14:21
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cfhowlettstudentttu, also, since you don't seem to regularly upgrade, I suggest you go with LTS releases; 14.04 currently >> 16.04 in April.14:23
matdelllilaGdebi package installer is broken  dependecies how to repare this please14:24
cfhowlettmatdelllila, apt is the default package manager for ubuntu.  gdebi is not recommended.14:24
studentttucfhowlett: I will install 15.10 now and consider 16.04 in april. 14.04 has too old gcc compilers and the newer ppa didnt work properly14:25
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MonkeyDuststudentttu  try the !backports14:27
cfhowlett!korean | mrlee14:33
ubottumrlee: 도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko14:33
chillpill_ Translation failed14:33
Apachezin order to get newer graphics drivers for intel when using ubuntu 15.10, do you suggest xorg-edgers or oibaf or some other ppa?14:39
cfhowlettApachez, intel provides drivers now ...14:39
Apachezyes but things have been fixed since 15.10 was released14:40
Apachezincl mesa14:40
MonkeyDustApachez  sounds like you're are you telling us what to do14:41
MonkeyDustinstead of asking14:41
Apachezcfhowlett: thats outdated14:42
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jaapio_hi, I have some issues with booting my laptop. I think I formated the wrong disk. Now only the bios shows up.14:51
jaapio_I tried the boot-repair util but that didn't help14:51
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jaapio_booting from a live-usb works fine. In that case a do even see my partions with the lvm, and all files are still there. But I don't know what is missing exactly. For some reason the disk is not recocized as boot disk14:54
phil__I see xenial on packages.ubuntu.com, but I thought it would be released in 2016?14:55
phil__Is it already frozen or released or...?14:55
somsipphil__: not released until Apr 2016 - see #ubuntu+114:56
AniByteHello, I have this package, And i want the latest version of it(Active development) on a release prior to that14:58
AniByteSo if it was for Xeniox14:59
AniByteI want it on Wily14:59
somsipAniByte: what pacakge?14:59
AniByteIs it possible to add a PPA line for that package so it updates it to the latest version14:59
AniBytedere = there14:59
somsipAniByte: you might find a PPA that provides a newer version of youtube-dl - search and general info about PPA is here....15:00
somsip!ppa | AniByte15:00
ubottuAniByte: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge15:00
AniBytesomsip, That wass not what i mean, I want it to download the next release for that package15:02
AniByteSince there are no other PPA that offer that ver15:02
AniByteThe newer fixed verssion is uploaded to that branch15:02
AniByteBut i cant download it cuss i dont have xeniox15:02
AniByteBut wily15:02
somsipAniByte: there is no 'next' release. There is the current release, and a version in the repo that may or may not be the same15:02
AniBytehttps://launchpad.net/youtube-dl < Xenial on Wily15:02
AniByteThat is my poiny15:03
somsip!youtube-dl wily15:03
somsip!info youtube-dl wily15:03
ubottuyoutube-dl (source: youtube-dl): downloader of videos from YouTube and other sites. In component universe, is extra. Version 2015.06.04.1-1 (wily), package size 498 kB, installed size 2504 kB15:03
somsip!info youtube-dl15:03
AniByteThat is outdated15:03
AniByteIt contains a fatal bug15:03
AniByteI need15:03
AniByte!youtube-dl xenial15:03
somsipAniByte: so you want a newer version than 2015.06.04.1-1?15:03
AniBytebecaouse that one is fixed15:03
somsipAniByte: use a PPA as stated15:03
AniByteThere isnt any15:04
AniByteThat offers a newer on Wily15:04
AniByteI looked it up15:04
AniByteI just want that version being automatically and updated15:04
AniByteI basically want to change my upstream15:04
AniByteFor that package15:04
AniByteLike in git15:04
AniByteRolling release.15:04
k1l_AniByte: please dont use enter that often.15:04
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k1l_AniByte: ubuntu doesnt support that kind of package deployment ootb. so either you find a PPA that does that work for you, you will have to make own packages with compiling.15:05
somsipAniByte: that's not how packaging works in ubuntu. You have the official repo version, or an unofficial version. Unofficial isn't suported here, but you would normally get them from PPAs or compiling yourself. IIRC youtube-dl is a python script, so if you want a newer version, just get it from the homepage15:05
AniBytesomsip, Thanks15:06
AniByteFound it finally15:06
phil__AniByte, xenial's version is 2015.11.27, is that enough? http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=youtube-dl15:07
somsipphil__: he's on wily15:07
k1l_phil__: dont mix releases. that will result in a depency mess15:08
phil__um, since xenial's version does not have versioned dependencies per packages.ubuntu.com, he could download the .deb and do dpkg -i manually without dependency problwms15:08
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studentttuokay everything works now, even my files were kept when i used usb to install 15.10 straight15:15
studentttuthanks for help gais15:15
cfhowlettstudentttu, don't forget to keep that ubuntu USB close by15:15
tuxedocan someone tell me, what happen on google with firefox15:31
cfhowletttuxedo, explain15:31
nicomachustuxedo: what do you mean?15:31
SwenssonI havn't noticed anything with google @ firefox15:32
tuxedowell, it's take too long to log in15:33
MonkeyDusttuxedo  how is that ubuntu related?15:33
cfhowletttuxedo, google problem not ubuntu problem.  ask google15:33
tuxedoand for some reason when I tried to share some information it's get freeze15:34
tuxedoI know ubuntu is not the problem15:34
tuxedoI use the ubuntu browse and everything work fine15:34
cfhowletttuxedo, ?  then why ask here???  take it up with google.15:34
slidinghorntuxedo: then why ask in the ubuntu support channel?15:34
ehsanvhi, my laptop speakers not work in ubuntu, but in windows it works! in ubuntu i only get speaker jack work15:35
tuxedoto see if Im only or there are other with the same problem15:35
hans_hi vguys15:35
MonkeyDustehsanv  in a terminal window, type   alsamixer     see anything wrong?15:36
hans_why must i stay at ubuntu and not use mint15:36
cfhowletthans_, use what you want.  mint is not supported here.15:36
cfhowlett!mint | hans_15:36
ubottuhans_: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org15:36
MonkeyDusthans_  decide what you want, we can't decide for you15:36
k1l_hans_: its your choice: but when you come here to ask: use ubuntu15:36
MonkeyDusthans_  making your own choices is part of growing up15:37
ehsanvMonkeyDust, i see Card: HDA Intel HDMI with 2 outputs, when i select sound card F6 i see HDA Intel PCH too15:37
hans_you all use ubuntu but why above mint. im seeking and ask what are the differents15:37
ehsanvMonkeyDust, i think the problem is HDA Intel PCH is not my default sound output, maybe!15:37
hans_thats all i want to no15:38
tuxedoand by the way, ubuntu browser is say it is on safari version15:38
nicomachustuxedo: there is no "ubuntu browser"15:38
hans_im on unity and im seeking15:38
MonkeyDusthans_  use both systems, live, then see what's the difference15:38
cfhowletthans_, ask in #ubuntu-offtopic.  this is the support channel15:38
tuxedoyes there is one15:38
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tuxedoon the dash search you put browser15:38
tuxedoand show all the browser and you gonna see one it's say browser name only15:39
slidinghorntuxedo: that just opens whichever browser is set as default15:39
nicomachuswhoa... wait, what is this?15:39
k1l_tuxedo: that is the ubuntu/gnome webbrowser15:39
tuxedoit's say safari version15:40
k1l_tuxedo: maybe its uses the safari engine15:40
k1l_tuxedo: but what is the issue here?15:40
k1l_tuxedo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsers#Ubuntu_Web_Browser15:41
tuxedothe issue is if other person with the same problem I have with firefox and google15:41
tuxedothats all15:42
k1l_tuxedo: what issues? and you talked not about firefox15:42
cfhowletttuxedo, no one else has mentioned it in the past 3 hours so ... just you.15:42
MonkeyDusttuxedo  the answer is no, nobody has the same probleù15:42
k1l_tuxedo: start firefox with a clean profile (no addons) to check.15:43
bytemonkeyanyone use cyborg linux?15:43
k1l_bytemonkey: ask in ##linux or their support channel15:44
cfhowlettbytemonkey, not in this channel.  This is ubuntu support.  cyborg is not supported or discussed here.15:44
tuxedoI'll try that15:44
bytemonkeyim in ##linux, and have asked...I was just asking here since it's based on ubuntu...15:44
bytemonkeynot much documentation on the site.15:44
cfhowlettbytemonkey, but is NOT ubuntu and is NOT supported or discussed here.15:45
k1l_bytemonkey: see their webpage, they want to sell you something. so ask them. its not supported by ubuntu15:45
bytemonkeywhy use 10 words when two will do15:45
* cfhowlett believes if your OS of choices doesn't provide sufficient support perhaps you should reconsider your choice.15:45
tewardbytemonkey: anything based of Ubuntu, that isn't an officially supported variant, is offtopic here.15:45
* bytemonkey not using cyborg15:46
bytemonkeyteward: thanks15:46
tewardbytemonkey: and not supported.  Therefore, ##linux is where you need to be; unless that distro has their own channel in which case go there.15:46
MWMIm trying to install a tarball but the readme only says "install this tarball wherever you like" .... I usually need the Readme to be more specific :)15:46
cfhowlett!flavors | bytemonkey "not on this list, not supported here" - 7 words15:47
ubottubytemonkey "not on this list, not supported here" - 7 words: !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.15:47
MWMthere isnt a configure file or make file ...15:47
nicomachusMWM what's the application?15:47
tewardMWM: that's not very helpful, unfortunately, what's the application?  (We don't have any details to try and help you)15:48
MWMits called copy...dropbox alternative15:48
Gallomimiaare you sure it's not just a collection of scripts?15:49
k1l_MWM: /opt is the place for systemwide non-repo programs15:49
nicomachusMWM: this? https://www.copy.com/page/15:49
MWMnichomachus: yep15:50
MWMkil: thanks , I was considering starting a new directory. I didnt realize there already was one for such things15:50
nicomachusMWM: there's a PPA here that may be easier: http://www.webupd8.org/2014/06/install-copycom-client-in-ubuntu-or.html15:50
MWMwhen I add a ppa it will show in sources.list right?  also are there "known good" and "known  bad" repos?15:54
k1l_MWM: PPAs go to sources.list.d directory15:55
EriC^^MWM: it shows up in /etc/sources.list.d/<something.list>15:55
EriC^^* /etc/apt/sources.list.d/<something.list>15:55
MWMthank you for the full patH I usually have to look it up :)15:56
Gallomimiathere's a command to auto add repos and check for safety.. what does it check some signature?15:56
EriC^^Gallomimia: that signature is just the signature of the person who made the repo15:57
EriC^^it doesn't mean it's safe or not safe it just means nobody has tampered with whatever he uploaded15:57
Gallomimiayeah. that's still useful15:57
MWMI imagine just like anything else if you add the wrong repo you could bork your system .... so is there any way to get a clue about repos that arent included with the OS?15:58
EriC^^Gallomimia: if it's a launchpad ppa, they require the person to upload the source file, and the deb is built on their system, so it's more likely to be safe,  still though anybody can make a ppa and put something malicious (fwiw)15:58
nicomachusMWM: for the most part, webupd8 is generally considered a safe PPA.15:58
cfhowlettMWM, it's a matter of trust ...15:58
SwenssonMWM: Swe?15:59
MWMthat is what I was wondering:  its not that I mistrust, but checking before hand is always a good idea15:59
Gallomimiamwm its all in sources15:59
MWMSwenson:  ?  did I typo Swe up there?16:00
cfhowlettMWM, "Trust but verify" is the model to adopt when working with PPA16:00
SwenssonMwm: noo... I was wondering if you were Swe, my made calls himself MWM so I just thought........ Nvm :P16:00
Swenssonmy mate*16:01
SwenssonAutocorrect have fucked up my spelling16:01
Broshanyone free to advise where i might look to try fix a wifi connection from an ubuntu server?16:01
MWMcfhowlett: that is closer to what I was asking.  There doesnt seem to be any way to verify except a cold test.  Install and hope it doesnt bork16:01
cfhowlettSwensson, drop the profanity.  it's even more unwelcome than spelling errors16:01
cfhowlettMWM, I have only the inkscape PPA because the newest version has not yet arrived in ubuntu repos.16:02
MWMSwenson: np :)16:02
SwenssonCfhowlett: Sorry Im not really following you here, profanity? :P16:02
tewardnevermind, wrong channel, wrong button :)16:03
Macsurfhello I have problem ... I compiled a module wifi but I see only files with extension *.o instead of *.ko why ?16:03
MWMcfhowlett: so ubuntu will comb through them and add them if they are known safe and otherwise you're on your own? is that what you mean16:03
cfhowlettMWM, exactly.  see the link.  "unsupported"16:04
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge16:04
lonixIf the identical package is found in two mirrors in apt, what mirror will be chosen ?16:04
cfhowlettlonix, the one you have set your sources to16:04
lonixcfhowlett: explain ?16:05
cfhowlettlonix, my sources list points to tshingua university                       there are other mirrors nearby, but that is the one I selected.16:05
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cfhowlettit is only 2 hours behind the main repos.  if I need a package that has not yet hit tshingua, it will not show up.16:06
doxinhoso my /boot partition is full, so I can't install 3.9.0-42; I'm a bit of a novice, how do I increase the size of the boot partition?16:06
lonixcfhowlett: you miss understod me, i have several mirrors in sources.list16:06
ypeeredlonix: yes sir16:07
Seveasdoxinho: why not just clean up old kernels?16:07
doxinhogood idea- what's the best way to do that? didn't know that was an option.16:07
Gallomimiadoxinho: try sudo apt-get autoremove16:07
cfhowlettdoxinho, this ^^^16:07
doxinhoexcellent, thank you-- sorry, bit of a linux noob <316:07
Gallomimiathats good. welcome to linux :)16:07
Seveasdoxinho: if the autoremove fails to remove old kernels (it happens sometimes), pastebin the output of ls -la /boot && uname -a16:07
nicomachus3.9.0-42? doxinho, what version of ubuntu are you running?16:07
cfhowlettdoxinho, we are all noobs to some extent.  no apology needed16:08
lonixypeered: what are you trying to acoplish ?16:08
ypeeredlonix: what you mean16:08
lonixThat was kinda funny guys ypeered pmed me, started trashtalking me for being a liberal pice of trash.16:08
lonixSorta funny.16:08
lonixYou know nothing about me, mate.16:09
cfhowlettlonix, report abusive behavior to the !ops16:09
nicomachuslonix: report it in #ubuntu-ops16:09
MonkeyDustlonix  keep that for yourself16:09
doxinhoI'm running Ubuntu 15.0416:09
MonkeyDustlonix  i mean, we don't have to know that16:09
cfhowlettand consider adding him to your /ignore16:09
doxinhoautoremove didn't work, pastebining the results16:09
lonixcfhowlett: i got a funny feeling its a trowaway account anyhow16:10
lonixFor the record guys i am a member of a conservative party :P16:10
cfhowlettlonix, no, he's a repeat16:10
doxinhoHere's the results from autoremove: http://pastebin.com/X1ab2LZf16:10
Gallomimiai got the PM also from ypeered16:10
doxinhome too, I was toying with him in PM16:11
Gallomimiahe left16:11
doxinhohe called me an iranian-loving liberal16:11
nicomachusok, he's gone now, enough about the PMs.16:11
nicomachusStay on-topic.16:11
doxinhocopy that16:11
doxinhono space in /boot causing some serious issues :O16:11
cfhowlettdoxinho, you can manually delete using your terminal16:12
lonixSo in anycase. Lets say i have mirror in my apt sources.list and have us archive in the same sources.list, and i installed something16:12
lonixwhat would get picked16:12
Seveasdoxinho:  pastebin the output of ls -la /boot && uname -a16:12
doxinhojust keep the latest version, basically. makes sense16:12
nicomachusdoxinho: keep the 2 most recent.16:12
cfhowlettdoxinho, latest 2 versions in case the newest goes sideways16:12
doxinhoSeveas: nicomachus: http://pastebin.com/7Fca7HYz16:13
doxinhocool cool16:13
cfhowlettdoxinho, http://www.unixmen.com/how-to-uninstall-the-old-kernels-in-ubuntu/16:13
doxinhothank you sir16:13
doxinhoi like when this stuff breaks and i can fix it, get to learn a bit more16:13
cfhowletthappy2help! doxinho16:13
Gallomimiadoxinho: i agree only way to learn!16:13
cfhowlettbreak it, fix it, profit16:14
Seveasdoxinho: sudo apt-get remove --purge linux-image-3.19.0-{15,30,31,32,33}-generic16:14
Gallomimiathere's no profit when its your own home pc16:14
nicomachusknowledge is profit16:14
cfhowlettGallomimia, false.  knowledge is its own reward16:14
Seveasknowledge is power!16:14
Gallomimianot quite. we get paid for what we do, not for what we know16:14
doxinhoSeveas: http://pastebin.com/1zv0fZW816:14
ehsanvhi, why 'analog-output-speaker: Speakers (priority 10000, latency offset 0 usec, available: unknown)' ?!!? available: unknown?16:15
honey12 i am   beginer to java  any one can help me in  two matrix multiplication that can accept output of http://paste.ubuntu.com/14116890/  using in java may be?16:15
ehsanvthis is pacmd list-sinks output16:15
Seveasdoxinho: ooh fun, apt has its panties in a twist because of this. Time to use dpkg instead16:15
cfhowletthoney12, ask the java channel16:15
doxinhofascinating :O16:15
Seveasdoxinho: sudo dpkg -P --purge linux-image{,-extra}-3.19.0-{15,30,31,32,33}-generic16:15
Seveaserr, remove the --purge if that errors out. I shouldn't have left that in :)16:16
doxinhoyeah needed to remove the --purge, but otherwise that did the trick!16:17
nicomachusdoxinho: by the way, 15.04 goes out of support in just a few weeks. update that box to 15.1016:17
cfhowlettdoxinho, I do a bit of clean-up everyday:  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/14117017/16:17
doxinhooooh. time to find out best way to ugprade16:17
doxinhosudo do-release-upgrade -d16:18
doxinhoseems easy enough.16:18
Seveasif it all works :)16:18
Seveasbut yeah, that's usually how it's done16:18
srulii have a python app that i use as an agent for my qemu, it requires sudo to run, how to i change that to allow to run as a normal user? the official qemu-guest-agent runs fine without sudo, how can i do that?16:18
cfhowlettare you SURE you want an unreleased version, doxinho ??16:18
nicomachuscfhowlett: what. 15.10 is not unreleased16:19
doxinhounreleased? o_o16:19
Seveassruli: probably a combination of setgid bit, chown to the correct group and assigning yourself that group.16:19
Seveascfhowlett: -d on 15.04 still does 15.10 :)16:19
cfhowlettSeveas, ah, right.  sorry doxinho, my error16:19
doxinhono worries :D16:20
minas114hi. I managed to mess up the bootloader. Then I booted a bootable USB and run boot-repair. The problem was fixed, but some new entries have appeared to the grub menu. (EFI/ubuntu/mokmanager) and some more. How can I remove those?16:20
Seveasdoxinho: -d means "even upgrade if the next version isn't released yet". But 15.10 is out, so it's both safe to use -d and unnecessary to do so :)16:20
sruliSeveas: i changed own to root:kvm, i am a member of kvm16:20
ubuntu-mategood morning16:21
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doxinholinux is so cool <316:22
cfhowlettmanual | doxinho,16:23
doxinholol /boot partition doesnt have enough sapce for upgrade again, fun16:24
nicomachuscfhowlett: try again. :)16:24
cfhowlettdoxinho, also: www.fullcirclemagazine.org/downloads            start at #0, continue to #10316:24
cfhowlettnicolas_, sleeping bot16:24
doxinhoguess I'll run that purge command again16:24
nicomachusminas114: you can try to reload grub.16:24
minas114nicomachus, I have tried sudo update-grub, but it didn't fix the problem.16:25
HakonHello. I'm investigating a problem i'm having with nfs. Adding an nfsv4 share to /etc/fstab makes the vm hang on boot. If i remove the line, boot the machine then i'm able to mount it manually.16:29
HakonIt's like it tries to start mounting before network is up16:29
Seveasdoxinho: once the -42 installed properly, reboot and purge older kernel versions16:30
doxinhoyeah done, upgrade underway woot16:30
cfhowlettdoxinho, don't forget to clean up16:31
ioriaHakon, wifi connection ?16:32
ioriaHakon, are you network-manager  or edited /etc/network/interfaces  ?16:33
Hakonedited /etc/network/interfaces16:34
ioriaHakon, can you paste the fstab line ?16:35
doxinhoi'm upgraded! everything still works- ya'll are the best.16:35
Hakon<host>:/redacted/path  /readcted/path        nfs     _netdev 0       016:36
Hakoni know _netdev doesn't do anything with nfsv4 but i still tried16:36
anabainHakon, don't you need nfs4 instead of nfs?16:36
Hakonit should try nfsv4 first and then nfsv316:37
anabainin that entry, I mean16:37
Hakoni can try16:37
anabainotherwise, consider using autofs + nfs16:37
ioriaHakon, at the end try to add   user16:37
anabainbut in general, nfs is *hard* to get to work as one would like.16:38
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urukhow to find exactly files of 4kb for example find . -size +4k --> find files of more of 4 kb but how to find exactly 4kb16:47
Hakonit seems changing to nfs4 helped16:47
poolquruk have you tried -size 4k (i am guessing)16:48
anabainHakon, I'n glad to read that. In any case, if you have issues with nfs, consider using autofs to manage your mounts at the client side16:48
Hakonanabain: thanks for the tip16:51
anabainyou're welcome.16:52
Hakoni couldn't test on the main VM before later but i tested on a almost identical16:52
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Broshright guys, i had this wifi shit working and now it's broken again... installed dhcp3-server which appeared to break it... anyone know how one might go about rectifying this?16:58
cfhowlettBrosh, profanity is neither welcome nor allowed in this channel.  thank.16:58
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Guest91197Al Volante 01 2016 By PdS.pdf (60Mb)17:10
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cfhowlettGuest91197, check your channel17:11
anabainwhich is the best textbook to learn about file sharing in linux?17:13
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Guest43016how to install pcsxr in ubuntu14.0417:17
nicomachusGuest43016: why pcsxr? do you specifically need that program? I've found that RetroArch is better on resources, and "just works"17:19
mrsam_how can i find my ip and my mac address in terminal??17:19
nicomachusmrsam_: ifconfig17:19
mrsam_<nicomachus> where is write my maC?17:19
nicomachusmrsam_: HWaddr is your MAC address.17:20
anabainmrsam_, the characters after "HWaddr"17:21
mrsam_<nicomachus> i know..i have hwaddr front of enp2s0 and wlp3s0...which one is currect?17:21
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bill_where should i go for support on 14.04 server distribution?17:22
daftykinsthey both are, they're both interfaces.17:22
daftykinswl = wireless, enp - physical.17:22
daftykinsaka wired17:22
nicomachusbill_: #ubuntu-server17:22
bill_thank you17:23
daftykinsbill_: no harm in asking here too, depends what it is17:23
nicomachusbill_: you can also ask here17:23
nicomachusbut the -server guys specialize in server specific stuff.17:23
linuxRhello everybody, I have just experienced a segmentation fault in X, while doing nothing but a bit of webbrowsing with firefox...can somebody help?17:27
daftykinslinuxR: ubuntu version? graphics hardware? graphics driver? site you were browsing?17:29
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linuxRdaftykins, its ubuntu 14.04 LTS with all updates installed. It's an intel video card and driver, just some insurance site17:42
daftykinslinuxR: hmm ok, what kernel? "uname -r" please17:42
daftykinsany sign of the site using HTML5 video or flash player content?17:43
linuxRdaftykins, I don't use flash player...kernel now is: 3.13.0-74-generic17:45
linuxRbut was 3.13.0-68 when crashing17:46
linuxRthe site seems not to have any video embedded17:46
daftykinslinuxR: ok, so might be unrelated. since you've already changed kernel there's no point looking into it unless it happens again i'd say17:47
toorHello, I am trying to set up my ubuntu server as a mailserver but I can't get it to send the mails, it only receives them.17:47
daftykinstoor: #ubuntu-server17:47
daftykinstoor: find a channel for your chosen MTA also17:48
linuxRdaftykins, the problem seems to live in xorg...from what I can see in the backtrace: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/intel_drv.so17:49
daftykinswhat's your CPU model?17:49
TJ-linuxR: when the SIGSEGV occurred a crash dump should have been captured, which you can submit in a bug report using apport / ubuntu-bug, or analyse yourself locally17:49
bratchleyhey I'm pretty new to anything Ubuntu-related. Is there an equivalent to "Material Design" or "PatternFly" for Canonical products?17:49
daftykinsthe first of those sounds like android related?17:50
TJ-linuxR: check for a crash-dump file with "ll /var/crash/"17:50
xanguabratchley: http://www.webupd8.org/2014/12/paper-new-material-design-inspired-gtk.html works better with gnome-shell17:50
bratchleySorry, yeah I'm not asking if Canonical uses Material Design, just if they have a similar "User Interface Standard" they try to implement17:50
nicomachusbratchley: you want "ricing". there's a channel for that on irc.rizon.net at #rice, or you can check reddit.com/r/unixporn for ideas.17:51
linuxRTJ-, yes, there is a file in there for "usr_bin_xorg"17:51
TJ-linuxR: you could manually submit that in a bug report with "apport-bug /var/crash/<filename>"17:52
bratchleylike Google has Material Design and Red Hat has PatternFly, I was wondering if Canonical had something similar17:52
bratchleyI don't think "ricing" is what I'm looking for17:52
bratchleyjust judging from the name17:52
akikbratchley: maybe https://design.ubuntu.com/ ?17:52
nicomachusbratchley: ha, it's all about customizing the user interface. different window managers, GTK themes, etc.17:53
toorOkay, thank you17:53
nicomachusxangua: thanks for the Paper link... I was looking at a screenshot of someone's desktop with some guys last night and couldn't figure out what it was, this looks like exactly it.17:53
linuxRTJ-, I'd rather not do that as I don't know what (personal) data might be in that dump...are there any tutorials for debugging this locally?17:53
bratchleyakik: that looks pretty close but I think that's for the whole distro as opposed to just graphical interfaces17:54
daftykinslinuxR: still handy if you could mention which CPU you're using there, for which generation of intel graphics.17:54
bratchleylike PatternFly is "You have a list of entities, you highlight one, a panel should pop up on the right hand side with more details"17:55
bratchleythat sort of thing17:55
akikbratchley: not sure what you mean but that looks like what you're looking for17:56
linuxRdaftykins, just a second17:56
TJ-linuxR: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash17:56
daftykinsgrep model /proc/cpuinfo17:56
bratchleyakik: this is PatternFly https://www.patternfly.org and there are also online guides Google have for how to create interfaces that conform to Material Design. That page seems to talk more about how to use the Ubuntu logo and the guiding principles behind the distro itself17:57
bratchleyinstead of concrete ideas you should implement in your UI to have it look like an Ubuntu application17:58
bratchleyif that makes sense17:58
linuxRdaftykins, its a intel core2 4300 cpu, and a Intel 82946GZ/GL video controller17:58
linuxRTJ-, thanks!17:58
daftykinslinuxR: can you paste the direct output (just one line of) of "grep model /proc/cpuinfo" ?17:59
nicomachusbratchley: seriously, look around here for ideas. the comments always have the config files: https://www.reddit.com/r/unixporn17:59
daftykinssounds like it's a haswell though o017:59
linuxRdaftykins, what's wrong with haswell?18:00
daftykinsthere's nothing wrong with it, i'd simply suggest running a newer kernel such as the 3.19 series with the vivid HWE stack to make better use of it on 14.0418:00
bratchleynicomachus: I'm not looking for how to make the UI look different, I'm more looking for something similar to Material Design where google gives you specific ideas of how your user interface should function.18:00
minas114Hi. Is WUBI still supported? If I am not mistaken, I read that it would die a few year ago.18:00
daftykinsminas114: it's dead.18:01
daftykins(and good riddance)18:01
bratchleyDid anything replace it?18:01
daftykinsyes, installing properly :)18:01
minas114daftykins, Ahh. I wanted to put it on a friend's PC so that he can get to learn Linux, but don't want to mess up with his partitions.18:01
daftykinsminas114: virtualbox time then18:02
minas114daftykins, I'll probably use a VM. yes18:02
daftykinscreate a VM and ensure you enable 3D acceleration under graphics, it'll do just fine with full Ubuntu as long as the host has enough RAM18:02
ren0v0Hi, where should i be asking about LXD?18:02
nicomachusminas114: FYI, there's an issue with memory leaks in Virtualbox 5.0.10 if you're using integrated Intel graphics. Make sure to pull the latest driver from the intel site, and it'll resolve it18:03
minas114daftykins, How much RAM will I need for the VM? is 3GB enough?18:03
minas114nicomachus, thanks for the information, I'll look it up18:03
daftykinsminas114: what does the host system have?18:04
minas114daftykins, 8GB18:04
daftykinsyeah 3 to the VM would be plenty.18:04
=== cpaelzer is now known as cpaelzer_afk
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nicomachushmm... where does ubuntu store the value for the color of text in a drop-down menu? like from the main power-button menu?18:19
TJ-nicomachus: mainly that should be defined in the theme18:21
nicomachusTJ-: https://i.imgur.com/ol0JjS5.jpg18:22
nicomachussearching through the /usr/share/theme/paper/ directory, but not finding that value... wasn't sure if someone knew another place.18:22
TJ-nicomachus: Is it Unity? it could be in dconf/gsettings maybe? Always seems opague about user control of such things so not sure18:23
nicomachusTJ-: it's unity, but I just set a new GTK.... the value is 555753 so I guess I'll just search the directory for that.18:24
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mrsam_i wanna monitor my trrafic data ...which problem is good for this job?18:25
Kartagismrsam_: ^18:29
Kartagisoh, try ethereal18:30
Kartagismrsam_: ^18:30
mrsam_<Kartagis> what?18:30
yoasifhey, im experiencing a nasty btrfs bug that is fixed in the newer stable 4.2 series kernel18:31
yoasifhowever, the ubuntu mainline build doesn't build the kernel extras package, so no aufs — no docker18:32
yoasifi can't find much information on how the stable kernel updates happen18:32
yoasif(on wily)18:32
TJ-yoasif: do you have a bug reference for that??18:34
mrsam_i wanna monitor my trrafic data ...which problem is good for this job? plz help18:35
nicomachusmrsam_: netstat18:36
yoasifTJ-: for some reason, it doesn't seem like it's in launchpad, but it was logged in redhat's bugzilla: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=128750818:36
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 1287508 in kernel "[abrt] kernel BUG at fs/btrfs/extent-tree.c:1833! [btrfs]" [Unspecified,New]18:36
mrsam_<nicomachus>gui program?18:36
TJ-yoasif: give me a moment I'll see what I can find18:37
yoasifTJ-: really appreciate it!18:37
nicomachusmrsam_: etherape, wireshark, nagios18:37
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mrsam_<nicomachus>when  i want open it i see this error Error opening wlp3s0 : wlp3s0: You don't have permission to capture on that device (socket: Operation not permitted)18:39
mrsam_- perhaps you need to be root?18:39
TJ-yoasif: there's a btrfs fix in v4.2.8 branch (master-next) but it doesn't look to match the RedHat report: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git/ubuntu/ubuntu-wily.git/commit/?h=master-next&id=9e0d373b6959298b9a07cb2975d04a7aac7e0e2318:39
yoasifTJ-: yes that is one if the fixes18:39
daftykinsmrsam_: yeah you... need to be root.18:39
yoasifTJ-: this is the other one upstream: https://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/commit/?id=2c3cf7d5f6105bb957df125dfce61d4483b8742d18:39
daftykinsKartagis: just FYI it's been called wireshark for a number of years18:40
mrsam_<daftykins> i know but how can di it?18:40
daftykinsmrsam_: GUI apps must be run with 'gksu' in order to have the appropriate permission level18:40
daftykinsCLI ones with 'sudo'18:41
TJ-yoasif: that'll be http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git/ubuntu/ubuntu-wily.git/commit/?h=master-next&id=c7c784296cf04c0757f39aa00c77d12a4f2a554818:41
mrsam_<daftykins> so can u see an example to write this command?18:41
yoasifTJ-: ah right18:41
daftykinsmrsam_: no, you can learn18:41
nicomachus!gksu | mrsam_18:42
ubottumrsam_: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)18:42
nicomachuseek, that needs an update...18:42
TJ-yoasif: I'm not sure what the kernel-team's schedule will be for the .8 stable release integration over the Winter holidays18:42
slidinghornmrsam_: you can also see it in ifconfig  I believe18:42
yoasifTJ-: whats the general timeline? Is it worth commenting on the LP SRU update bug?18:42
slidinghornnevermind...hadn't caught up to the gui request yet.18:43
mrsam_<slidinghorn> tnx18:43
TJ-yoasif: when someone is in-work tomorrow daytime try asking in #ubuntu-kernel18:43
yoasifTJ-: thanks, will do!18:43
TJ-yoasif: this seems to suggest .8 should be released this month: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Dev/ExtendedStable18:44
yoasifTJ-: I can hope — it's great to not have to deal with the hard lockups (using the mainline builds), but mainline ppa doesn't build extras, so no docker… using it right now just to deal with filesystem related issues18:46
yoasifmakes the machine less useful though, since i was trying to go with a container based machine18:46
TJ-yoasif: here's the Ubuntu <> mainline kernel version equivalence table http://people.canonical.com/~kernel/info/kernel-version-map.html18:47
TJ-yoasif: could you use the Xenial kernel? does it have those patches ?18:48
yoasifTJ-: once it goes to 4.3, i'd have to upgrade zfs packages as well… too much surgery for a machine i'm trying to keep stable :/18:49
TJ-yoasif: Ahhh. You could always build the kernel, with the BTRFS patches, in a PPA yourself18:50
nicomachusyoasif: TJ-: not much sense going to 4.3 anyway if that's the case, because the LTS is going to be release with 4.4 :/18:51
yoasifTJ-: any chance you have a good howto? and yeah, all i really meant was that the wily zfs packages don't dkms compile with >4.218:51
anabainIn a nfs /media dir export, how are permissions of this dir to be set? Currently I cannot see its contents at the client side. Permissions for /media dir are:   drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 4096 des 19 02:44 /media/     and for the rbind mounted associated dir:     drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 4096 des 19 02:44 /srv/net/nfs/deuteros/media   . Export options are:  /srv/net/nfs/deuteros,sync,fsid=0,no_subtree_check,no_root_sq18:52
anabainuash,crossmnt), and finally, autofs mount at the client side is:     /mnt/net/nfs/deuteros     -fstype=nfs4,auto    deuteros:/18:52
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TJ-yoasif: oh, in that case, I'd just fix the DKMS build failures!18:53
anabainI want to be able to read and write to the remote /media dir and its subdirs from the client.18:53
kai___Guys, anybody can help me?18:53
kai___I can't login into my desktop18:54
kai___It's just show a black screen with cursor18:54
yoasifTJ-: hmm, i *could* upgrade to xenial — looks like the patches are there: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/4.3.0-5.1418:54
anabainBTW, exporting the "original" dirs, not the mounted ones, allows me to read /media subdirs, but I can't write to them, so it must be a permissions issue18:54
TJ-anabain: With NFS you have to match UIDs, or use idmap18:54
Bashing-om!nomodeset | kai___ Broken proprietary graphic's driver ? :18:55
ubottukai___ Broken proprietary graphic's driver ? :: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter18:55
yoasifTJ-: i could do a real hackjob, use the xenial kernel and use the zfsonlinux ppa for xenial, then purge that once the SRU appears18:56
kai___ubottu: thanks, mate.18:56
anabainTJ-, you mean idmap at the client side? that is,  option   NEED_IDMAPD=yes  in its /etc/default/nfs-common  file  ?18:58
kai___EriC^: i dont know, i'm still working on it19:00
TJ-yoasif: I generally find just adding a PATCH[x]="..." to the dkms.conf is much easier, especially as the dkms build.log capture the problems so its quite a quick iteractive process to add support for later kernels19:00
TJ-anabain: if the original is shared as UID 0 then that is the UID the client must use to access it, or else you need to configure the idmapper19:02
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Guest94288Hi. For create an UEFI compatibile USB drive from Windows, i just need format the USB as FAT32 and copy-paste the file on it?19:23
=== Guest94288 is now known as JackDD
MonkeyDustGuest8786  are you now in windows or in ubuntu?19:25
ioriaJackDD, why don't you use http://www.pendrivelinux.com/ ?19:25
JackDDihave try with rufus but not work so i have think, is not just a FAT32 pendrive or need the boot flag also with UEFI? Because i read uefi don't use the boot flag19:26
daftykinsJackDD: EFI will boot if you just format a flash drive as FAT32 and extract an ISO onto it19:27
daftykinsno need for flags, boot sectors, nothing.19:27
JackDDSo is just a copy-past of a formatted FAT32 right?19:27
ioriaJackDD, from win i always use pendrivelinux ... never complained19:27
JackDDThanks ioria but if is just a copy of some file i prefer the manual way, i have loose 20m with rufus for nothing. I'll try that19:28
Mdxxx q19:29
ioriaJackDD, ok19:29
glebihan_JackDD, copy-pasting the file on the thumb drive will not work19:29
JackDDglebihan_, daftykins say the opposite lol. Remember is UEFI and not the legacy bios19:30
daftykinsglebihan_: you're wrong i'm afraid19:30
daftykins<--diplomacy pro19:30
glebihan_daftykins, you said extracting the ISO onto it, it's different from pasting the file onto the drive19:30
daftykinsyeah, it's not me that's confused about that aspect.19:31
daftykinsJackDD: to be clear, you need to extract the ISO's contents onto the drive, not just paste the ISO on19:31
JackDDwhere is the differenct from extract and copy? If i'm mount the ISO and copy the file from that is different?19:31
daftykinsjust that you need to use the correct terms to not confuse us really :)19:31
JackDDOh lol i know, the content of the ISO19:31
JackDDsorry for that19:32
daftykinsno problemo19:32
glebihan_JackDD, what I meant is, copying the ISO file itself won't work19:32
JackDDYes, not the ISO itself, just a misunderstadding19:32
JackDDWell i'll start the copy19:33
JackDDThanks guys19:33
blufox83i'm having some serious issues with my usb thumb drive, it's suddenly locked in read-only mode :(19:36
blufox83googling has given me no real answers19:36
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blufox83i guess everyone is out to lunch O.o19:37
daftykinsno, we're all here19:37
daftykinsquickest approach is confirm it on other systems with other OSs19:38
MonkeyDustblufox83  you have waited less than 1 minute19:38
blufox83daftykins: i have no other systems to use, but i tried it in windows (at someone else's house) and it locked me out and went into read-only mode after just a few minutes19:40
blufox83MonkeyDust: true, it's been a while19:40
daftykinsblufox83: is it cheap and rubbish?19:41
blufox83i need to have some patience19:41
daftykinsit'd be interesting to see some output in a pastebin of "mount" ; "sudo parted -l" and so on19:41
blufox83any-who - i got a 1tb thumb drive, plugged it in and started moving files over to it and BOOM stopped for no reason and said it was read-only!19:41
blufox83sure sure19:42
daftykins1TB o019:42
nicomachusa 1tb thumb drive?19:42
daftykinsi sense unit confusion19:42
Demon_Jesterhey guys, I has a question, a while back there was a way using grep and dmesg to check if wifi network has mac filtering, and I can't seem to find the full command, any one know what I am talking about?19:42
Demon_JesterI have*19:42
daftykinscan't you just ask who manages the wifi, Demon_Jester? :P19:42
BluesKajprobly  1Tb usb connected hdd19:43
Demon_JesterI have it enabled on one of these old routers, and I was wanting to see how to detect it from my laptop.19:43
daftykinsit'd fail association i would expect19:43
Demon_Jesterdaftykins, oh ok, so grep failed association or something like that? hmm should work.19:43
daftykins'assoc' maybe19:44
Demon_Jesterah ok, thanks. it seems mac filtering is not functioning.. hmm i may have done something wrong on the router. ok thank you.19:45
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blufox83that's not cool, it's suddenly not listed when i type mount19:46
blufox83let me see what in fo i can come up with in a pastebin19:46
nicomachusblufox83: sounds like it failing.19:46
daftykinsdmesg | tail19:46
nicomachusit is*19:46
blufox83daftykins: that worked for an output, is there anything else you'd like to see an output from?19:47
daftykinsblufox83: yep you as to what this device is. they don't make 1TB flash drives :)19:47
blufox83it's  closed to 985 gb19:48
blufox83er, it's closer to 985gb19:48
daftykinsi'm asking what it really is, because it sounds like a hard disk in an enclosure which converts SATA to USB.19:48
BluesKajI bet it's not a thumb drive19:49
blufox83it's a thumb drive...an actual thumb drive19:49
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daftykinswhat make is it?19:50
daftykinsstill awaiting the pastebin with the commands i mentioned would be handy from 10 mins ago19:51
blufox83https://www.wish.com/c/55b10a0792e7b25d3962b9e2?th_s=1&rel_p=1&abs_p=1&original_q=1tb  <---the iutem in question19:52
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blufox83that should help19:53
daftykinsthat's the same paste as before19:53
nicomachus"sign up to view details about this product" >:(19:54
blufox83i already have an account...19:54
nicomachuswe don't.19:54
blufox83what information would you like to see?19:55
daftykinsblufox83: can you make a paste of the requested "sudo parted -l" please as asked 12 mins ago19:55
daftykins"mount" would also be nice19:55
blufox83daftykins: certainly, one momnent please19:55
TJ-blufox83: I've seen a common issue with USB bridged flash storage devices as they get bigger. The aren't designed to cope with sustained data transfers - specifically the USB <> SATA bridge chip overheats and fails.19:56
blufox83TJ-: aww..that sucks D:19:57
nicomachus$10 for 1TB USB? It's garbage.19:57
daftykinsnicomachus: that's what the linked site claims? O_O19:57
blufox83it worked for a little while...like 20 minutes19:57
TJ-blufox83: have you done a pastebin for the 'dmesg' output yet?19:57
daftykinsTJ-: http://pastebin.com/mXxV0Njd19:57
blufox83TJ-: yeah the first one i posted was dmesg19:58
nicomachusdaftykins: https://imgur.com/hYWr0Gu19:58
TJ-blufox83: I'mm scroll back19:58
blufox83i seem to have horrible luck with mass storage options :(19:58
nicomachusblufox83: if the price seems too good to be true, it is.19:58
blufox83i bought a 1tb western digital sata drive last year, it lasted about a month :(19:59
nicomachusblufox83: a good 1TB USB drive is about $750.19:59
blufox83and that was like 400 bucks :(19:59
nicomachusblufox83: a good external 1TB Hard Drive is about $10019:59
blufox83it was an internal one19:59
nicomachus$400 for a hard drive?20:00
blufox83stupid thing has about 90 gigs of data and keeps crashing the box it's on D:20:00
TJ-blufox83:  "Direct-Access     Generic  Flash Disk" surprised me. I'd expect a premium product like that to have a dedicated device name programmed into its firmware20:00
blufox83yeah i got it on sale or something, i don't recall the specifics20:01
blufox83TJ-: it did, but after it crashed the first time i formatted it, and tried renaming it...that held for about 3.8gigs, then it crashed saying it was read-only20:02
nicomachusblufox83: 1TB internal for $48.10: http://www.amazon.com/Seagate-Desktop-3-5-Inch-Internal-ST1000DM003/dp/B005T3GRNW20:02
TJ-blufox83: This is from someone else with one: " Direct-Access     Kingston DataTraveler 2.0 PMAP PQ: 0 ANSI: 0 CCS"20:02
blufox83nicomachus: thanks, that just depresses me, i don't have 50 bucks right now...lol20:03
TJ-blufox83: which all suggests the USB bridge has failed; its possible that somehow the firmware has reset to some default mode, but you'll need to talk to the manufacturer support20:03
blufox83but thanks for the link, i'll save it!20:03
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blufox83TJ-: thanks, unfortunately i think it's going to be one of those times i just toss it...cus i don't speak mandarin20:04
nolsenHow do I disable the unity launcher?20:04
nolsenand replace it with a dock.20:04
daftykinswould make more sense to use another DE...20:04
MonkeyDustnolsen  install cairo-dock, logout, switch, login20:05
blufox83nolsen: honestly i'd recommend something else like gnome...20:05
nicomachusnolsen: it can't be disabled. you can make it auto-hide and use a dock like cairo-dock, or switch DE as daftykins says20:05
* blufox83 prefers gnome20:05
blufox83well thanks anyways folks, i know it's not your fault the news is all bad. thanks for your time though.20:06
blufox83i happen to love ubuntu because of it's community :)20:07
blufox83also, cus it's freakin awesome ;)20:07
TJ-blufox83: I'd bet that the device is only about 64GB and is wrapping around when writing data to it20:08
blufox83TJ-: it's currently only saying that it's in read-only mode and wont even let me format it..so i'm gonna call it toast20:08
TJ-blufox83: looking at that web-page (I had to use developer tools to Kill all those popups/overlays) - definitely suspicious. 1TB on a USB 1.1/2.0 interface? no way20:08
blufox83the wierd thing is that when i use hdparm to change it from read only mode, it says that it works...but then you can't add to it or format it or anything, it still says it's read-only20:09
linuxr_hello everybody..I am a little worried about the current state of ubuntu...this weekend I had severe crashes on 3 different machines (2x xorg segfault, 1x system freeze when unplugging usb stick)....after having used ubuntu for *years* without any problems..what's going on?20:09
daftykinsblufox83: parted's output shows it has a partition but no file system20:09
MonkeyDustlinuxr_  an LTS?20:09
blufox83daftykins: yeah, i was in the middle of writing it to ext320:10
linuxr_MonkeyDust, yes all current LTEs20:10
blufox83it got far enough to erase the FS, then it refused any more writing20:10
TJ-blufox83: the specs really give it away. It's fake, old stock: "Support Win98/ME/2000/XP/Vista/7, Mac OS 9.X/Linux2.4 without device drive"20:10
daftykinsblufox83: can you show us what the physical thing looks like? :)20:11
OerHekslinuxr_, a server with xorg?desktop crash on your server?20:11
blufox83uh..i suppose20:11
blufox83not sure how i should do that though O.o20:11
linuxr_OerHeks, no, desktops20:11
OerHekslinuxr_, oh oke, check te logs in /var/log/ and in your homefolder,might give you a clue20:12
linuxr_OerHeks, for the xorg problem I found some other people having issues as well (something with intel video drivers), and for the unplug-problem I have absolutely nothing in the logs, which makes me a bit uncomfortable20:14
blufox83is there someplace i should upload a pic to?20:14
MonkeyDustblufox83  imgur20:14
anabainTJ-, I forgot to say that I can access my remote /home/user dir with rw permissions. Then, if I cannot access the remote /media dir, is still a matter of idmap ?20:16
TJ-anabain: yes, if the UIDs are different. The same username can have different UIDs on different systems20:17
blufox83i am totally crap at this...i put it in my google drive and i can't access it to put it on imgur lol20:17
blufox83because there's no google drive for linux....laaaaaame20:17
nicomachususe the internet site?20:18
anabainTJ-, client:   joan:x:1000:     server:     joan:x:1000:20:18
MonkeyDustblufox83  system settings > online accounts > google    <-- useful?20:19
anabainTJ-, I tried fsid=1000 instead of fsid=0 in the exports file, same result20:20
blufox83MonkeyDust: i'm using gnome..so...not really20:20
OerHeks!info grive20:20
ubottugrive (source: grive): Google Drive client for GNU/Linux. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.2.0-1.1build3 (wily), package size 160 kB, installed size 577 kB20:20
blufox83and the pic is so aweful you can barely tell what it is..my bad guys20:20
TJ-blufox83: here's a more realistic advert for the same device you linked to on that wish.com site: http://e-voxtera.com.my/product-1315121.html20:20
TJ-blufox83: notice how the specifications text is identical, but the max size is 32GB20:21
blufox83yeah uh...so mine is the blue one20:22
blufox83in the pic you posted20:22
blufox83aaaaand, mine wont work when i plug it into my phone..it never did20:22
donatello673would love to get my PC to boot linux (or any OS at all at this point). it hangs with a blinking underscore in the top left of the screen at boot. if anyone can help i'd be grateful. :)20:22
TJ-blufox83: lesson: if it looks too good to be true, it is20:23
nicomachus!nomodeset | donatello673 this is usually the first thing to try20:23
ubottudonatello673 this is usually the first thing to try: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter20:23
blufox83donatello673: laptop or desktop?20:23
TJ-blufox83: try to get your money back, it's fraud pure and simple20:23
donatello673blufox83: desktop20:23
blufox83TJ-: wish actually has no method for getting money back20:23
ioriablufox83, have you tried to format it in windows ?20:24
MonkeyDustdonatello673  http://ultilex.linux-bg.org/20:24
blufox83ioria: yeah uh...even less success20:24
donatello673nicomachus: i've initially tried to install trisquel (which installed) and since it didn't boot, I tried ubuntu and others. But it still says trisquel no matter what's on the USB.20:25
linuxr_can somebody tell me how to remove old kernels? I have the nice situation that boot partition is filled with old kernels so update to new kernel is not possible20:25
ioriablufox83, what happened ?20:25
linuxr_apparently I have data in /boot for which the package was already removed20:25
blufox83ioria: it didn't know what to do with it.20:25
MonkeyDustlinuxr_  try sudo apt-get autoremove; sudo aptitude purge ~c20:26
blufox83in any event, i'm gonna toss it. i can't fix it20:26
daftykinslinuxr_: "dpkg -l | grep linux-" then use "sudo dpkg -r <-extra package name,> <-image package name) to clear old ones out with the 'ii' beside.20:26
donatello673also, nicomachus , in order to edit the grub I need a username/password that I don't recall20:26
SchrodingersScatlinuxr_: sudo apt-get remove linux-image-{version to remove} ; sudo apt-get autoremove ; sudo apt-get -f install20:26
blufox83i've tried literally everything every single result on the boards has said to try20:26
daftykinsblufox83: if you really did only pay $10 then yeah, i'd give up20:27
linuxr_when I do "apt-get autoremove linux-image-3.13.0-65-generic", I get "Package 'linux-image-3.13.0-65-generic' is not installed, so not removed"20:27
MonkeyDustlinuxr_  try sudo apt-get autoremove; sudo aptitude purge ~c20:28
linuxr_but "ls -lah /boot/" says: "-rw-r--r--  1 root root  29M Okt 20 22:11 initrd.img-3.13.0-65-generic"20:28
ioriablufox83, you mean, it does not even show in Computer  ?20:28
blufox83daftykins: yeah, that included shipping. I figured from the start that it was either total BS or i might have found a cheap thumb drive worth having, but i figured i'd be lucky if it even worked at all20:28
linuxr_that didn't help, MonkeyDust20:28
blufox83ioria: honestly that was hours ago at someone else's house. I mostly recall it failing while i was trying to use it to back up their windows installation20:28
blufox83donatello673: when you start the machine does it just not post anything?20:29
donatello673blufox83: it does post20:29
donatello673let me reset and repeati t20:29
blufox83donatello673: does it make it to grub?20:29
donatello673it goes straight to the grub20:29
donatello673then it prints 2 lines (one of them is loading OS_name)20:30
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blufox83ok, well does it show anything after that, or does it just go blank and have a blinking cursor?20:30
donatello673since trisquel was what i initially installed, trisquel is what shows up. despite ubuntu on my USB20:30
donatello673blinking cursor20:30
ioriablufox83, you can try to nuke it with dd and try to format it in Disks20:30
blufox83ioria: it wont work, says it's read only20:30
blufox83donatello673: are you booting entirely from usb or from HD?20:31
ioriablufox83, try to mount it  manually rw....20:31
donatello673donatello673: it's supposed to boot from USB, I set it in boot order20:31
donatello673blufox83: *20:31
blufox83ioria: yeah uh...says it's a read-only file system20:31
blufox83hrm...so it goes to grub...that shouldn't happen if you are actually booting into usb20:33
donatello673i had changed the boot order before, but i just checked and had to change it again. now ubuntu install GUI is up. so thank you!!!!!20:33
ioriablufox83, try dosfsck -a /dev/sdx120:33
blufox83donatello673: believe it or not, just asking questions about what you are doing can be enough to help figure it out. and you're very welcome :)20:34
daftykinslinuxr_: you have to match against "dpkg -l | grep linux" as i suggested :)20:35
blufox83fsck.fat 3.0.27 (2014-11-12)20:35
blufox83Logical sector size is zero.20:35
blufox83ioria: that's what your command gave me20:35
ioriablufox83, maybe you need to recreate the PT20:37
Ben64blufox83: so you got a 1TB flash drive for how much?20:37
blufox83ioria: nah, i'm pretty sure it's just cheap junk. thank you for trying to help, but pretty sure it's toast20:37
blufox83Ben64: $10.0020:37
ioriablufox83, cfdisk20:37
Ben64yep, fake flash drive20:38
Ben64no way to repair, they misrepresented the actual size20:38
linuxr_I don't understand daftykins20:39
linuxr_daftykins, all these dpkg results have status "rc"20:39
donatello673blufox83: i'm trying to work out how to format these partitions because half the disk is allocated to trisquel. not sure how to fix that20:39
Ben64linuxr_: rc = residual config, the package isn't installed though20:40
blufox83donatello673: do you WANT it to be that way, or would you like ubuntu to take up everything?20:40
donatello673i'll try googling :p20:40
linuxr_Ben64, so why do I have data in /boot for a package which is not installed (anymore), and how can I get rid of it without breaking anything?20:40
donatello673blufox83: i'll give up trisquel for now and use ubuntu. so I want to get rid of it.20:40
Ben64linuxr_: what size is your /boot partition?, which files are there that are not installed, taking how much space?, which kernel are you running now?, which version of ubuntu?20:41
blufox83donatello673: ok then, during the ubuntu installation process it'll ask you if you'd like ubuntu to take up all the space, just choose that as the option20:41
donatello673blufox83: i have windows though20:41
donatello673and i figured it'd be handy to keep it20:42
blufox83donatello673: ok, so then it should see windows, you can choose which partition to use..just use the one with the other linux OS20:42
donatello673i'm guessing i'm supposed to select fat32 system20:43
blufox83ioria: uh..i used cfdisk and it says it wrote to the partition20:43
donatello673i'm not sure how to configure it20:43
linuxr_Ben64, /boot is ~240MB, there seem to be images installed 3.13.0-63 - 3.13.0-66, taking over 100MB of space....it's ubuntu 14.04 lts20:43
blufox83donatello673: not really any configuration involved...just tell it which partition to use...it will even show you what is on which partition20:43
donatello673i'm able to click "Change"20:44
donatello673which asks me to pick a file system. i'm not sure which type of file system20:44
donatello673and it asks for a mount point. I don't see a "delete" button20:44
blufox83you don't need a delete button20:44
Ben64linuxr_: sudo apt-get autoremove should clear it up20:45
blufox83use ext4, use the entire partition that the other linux is using20:45
linuxr_Ben64, no..."0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded."20:45
Gryfelhashi, i have a question about the LTS version... after the 5 years support... will there still be new browserupdates ?20:45
deftjackUbuntu 14.04.2 LTS, apt-get upgrade is failing with a log of unable to fetch files. I have checked and the files its trying to get off ubuntu.com do not exist. Does something need to be changed for the sources on this version of ubuntu? http://fpaste.org/303572/14506443/20:45
Ben64linuxr_: ok then, pastebin the output of "df -h; ls -hoSr /boot"20:47
blufox83ok, i'm gonna run folks...thanks for trying to help me out20:47
clueless_tableteHi, something is assigning a route for destination to a second network interface on my computer when I ifup that interface.  I just want to configure it statically.20:47
blufox83donatello673: i hope i helped point you in the right way20:47
blufox83er, direction20:47
Ben64deftjack: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade20:48
donatello673blufox83: thanks very much!20:48
clueless_tableteBut it seems it's not avahi, nor dnsmasq dhcp'ing it, since I killed those20:48
clueless_tableteso how come ifup eth1 creates that route?20:48
daftykinslinuxr_: then you shouldn't still have them, so either pastebin the output along with "ls -al /boot" or remove them manually :)20:48
deftjackclueless_tablete: Those are auto assigned ips. Its used in situations where there is no ip given or available via the likes of DHCP, ec.20:48
linuxr_Ben64, http://pastebin.com/6e7S7JRn20:49
clueless_tabletedeftjack, assigned by what?20:49
deftjackBen64: Im not very familiar with apt-get but wont that last one upgrade the OS version?20:49
deftjackclueless_tablete: By your system. Whatever brings up the interfaces or an associated process.20:49
deftjackclueless_tablete: You can turn if off in the network configuration files.20:49
Ben64deftjack: no20:49
clueless_tabletedeftjack: ok, well, that's my question I guess: what exactly is doing that and how can I stop it20:50
Ben64linuxr_: dpkg -l | grep linux20:50
Ben64clueless_tablete: give it an ip address20:51
clueless_tableteI don't remember this particular issue happening in the past (though I do remember avahi, networkmanager etc. messing with statically configured interfaces that they claim they don't mess with for... what, almost a decade now?)20:51
deftjackclueless_tablete: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Link-local_address  Here you can find out more about APIPA.20:51
linuxr_Ben64, http://pastebin.com/i4CgVbAP20:51
deftjackBen64: Thanks Ill give it a try.20:51
clueless_tabletedeftjack: I already did give it an IP20:52
clueless_tableteit is statically configured in /etc/network/interfaces20:52
Ben64linuxr_: sudo apt-get purge linux-image-3.13.0-{32..68}-generic linux-image-extra-3.13.0-{32..68}-generic20:53
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deftjackclueless_tablete: That seems odd. I dont recall where in ubuntu(not my linux fortay) but you can disable it.  Probably in /etc/networks/interfaces20:54
clueless_tableteany idea how?20:54
Ben64by assigning it an ip.20:54
deftjackThats why I say its seems odd. clueless_tablete says they have assigned it an ip already.20:55
clueless_tableteBen64, : when the interface has an IP, it has the route.  When it does not have an IP, it does not have the route20:55
Ben64then why using ifup20:55
akikclueless_tablete: did you stop network-manager from running?20:55
clueless_tableteBen64: ah, that may be a great question, maybe I'm bringing it up with the wrong tool20:55
Caleb--is there a way to save & restore Nautilus windows and tabs?20:56
clueless_tableteakik: no didn't try that yet, I kind of expected that to kill my internet connection20:56
akikclueless_tablete: i could be wrong, but you can't have both network-manager and interfaces files configuring your network20:57
daftykins^ +120:57
clueless_tableteBen64: looking at the manpage for ifup I think I am using the right tool?  No IP assigned -> run ifup -> IP now assigned (but I have the route too)20:57
clueless_tableteakik: Pretty sure that's wrong, I remember from back in around 2008 that NM was supposed to leave unmanaged all interfaces that are configured interfaces in /etc/network/interfaces -- and NM indeed reports it as unmanaged20:58
clueless_tabletebut *something* thinks it should have its grubby hands in my routing table20:59
daftykinsyou misread akik.20:59
daftykinsif you're specifying config in the interfaces file, the interface should be up at boot20:59
clueless_tabletedaftykins: are you sugesting that NM is adding the route, and that a reboot would cause NM to stop doing that?21:00
linuxr_Ben64, that did not free any space21:00
akikclueless_tablete: do you have a dhclient process for some interface?21:00
daftykinsi'm not talking about routes at all.21:00
Ben64linuxr_: can you pastebin the output21:00
clueless_tableteno dhclients21:00
clueless_tableteakik: oops, I lied, there is one21:01
clueless_tableteakik: it's for other interface though21:01
clueless_tabletenot the statically configured one21:01
linuxr_Ben64, like this: http://pastebin.com/xT1aUEBZ21:02
clueless_tablete(I'm talking about dhclient process -- I have exactly one, but it is for the network interface connected to internet, not the other interface)21:02
akikclueless_tablete: i'd suggest disabling network-manager and testing only with the interfaces file. you know a lot changes from 2008 to 201521:02
Ben64linuxr_: not seeing a problem, except you typed the wrong command, and it says its going to remove that one package21:02
linuxr_Ben64, http://pastebin.com/t6KxGJci21:02
clueless_tabletedaftykins: ok.  I don't understand what you said about boot then, sorry if I'm being dumb21:03
linuxr_Ben64, I had to remove them individually21:03
mrsam_i have ubuntu...how can i intall fedora alongside it?21:03
daftykinsmrsam_: you're in the wrong place for that21:03
akiki just noticed i have a route similar to your's ( for my wlan0 interface that is configured in interfaces file21:05
daftykinsthat's APIPA.21:05
akikso i get apipa in addition to the real ip that comes from the dhcp server?21:06
daftykinsnah APIPA is typically when no DHCP servers are reached21:07
linuxr_Ben64, why is the data in /boot not removed for the old kernels? what am I doing wrong?21:07
TJ-akik daftykins clueless_tablete its assigned by avahi: see /etc/avahi/avahi-autoipd.action21:07
MWMIm having trouble making a live image of Lubuntu 15.10 with LiLi .  Ive tried 3 different usb sticks, and am going to try getting the image again.  Any other suggestions?21:08
clueless_tableteok, I tried disabling network-manager, and I STILL get the route when I ifup my static IP non-internet interface!  Grrr.  This is with none of following running: dhclient, dnsmasq, NetworkManager, avahi21:09
akiki never learned what i get from running avahi21:09
TJ-clueless_tablete: it's enabled via /etc/network/if-up.d/avahi-autoipd21:09
clueless_tableteTJ: I saw the behaviour when it wasn't running21:10
clueless_tableteso it's not avahi21:10
daftykinsMWM: hash the image and use 'dd' to write it, if you're on a Linux host.21:10
TJ-clueless_tablete: there's no "running" required21:10
clueless_tableteTJ: how can it have any behaviour unless there is an OS process?  Avahi is a userspace thing, no?21:11
TJ-clueless_tablete: avahi-autopid assigns a link-local address to only the 'lo' interface21:11
clueless_tableteor are you referring to the protocol(s)?21:11
TJ-clueless_tablete: no, as I told you, it is assigned by /etc/network/if-up.d/avahi-autopid21:11
akiki have a eth0 with no cable connected, set to dhcp "avahi-autoipd: [eth0] bound"21:12
clueless_tableteah, got it, short-lived process, thankyou!21:12
clueless_tableteI had forgotten all about if-up.d, which is a great thing about NM I guess21:13
TJ-I mistyped. "...only the non 'lo' interfaces..."21:13
MWMdaftykins: I can switch to a linux box and understand dd, but how do I "hash the image" ?21:13
deftjackBen64: Thanks! That did the trick for the updates.21:13
daftykins!md5 | MWM21:13
ubottuMWM: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows21:13
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Guest52390Hello everyone!21:17
godbod hello all, what's the last version of Ubuntu ?21:18
godbod Thanks a lot21:18
nicomachusgodbod: 15.10 is the latest release, 14.04 is the latest LTS21:18
TJ-MWM: if you want to check the (SHA1) hash of the image written to a USB device I have a script for that: https://iam.tj/projects/misc/hash-check_dev-from-ISO.bash21:19
godbod oh yeah I should have said the last stable21:19
godbod so it's 14.04 then LTS21:19
bgeerwhere can i get a kernel with only new modules and drivers, eg. the last 5 years21:19
xen4awhat's the equivalent bash command "DISPLAY=:7 firefox" in bourne shell (sh)?21:19
Ben64bgeer: what?21:19
TJ-bgeer: any Ubuntu release21:19
TJ-xen4a: same21:20
nicomachusgodbod: 15.10 is stable. LTS just means long-term support (supported for 5 years)21:20
bgeeri dont mean a kernel with drivers from the last 30 years!21:20
bgeeronly the last 521:20
xen4aTJ-: no it's not. sh says: DISPLAY=:7: Command not found21:20
TJ-bgeer: ask your strange question in ##kernel21:21
akikxen4a: if you're using ubuntu, sh = dash21:21
k1l_bgeer: compile it yourself21:21
xen4adash stays for Debian Almquist Shell and not bourne shell (sh)21:21
akikxen4a: although the same syntax works for /bin/dash too21:22
simonpe^^Hi! I somehow messed up my encryption keys for my home folder when (ironically) moving over all my work to SVN as a first (but very late) commit. No I cant decrypt it. HELP! What do I do?21:22
TJ-xen4a: "export DISPLAY=:7; firefox" or "firefox -display ..." possibly21:22
simonpe^^I`m looking forward to about a week of gathering bits and pieces to puzzle together if I cant manage to fix it21:23
xen4aakik: fine, but i don't use dash ;)21:23
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k1l_xen4a: but?21:23
simonpe^^The last thing I did before it broke was playing around with my keyring for signing deb packages21:23
xen4aBourne Shell is the old school sh21:23
TJ-xen4a: Ubuntu doesn't have a Bourne Shell package21:24
k1l_xen4a: ubuntu standard is dash and bash. so why "sh"?21:24
TJ-simonpe^^: encryption keys for encrypted $HOME do you mean?21:25
simonpe^^TJ-, yes dear TJ21:25
simonpe^^im not sure what I did but all of the sudden gpg --list-keys was empty and my home folder unaccessible21:26
TJ-simonpe^^: So it is using ecryptfs, and the encrypted files are under /home/.ecryptfs/$USER/Private/ ?21:26
TJ-simonpe^^: Oh... sounds like you moved, not copied, the content21:26
simonpe^^TJ-, yes I find some weird looking files in there21:26
TJ-simonpe^^: the unwrap passphrase is the user's password, unless the password has been changed manually rather than with the tools that know to sync it to the ecryptfs wrapper21:27
simonpe^^in /home/.ecryptfs/simon/.Private there are files called ECRYPTFS_FNEK_ENCRYPTED.xxxxxxx...21:27
TJ-simonpe^^: right, that is where the user's home really is. When it is unlocked it is mounted to /home/$USER/21:28
TJ-simonpe^^: so, if there's currently next to nothing in /home/$USER/ that suggests the encrypted home hasn't been unlocked and mounted21:28
simonpe^^mounting it doesnt seeem to work tho, it complains about ERROR: Encrypted private directory is not setup properly21:29
simonpe^^yes, it seems like it failed to mount during boot21:29
TJ-simonpe^^: so whatever you did with the SVN process sounds to have broken it21:29
TJ-simonpe^^: did you alter any directory/file permissions?21:29
simonpe^^yes, I tried to generate keys but got complaints about not having access to $HOME/.gnupgp21:30
TJ-simonpe^^: just FYI, the _FNEK_ in those filenames tells you the filenames, as well as the file contents, are encrypted. The filenames use a different key to the files themselves21:30
TJ-simonpe^^: gnupg has nothing to do with ecryptfs21:31
simonpe^^what do you suggest I do to troubleshoot?21:31
TJ-simonpe^^: are you currently using the problem PC to chat to us?21:31
simonpe^^no this is my private PC, the laptop with the issues is in my lay21:32
simonpe^^I managed to arrange a network connection to it with wpa_supplicant to salvage what wasnt in my home folder21:32
TJ-simonpe^^: OK, so we can do things on the problem PC without affecting this IRC session. Good.21:33
TJ-simonpe^^: first of all, boot the laptop in recovery mode and to a root shell21:33
simonpe^^TJ ok Im in a root shell in recovery mode21:35
TJ-simonpe^^: ok, be aware that right now the root file-system is mounted read-only so we can't accidentically make changes. That might make some commands return unexpected results.21:36
simonpe^^TJ I see21:36
TJ-simonpe^^: first off, list the files in the user's home directory, including 'hidden' dirs/files, and give me an overview of what you see: "ls -altr /home/simon/"21:37
TJ-simonpe^^: I expect you to see this, or slightly less: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14120884/21:38
simonpe^^.Private -> /home/.ecryptfs/simon/.private, .ecryptfs -> /home/.ecryptfs/simon/.ecryptfs, README.txt -> /home/.ecryptfs/simon/.ecryptfs Acces-Your-Private-Data.desktop -> /usr-share-ecryptfs-utils/ecryptfs-mount-private.desktop21:38
simonpe^^TJ correct, pretty much the same21:39
TJ-simonpe^^: OK, so now let's try unlocking the encrypted files to a temporary mount point: "ecryptfs-recover-private /home/.ecryptfs/simon/.Private/" and follow the on-screen prompts *carefully*21:40
TJ-simonpe^^: if you get a 'read-only' error/warning we can do "mount -o remount,rw /" to make the root file-system read-write21:41
ctlaltdelhelp my monitor crashing21:41
simonpe^^TJ lol, that string I was supposed to write on a note?21:41
simonpe^^that`s what its asking for?21:41
simonpe^^I think I made a mental note to write it down at some point, but never came around to do it21:42
TJ-No, the first thing it expects is your user's standard login password. Only if you say you have forgetten that will it ask for the key21:42
TJ-simonpe^^: the user's login password is used to 'wrap' the real key21:42
simonpe^^then it said faileid to create dir via template /tmp/ecryptfs.XXXXXX21:42
TJ-right, remount it as I showed then21:43
TJ-then rerun the command21:43
ctlaltdelhelp my monitor corrupted21:43
simonpe^^just mount -o remount,ro?21:44
TJ-simonpe^^: "mount -o remount,rw / "21:44
simonpe^^ok so it managed to mount it21:44
simonpe^^in /tmp/ecryptfs.blabla21:44
MonkeyDust!details | ctlaltdel21:44
ubottuctlaltdel: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)21:44
MWMtrying to use a live image of Lubuntu 15.10 - finally got the image to boot but now I vant access anything --even terminal21:45
simonpe^^TJ I see lots of weird filenames in there21:45
TJ-simonpe^^: So now you can look at the files under /mtmp/ecryptfs.XXXX/, or you can continue on and do "mount --bind /tmp/ecryptfs.XXXX /home/simon " and see them in the usual location21:45
TJ-simonpe^^: how are they 'weird' ?21:46
simonpe^^wait a sec, Im getting Could not find key with description: [blablabla]21:46
ctlaltdelMonkeyDust: I ubuntu 15.04, but when firefox tabs many got crashing21:46
simonpe^^ecryptfs_parse_tag_70_packet: Error attempting to find auth tok for fnek sig [eoueou]21:46
simonpe^^TJ I get this when I ls21:47
simonpe^^it also contains the ECRYPTFS_FNEK_ENCRYPTED files21:47
MonkeyDustctlaltdel  so it's not your monitor, it's firefox21:48
ctlaltdelyou know tv no channel picture? it looks like that then reboot21:49
MonkeyDustctlaltdel  that's hard to understand ... what is your native language?21:49
MWMhashed the image and used dd to put on a usb stick so I know the md5 checks out21:49
TJ-simonpe^^: ahhh! OK, I know the issue there; kernel keyring, and a bug in ecryptfs21:50
ctlaltdelMonkeyDust: english21:50
TJ-simonpe^^: let's unmount and redo it: "umount /tmp/ecryptfs.XXXX"21:50
TJ-simonpe^^: then "keyctl link @u @s" (links the user keyring into the session keyring)21:51
TJ-simonpe^^: then redo "ecryptfs-recover-private /home/.ecryptfs/simon/.Private/ " again. If there are warnings/errors let me know21:52
ctlaltdelhelp support my monitor21:52
ubuntu571Hello, I'm wondering if someone can help me with a broadband issue please?21:53
simonpe^^TJ unfortunately I get the same behaviour21:53
TJ-simonpe^^: OK, so the filenames haven't been decrypted21:53
MWMjust say your question unbuntu57121:53
TJ-simonpe^^: we can guess which files are which by size, hopefully, so you can verify the contents are decrypted21:54
MWMubuntu571: if anyone knows how to help they will21:54
simonpe^^I have a file which is exactly 700MB somewhere in there, which is a tarball21:54
ubuntu571After I configure my broadband connection, I can not connect to it, because it is "unavailable" according to gnome applet (I'm using Ubuntu gnome 15.10 and the modem is Huawei E1752)21:55
ubuntu571Ok, thank you :) !21:56
TJ-simonpe^^: "ls -laSr /tmp/ecryptfs.XXX" will sort and list by size, increasing21:57
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ctlaltdelplease my monitor is corrupted with more than 60 tabs on firefox I think it ram issue21:57
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TJ-ctlaltdel: tell Firefox to close. From a remote SSH terminal you should be able to do "DISPLAY=:0 pkill -TERM firefox"21:58
simonpe^^TJ what I can see is 5 directories22:00
MWM"incompatible liscence" when trying to boot from live usb made in linux22:00
simonpe^^TJ some are 4k, one is 20k, not sure why it differs22:00
ctlaltdelTJ-: I would but I can't click and can't type22:00
DosTuMaiStupid question: Why do people always blame RAM, not their actions?22:01
TJ-ctlaltdel: I said use a remote SSH terminal connection22:01
TJ-simonpe^^: OK, that sounds like the undecrypted sizes. compare with "ls -laSr /home/.ecryptfs/simon/.Private/" to confirm22:02
anabainubuntu571, you should open a terminal and make some basic checking tests: sudo ping (to test your internet connection), sudo ping (to test your router)22:03
MWMI checked the hash of my lubuntu image and copied to USB with dd , but cant access anything inside the liveOS (not even terminal or Install)22:04
TJ-MWM: do you mean the USB image boots but there's an incomplete desktop?22:05
simonpe^^TJ Im afraid the sizes are the same, and i get input/output error when trying to cat a random file with cat $(find . -type f -size +200k | tail -n 1)22:05
MWMTJ:  the image boots to a full desktop, but I cannot open terminal or access ANYTHING else.22:05
simonpe^^TJ says that I dont have read permissions22:05
ctlaltdelTJ-: how increase memory?22:05
anabainubuntu571, or the actual IP's router (could be, etc.)22:05
TJ-simonpe^^: uh-oh! That sounds like a possible disk failure. Check 'dmesg' for I/O errors22:05
TJ-ctlaltdel: increase memory? plug in more RAM modules?22:06
ubuntu571anabain, I'm running "dist-upgrade", as soon as it finishes I will turn off wifi, use the broadband modem and try, but please note that I doesn't connect at all, so I don't think I will have any response to ping
ctlaltdelTJ-: other choice?22:06
TJ-ubuntu571: Huawwei E1752 - isn't that a cellular modem?22:07
ubuntu571TJ- , Yes22:07
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TJ-ctlaltdel: as I said, if the screen is corrupted you'd need to access via a remote connection. Have you tried to get a to console with Ctrl+Alt+F1 ?22:07
anabainubuntu571, yes, that's what you should expect22:07
TJ-ubuntu571: does network manager/modem manager report the cellular device as present?22:08
TJ-ubuntu571: some of those Huawei devices are multimode and need to be switched into the correct modem mode using usb_modeswitch22:08
ubuntu571TJ- , I guess yes, how can I be sure?22:08
TJ-MWM: it does sound as if there is a problem with the image on the USB, or reading it22:09
simonpe^^TJ-, thanks a lot for the help. Luckily I have all the data spread around in different places and I guess I only lost the absolute latest of my work and the coherent directory structure + build scripts. I`m eager to see the look on my bosses face tomorrow when I tell him xD22:09
TJ-ubuntu571: "mmcli -L" should list all known modems22:10
TJ-simonpe^^: good look with that :)22:10
MWMTJ: Ive checked the md5 and its fine.  Im trying different usb sticks.  USB3.0 wont even boot22:10
MWM.... so I moved back to USB 2 sticks I forgot to say22:10
TJ-MWM: sometimes there can be issues in writing the image though. Checking the ISO file hash isn't the same as checking the hash of the bits on the USB device. I think you missed it earlier, but I posted a link to a script I have that checks the on-USB hash as well22:11
TJ-MWM: if you want to check the (SHA1) hash of the image written to a USB device I have a script for that: https://iam.tj/projects/misc/hash-check_dev-from-ISO.bash22:12
MWMI did miss it.  thanks22:12
kbytesis there an alternative to iftop that doesnt rape 100% of your cpu?22:13
MWMuh-oh bash :)22:13
anabainubuntu571, have you already installed usb-modeswitch (sudo apt-get install usb-modeswitch)?22:13
TJ-MWM: you could trivially alter the script to call "md5sum" instead of "sha1sum"22:13
TJ-MWM: the extension is to make clear I use bash-specific constructs22:14
ubuntu080TJ- , the modem is found, the response is: Found 1 modems: /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Modem/0 [huawei] E175222:18
TJ-ubuntu080: OK, that's good news. So you'd need to use the connection editor to configure it with a connection string. Those are often auto-generated by the GUI wizard dialogs when you create a new modem connection, based on you providing your ISP name22:19
MWMwhen altering the sha1sum to md5 sum is it okay to assume that all instances of SHA1 should be changed to md5sum?22:20
Ranieri_Hey, where exactly is my jdk directory installed?22:20
ubuntu080TJ- , Yes, I added a new connection and configured it with my provider22:20
TJ-ubuntu080: right, so when you activate the connection it should get an IP address and DNS servers assigned by the ISP22:21
TJ-ubuntu080: if not, it's possible the modem has a captive portal and you need to enable that first. In which case use a web browser to access the modem's web-admin page22:21
TJ-Ranieri_: under /usr/lib/jvm/ usually22:23
ubuntu080TJ- , I can't activate the connection, the manager applet of gnome shows "Mobile Broadband unavailable" and when I click on "connect" nothing happens22:23
TJ- ubuntu080 Oh! there's usually a GUI button to tick to enable WWAN (cellular) connections22:24
TJ-ubuntu080: not sure what you see, but here with KDE, I see an icon that looks like the signal bar on an Android mobile phone22:24
ubuntu080TJ- , yes I see it too in gnome and it is written just next to it "mobile broadband unavailable"22:25
TJ-ubuntu080: hmmm, that's good at least we see similar things. OK, there may be a clue in /var/log/syslog about that. First though, check "rfkill list" in case there's the rare chance of a radio kill switch node for the modem22:26
ubuntu080TJ- , the result is 0: asus-wlan: Wireless LAN Soft blocked: no Hard blocked: no 1: asus-bluetooth: Bluetooth Soft blocked: no Hard blocked: no 2: phy0: Wireless LAN Soft blocked: no Hard blocked: no 3: hci0: Bluetooth Soft blocked: no Hard blocked: no22:27
TJ-ubuntu080: OK, those are only for Bluetooth and Wifi, so check /var/log/syslog. You might want to do "pastebinit <( tail -n 2000 /var/log/syslog )" so we can help you with that22:28
MWMTJ if it isnt out of line to ask -> why arent we looking at ifconfig for ubuntu080?22:29
ubuntu080_TJ- , I'm sorry internet wifi went down. the result is 0: asus-wlan: Wireless LAN Soft blocked: no Hard blocked: no 1: asus-bluetooth: Bluetooth Soft blocked: no Hard blocked: no 2: phy0: Wireless LAN Soft blocked: no Hard blocked: no 3: hci0: Bluetooth Soft blocked: no Hard blocked: no22:31
daftykinsubuntu080_: it'd be much more readable on http://paste.ubuntu.com ;)22:31
ubuntu080__TJ- , I'm sorry internet wifi went down. the result is 0: asus-wlan: Wireless LAN Soft blocked: no Hard blocked: no 1: asus-bluetooth: Bluetooth Soft blocked: no Hard blocked: no 2: phy0: Wireless LAN Soft blocked: no Hard blocked: no 3: hci0: Bluetooth Soft blocked: no Hard blocked: no22:34
daftykinsubuntu080_: it'd be much more readable on http://paste.ubuntu.com ;)22:35
ubuntu080__Thank you daftykins , here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/14121637/ :)22:37
BarnacleBobhello.  i'm trying to build a new deb package for a piece of software that just includes a few binary files in the tar.gz but can't figure out why my debian/install isn't moving them into the root.  anyone able to help with this or know where i can go for help?22:40
daftykinsBarnacleBob: you might want #debian ;)22:41
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BarnacleBobdaftykins, sure i'll try22:43
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rico75sera a tutti22:49
ubuntu080__It's getting late here, maybe tomorrow I will find more help, thank you and hae a good evening :)22:59
r__Hi all23:03
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w4qedGood evenig all23:07
awshelpguys how can i see currently connected users to ubuntu server acros all ports?23:08
daftykinsthat sentence doesn't quite make sense, SSH'd in = "who"23:09
awshelpi want to see who is currently connected23:10
awshelpto that server23:10
awshelpnot via ssh23:10
awshelpvia another protocol23:10
rwwwhich protocol?23:10
daftykinsyeah you need to phrase your question properly then - and stop pressing enter so much.23:10
rwwask #znc23:10
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awshelpwell hold on23:10
awshelpthe user is connected to the server right?23:10
awshelpso ubuntu server should be able to display currently connected users?23:11
rwwyes, but Ubuntu isn't going to know which user is which23:11
daftykinsno, that's not OS support.23:11
awshelpthats fine23:11
rwwZNC's the one that has your user database, so go ask it23:11
awshelpits only one user23:11
rww... so if you know the answer, why are you asking :|23:11
awshelpi just need the ip address23:11
awshelpi dont think u follow23:11
awshelpi want to know the ip address of the one connected user to the ubuntu server23:12
k1l_awshelp: netstat -tulpen    then look at the ports23:12
rwwalrighty, look into `netstat` and do some complicated command to strip it just down to that one user23:12
rwwor, you know, just ask #znc23:12
awshelpok thank you rwp and k1l_23:12
k1l_awshelp: it would be way easier to just look into znc who that user is and what ip he uses.23:13
awshelpthere noone else connected to that server on any protocol23:13
awshelpthis will work23:13
awshelpmaybe not23:14
awshelpi will join #znc23:14
awshelpthank you23:14
daftykinsthank tux.23:14
awshelpsorry for nto listening :-d23:15
w4qedI am currently using Ubuntu 15.04 on a Raspberry Pi with a HD. How can I get a GUI script to startup at boot time from a specific user?23:22
EriC^^w4qed: gui script?23:23
EriC^^you mean you want an open terminal with a script running?23:23
EriC^^or like a script that opens a gui?23:23
w4qedthe scrips starts a program called YAAC... Yet Another APRS CLient23:23
w4qedscript opens a gui...23:24
EriC^^ok, so you want it to run when a user logs on into the desktop, running as another user?23:24
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w4qedI want it to run when system boots, the as user as  not important, but not waiting till a user logs on.23:25
EriC^^so you want it to run whenever anybody logs in to his desktop23:26
w4qedWhen system boots, not when anyone logs on..23:26
EriC^^when system boots you dont have a gui for it23:27
w4qedOK, is there a way to spawn it?23:27
w4qedbtw the system doies auto log on a user when booting and opens the desktop23:31
EriC^^w4qed: ok, you could add it to the startup apps23:32
foxletHello again.23:32
EriC^^w4qed: dash > startup23:32
foxletMaybe now it’s a better time to ask.23:34
w4qedOK and thanks, I'll try to find out more on dash > startup.. thanks23:34
awshelphey guys so if my external firewall is fully secures, i dont need to worry about ubuntu firewall security right?23:34
psusiawshelp, if you don't install network services like a mail server or ftp server, you don't need *any* firewall.23:35
awshelppsusi thanks23:36
k1l_awshelp: i would not worry about firewalls but worry about the software that accepts connections. if you let port 80 traffic in but have insecure phpmyadmin passwords etc, no firewall can make that safe.23:36
awshelpwell openssh23:36
awshelpbut if i limit incoming connections to my ip address only then i am fully afe right?23:36
awshelpat the external firewall level23:36
k1l_no. not if you run insecure software.23:37
awshelpbut if connections cant be accepted to any ip but my own23:37
awshelpfrom any ip but my own*23:37
diffraHow do I upgrade 14.04 to 15.10?  The upgrade path is to do-release-upgrade to 14.10, then 15.04, then 15.10 -- but 14.10 is EOL and not in the repos?23:37
tgm4883awshelp: yes that helps23:37
awshelpat the security group level23:37
awshelpthen insecure software is nto an issue correct?23:38
awshelpeven tho i am not runnign insecure software23:38
Bashing-om!eol | diffra23:38
ubottudiffra: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades23:38
tgm4883awshelp: correct23:38
awshelpok thanks tgm488323:39
k1l_awshelp: a firewall doesnt make insecure software secure.23:39
awshelpthanks k1l_ and psusi23:39
diffraThat's not terribly helpful.  I know 14.10 is EOL.  I don't want to run 14.10, but do-release-upgrade with Prompt=normal wants me to go to utopic, and those files aren't in the repositories23:39
awshelpk1l_ the software could be insecure but it wont be able to listen due to the security group limitation23:39
tgm4883k1l_: correct, but it mitigates the attack vector23:40
diffraSo, how do I upgrade a 14.04 server machine to 15.10?  Do I just do the debian thing and update the sources.list?23:40
gh0stratI used the "Additional Drivers" tool to use "Processor microcode firmware for Intel CPUs from intel-microcode (proprietary)", and the rear USB ports on my ASRock Z97 Extreme6 motherboard have stopped working everywhere, even in BIOS and Windows. Front panel USB ports still working though. Flashed updated BIOS to the motherboard and still no luck.23:40
gh0stratWhat can I do to get my rear USB ports working again?23:40
TJ-diffra: did you read the links? EOLUpgrdes explains *exactly* what to do23:41
TJ-gh0strat: did you also do a full BIOS Settings factory/default reset?23:41
Bashing-omdiffra: Read the guide. You are correct that in what you want to do the path includes the EOL release 14.10 . Else wait for the release of 16.04 and do a LTL - LTS upgrade .23:42
gh0stratTJ-: I used the Additional Drivers tool to set it back to "Do not use the device", but it's still not working.23:43
boxmeinthe chrome back/forward/refresh icons are part of an icon set, but I can't figure out how to change them independently23:44
TJ-gh0strat: I cannot see how microcode updates would affect USB, they are loaded at boot-time. As soon as you stop them loading its the same as it always was. I'd suspect the BIOS upgrade you did.23:45
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TJ-gh0strat: have you done a full cold-boot restart on the PC, including removing power from the wall so the +5V standby is not provided?23:46
gh0stratTJ-: I didn't do the BIOS upgrade until after a lot of troubleshooting, including multiple reboots into Windows. (where the rear panel USB ports were also not working) When I first power on my machine, none of the lights on my (USB) keyboard or mouse light up.23:48
gh0stratTJ-: Thanks for the sanity-check, I didn't think microcode updates could have any effect on this either. I'll try unplugging it to see if that helps.23:49
new2thiswhere can i get the most recent version of TVenLinux.sh ?23:54
ctlaltdelwhat is that?23:54
nixon1I have a dell inspiring 3527 laptop with 6gb ram,i5 4th gen cpu and Intel +and hd 8670m graphics. It's taking too much time to boot, and it's not showing the options to change to radeon or fglrx grphics in software-properties-gtk23:56
nixon1Can anybody help? Thanks23:56
RiffeHi everyone! I got a quick question. I'm trying to install Ubuntu server on a UEFI MB with wiped HDD. So in the install I'm trying to make a new partition for EFI boot. And according to google its would be a option for partition to be used as "EFI boot partition". The problem is that there no such option to choose, which is quit wired. Using the latest23:57
Riffeubuntu server ISO. Any ideas why i don't have the "EFI boot partition" option?23:57
TJ-Riffe: did you ensure the installer *booted* with the firmware in EFI mode, not Legacy/BIOS?23:58
=== Monthrect is now known as Piper-Off
RiffeTJ- no i did not :) Thx for help, ill google how to boot into EFI mode. Thx for help23:59

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