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XTREME81hey Leute ich hab mal ne Frage kann ich mit vpn ssh datenvolumen sparen als ohne00:28
Unit193!de | XTREME8100:29
ubottuXTREME81: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!00:29
Guest44018ciao a tutti00:39
Fritigern!it | Guest4401800:41
ubottuGuest44018: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)00:41
jaafarCan anyone help me play "guess the name of the debug symbols package"?02:06
jaafarlibQt5Core.so.5, libqxcb.so, libQt5Widgets.so02:06
jaafarso the next time konsole crashes I can produce a useful report02:07
jaafarqtbase5-dbg perhaps02:22
denza242jaafar: probably02:27
denza242it's usually the packagename + -dbg02:27
jaafaruh huh02:28
rkvanright click or the KMenu dialog for logout/shutdown/restart does not appear, instead is list of virtual desktops. Assistance please?02:28
jaafarbut as you previously noted, with idiosyncratic variations02:28
Aranjedeathis there a button to install the debug symbol packages for all of the kde packages at once?02:57
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valorieAranjedeath: no, no magic button09:34
valoriehowever you can list them all in muon packagemanager by searching for -dbg and choose all of them09:35
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=== Guest78182 is now known as lordievader
BuddyButterflywhy is kde not working properly in kvm?12:03
BuddyButterfly I have very low screen resolution and can not change it.12:03
BuddyButterfly i am using spice12:03
BuddyButterflyin xubuntu vm everything worked out immediately. Also automatic resizeing. So Xubuntu detects spice very nice.12:03
lordievaderBuddyButterfly: What video card are you emulating?12:03
BuddyButterfly I also have done the mistake to upgrade my utopic installation on the laptop.12:03
BuddyButterflyEverything was working nicely, dual gc with nvidia, primusrun, brightness control keys etc.12:04
BuddyButterflyAfter updgrade to latest KDE, nothing works. System hangs on boot. Brightness keys not detected and I do n ot get the dual gc to work.12:04
BuddyButterflyI am really frustrated and it is a shame for me when my wife says that this is only related to my specials things like me installing linux instead of windows etc.12:04
BuddyButterflylordievader: default qxl12:05
lordievaderHmm, that does usually work for me. Does a live-cd work?12:05
BuddyButterflyjust did a fresh install.12:05
BuddyButterflyto be honest. I am able to understand my wife. I have to invest so much time into fixing this things. The result will be that I will never again touch a running system.12:07
BluesKajHiyas all12:12
lordievaderThis brings a certain XKCD to mind ;)12:15
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iyukhi, does someone know if kde apps 15.08.3 will be available for wily soon?13:01
soeeiyuk: hi, they are avaialbel through bakports ppa, by will land in standard updates soon (they ar ebeeing tested now)13:06
iyuksoee: I've seen them at ppa:kubuntu-ppa/staging-kdeapplications13:08
iyukso I suppose is the ppa dedicated for test13:08
iyuksoee: thanks13:09
soeelanding ppa is for tests13:09
soeeif you want to test it on your own risk, use this ppa https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/ppa-landing13:09
iyukok thanks13:10
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jaafarThanks to some of you (denza242) I got a decent report from the crash reporter and I'm pretty sure I have this one https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=35397715:09
ubottuKDE bug 353977 in general "Krunner crashes when connecting/disconnecting second monitor." [Crash,Resolved: upstream]15:09
jaafarI don't think ubottu is reporting that correctly.  On the website it says status "unconfirmed"15:11
jaafarOh, someone commented "bug in Qt" and changed the status nvm15:12
jaafarthat was fast15:12
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murthyI think I have virus in my kubuntu installation15:41
soeeoh ?15:42
murthyit all started a day back. I am using an older version of chrome 45555.x.x15:43
murthyit all started a day back. I am using an older version of chrome 45.x.x15:43
murthywhen I use google, the page refreshes a lot, probably 15 times a sec15:44
murthyand google presented me with a captcha telling me that there is a lot of unusual traffic from my ip15:44
murthyI thought this was confined to the browser, but today, when I open the kickoff the last item opens automatically15:45
murthynow it has stopped15:46
murthyI have not updated chrome because google had dropped support for old processors, mine is an intel pentium 4 ht processor15:47
imgxxAre you sure that your keyboard is ok?15:47
imgxxCan you detach it and try screen keyboard?15:49
jubo2Got a Kubuntu15.10 here that just went root shell on statup15:58
jubo2last problems I saw was that installing some LV2 instuments package dpkg returned an error15:59
soeelogin using command line15:59
soeeand run: apt update15:59
soeeand: apt full-upgrade15:59
jubo2I'm runnig recoverymode now16:00
jubo2Repair broken packages?16:01
soeesudo apt-get -f install16:01
jubo2I just run the "dpkg - fix packages" and and now graphical is booting again16:06
jubo2I restart it again16:07
jubo2and back in root shell16:08
jubo2if I 'journalctl -xb' what am I looking for ?16:08
jubo2how do I search for "error" ?16:09
jubo2I was just getting like I like them on mah GNU/Linukka and now it won't boot at all16:10
soeeBluesKaj: ^ any thouths ?16:11
jubo2I tried to install stuff that caused a dpkg error. I reboot and bang it drops from booting to rootshell16:13
BluesKajsudo dpkg --configure -a then apt -f install , but you should run apt upgrade before apt full-upgrade, and I prefer dist-upgrade personally16:13
jubo2at least I got 2x Kubuntu1516:13
jubo2gives error16:14
jubo2tal-plugins is something kxstudio-meta-audio-plugins-lv2 is requiring16:15
jubo2how do I remove the dependant and dependency and thus allow dpkg to fix the system16:15
jubo2coz I want to get this broken tal-plugins-lv2 off the "try to install" list16:16
jubo2and that prlly requires removing the kxstudio-meta-audio-plugins-lv216:17
BluesKajdon't know anyrhing about those plugins, they're irrelavent to your screen desktop anyway16:17
jubo2computer not working. *plays some muzak from the other Kubuntu that still manages to be up16:22
jubo2I run "repair with dpkg" from the menu of the rescue mode16:30
jubo2then it said it will take 2 packages away coz they are causing apt-get -f install not to run16:31
jubo2then I run apt -f install16:31
jubo2and I still get system dropping to rootshell during startup16:32
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BluesKajwhich draphics ?16:33
BluesKaj graphics16:35
jubo2Intel HDA16:42
jubo2no Intel HD something16:42
BluesKajintel hda is your audio,, run lshw -C video , then pastebin the output16:44
jubo2*-display unclaimed16:45
jubo2VGA compatible controller16:45
jubo2Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller16:45
jubo2Not fun time16:47
jubo2I was just about to get everything set on that OS like I like it16:47
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jubo2PulseAudio -> ALSA -> JACK bridging was working fine16:49
jubo2got a brand new Ardour4.416:49
BluesKajjubo2, copy and paste the otuput to a pm then , we need to know the brand name16:49
jubo2and now unbootable16:49
jubo2BluesKaj: for the graphics?16:49
jubo2I dunno if that is possible from root shell16:50
BluesKajjustlook for a brand name in the output then like intel or nvidia or amd16:51
jubo2Intel Corporation16:52
jubo2Integrated Graphics Controller16:52
murthyimgxx: I tried with a windows install and also scanned with a kaspersky rescue live cd, nothing like this happened16:53
murthymy keyboard and mouse is a logitech wireless one. so If detach the receiver, I will be left without mice also. Shall I just turn of the keyboard and try?16:55
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murthyI just reinstalled the google chrome 45, the problem is not showing right now16:56
jubo2any good ideas on what to type to the root shell to get mi system back up ?16:57
BluesKajjubo2, did you install and upgarde any packages via ppa?16:58
jubo2BluesKaj: yes16:59
jubo2I installed some from the KXStudio repositories16:59
jubo2they are held in high regard16:59
jubo2It got the newest Ardour for example: 4.417:00
BluesKajardour 4.4 is in the regular repos17:02
BluesKajanyway try startx in your shell17:03
imgxxmurthy: you can try keyboard logger. My idea is that your keyboard is just sending wrong signals17:08
murthyimgxx: why is it not happening in other installations?17:09
lordievaderjubo2: What kernel parameters are you using?17:12
jubo2I've tried 2 kernels17:14
jubo2normal 4.2.0 and lowlatency 4.2.017:15
jubo2I dunno about the parameters17:15
lordievaderThat is not what I am asking, read my question again.17:15
BluesKajwhich OS?17:15
lordievaderjubo2: cat /proc/cmdline17:15
lordievaderjubo2: Could you run that command and paste the output?17:17
jubo2It is in root shell17:19
jubo2I dunno how to access internets from there17:20
lordievaderctrl + shift + c to copy from a shell.17:20
jubo2no. that just sends a ctrl-c17:21
jubo2I can describe17:22
BluesKajjubo2, cat /proc/cmdline | pastebinit , then post the url in here if that's possible17:22
jubo2BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/mlinuz-4.2.0-22-generic root=UUID [...] ro recovery nomodeset17:23
lordievaderWhy the nomodeset? That is the source of your (graphics) problems.17:24
jubo2I dunno17:26
BluesKajomigod .../;17:26
jubo2I didn't touh a thing17:26
jubo2what is modeset?17:26
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter17:27
BluesKajsometimes nomodeset doesn't workj after kernel module/graphics upgrqades17:27
lordievaderjubo2: Remove it from your grub config, update grub, reboot.17:29
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jubo2/etc/grub ?17:33
jubo2I dunno and I hungry17:34
jubo2hungry thing fixer is an angry thing fixer17:34
lordievaderjubo2: In /etc/default/grub17:35
jubo2lordievader: I canot find string "nomode" in it17:37
jubo2cannot find it in /etc/default/grub17:38
lordievaderjubo2: Hmm, did you modify your grub config elsewhere?17:38
lordievaderThat is rather odd, nomodeset ain't a default setting...17:40
lordievaderIs it somewhere in /etc/grub.d/*?17:40
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MrSassyPantsheys. After upgrading to 15.10, networkmanager no longer sets default routes automagically. What do?18:09
MrSassyPantsI already did apt-get install --purge --reinstall network-manager18:10
MrSassyPantsdidn't change anything18:10
BluesKajMrSassyPants,  which default routes do you mean , a lot depends on you router/modem settings18:17
MrSassyPantsany. wireless, cable, mobile tethering.18:17
MrSassyPantsdefault route is the one with as the target.18:18
MrSassyPantsyou know, "route add default gw such.and.such.ip"18:18
MrSassyPantsI have to enter that part manually because NW doesn't do it.18:18
BluesKajwhat about your router, doesn't it add the gateway IP?18:21
BluesKajgotta go...bbl18:24
MrSassyPantsumm... it's part of the dhcp reply18:25
MrSassyPantsI actually have to extract it in /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.leases18:26
MrSassyPantsthe issue is that networkmanager / dhclient is supposed to do that automagically but doesnt18:26
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MrSassyPantsoh, apparently apt-get install --purge --reinstall doesn't work18:33
MrSassyPantsI sorted it out. correctly purging networkmanager, isc-dhcp-client and dnsmasq followed by installing them again worked.18:49
snoob<snoob> hello19:08
snoob<snoob> <snoob> hello19:08
snoob<snoob> <snoob> <snoob> hello19:09
snoob<snoob> <snoob> <snoob> <snoob> hello19:09
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rodolfojcjhello everybody19:33
rodolfojcjin Kubuntu 15.10 (Plasma 5), is there a way to add a tray icon for an application?19:33
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Khaotichow does touch screen work for linux?21:33
geniiOn most systems, normally. It would have to be a very obscure or very new touchscreen controller not to work.21:34
ljFariaestou com problemas com o comunicador do kubuntu 15.1023:03
ljFariaalguem que possa ajudar?23:03
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cihhanhi all! I just updated my system (apt-get upgrade) and somehow I lost sound in Firefox (when watching Youtube, as an example). Any suggestions?23:29
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